THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12th. 1935 llliellttawa Spotlight iy Wilfrid Eggleston Ottawa. Ilcc. IOAThere are ii'iiany matters to be thrc>hed out be- thv Federal government and A HEALTH SERVICE or f YHE CANAmAN MEDICAL ASSOClATlON AND Liran:-.iâ€" ' .. INSURANCE COMPANIES \K/ in CANADA A DJ L'STM EXT g l'.\"3t‘ll ltoiich (~ll the more urgent problems. so trouble like province: that the c mfcrence this, lwcek is likely to do little more than; THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO around the world? If the duty on British goods brings the cost. up to the Canadian cost. why rzot buy at: home, assuming quality is the same.‘ Save a lot in freight. packing. time,. and uncertainty about ex-l change. LA SKAY l l .1 The flhllivt‘l'szflj; sjtrvice of the Les-i SLATS’ DIARY BY ROSS FARQUHAR from Sunday: Hez Perkins over the crick this a. m. ast Hans Smitt; (v a Jerinan could llt‘ llcz get weded to Gretchen Hans' lotter. Do you lrink sed Han Thanks sed Hey“: maaaamaaaaaaaama The human body passcsses reniarkâ€" l'iiemploymcnt relief and the findingl of jobs for the jobless are the twoiltay l'nited Church Sunday School will i immediate- and formidable concernsllie held on Dcc. lï¬th in the afternoon} of the various authorities. Such im-iat 2.3 . 1 , (r l portant but not quite so pressing, Rev. C. W. Follett of Richmond problems as the amendment of thefllill will he guest speaker. British North America Act to assist1 At this service the White Gifts fol" in the administration of social l(‘2‘iSâ€"‘ll10 Fred Victor Mission will be re- lation. the railway problem with its.ccived. Anyone having something. truck and bus angle. the duplication l that will help to bring Christmas of taxation and the duplication oflcheer to those less fortunate will they please bring them to this service, Dec.'15tli. at 2.30 o'clock. Then on \Vednesday. Dec. 18th, the iwas crool & in human treetment. It‘ ISunday School Christmas concert will be held in the Laskay Institute llall. l “'85 3 59kmâ€; marlagc & lke made heri keep still for sevral wks. :A splendid program has been ar- Tuesday: Unkel Hen gets off sum ranged given by the scholars, and a Christmas pageant. by the older scholâ€" } “1mg they laff at every 151', in a wile. At super tonite he sed are ice ars “0 Worship the King.†This is a very interesting and beautiful pag- man bail a baliic & wade it on the eant we“ worth seeing so overynno‘icc skalcs & it wade 47 lbs. Sum welcome on Dec. 19th. at. Iiaskay. 'l’"l‘°l ill“ at “Dillon. I It is obvious that; we must adjustimuld m'm out programs to solve the The T.askay W.M.S. held their final. “VO‘l‘lO-‘(layi BliStN‘SE’S P39 (log ‘chawcrl to deth 8: killed mistress Slim to temperature and other externalluncnmlovmont problem if monev'moeting on Dec. 4th at the home nfi physical changes. It is no less true, worn no object. The taxâ€"payer is al-‘Mi-s. W. Boys. this being the election . Jew†“"t & When ml‘lm†Blisters up & sed well wcve put, a inuzzcl on , Wele take 1 as - soon as you gimch ‘ gretcheii. . Monday; Lizzy, Tubbs are houscigt}? kleener was telling? 1 Ant Emmy a funnyl 1. Lizzy sed shel all most sude herl "‘ husbend Ike forl devorce when they were 151: maried. She sed the resen. able strength and yet is extrenic‘y' fragile. Deprived of air but a few' minutes, the whole body perishes; dc: prived of its blood supply for only a few minutes, the more important brain cells are permanently damaged. The true strength of the body lies! in its capacity to adjust itself to A simple ex- changing conditions. ample is seen in the fairly constant temperature maintained by the bOdY l services. while certain to be discussed despite wide variations in the tem-lwm hardly be 89mm]. If the con- Pel‘ature 0f the surrounding atmoSdfcrence concludes with some agree« pherc. iment as to a division of unemployment Many Other intBTGStlng example? Irelief costs which can be met in the Will come to mild Of this caDaCitY t0 ‘ coming winter and spring. and makes Similarly, the human mimll’a promising beginning on the all- important matter of reducing unem- ployment. most parties, one fancies. will be well satisfied. The crux of assesééhsaseeas adjust. possesses an ability to adjust the in-‘ tellectual and emotional life. Sucâ€"’ cessful adjustment means health; failâ€" ure to adjust means loss of health/the discussions can hardly help being and, perhaps (lisease- ithe financial ones. Plenty of people { 21% PAGE SEVEN 21* a 3333i it. I“ Leader Store CHRISTMAS SPECIALS FANCY CHINA SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AT REASONABLE PRICES *t*****: English Colport China Makes a Most Acceptable Gift. 3 332%.?3 You 3:} , , %§t%§333w‘ Groceries, Fruits. V egetabies, Candies and Mixed Nuts THE LEADER STORE A. A. EDEN PHONE 8 RICHMOND HILL grgr .y at even if less apparent, that we mushlyoady hearing a pretty heavy burden. of officers for the year 19510. The: him now & it wont, hapen agen. individually, make an adjugtment Offowe way or another. and the author-'officers were rcâ€"electod by acclamaâ€" the emotions and intelligence to those ‘ ’distcrs is dum as I have sed be 4. with whom we live and work and to. f'PHn‘V down to 1th,. breaking. point Thursrlriy: Ant Emmy got a notherl ' those set in authority. which really qt which hp would wage to contribute 1 off on Pa. Pa was a tawken & scd‘ {itics are anxious no‘ to load the nom‘ltion and are as follows: President. “Mrs. W'. Boy: Viceâ€"President. Mrs. T. *Smcltzcr: Scorctary. Miss M. Collins: means an adjustment to society or the. ,1.“th at an. world in which we live. The body must adjust, not only to! changes in the outside environment but; also to those changing conditions which occur within the body. The body would be destroyed by its own production of heat \and the residue or by-products of muscular activities if it did not possess this capacity to deal with them through adjustingr itself to them. In like manner, the intellectual and emotional life requires a satisfactory adjustment within as without. This might be expressed by saying that We must be able to live with ourâ€"l Selves as well as with other people. i There are many things which con tribute to this desirable end. We arr; not all born with the same capabil- ities. We have to learn what are our limitations and to accept the superâ€"i iority of others without feeling inâ€".’ ferior ourselves. Authority should be seen as a friendly aid to help every- one to desirable ends. Each one must find some thing which he can do with personal satisfaction, the doing of which shall be socially acceptable. The adult attitude is developed lazy livers. It; peps i you up and keeps (The New Wheat Board) Another step has been taken by the '7")\'Ol'llllT‘lit with an- other l“flll0l‘ namely the wheat. surplus wlii'li has been, accu- and which be- in g-r-ninlipq iiiai‘rli'. ‘nulating since l0â€. “0.1110 a federal gox‘rrninent affair at, the end of 1930 when the pools ran into financial difficulties and obtain- ed first the backing of the provincial "overninents and then the Ottawa Novernm cnt. rd of persons whose policies are m'c-l hull?â€- 'iimablv in full s'un'iefbv with them 0' 1 a; a {Wu-mm; A wheat hoard compos- ,3 at'rc of iict'itocg {Treasurer W. A.. Mrs. J. Hunter: ‘Treasurcr Stewardship. Mrs. 'W. Bry. son: Program Com. Mrs. 'W. Baldwin" lSupplv Coir. Mrs. Murdock: Lunch ’Con.. Mrs. P. Boys. Costs On Potatoes i i We wonder if any farmer in the: lpotato growing business over stopped i lto estimate the cost of producing an i Very few, we would ‘ “loll. over at Goodwood il‘it‘l't‘ 1 Mr. II. U. Harper. whol l l . the government has been chosen under has gone iiito the matter carefully. l the leadership of James R. Murray. prominent grain official of VVinnipesr. Dean Shaw George McIvor of “'innipeg are tech-- nical experts, the former an academic the latter a selling and grain hand~' ling expert who was for a lone. tiire John I. McFarland’s right hand man and should be thoroughly conversant with the problem. Mr. McFarland gave his services without remunera- tion through some most trying years and has earned the thanks and gratâ€" itude of Canadians for his intentions far as I knowâ€"is that a tariff which of Saskatchewan aiidlacre patch or a total of $671.00. ’and figure» submitted show that it‘l lcost him 307.40 per acre for his ten It i will be noted that Mr. Harper has omitted nothing unless it is interest ' l authority on agriculture in general.ioii investment. I‘m- a yield of 050 bags. and here is The yield has a great deal to do with the cost just as the profit de- p°nds largely on the goodness of the 'titarl:et. In this case the ten acres bow ill-g farmer stands on the matter *o-rlay: Yield 10 acres 950 bags. 75 bags. feed tubers ",1" .(l o th 2. bad loser than any kind of a winner. ‘aS :ill be is he Ose to my e'rainma. Thenl send her 50 cents. sed Ant Emmy &l the acct. will be pd. in full. Friday: Tho editor ot‘ the nooseâ€" lâ€lp(‘l' at wicli pa wirks at :ist Pa how long did it t'ike Ma to lurn to drive‘ ‘mi t’oirl K: To sed he replide it will ‘~<t of the 31‘. Ma givel l’a :l fecrz'e lk. but didcnt stay nuthen.l Not I \iord. . Satuiday: Na ,& Ant Emmy was a tawkcn about Soosio .Iudlzcns a goin‘ to get marrycd 2 Rube Goodenuff. are" pitcher on are lecg bass ball teem. Ma sed Rube is 0 K & Antf Emmy sod aint you seen in the sports Sum times. Talking with the hands. somewhati after the manner of deaf mutes, is; used fo: giving signals in radio broad- ' casting stations. ‘ lie 9 yrs. th~ best. nuns bow wild he is. Finland, which is nearly as large California, is pockmarked with thousands of lakes, but is almost with- out mountains. I See the new Webber ‘ Heater Booster I". for Ford V-8 cars. Plenty of heat from your hot water heater despite large cooling capacity. No special thermo- stats required. uses heat ordinarily wasted, operates per- fectly with any anti-freeze. Installed in a few minutes and assures a comfortable car in coldest weather. See this out- standing improvement at " CITIES SERVICE GARAGE Phone 12 Richmond Hill low Our Guarantee to You! ’chiefly out of childhood experiences! . 5‘“ nm b "a h t The child who feels that at home orgat leaSt‘ _ It remams to ‘be see.“ 7 an L ‘13,, 11b“ we a 3 120 00 school he is punished unfairly, thatlwhether his successor can do betlEI‘ler: r) 'Fc. . . his punishment is but the venting. of’the way of performances. He vii . 7 En Shots- 0 oi abs 517 50 adult anger, is not going. to I.egard!certainlyhe backed up by a. prover? #41. . lac0 ct; . . . . . 60.00 authority thus exercised as the im-{P‘ent Whmh behevf‘s more mtensi-B‘ “4190 n’ labs ‘1 c‘ 15-00 mediate result ‘of his own actions. m. trading gOOdS 101. goods' .If mi at “0" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' The humiliation of a child throughlleerals cannot 59“ Wheat .1“ 8712 50 any means is destructive as it under- Change_ for Other pTOdUCtS‘ It. Th. 1 1 v 1 ‘ f. 'i mines selflrespect and leads to either prove either that they are not sincere A tis wound :12; y'abpio 1;; (£3 defiance or Withdrawal. The child m the" low tifrlff sentlmpiltsi e?" that in: (n‘ a“ S†:' 0111 a E“? t needs understanding and direction so the CSHSQTVM‘WS Were‘qune Tlï¬lli m l“ ‘06†a mu" -‘_ sma re ‘un’ u that he may learn to adjust, and, so asserting that ecohiomic nationalism for thlie ifil‘iie einlilol'fdé h secure health and happiness for him- has been unalterabl-V “vetted 0†me “‘le 15 lo? M.) mmel 6min 6 ,t e self. nations of the world, normally our cost of pl'flfl‘dCthBI which is fairly Questions concerning Health, ad_ customers. liberal, aiid would be higher than dressed to the Canadian Medical As- (British Seek Lower Tariffs) éï¬any {Tanners} WEIR} esumgtf} ,‘Vel sociation, 184 College Street, Toronto The British cotton and artificial ese “mega: iralf‘xigso" 1mg ' Wlll be answered Personally by letter- silk people were here and made their Plowinw re‘vious fear 5 plea before the Canadian Tariff davs" p ' 3 \ S 20 00 ;iB°a1‘d for a I‘educti‘m 0f duties- They Han-owing “dz-“Cultivatind ' Here is a real offer th t 1' REAL ESTATE t'want a larger share of the Canadian! 11/2 daVS . _ _ i . ~ I I . I I I I t 6.00 our e†d f 9 WI INSURANCE i market, and point to 1930 duties as Manure ‘10 tons per acre 150 00 Y I s all your amlly coNVEYANCING tah much more ldCSll'alJllf} fligui: tlgitn Spring plowing, . . ' ' ' . . _ _ . _ 20.00 ï¬alnment the Who'e year ; ose now app ying. n er ‘Je -V k. v f. ESTATES ll‘TANAGED '3 tawa Agreement they are entitled :0 cu “fl mg ' ' i ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ 8'00 ave to do- . a ‘ . . t u , )Treating seed 90 bags 2.00 ask for full opportunity of reason-i H - - l _ _ n _ lCOllOSlve sublimate for J..R. HERRINGTON j :f‘f;_lncojnpelt1t1°‘i- H The Panadenl same .. ................ 10.00 Richmond Hill, Out. 3 if"; “ 19â€â€: fa? 3â€} geifl’lgiCost of seed, 1935 basis .. 54.00i i la no)" ï¬n} "43‘s [on 0 . cut†m Fertilizer 500 lbs. . . . . . . . . 80.00 ' mm' the tariff Will be stoutlv resisted bv - ' _ - ‘ ‘ _‘ Planting 3 days. 2 men _ . the Canadian producers. On the basis ,lm; toqm 18 0,. M . it: h - of Article ll of the Ottawa agree- SCl,cf‘;“E 7' " s d “a '.' “ ' & nent it is a little difficult to see how leémc’ron up’ i eâ€" 0 00 I a,†Va“ VT†Femgbva (it the Canadian Tariff Board can recom- Scuff-ling. times. i i i i I 3600 'l Mile Wu’hï¬kï¬ 4i palliéllliï¬ï¬lm Ls; ' mend reductions in the tariff. The - i ' I W . , , D .t g . v '> . Dealers m prmmple was laid down there that Swim 4 times f01 blight 50 00 tlï¬ns Tar Oï¬‚ï¬ ytafl' , ASIliIIgiVIBER. LATH. SHINGLES an ‘equation of costs’ should be aimed , App];,i'n'g‘ ' 'd‘u‘g‘t‘ ‘ 'a'ï¬d";é;l't - from the date we ' IALT ROOFING. GYPD ‘. y ' ‘0. . ' ‘ ' , Telephone 27 (x :E‘ 2213::zi0ffsetugg t}: hlbgel (Sift machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 receve ï¬he cgupon' « 1 1n mm a. n 18 ~ 0. ' I basis the Canadians seem to have a gioenilb’ 5831;16:1125 days 20-00. “age Ins amazlng . . better case than the British. The chgkginnf’b‘aggggacsliréé;.é 30-00 combinatlorl Keep Your Liver Active r 1:3:-misamazid,svhendasigmg for days, 5 men j ________ i H 6000 price_ . Will Repay You in Health discover thatonprggï¬ail; :OSES’ .to Rent and tax-es $4 acre 40.00 i . . . .. _ S m Grading & bagging 3c. bag 27.00 _ a Canada were so much hi her tha ~ ~ - Parke S , _ g .t Depreciation on machinery 15.00 the: acttliiiallyI merited hlgher duties D cuneni Thought-1 Yr- ra er an ower ones. It will bel surprising if the present cotton and Tom] $67400 D P. 1 . IR . 1 silk ‘ ' r d _ ' ‘ . IC Ol'la CVICW. . . f- has Ion been noted Inquiry oes not come to a Slmllal Man_I hate a bad losen V f 3. concluSIon. What the British dele- ~ uu term Shown- as a sumulator of _ t M I] j ’ Friend~Yeah, but I’d rather playl . . ga es cou we sayâ€"but didnt solwi DCanadlan Magazln¢1yn _save ypu money . . . Give lasting enjoyment apd enter- through . . . This is all you This wonderful offer is avail- able to old and new subscrib- ers to this newspaper. We guarantee the fulfillment of all magazine subscriptions and _ you have positive 'assurance . that this generous offer is exactly as represented. Re- newals will be extended for ' Please clip list of Magazines after checkin 3 Publica- your stomach act- exactl offset t ' ' l - jug properly: . Try costs Yf 1dais] the aclual productionl . 1 El National Home Monthly MAIL tlons desired. ï¬ll out coupon carefully. It for that dlzzmess, o a lo es wou d at one felll Man (excitedly)â€"Where is my hat? Gentlemen: I enclose 3 p1 - 4'. headache and bilious blow put an end to international[ Wife (sweetly)â€"Hanging on the U U “1 yr. COUPON three magazmes Cheekéai yezilzse inns-11 ness. $100 trade. The whole basis of trade isilamp. ’ D c d' ' - TODAY ' to your newypapen p PHONE 71 . thefact that goods can be made cheap Manâ€"Lamp, Huh! What crazy 8333 um He'll-culture NAME ............ . ...... . . . . .. ............ GLm DRUG gm er in some parts of the world than place will I find it next? ome Masazme 1 1"- â€"+ STREET OR R. F. D. . . . . . . . . . others_ Othemse’ why so to the Wife snappily)_0n your head, I TOWN AND PROVINCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l trouble of shipping them half way suppose. Subscriptions taken at The era]