Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Dec 1935, p. 5

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ken of Buffalo. The funeral Wu: held from her late residence on Monday afternoon with service in Central United Church which was filled to capacity with friends who came to pay last respects to a good friend. Rev. A. E. Owen officiated and Marion and June Warne sang “Face to Face.” Interment fol- A few words of regret were ex- pressed by Mr.'0wen for the retiring of the past president, Mrs. Craw- ford, and appreciation given for splendid service rendered the organi- zation and still further association with the work would always prove an inspiration to others. The meeting closed with prayer. A reading of interest was given by Mrs. B. Weatherill, entitled “A Day of Small Things.” The meeting pro- ceeding with the election of officers conducted by the minister, Rev. A. E. Orwen, resulting as follows: Hon. Pres, Mrs. A. E. Owen; Hon. Past Pres, Mrs. C. Crawford; Pres, Mrs. J. H. Chant; lst Vice-Pres, Mrs. G. R. Whaley; 2nd Vice-Pres, Mrs. W. Young; Rec. Sec., Mrs. J. A. Gibson; Treas., Mrs. E. E. Braithwaite; other secretaries, Mrs. E. Bewell, Mrs. A. Kennedy, Mrs. N. Ogden; Mission} Band, Marion Warne; Press See, Mil? lie Miller; Pianist. Mrs. B. Weather- ill; Auditors, W. M. Smith, Mrs. Jas.ll Russell. \ l The annuafl meeting of the WM. S. Auxiliary of Central United Church was held at the home of Mrs. E. E. Braithwaite, Main Street, on Thursday afternoon last, the presi- dent, Mrs. C. Crawford, in the chair. Annual Christmas concerts are the entertainment provided for this week. Hagerman Public School on Thursday evening, Central United Sunday School on Friday and Bethesda Luthâ€" eran Christmas ~service on Sunday evening. Get the holiday spirit and attend these events. Mr. Stiver is well known through- out the district as Builder and Con- tractor, a conservative in politics and actively connected with Central United I Church, formerly Methodist. He hasi held special interest in the Sunday: School work of the township |andi was superintendent of the local Sun-' day School for a number of years. Mrs. Stiver’s genial disposition and. generous hospitality has also won for‘ them many friends in this vicinity. They were surrounded by their twoq sons, Harold of London, Clarence of, "Toronto, three daughters. Mrs. Lunau, Mrs. A. F. White and Miss; Effie of Toronto, and a host of; friends who joined \with them on this festive occasion, many beautiful gifts and expressions of congratulationsl were received during the day. The, bridesmaid, Mrs. Homer Wilson, andI the groomsman, Mr. Frank Stiver. ' were flu in attendance. The Liberal ‘ joins with many friends in congratu-l lations to Mr. and Mrs. Stiver. Times are much the same now as in the old days and even weather con- ditions similar, the minister, Rev. Wm Totten, then in charge of the Thorn- hill circuit arriving in a buggy and returning home with a cutter, follow- ing the marriage ceremony. “That Unionville is an ideal place to spend fifty years of happy wed- lock” was expressed by Mr. Stiver, the present residence being Within two blocks of the first home after the marriage. press In more ye together Unionville has been honored once again with a Golden Wedding cele- bration, when on Monday last Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stiver received their friends at their home here. Both are enjoying the best of health and the good wishes of the community ex- press hope that they may have many more years of health and happiness WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19th, 1935 Appreciation is expressed to the many neighbours and kind friends for the many expressions of sympathy and acts of kindness shown during our recent bereavement in the loss of a loving wife and mother. Robert Stonehouse and Family. l Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gray of To- ronto were guests of Mr. and' Mrs. Jas. Russell on Sunday. Miss Ruby Empingham left on Mon day to spend the winter in Ottawa. Still another successful event of the Bowling Club when euchre fans enjoyed another evening in the Townâ€" ship Hall last Friday. Prize winners were: Miss Velma Findlay, Mrs. D. Harrington, ‘Mabel Hord, George Dukes, A. Summerfeldt, W. Summer- feldt. Lone hand prize, Velma Find- lay. Lucky number, Geo. Dukes. Congratulations are offered to Mr. Jas. Camplin who celebrated his ninetieth birthday on Wednesday. Mr. Campliu enjoys especially good health, and takes an active interest in present day affairs and is a regular attendant at Central United Church Sunday School, perhaps having a longer. Sunâ€" day School attendance record than any other person in the community. An interesting social event of the week was the tea given by Mrs. J. Pollard in honor of her daughter Miss Anne Egglestone whose marriage to Mr. Ken Gratrix of Timmins will take place in the near fture. Mrs. Mac- Aliandale and Mrs. Warneford, daughter of Mrs. Pollard, were also in attendance and presided at the tea table Mr. and Mrs. Bn Toronto visited Mr. Muirhead on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ca] Toronto were guests M. Davison over the Mrs. J. A. Gibson spent the week- end with her niece, Miss Mary Gibson of Toronto. Rev. D. A. MacKeracher of Allistofi was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Kennedy last week. Two minutes silence for Mr. A. J. Camplin, whose removal by death re- cently is greatly mourned by those who knew him, especially in the Sun- day School work, was observed dur- ing the Sunday School session of Cen- tral United Church last Sunday. Mr. Camplin was the Superintendent of this school for many years and teachâ€" er of the young mens Bible Class. were the Old Fashioned Dance numâ€" bers given by two youthful members. The results of the poultry draw were Fred Hemingway, John Little, Milliken; 0. B. Heise, Markham; Jim- mie Maynard, Unionville; John Cal- vert, Markham; R. Ashforth, Toron- to; Charles Wideman, Mrs. Jas. Mus- ton, Stouffville; B. Williamson, Mt. Joy; Mrs. J. Smith, Toronto. This court is very much alive and many splendid activities are planned for the coming year. A meeting of unusual interest was held in connection with the Willing Workers Court I.O.F. No. 1880 on Monday evening last. The great pos- sibilities of the Juvenile Court work- ers was emphasized and these young members carried on the work and en- tertained splendidly during the eve- ning. The initiation ceremony was conducted by Chief Ranger E. Apple- ton, assisted by Past Chief Ranger John Little and Vice Chief Ranger Stewart MacQuay. Ronald and Wil- liam Muirhead were the new mem- bers received. Characteristic dancing by especial- ly talented Juveniles under the direc- tion of Margaret Doran, was very entertaining and especially pleasing It was inspection night for the Boy Scouts at the meeting held last Fri- day night in the Community Garden Market Place. Mr. Snider of S. S. No. 14 gave the boys the once over and gave in a splendid report. A movement to organize a Rover Troup for the older scouts is spoken of and already six have joined up. so with Rovers, Scouts and Cubs, Unionville ought to be well looked after by the boys. Following activities on Friday night. the Otter Patrol was declared head of the list, competition is keen, for who wouldn’t like to go to that hockey game in Maple Leaf Gardens. The boys take turns in straightening up the Market following the meeting. Owing to the holiday season there is no meeting announced for next week; lowed in Ebenezer United Church cemetery. The pallbearers were neph 1ews. Melvin Morgan, Roy, Edwin and :Gerald Walker, James Stonehouse and Elmer Ogg. I Rev. W. D. MacDonald brought a{ timely message to Browns Corners iSunday School when they held their annual White Gift Service last Sunâ€" day afternoon, the scholars had a part in the program giving-pleasing selec- tions, including a nice rendition of “Away in a Manger” by the wee folk. A splendid response was given fol- lowing the request for gifts that will bring Christmas Cheer to many needy folk. CARD O-F THANKS re guests of Mrs. G. A. over the week-end. Mrs. Bruce Muirhead.of Mrs. Carl Wyndham of and Mrs. Jas BE'I‘HESDA LUTHERAN CHURCH 1.30 p.m.â€"Church School. 7.30 p.m.â€"Annua1 Christmas Service 1.30 p.m.â€"Church School. 2.30 p.m.â€"“The Persuasions of the Christmas-tide.” ning.” Special Christmas music at both services. Pastor, Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"“The Persuasions of the Christmasâ€"tide." 7 p.m.â€"â€"“The‘story of a new Begin~ Mrs. Tennyson presented Brownie Service Stars. Miss Oakley enrolled four Brownies and Miss Chalmers en- rolled several Girl Guides. A pleasant evening was enjoyed by all present. GUIDE NOTES On Wednesday, Dec. 11th, the 2nd Richmond Hill Brownie Pack and Girl Guide Co. were visite ' by Mrs. Nesbitt. Toronto Commissio er; Dis- trict Commissioner Mrs. Tennyson; Mrs. Skilleter, Mrs. MacPherson, Miss R. Oakley, who visited Miss T. MacPherson for her Acting Brown Owe warrant and Miss Chalmers who tested Miss C. Skilliter for her cap- tain's Warrant. Mr. and Mrs. T. Anderson and family desire to express their appreciation to their many friends and neighbours for their kind inquiries during Mrs. Anderson’s recent illness. Mr. Jeremiah Piercey and family desire to thank their many kind friends for their help and sympathy in their recent bereavement, also for ’he beautiful floral offerings. Special music will be offered by the United Church choir at both morn ing and evening services this Sunday. The beautiful significance of all in the inspiring choruses. The will be sung. Next week The Liberal will be pubâ€" lished cn Monday. Contributors and advertisers please co-operate by hav- ing all copy at our office not later than Monday noon. 'thistmas music, which is an essen- tial part of the season, is embodied in the inspiring anthems and ladies choruses. The “Hallelujah Chorus” St. Philip’s Anglican Church ‘ a..m.â€"Church School. a.m.â€"Morning‘ Prayer. I 3.111. Wednesdayâ€"Christmas Ser- vice. All children of the community are asked to form up in the parade which will leave Little’s Garage at the north end of the town Saturday afternoon at 1.45. The program will commence at the rink at 2 p.111. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH Last chance to get your lucky num- ber tickets on the Hockey Club poul- try draw. The draw will be made at the arena Saturday evening, Dec. let at_9 p.m. All who have books out are asked to return them by 6 p.m. Saturday to H. P. TrowelI or James Grainger. James McLean, E. T. Stephens; James Young and J. E. Smith .enjoy- ed a friendly curling game at the Victoria Club, Toronto, Tuesday after noon. Miss A. E. Alcombrack is leaving Sunday evening for .New York City to spend the winter months. Mr. J. Scott McNair, Vice-President of the York County Children’s Aid, this week received a donation of a box of toys and quilts for the Society from-the Woodbridge Junior Insti- tute, which was very much apprec- iated. ’ i The Women’s Auxiliary of St. Mary’s Church had a most enjoyable banquet in the Crypt of the Church on Tuesday evening. The table was festive With Christmas cangles and decorations. Turkey, ham find other good things were enjoyed by all presâ€" ent. Games brought a very happy evening to a conclusion. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH The Presbyterian Sunday School will hold their Christmas Party on Monday evening. Supper 1‘01; the children at 6.30. Concert and pres- entation of prizes at 7.30. We want all the parents and. friends to be sure and join us on this happy evening. Send The Liberal a Christmas visitors. A Carol Semi/i}; will be held for| children at St. Mary’s Church, Mon- day afternoon, at 2 o’clock. I Mrs. Ben Hoover left this week for Long Branch where she expects to spend the winter months with Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Hoover. Social and Personal THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND KILL, ONTARIO CARD OF THANKS/ CARD 0F THANKS of your DECEMBER 24th, 1935 Sold only by and used EFFECTIVELY in all ‘ other cases of RHEUMATIC PAINS Buy a bottle for the reg. price of $1.25 .md GET a second bottle for . . 25c. The final date for this sale is \Ve are continuing our INTRODUC- TION SALE _of ‘ RHEUMATA’ the REMEDY against RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA NEURITIS As a / Special Christmas Offer Communion. St. John’s Church, Oak Ridges, 9 a.n_1 All Saints’ Church, King, 10 a.m. St. Stephen’s Church, Maple, 11 am, in the old carol§J George Armstrong with violin and Dorothy at the organ. They will play Caleb Simper’s March as the opening voluntary. Christmas Morning Service, Holy At King‘ City young GeoÂ¥ge a‘m’ Dorothy Armstrong will lead the choir 22nd. St. John’s Church. Oak Ridges, 11 am St. Stephen's Church, Maple, 3 p.m. All Saint’s Church, King, 7 p.m. KING, OAK RIDGES & MAPLE CHURCH OF ENGLAND CHRISTMAS NEWS Chrstmas Trees,â€" Rev. W. F. Wrixon has announced: Oak Ridges, Parish Hall on Thursâ€" day, Dec. 19th, 5.30 p.m., for chil- ‘dren of St. John’s Mission and Church. King, All Saints’ Sunday School, Fri- day, Dec. 20th, 5.30 pm. Maple, St. Stephen’s, Sunday School, Monday, Dec. 23rd, 5.30 pm. Christmas Carol Service, Sunday, Dec. PRESBYTERIAN “IA. ELECT OFFICERS The annual meeting of the Wom- en‘s Association of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Chfil‘ch was held Wednesday afternoon in the church parlors. Following the devotional period reports were presented by the secretary and treasurer which showed a very successful year. Rev. J. D. Cunningham presided for the election of officers which resulted in the election of the following: Honorary President, Miss A. Boyle; President, Mrs. T. Moore; lst Vice-President, Mrs. Milton Savage; 2nd Vice-Pres- ident, Mrs. Frank Schisler; Treasurer Mrs. G. Yerex; Secretary, Mrs. K. Blanchard; Flower Committee, Mrs. B. Stone, Mrs. J. Beresford; Visiting Committee, Mrs. J. D. Cunningham and Miss Moodie. NEW YEAR’S EVE DANCE A dance will be held in Community Hall, Victoria Square, New Year’s Eve, under the auspices of the.Trus- tees of Community Hall. Olde Tyme and Modern Dancing. Good music. Lunch served. Admission, gents 35c., ladies 35c. On Thursday evening the A.Y.P.A. went down to the Globe office in To- ronto and were shown through dif- ferent departments and shown how the Globe paper was printed. All re- ceived a souveuir of their names printed in lead. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the evening. The A.Y.P.A. will meet on Monday, Dec. 23rd, at 8 p.m., to decorate the Churc.) for Christmas. A.Y.P.A. NEWS The Anglican Yloung People 9n- tertained Trinity Church Aurora, A. Y.P.A. a few meetings ago. A skit was put on by the Ioeal branch and a good program which was enjoyed by all. ‘ UNITED CHURCH Y.P.S. On Monday, Dec. 16th last, the so- ciety enjoyed a very interesting talk on “Christmas Thoughts” by Mrs. Hume. On Sunday evening, Dec. 22nd, the society will take full charge of the “Fireside Meeting” held after church service. RICHMOND HILL VILLAGE VITAL STATISTICS Vital statistics for the village of Richmond Hill for the year 1935 an- nouncej by clerk A. J. Hume are as follows: births 17, deaths 13, mar- riages 12. When the financial condition of the village is so improved as to merit congratulations from both the To- ronto Star and the Globe on our town management Why go to the expense of another election after our recent one on the beer issue? Editor, The Liberal Sir:â€" Letiers From The People Fr. Zimmercan1 Mft’r. Oak Ridges, P.O., Ont. WHY CHANGE ? and ARTHRLTIS Taxpayer W%W%WWW LOOK 2 Wishing All Our Customers And Friends A Merry Christmas RICHARD DIX - MADGE EVANS Two shows Daily â€"_ 7.30 & 9.30 qualTheatre,AURORA MERRY XMAS TO ALL TO-DAY _ THURSDAY, DEC. 19 ‘ ELISA LANDI â€" KENT TAYLOR FRANCIS DRAKE in MAUREEN O’SULLIVAN JOEL McCRAE â€" GRANULATED SUGAR, 10 lbs. for 49c. with order MIXED NUTS, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21c. SPECIAL BLEND TEA, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39c. YE‘ OLDE ENGLISH MINCEMEAT, 2 lbs. for 25¢. CHOCOLATE MALLOW BISCUITS, lb. . . .. .. 17c. PEAS, CORN & TOMATOES, tin . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c. XMAS CANDIES, Sparkling Mixed, Special, lb. 15c. HUMPKIN, tin . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c. PASTRY FLOUR, 24 lb. bag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59c. GRAPE FRUIT, 4 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS GOODS FROM THIS LIST NO ORDER T00 SMALL, NONE TOO BIG SPECIAL DELIVERY ON SATURDAY A New Suit for Christmas§ Bargain House TOM TYLER in BETTY BALFOUR â€" GORDON HARKER 4 Arnold St. that will be great savings for Christmas for the entire family. 0f 72 Yonge St. are now located in their new premises N0. 4 Arnold St. Fornierly Palmer’s Car Sales Room We ask the residents of Richmond Hill and surrounding district to come ami look around as we have numerous, Richmond Hill Bargain House What could be a more acceptable gift for Christmas than a new suit? This year give some- thing useful and something that will be appreciated for a long time to come. Treat husband or son tow a new suit, tailored to measure at Richmond, Tailors. Finest quality workmanship and prices most reasonable. WITHOUT REGRET W'i EDNESDAY & THURSDAY, DEC. 25-26 Richmond Tailors MONDAY & TUESDAY, DEC. 23-24 YEAR’S DRAMATIC TRIUMPH! AMAZING! ITS UNUSUAL! SEE IT. FRIDAY & SATURDAY, DEC. 20-21 RICHMOND HILL SPECIALS & BARGAINS: Keep Your Eye on KERR BROS. SPECIALS â€" TWO FEATURES “Iransatiafific Tunnel” J. A. Greene Richmond Hill, Ont. {My Old Dutch War on the Range and Richmond Hill, Ont. omanWanted â€" Sat. Matinee 2.00 [mm PAGE FIVE

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