CANADIAN 'NATIQNAL ‘OUTSTANDING EVENTS: Winter Golf Tournament, Vidoria, Feb. 17-22,1936. {Low ï¬rst class round hip rail fares from Dec. 1st 1“ Feb. 15th. Relurn limit, April 30th. Stop. vovers allowed at intermedia’te points. Special "winter rates available al'holels. 'For your Winter vacation this year choose (anpéa's Eugrgreen Playground. Golï¬jennis, Low Rail Fares to VANCOUVER" VICTORIA, B.C., and SEATTLE, Wash. 3n Ca‘ï¬ada's nchï¬ng, rldinvg, motorir'aa . . @1539 avourite outdoor sport in this land of glorious balmy weather. arking the peak of engine de- velopment in the fifty years since the driving of the last spike at Craigellachie, the Cana- dian Pacific Railway has under construction five lightâ€"weight loâ€" comotives, which are being built to attain a speed of 110 miles per hour. Stream-lining and an increased ratio of power to weight and fuel consumption are their outstanding characteristics. Many of the ideas incorporated in these engines are quite new, having been originated by Canadian Paâ€" cific engineers under the super- vision of H. B. Bowen. Chief of II} addition. the Company's on- gmeers closely watched experi- To the Ratepayers of Richmond Hill Canada To Have Streamline Locomotives Power and Rolling Stock Thanking you in anticipation of your co- operation. Therefore on behalf of the council I make this appeal as we near the end of the year for the pay- ment of the‘current years levy and any arrears of taxu on your property. Will you make some pay- ment before the end of the year? Our treasurer is authorized to accept and give full credit for any payment. December 11th, 1935. It has been the constant aim of your council to so administer your affairs as to be able to relieve in every possible w y the burden of taxation. There are prospects .at in the near future there will be a lightening of the burden on the rate- payers but to accomplish this end we must have the coâ€"operation of the taxpayers in the payment of taxes. ' In maintaining the good financial standing of the Village of Richmond Hill a most important feature is the PROMPT PAYMENT OF TAXES by our ratepayers. During the year the members of council as your elected representatives have given diligent care and attention to the business of the municipality and consistently striven to con- duct your affairs in a businesslike manner and balance the budget. These efforts, I am pleased to .say, have been quite successful and as we near the end of the year our finances are in a very satisfactory position. However, if we are to con- tinue to improve our financial standing, it is im- perative that ratepayers make a serious effort to meet their tax obligations. HELP THE COUNCIL HELP YOU, BY PROMPT PAYMENT OF TAXES PAGE .SIX Full information from your local agent w Playground ments made by leading railways of other countries, and have adapted and developed the best features brought out. The new Canadian Pacific engines mark a long step forward in locomotive construction The first fiVe engines will be used to improve the Company’s passenger service between Mont- real and Quebec, and will haul at high speeds trains of newilight- weight coaches now being built for the service. They are of 4-44 type, with a total engine and tender weight of 430.000 lbs., or about 33 per cent. lighter than engines now running, and de- signed to do the same relative work. This means a. consequent J. A. GREENE, Reeve. ALWAYS USE CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS AND EXPRESS Speed, Dependability, Safety T6 95 important saving in fuel, water and maintenance. The boilers are of nickel steel designed to stand a pressure of 300 lbs. per square inch, and fittings and apâ€" pliances are all of the latest type, including super-heaters, feed water heaters, mechanical stokers, roller bearings and tanâ€" dem connecting rods. They are coal burning, the tenders having a. capacity of twelve tons. The tractive effort Will be 25,000 lbs.: cylinders 16% by 28 inches; with the drivers having a diameter of 80 inches. Photographs of a model give a comprehensive idea of the new engines. Inset is H. B. Bowen. Chief of Motive Power, Canadian Pacific Railway. Questions concerning- Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184 College Street, Toronto, will be answered personally by letter. Good food, a reasonable amount of exercise and sufficient rest, to- gether with proper clothing, promote good posture and good health. Good posture is a personal asset in that it gives to the person a sense of weu-being and comfort, and a cer- tain desirable assurance. Good pos- ture will not solve the health prob- lems of the world, but it will help to prevent same of the ills‘ which af- flict mankind. Healthy muscles, well-built from proper food and kept strong through exerci\5e are essential to hold the body in good position. Weak muscles cause slouching shoulders and proâ€" truding abdomens, with narrow chests. ' ' cams? ,ï¬â€˜f. Good posture promotes good health because it allows for the organs of the body to function in their normal position, whereas poor posture may constrict and limit action While press- ing organs out of their normal place in the body. Poor posture is often the result of ill fitted shoes. Feet vary in size shape and position. That is why care should be taken to fit the shoe to the foot rather than to attempt to mould the foot to the shoe. The posture of women has im- proved since they have given up the garments which were used to con- strict the figure. At the same time, women have relieved themselves of the burden of innumerable super- fluous garments. We might say that while this situation can be dealt with by having at least two or", three sizes of desks, in no case should the school child be kept sitting for long periods. Long periods of sitting lead to 2Li weariness which is expressed indrooping shoulders. l To a. considerable extent, good posture reflects good health, and when conditions are such as to inter- fere with good posture, it is no ex- aggeration to say that such con- ditions are likely unhealthy. The child who spends many hours each day at a school desk which is too low for him and which thus forces him to slouch down to use his desk is likely to have stooped shoulders. POSTURE The upright position has many ad- vantages but, unfortunately, there are persons who, for one reason or another, have developed ‘such poor posture as to be handicapped in life. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Livestock Figures In Ontario the horse population shows a reduction of 800. Mares and lgeldings are 2,700 less, (1139, it is be- lieved, to the reduced fodder supplies available last winter, but colts and fillies [are up 1,900 reflecting the stronger demand and higher prices ’prevailing for horses. Cattle have dropped 25,300 head, decreases occur- ring in bulls, milk yearlings, calves, and steers over 2 years. Milk cows are down 1,075 head in Eastern On- tario but up 5,000 in the aggregate for the province. Beef cows have increased 2,000 head and beef year- lings 1,400. For the fifth successive year sheep and lambs record a de- crease, being placed at 945,700 on June 1st, 1935, as compared with 962,- 300 on June 151:, 1934. Brood sows are, up considerably in each section except Southern Ontario, but other pigs over six months showed a heavy falling off in numbers, with the re- sult that the total swine population over 6 months old decreased by 3,000 head. Swine under 6 months are on the upward trend again and are 50,- 400 higher than a year ago. The number of sows intended to farrow in the next 6 months is well above last year. Hens and chickens show a rise of 164,200, being 21,731,200 this June and 21,567,000 in June, 1934. Dressed Poultry for the Christmas Trade Thousands of birds are destined for the Christmas market as dressed poul- try, but to obtain the highest prices, most of them should be Well finished by the pen or crate method, since the quieter the birds are kept the better the quality of finish. The length of the finishing period, may vary from two to three weeks, depending on the condition, age and feeding- of the bird. The importance of proper dressing cannot be over-emphasized. In kill- ing and preparing poultry for market the birds should be starved for at least 24 hours before being killed, have access to clean drinking water, be properly bled so that no blood re« mains in the extremities, be undrawn with the head and feet left on, be dry plucked although a few feathers may be left around the head, be dry cooled, with feet and vent clean, all blm'd removed from the mouth, and the crop empty. It is preferable that the heads should be wrapped. All the body heat should be out of the Before the birds are placed in the crates for feeding, they should be treated for lice and starved for at least twenty-four hours. It is advâ€" isable to administer a dose of laxa- tive, to clean them out, in the form of Epsom salts dissolved in water at the rate of one pound to 100 birds. The solution is used for mixing the first feed. / For the finishing†work, the sel- ection and grading of the birds ac- cording to vigour, condition, size, age and sex are extremely important. It is usually advisable to discard the non-vigorous birds and invest extra capital and labour only in those that will return profit. Other winning Societies are given in orderâ€"Peel County (Brampton) 448%; Garrick (Mildmay) 447; Tees- water 439; Scott (Uxbridge) 437; Richmond Hill 434%; Markham 426; South Huron (Seaforth) 424. This Class has aroused very Wide interest as the members of each com- peting Agricultural Society must coâ€" operate, in this venture. Each ex- hibit included 5 lots of grain and seed and no member contributed more than one lot. As twelve Societies competed, the display included sam- ples from 60 of the best Seed Grow- ers in Western Ontario. Paris Wins Society Class Guelph Winter Fair With a total score of 458 points the Paris Agricultural Society was awarded first place in the keenly contested Agricultural Society Class for grain at the Winter Fair. Es- quesing Society of Georgetown was a close second with 4551/2 points. As the possible was 500, these are con- sidered very high scores. Crops for Silage For eleven years the Field Hus- bandry Division has been conducting- experiments with the ensiling of var- ious crops. Of the crops tested, corn is undoubtedly the best for ensiling. Sunflowers are recommended on heavy clay soils and in cool climates where corn does not do well. Mix- tures of oats and peas, or oats, peas and vetches make very good silage. Red clover is an excellent silage crop but alfalfa is rather difficult to ensile and should be used for hay where possible. Buckwheat, cut in full bloom, yields 7 or 8 tons per acre of fairly good silage. Experiments are being continued with these and other crops. NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR THE BUSY FARMER The trees are generally too crowd‘- ed in a second growth stand. A thinning that removes defective, crooked, weed trees and trees that are shaded by their more vigorous neighbors would result in a marked improvement of the woods. These polewood stands are often clean-cut for fuelwood when a judicious thin- ning would yield fuelwood and in- crease the value of the woods. If the owner is not doing the cut- ting himself he should mark the trees that are to be cut by blazing or daub- ing them with paint. Care in felling is very necessary, as the small trees have a high potential value. A bulletin on The Woodlot will be sent on application to The Forests Branch, Parliament Buildings, To- ronto, or it may be obtained from the county Agricultural Representative. The fuelwood could be cut from the part that is left in with the pasture. Often the fuelwood may be cut and the woodlot left in better growing condition, if care in selecting trees is taken. Large trees that are inter- fering and holding back promising young might Wisely be removed. De- fective trees should be utilized as of- ten their value is decreasing. The less valuable species (weeds) such as ironwood, blue beech, poplar, pin cherry should be largely eliminated from the woodlot as‘ they will if left continue to seed up the bush and take up space that might be growing valuable white ash, sugar maple, pine, spruce, etc. Lowest Rates. Phows and Passport: Secured All enqu'riel confidential We look after your wants right from your home. Phone Willowdale 63.7 Office Stop 6, Yonge St.. [Quint BROTHERTON’S Steamship B‘sï¬'éi’é; Cutting the Fuelwood Farmers who are fortunate enough to own a woodlot soon will be cutting fuelwood for next year. Late fall and early winter is the ideal season for working in the bush as the ground is frozen and there is usually very little snow. Before starting the work it would be advisable to look over the woodlot and decide the location of the sea- son’s operations. The future should always be considered in woodlot man- agement, as the cutting- done now will determine the composition and value of the woods 10, 50 and 100 years hence. Owners who have not fenced pagt of their bush from stock should conâ€" sider the advisability of doing so, as the value and often. the preserva- tion of the woodlot depends on whe- ther stock are shut out, as small "seedâ€" lings and saplings of deciduous trees (maple, ash, beech, etc.) will be browsed and the evergreens will be broken by stock. The fence might be constructed in the winter by util- izing the trees as posts. The wire should be fastened to strips that are nailed to the trees. bird before packing, and every care should be taken to keep poultry from freezing before it is delivered. Special Sailingsâ€"to the Homeland by; Canadian Pacific, Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson lines It DRNERS AN’ MORE WHEELBARRDW PUSHERS I MY POP SAYS 'flus CooNfRY NEEDS FENER Aufo REAL ESTATE INSURANCE CONVEYANCING ESTATES MANAGED J. R. HERRINGTON Richmond Hill, Ont. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19th, 1935 New and used harness and collars Harness and parts, collars, blankets, boots and rubbers, mitts, socks, etc. Tarpoulins repaired Celluloid put in side curtains Endless leather belts, made for electric motors, cars, etc. Harness made to order at no extra charge. Collar fitting and repairing a specialty. Shop closed at 6 p.m., Monday, Wednesday & Friday Maple, Ont. RE. No. 2 Telephone Maple 1063 (114 miles North of Concord) THE OLD OLD WISH “YET†EVER NEW A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU. J. F. BURR Mill 139 Phones Res. 163-167 Yonge St., Toronto, up min, app. Simpsons. Phone Elgin 4820. The moment you feel the slightest distress in you: eyes or notice a db- ming of your vision consult TRAVEL SERVICE ’l‘he problem of caring for the many unfortunate sufferers from tuberculosis is a task which for some 39 years has been occupying the attention of the National Sanilarium Association. operating the LIuskoka Hospital for Consumplives. mv Toronto Hospital for Consumptives and tho Queen Mary Hospital for Con- thr- Queen Mary Hospital for Con- sumptivc Children. At present these up-to-date hospitals. with an accommodation of over 1.000 beds. are taxed to the utmost to care for tho nceuy Consumptives. whose only hope of future health lies in proper treatment and care. ’ It is in order that. those institution: may be enabled to carry on this worth while work that it is necessary to annually make an appeal for funds. for tho statut- ory allowances received fall far short of the actual cost of maintenance. With a deï¬cit of many thousands of dollars to make up this year on operating account. we ask that you give as generously as you camn Please send your gift to the National Sanitarium Association. 228 College Street‘ Toronto 2. Steamship Reservations to Breat Britain and the Continent. Premier service to West India. PASSPORTS ARRANGED F0! Rail tickets and sleeper Reservations. EXPRESS TELEGRAPH Richmond Hill Y. B. Tracy, Agent Phone 10. Gan. National Station F. E. LUKE & SON THE MILL HARNESS are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada; They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. Your Eyes FIX IT Furniture and any other broken household article properly repaired. BRUMMOND CRAFT MAKE IT, MEND IT, Novelties, Bridge prizes and other seasonal gifts made to order. See You: Home Printer First ISAAC BAKER eer l@// Sales BOOkS 9 Centre St. West, Richmond Hill A Worth While Work for sale by THE LIBERAL