"PAGE EIGHT â€" W‘sï¬rmgï¬a §Shopat Bratliwaite’s Useful Gifts of all kinds Toys in Wide variety. May we at this time wish all A Hearty Christmas and a Most Prosperous New Year F .Y.W. BRATl-IWAITE "if. PHONE 18 HARDWARE WE DELIVER - -1 1 .w saws, “m. u at is ‘l’ m ATTENTION FRANK FRENCH, EX-R.O.P. INSPECTOR is back in the Poultry Business in a big way and in- vites your early inspection of his modern electrically equipped chick hatchery at 8 BOTSFORD STREET, NEWMARKET Failing your personal appearance it will be of monitary interest to you to correspond with him at your earliest convenience and have him send literature regarding FRENCH’S BETTER PRODUCTION BRED CHICKS Do this before placing your order for chicks elsewhere as he invites the most rigid comparisons as to price and quality. INTRODUCTORY FREE OFFER will be gladly furnished on request. Box 703 Phone: Office 278; Res. 27 9W Newmarket French’s Hatchery OWWOM†Waaaaaaaanaasmaaa THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO T HORI‘THILL Tire lane‘stzii‘.‘ 7‘ School are lit lrllne‘ their :‘lll‘illlll t l “rim-w billet-l ‘iri‘iient in the lawn-no} hlt'liitll‘ltll. "ill .n Friday night. Dec. ‘30th. [Tim \\'ttlilt‘l“.‘\' Institute met last- Tl‘lll'SilZlV :lfll‘l’l‘flilli at the home of ‘l‘r: Priuiilvnt. )ll‘S. \V. Riddell. It†wa: ll l“l<'\.' iiirwtii"r as there was "-‘llt'll lillsill' 1': tn l-w lii "‘il after. Th0 liil<l-Zi"< of Christina: cheer will he ,uzu‘lsml at the llhl‘l" of hll‘s‘. Rirldell l"‘1 S‘ilvrdiiv Z‘i‘l“l'll“rlll. Dec. ‘3lst. ,‘ll""â€llll"]'\ mm l't‘tlilr‘iiltl to leave (l0â€" ‘ll’llltllR at Mrs. Riddell‘s home or take tl‘ein (vi Qflill‘."l“l" when the baskets ore lv-inn‘ packed. An interestian meeting of the Youne‘ Indies Class of the Uniterl Church was held last Thursday night at the home of Mrs. Victor Grainrrer. i After numerous items of busines.s had been dealt with the Christmas storv was read by Mrs McKean. teacher of the class. and Ymas Carols were sung. Mrs. J, A. Thompson told the 1s’torv of a Christmas tree that did ' not get. trimmed. which was much enâ€" ioved by tho oirls. Each member re- l'ceived ii gift from a prettilv decomted tree. 'Mr. Pue'slev received a picture Mrs. Grainger was assisted hv Mrs Ross VVeslev in serving refreshments at the close of a well spent cveninm A Christmas Service will he helrl at Trinity Anolieen Church on Christ- :inas Dav at 10.30 a.ni. Rev. E. E. Purrslev has purchased '1 number of new hooks for the Public library. Mrs. T,et'rov has. also kindly donated 50 'r volumes of interesting ' literature. Mrs. Lee and Miss S. Baxter are leavincr on Satiirrlav. by motor. for Florida, where they will spend the winter. _ Mrs. E. Jackson and son are visit- inc: with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Davis. P Ou ltr Y 6 ed 6 rs TEMPERANCEVILLE The St. John’s A.Y.P.A. attracted a large number of members and vis- litors to their meeting on Wednesday . I evenian Dec. 4th. at the home of Mr. night last \vitli Reeve McKenzie and t E i i We have a wide range of suitable Christmas gifts for every member of the family and we can assure you of the best service for your last minute ‘shoppino‘. Large stock of Toys and Novelties to delight the Kiddies on Christmas morning. . The draw for the two Floor Lamps which have take place, Thursday evening, December 26th, at 7.30 p.m. It will be conducted by Reeve Greene, Councillor H. J. Mills and J. E. Smith, Editor of The Liberal. The public is invited to be present when the lucky numbers prizes. Our store and ,windows now have a Christmasy effect, with a large variety of merchandise and fancy :articles for Christmas and New Year presents. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CHINA AND GLASSWARE, IDEAL FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Store Open Evenings Until Christmas Phone 119 Richmond Hill . " 7 . i ~ ' been on display in our store during the past weeks will . will be drawn to decide the winners of these handsome Davies9 Dry Goods. Store ii i it i / ifâ€? g it 5% iii ii iii :55 iii iii xiii ll its 933' :55 / %3%2%t§r§3§'t Wï¬rwgï¬a: gr NEW MODELS NOW IN STOCK FURNACE BIDWERS â€"- WASHING MACHINES, ETC. and Mrs. W. J. \Vhitten to hear particularly interesting musical proâ€" gram prepared by the following com- mittee: Mrs. Whitten. Ella Dibb and Mary Stephenson. The following proâ€" gram was given: readings on, The Singer, Piano. and Violin, by Hollinsvvorth. Mae Thompson Ella Dibb: Piano Solos by Helen Whit- ten and Babette Hollingsworth: Solo by Geo. Miss Emma Barker; and Messrs. Ralph Watt and Geo. Stiles favoured us with a number of selections on the guitar and violin. Musical contests were conducted by Mary Stephenson. A very dainty lunch was served. The Euchre Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Henshaw on Thurs day evening. There were seven tables l Summit, a.all members present Violin movement; Stiles; Vocal S010 by most creditable, i WOODBRIDGE ltli'l'lcers of N. t‘larke \Vallacc l..0.l.. Installed t‘rt‘t'ii-t-i's i'let'iwl by N. Clarke \Val- lat-e l..l’).l.. No. 3‘ for lilili‘» were inâ€" stalled in the Orange Hall on Tuesâ€" llllji‘ night with Past District Master Georgi- (‘lit-lli-v. and \Vor. Brother T. R. llutfv Officers ll‘i charge. \\'.l\l.. (il>l"l\|ll Shannon: Deputy Mas-. .lhl‘ll l‘imiily: Ilia-wrliiia- Secretary. Seeri tary. ‘, ili'rid )Iaxey: First Lecâ€" tei'. Chaplain. . B. Plunkï¬t: 01‘- I G Leo- don l’l:t“_'2‘: l‘inaiicizil First Commit- tecinan. Murray Ingram: Second Coinâ€" mitteeinan. John McNeil: Third Coin- mitteeman. lid. Fourth Coin- inittecman. William Chapman; Fifth Committeeinan. .l. W. Pidgcon; Tyler, Elwood Love: Auditors. A. Keiizie and William Ilamilton; Committee, Cordon Brigg. Shannoi and Wilfrid Maxey. IIumber Summit Gets Sidewalk As a result of the recent automo- bile accident in which l2 'year old Eddie Timmerinan lost his life, and the driver. W. A. Ilorniek of Toronto. is facing a manslaughter charge, a sidewalk sponsored by the North York Township Council and super- vised by W. 0. Duncan, Road Comâ€" 'niissioner is at present in course of construction on the \Voodbridge road in the greenhouse disrrict at Hun’iber where vehicles traffic is heavy and pedestrians are numerous. The walk will extend one mile south from Wm. Green & Son Greenhouse. Woodbriilge Tax Rate Down Five Mills VVoodbridge Council for 1035 com- pleted its term of office on Monday tLII‘C‘l‘. Ntll‘ll‘itlll :\lllll.\'; Love; A. Mcâ€" Sick Gordon i l I i paid Set 1: Treasurer. Marshall. llai'i'y Waits; turei'. (it‘ill'tl‘c llavison: Deputy Lec- which include Councillors .l. G. Whitinore. Andrew Frost, N. G. Wallace and Jack Wat- son. In revicwing the council's ac- tivities for the year it was shown that a good surplus is in the Treasury with able money had been expended on im- especially sidewalks. is It is not known definitely if their will be an election :for 1936 council. Rumor has it afloat that their might be. We’ll see. KING CITY Everyone is welcome to the special and tWGlVQ hands Played The Prize Xmas program at the Y.P.S. on Monâ€" winners were; ladies, Mrs. Fred Hare day evening and Mrs. Ray Jennings; gents,'Mr. C. H. Henshaw; consolation, Mr. Scott Bovair. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mes. R. Jennings on Monday, Dec. 30th. The annual Sunday School Supper was held at the church on Monday, Dec. 16th. Prizes were awarded to the pupils for best attendance in each class. The regular meeting of the Mission Band will be held on Saturday after- noon, Dec. 215t, at the home of Jean Umehara. Election of officers for the ‘ churches l I Rev. Cochrane gave a most: inspir- ing and intellectual address at a Mis- sionary Rally which took place in the United Church on Thursday evening. Member from all the following were well represented, Aurora, Snowball, Kettleby, Schom- berg Temperanceville, Laskay, Tes- ton and Maple. Rev. Washington was present and also gave a few re- marks. The annual meeting of the.\~W.M.S. took place on Thursday afternoon in [the United Church Sunday School coming year will take place, all memâ€" room Rev_ D. Davis was in charge bers are urged to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Kerr visited as follows. of the election of officers which are President, Mrs. M. Win- Mr- and Mrs' W' N- Thompson on ter; Vice-President, Mrs. G. H. Stone; Sunday. Science Reveals Increase in Tuberculous Although the death-rate from tuber- :ulosis has decreased (3:3 per cent. since the inception of the National Sanitarium Association thirty-nint- ye: ago. the number of persons needing hospital treatment has increased. This statement may sound paradoxical but. the explan- ation is that. with thi- application 101' scientiï¬c knowledge and llll‘ esialilislr ‘mcnt of governme travelling clinics. together with the cllorts of other llt'llllll agencies in dltl‘ercnt municipalitim. a larger number at tuberculous children and adults has been revealed and the) must be cared for. . 'l‘his neverâ€"curling ï¬ght for lives and the return to health illld strength is lining: carried out al tliz- ’l‘oroiiiii Iltixliltdl t'ol‘ (lonsuniptnes. the .\I|l\l\‘.\l\il lltlslltldl for C(lllSlllllpll\l‘\ and Ill" ()llt't‘ll .\l:ii'_llospltal tor t‘oiisunipliu- (,‘lllltll'fll. It is a fact. lioui'vu', that. few iil Ill" patients are able to pa) anythingr toward their keep ulltl not one pays llll‘ entire Cost of llllllillt'llilllt‘t‘. \'oluiit:ii'contributions from ‘v\ill‘lll*llt‘:|l'li'il ll'l~'"IIlhave. lit-rctnl'iii'c. ('llslll‘t‘tl the t'.ll'l')lli.’ on (If this work nl lllt‘l'l')’ and the llll'i l' hospitals must lll‘pt'lltl largely upon \llt'll uil'ts if the work is in t‘t)llll'llll'.' \\ all you please lend your illtl ll) si-iiilinc :i l'tlllll‘llllllihll liar tilt‘ i-ziuse to the National Sanitarium Association. 22.3 College \ti'm-l. ’l‘oronlo Curious Old Lady: lost. your leg, haven’t you?†viving are her husband, two sis- Cripple: “Well, I’ll be darned if I ters and two brothers. Deepest sym- haven’t!†pathy is given to Dr. Pinkerton and Wilfrid R. Scott Successor to J. J. Deane Director of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOODBRIDGE, ONTARIO Phone 78 GET OUR Secretary, Mrs. A. Gordon; Corres- ponding Secretary, Mrs. A. Phillipson; Strangers Secretary, Mrs. Patterson; Associate Helpers, Miss A. McBride; Christian Stewardship, Mrs. J. Pat- ‘ton; Temperance, Mrs. Hambly; Mis- sionary Monthly Secretary, Mrs. E. Archibald; Program Convenor, Mrs. W. Crossley; W. A. Treasurer, Mrs. V. Hall; Treasurer, Mrs. J. Dew; Supâ€" ply, Mrs. McCallum and Mrs. M. Wnter: Quilt, Mrs. McMurchy. and Mrs. Wbtson. ~ The Late Mrs. (Dr.) Pinkerton The funeral of the late Mrs.Pink- lton took place on Friday afternoon from her residence to St. John’s Oak Ridges Church with interment in St. John’s Cemetery. Deceased had been almost an invalid after suffering from a stroke over three years ago and Tuesday evening suffered another very serious stroke and passed away The late Mrs. ’Pinkerton before her marriage was She at the King Public School for six years and has since her “Why you’ve marriage resided in the village. Wednesday afternoon. Miss Newberry of Jefferson. taught school brothers and sisters. QI'C‘C ‘ Sur- . â€"_ l l i i I i i saaaaaaaae~ssaea l I Annette a five mills reduction on the tax rate. / and This in face of the fact that considerâ€" I We are glad to learn Mrs. Robson, who underwent a serious operation a week ago, is progressing favorably. Deepest sympathy is extended to Mrs. F. Carver in the death of her sister last week at Teston. Merry Christmas to all readers and members of The Liberal Staff. PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY ( tgtéitététgtgtï¬ï¬‚’é’itg / :7 W» n RICHMOND HILL THURSDAY. DECEMBER 19th, 1935 What Better Gift for Mother than Washing Machine And to make sure it is the best, get a BEATTY WASHER. More Beatty Washers are purchased in Canada every year. than all other makes com- bined. A small down payment and convenient terms can be arranged to suit the purchaser. CHARLIE GRAHAM Local Beatty Dealer Church St., Richmond Hill, Phone 39 asiaaaamssmaasisi g: t i i A Christmas Meat and Fowl For the Christmas Season and be the best if you get it from us. the Christmas Dinner will Give us your order and you will be assured of the finest and best. FRESH AND COOKED MEATS, FOWL, etc. Vegetables and Provisions GLASS MEAT MARKET W. L. Glass, Prop. Prompt and Courteous Service Phone Richmond Hill asaaaaaaaaeaaaaaea» SNAPSHOOTING CHRISTMAS eSNAPSHOT CUIL$ Two typical Christmas shots. At the left. Big Brother starts off to try ., . his new skates. Right, the youngsters are all set to grab Santa. THE only trouble with making pic- tures of Christmas doings is that the day goes so fast. Before we know it, chances for rare shots have come and goneâ€"gone, some of them, never to return, next year or ever. For babies will grow up and friends will move away. So plan now for a few good shots this Christmas, shots that will mean, inescapably, Christmas, 1- ,, To do the job up brown, you‘ll probably need to call all of your snapshooting talent into play. For there’ll be interiors as well as out- door shots, daytime and nighttime pictures, closeâ€"ups and long shots. For example: Holly wreaths at the door and in the windows. Shoot them from the outside, at night, with lights ar- ranged to bring out their full im- portance. A time-exposure from the outside, shooting in through the win- dow at the lighted room, will give you a ï¬ne silhouette of the wreath in the window. Ask one of the youngsters to stand very still at the window during the exposure; that will add the necessary “human interestâ€. Trimming the tree. This will prob- ably bc a long shot, taken from far enough away to show the whole tree and the busy decorators. In all like- lihood, a photoflash-type bulb will be your best reliance for this one. Hanging the stockings at the inan- tel. A photoï¬ash or phototlood type ~ lamp in the fireplace (the ï¬redtselt', we hope, being out) will illuniine the figures of children as they hang up sure that the direct rays of the light do their hopeful stockings. Be not strike your camera's lens. A close-up of the piled-up gifts, before the childrenâ€"or the grown- ups, for that matterâ€"attack them. This will be another photoflood pic- ture. If there are no people in the picture, you can close down the aper- ture of your lens and give a longer exposure than usualâ€"half a minute or so, depending on the amount of the light and its distance from the centre of the picture. Then, of course, a picture of the beautiful confusion of presentâ€"open- ing time. Don’t let the tidy house- keeper deter you from getting the scene as it actually is. The more littered, the better. ' If there are children, get a snap of each surrounded with his gifts. And there’s no reason why every other member of the family shouldn’t have the same treatment. If Sister has a new wrist-watch, see to it that it shows very plainly. If yours is a neighborhood where the folks make much of outside de- corations, with illuminated trees and such, you’ll find that time-exposures of a minute or so will give you excel- lent pictures of the various lawn dis- plays. Here, as in practically all shots, a tripod will come in very handily. And if carol singers come your way, get a shot of them busily carol- ling away. A photoflash type lamp, in a hand-battery holder, will make this shot easy. Noâ€"you needn’t spend the whole time with camera in hand. But a few, well-chosen snaps will be very much worth the few minutes they require. Far better to spend those few minutes than lose the fleeting, unique opportunities altogether. Right? JOHN VAN GUILDER.