Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Dec 1935, p. 5

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THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26th. 1935 Greetings to Tllv- Liberal wadi- lll'tii‘ii IfIIi‘JVHIIIKJ. It i8 21 tn" AV]? i,:ll‘l{ to tilt: fig-1’ Christmas. .\ Ion: p90 of centurirs interxcnt-z A in.,.n_.' panorama r-‘fl llifi‘i‘i‘y and change gret‘w the eye. But. one thin: has: not changed. The hand of the cbil-l of Bethlehem still rests powerfully on the world. The birth of the little child in a little corner of the earth. obscure and humble to the last degree. A story that has lost none of its charm and sweetness through our familiarity, and yet, how far reaching. How often God chooses the weak things of the world to those that are strong. All the events of the centuries are not equal to one Bethlehem. The glad- song of the angels still rings as true for us as it did on that first Christ- mas when the shepherds heard the theme. “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill to men.” And. so let us likewise carry the in- spiration of Christmas throughout the coming year, always seeking joy in the service of Him, Our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. Go ye even now, even unto Bethlehem. â€"-A Prayer For Christmas Momjngâ€"V The day of joy returns, Father in Heaven, and crowns another year with peace and good will. Help us to rightly remember the birth of Jesus that we may share in the song of the shepherds and the worship of the wise men. “by”, r. n of I. R. McKihbin (‘XDI'(‘\'>C‘ ', 111:: timughts. Lord not on Christmas Day. ill‘ in When ".UI‘V hem. is glad and gay. } Bu: vyurv day t'irmighou: the yea" I my li“:kl‘t so much of sheer. ilt general y shall overflow; ,And scatter joy whcrt-‘er I go.” â€".\Irs. W. Milliken Smith. g Grant 'L . A When you stop to Christmas, for what reflect the millions of kind thoughts and deeds that go to make perfect this Christian Day. Village Trustees, A. K. Harrington, T. Croft, Chas. Maynard. Merry Christmas. This is a joy- ous occasion. Let none allow the misâ€" takes of yesterday to weigh against the gladness of the Day; nor yester- day’s failure rise up to mar the glory of the Christmastide. â€"W. Hawkins. Greetings with sincerest wishes f0r a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous and Healthful New Year. Manager and Staff of The Canadian Bank of Commerce. “I wish I might give you a garden of flowers and singing birds, where Close the doors of hater the roses and lillies might perfume and open the doors of love all over’ithe Chl'iStmaS hoursv and the Sweet Let kindness come withlvoices of children singing; for what Iis greater than Children, Birds and the world. every gift and good desires with every greeting. Let kindness come with ' Flower“ every gift and good desires with every greeting. Deliver us from evil, by the blessing that Christ brings and teach us to be merry with clean hearts. May the Christmas morning make us happy to be thy children, and the Christmas evening bring us to our beds with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus sake, Amen. â€"Henry Vandyke. Dear Readers :â€" Christmas Greetings to you all.. May the season remind us that the greatest gifts of all are love, joy and peace. demptive in their work. They cos more than money, more than position or power, but they are sure ways of making a. more Christian world than our present one. May we pay the price pnd make our days richer and: Rev. A. E. OWen. better. Christmas and goodwill seem to be synonymous terms. Without the mes- sage contained in the Angel choir’s song over the fields of Bethlehem the Christmas season would be barren, These are priceleSS and re-l -â€"-â€"Edwin Dixon. Have you noticed at Christmas time, how friendly people are? It marks the pause in the struggle of life, When a friendly nod and a cheerful smile, Really makes living worth while.” â€"A. K. Harrington.I about ! it stands and what it does, you cannot help but feel a glow of Thankfulncss as you realize I l The Cheeriest word in the language: and the friendliest wish in the world. “Merry Christmas.” ‘ â€"Harold Parkinson; A Christmas Wish. May this day and all the days to come be filled with t tEthe music of happiness. â€"â€"0. Anderson. Oh, the gladness of Christmas, The plbasure it brings The presents and parties And extra good things. That gay and delightful old Old Season is here, [And may you enjoy it immensely Immensely this year. â€"Carol Trunk & Irma Court. indeed “Peace on Earth to man Good- It isn’t far to Bethlehem town, will.” This Goodwill or God’s will beâ€" comes more contagious every year, aye~â€"in spite of the world’s continued effort to make Peace by force and‘ conquest. For a little while every It’s anywhere that Christ comes down, And finds in people’s friendly face A welcome and a hiding place. The road to Bethlehem runs right through I year all the bitterness, disappoint- The homes of folks like me and you. i ment and disillusionment of life are swallowed up and disappear in this spirit of Goodwill. For this there i â€"F. J. Polar-ii Aiwish for Peace and Cheer at must be a willingness to give and notl Christmas and throughout the coming! to count the cost. To remember only the joy of service, the satisfaction of giving. When you are willing to believe that love is the strongest thing in the worldâ€"~stronger than hateâ€"stronger than evilâ€"stronger than deathâ€"and that the blessed life that began in Bethlehem nineteen hundred years ago is the image and brightness of Eternal Love. Then, you can keep Christmas and if you keep it for a ' day, why not always? “For somehow not only at Christmas, But all the long year through, The joy that you give to others, Dear readers, accept our greetingsI for a very very Merry Christmas and I a Happy New Year. And we ’feel" certain our wish will come true where Christ dwells within the heart, and. Peace and Goodwill reigns supreme} “For unto us a child is born” and.i “He shall save His people from their' sins.” i In ministering to others in the name of the Lord, we are credited with ministering to Him and how happy that should make us. We may also make direct gifts to our new born King. He would like us to visit Him in spirit, to worship Him in the sanc- tuaries dedicated to His praise, and' to commune with Him through the Word He has given. I May this Happy Christmas Season, then, bring you that Joy and Peace so dear to every Canadian heart. â€"Rev. E. Huenergarde. When I see this milling and rush- ing and hurrying to buy I wonder, do we forget the Great Gift of which this festive season is commemorative, the Great, the Wonderful Gift, I 100k within to see if I find appreciation and love and thankfulness and find oh so much lacking. The verse from ‘contacts during 1935. . ahead. year. May the old smiles be a triflei brighter, the old spirits a trifle lighteri and the old handshakes a trifle tight-V ter. “Merry Christmas.” lâ€"Findlay Bros. Just on a hunch that you still like' the old wish best. Here it is! “A: THE LLBERAI.. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Maj: (‘lii‘i<t‘:tn- it _p_ limit“ by 1’4"';‘.k‘.‘.l"r“l‘.i‘: Willi ull 1‘ i i' lilL‘il. kindly tl‘ ing‘ and i: ' 10:: by cheering the .lw. to «luxlitfh‘i: :n' *, fr l N . ing‘ wise sunshine . strangers (poor shcphwl'vk "-1' men) and by keeping the song in our house. I. WA. l5. (‘onnelLi We do well to celebrate the (,‘hrst- mas Season. To take Christmas out of life would be to take perfume out of flowers, the colour from the rain-i how. the stars from the sky. It is‘ the happiest festival of the year and, leads to worship. affection and service 7. Martin. Christmas is a season of fireside Good Cheer, Mirth and Happiness with lasting memories the whole year through. â€"F. Minion. Christmas Greetings and Best Wishes for Happiness and Prosperity in the New Year. â€"N. M. Davison. “The Post Office.” Another year has passed and we come once more to the Festive Christ- mas Season. At this timc of year we are always grateful that we live in the Unionville District. We wish you one and all a very Merry Christ- mas and may the New Year bring you increased Happiness, Health and‘ Prosperity. w â€"Stiver Bros. I Christmas Gift Suggestions taken, from “The Christian Observer." , GIVE EAR to those who cry fori crumbsâ€"and heap their homely lard- ers high, for Lo the Joyous Season’s herFand Christmas comes. GIVE HANDS to those who need a guide, nor cast a thought of race or creed, since Brotherhood is all worth while at Christmas Tide. GIVE STEPS to those who cannot plod on their own errands to and fro above the crisp December sod as others go. GIVE THOUGHT to what you best can do to cheer the heart and soothe the mind and make the world seem good and kind to those less fortunate than you. GIVE SMILES to all whose weary load brings gloom and pain and gray despair and bends them low o‘er life‘s steep road: for smiles with them are rare. GIVE KNOWLEDGE to the (lull, untaught, for some there are that do not know with what our Christmas- tide is fraught; and speak of him the manger born. Beneath the East- ‘rn Star‘s pale glow. GIVE COURAGE to the fearing band that needs the clasp of friendly hand and cheering smile and all good ' give courage then to such as them this day. GIVE HEED to others and their need. They know, they feel they have desire: nor is it what you think is best. but rather vhat they most re- ouire, that you should give and do and say on Christmas Day. GIVE LAUGHTER not the scorn- ful sort, but laughter that abounds so infectious as to bring a like retort. GIVE HEARTâ€"the heart that beats for all upon this day: the heart that greets the lowly and the high; the heart that glows with sympathy and knows but love for those who pass you by. GIVE JOY TO ALLâ€"it may he ,Elva and Edna Younr: and ociai and Personal, ’ii‘ Ti‘l‘ titliil Mrs. with l’rgv‘» The annual Chris‘ihas‘. Time concert of Richmond. llill Piwsl-yteri [1 Sunday SCliu'vl was i‘.3lil Monday » nine‘ and was 3 mm“. enjoyable t'Vt‘l ” Following a supva :1 \uricd lil‘flcji‘ ini was carried out. a feature of wlti. i. was the presentation of prizes. .‘it- tendance prizes were won by Miv :i Murray Cunningham and George Pollard. T12.- trophy for the banner class w: -; awarded to Miss Francis Drury‘s cla-s Send The Liberal a list of your Christmas visitors. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE A trip through Old London illus- trated with coloured slides given by Rev. C. W. Follett, under auspices of the United Sunbeams, to be held in Richmond Hill Sunday School room, Tuesday, Jan. 7th, 1936, at 8 p.m. Admission, adults 15c., children 10c. SCHOOL MEETING The annual meeting of the Rate- payers of S. S. No. 3 Markham, will be held in the school on Thursday, Dec. 26th, at 10 am. CARD OF THANKS Miss Adeline Horner wishes to thank all her kind friends and neighâ€" bours for their kind thoughtfulness in the recent loss of the barn on the property of Miss Adeline and Mrs. Chris. llorner on the Third Line of Markham Township. POULTRY EUCHRE A progressive euchre will be held in the Orange Hall, Richmond Hill, Monday evening, Dec. 30th, under the auspices of the local L.O.L. and LO. B.A. Poultry will be given for prizes. The big draw for the fowl for which tickets.ha\'e been on sale will also be made that night. The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Missionary Society of the United Church will be held in the Sun- day School room on Thursday, Jan. 2nd, at 3 pm. Mrs. W. W. Trench will review the Study Book. All ladies of the congregation are cordial- ly invited to attend. UNITED CHURCH \V.M.S. l \VATCH-NIGHT SERVICE An old-fashioned Watch-Night Ser- vice Will be held in the United Church School room on Tuesday evening next, Dec. 3lst, at 11 o’clock, conducted by the pastor, Rev. C. W. Follett, 8D. The public invited. NEW YEAR’S EVE DANCE A dance will be held in Community Hall, Victoria Square, New Year’s Eve, under the auspices of the Trus- tees of Community Hall. Olde Tyme and Modern Dancing. Good music. Lunch served. Admission, gents 35c., ladies 35c. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D., Pastor Sunday, Dec. 29th 11 a.m.â€"“Lamps gone out." ._Geo. Courtiwith happy welcome merry sound and 2'45 p-m-_Sunday 5011001 and Bible Classes. 7 p.m.-â€"â€"“As a Tale That is Told.” Old Year Services morning and evening with ‘special music by the choir. Pleasant Sunday evening in school room at close of evening service. Old time singing and Christian fellowship. Merry ChfiStmaS and a Happy New bread for one, or just a smile, or yet A hearty welcome to an Year.” â€"J. w. Perkin. l Canadian Friends: Time slips by quickly-â€"here we are on the threshold of another Christmas and looking for- ward with confidence to a New Year . ,with im roved conditions. Is the Joy that comes back to you”; p â€"Rev. J. J. Robbins. 'and abmty for development, with ‘ catch a deer is on Christmas night at We have natural resources, room Faith in ourselves, Trust in our friends and Peace on our border. If we have as much backbone as wishbone, we can look forward to a: New Year full of Happiness and Pros-i perity. And in keeping with thel season~May this Christmas be full! of, Merriment for all. ' i â€"H. H. Powers. i Just an expression of sincere ap-I preciation for pleasant and friendly It has been a year of consolation. We believe signSI are in evidence of a brighter year' Seasons Greetings and best wishes l :for Christmas and may 1936 deal", kindly with all. â€"Brown Bros. “The feet of the humblest may walk in the field i That the feet of the holiest have trod, ‘ This, this is the message by Christ- mas revealed, , That Mankind are the children of-who ,i'ist cannot bear children.” God.” , â€"Mrs. C. R. Dyke. Just a wish for a happy Christmas Day and may that Joy continue throughout a prosperous New Year. singeth all night long to frighten away water. tunate and sure of good luck for the that the under-dog is still a dog whci: 1 a simple toy, or words of praise or even goldâ€"but give them all and you will give but Joy. ODD CHRISTMAS BELIEFS Indians say that the best time to 12 o’clock, when they believe the deer kneels. Some of the Germans believe that those born on Christmas day have the power of seeing spirits and even com- manding them. A popular saying in Spain for Christ mas day is, “The bird of dawning all evil things.” In Roumania it is the custom to bless the Danube at Christmas, and a procession consisting of priests anrl‘ people dressed to represent Biblical characters moves through the streets singing chants, and so to the banks of the river. The ice is broken and a small wooden cross thrown into th' Any one who can recover the cross is regarded as extremely for~ remainder of the year. “What shall I do?” wailed the sweet young tlii: 'r. “I engaged to a m?“ "Well," remarked the kindly old lady, “you mustn't expect too mucl' of a husband.” Europe teaches us the sad lessor! -â€"Latimer Bros. you help him to get on top. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D. Cunningham Sunday, Dec. 29th 11 a.m.-â€"â€"The Minister. Theme:â€"“The Past, Present, Future." 2.45 panâ€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"â€"A night with the Choir. Thanks to all who sent in goods. Hats off to the past; coats off to the future. As a Special Christmas tiller We are continuing our INTRODUC- =‘lON SALE of ‘ RHEUMATA’ the REMEDY against dHEUMATISM NEURALGIA NEURITIS and ARTHRITIS and used EFFECTIVELY in all other cases of RI‘IEUMATIC PAINS l Buy 3. bottle for the reg. price of $1.25 i nd GET a seooud bottle for .. 251:. The final date for this sale is DECEMBER 24th, 1935 :old only by Fr. Zimmercan, Mft’r. Oak Ridges, I’.O., Ont. {L'F'llg‘f v".’- ‘ a, O O I 3 “In .»fi‘~ " ii". . i ‘ I: a i e ‘tgsagfia to the Citizens .. 1' R° h d H“ g, o ic- men 1 “it? , ,EA 7. .7- 2‘63. “V , . ca gag CHRISTMAS again furnishes the OCCHFIKII :0 wish gig each other weli. also arouses within us the int of gt? kindness, unselt‘ishness and love for others that puts. grad ourself aside: our petty thoughts are \"211‘.Zgw.ii-‘h€\il and our hearts are opened wide. with the wish to help one another in the best way that we can. forâ€" A man is at his finest towards the finish of the year. He is almost what he should be when the Christmas Season’s here: Then he’s thinking more of others than he’s thought for months before. And the laughter of his children is a joy worth toiling for, He is less a selfish creature than at any other time; \Vhen the Christmas spirit rules him he comes close to the sublime. Many of our less fortunate citizens, who lack the comforts of life. give us individually and collectively, through our Churches and other organizations, the opportunity to spread the True Christmas Spirit of Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Men. It is my sincere wish that all Citizens will have a Very Merry Christmas and will enjoy Health, Happi- ness and Prosperity during the coming year. “352234136 :13! J. A. GREENE, Reeve <eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaae amasiaamasamaama Season’s Greetings TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS. MAY HAPPINESS AND JOY BE YOURS ALONG LIFE’S WAY. JOHN JARVIS a}; CARTAGE AND MOVING Richmond Hill, Ontario i: bderry ' Christmas x To All. ***#**** Kerr Bros. y vs Two Shows Daily -- 7.30 & 9.30 â€" Sat. Matinee 2.00 p.111. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, DEC. 25-26 RICHARD M â€" “Transatlantic Tunnel” MADGE EVANS FRIDAY & SATURDAY, DEC. 27-28 â€" TWO FEATURES â€"â€" JANE WITHE’RSâ€"JOHN MCGUIREâ€"SALLY BLANE in THIS IS THE LIFE and Last Outpost MONDAY & TUESDAY, DEC. 30-31 IrcLhtCEO‘SEEE‘i: Ushaughenessv's Boy BIG NEW YEARSEVE MIDNIGHT SHOW TUESDAY, DEC. 31, AT 12.05 WHEELER AND WOOLSEY in NIT WITTS and an excellent array of short. subjects -â€" Music â€" Comedy â€" Screen Vaudeville. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, JAN. 1-2 MATINEE NEW YEARS DAY AT 2 RM. CHARLIE (HAN’S SECRET with WARNER OLANF OUR“ GANG coMEpr ‘ GARY GRANT â€"â€" GERTRUDE MICHAEL ~r"'d r, i _ . .‘d‘f’ .. ,_4‘

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