Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Dec 1935, p. 8

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WOW â€" Christmas Rosebuds â€" Courtesy Mrs. M. 0. Stiver 55 cup butter, 1A cup white sugar, 1 egg, §4 cup corn starch, % cup flour, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1 teaspoon baking powder. W%§&%Ea%& I Cream butter thoroughly, add sugar gradually and beat well, add well beaten egg, then sifted dry ingred- ients. Drop on buttered tins, make denf in top and fill with cherries or fruit. Bake in moderate oven. kawwugwmwgegrmegw W Greetings Kai FAVORITE TESTED RECIPE RHILCO anng£giQR RAMOS Wm, NEAL (\W W 'l‘ll PAGE EIGHT The Christmas Season is here again and al- though many and varied are the changes wrought by the passing of the years, the warmth of true fellowship and friendliness associated with Christ- mas never changes and it is this feeling of friend- liness and fellowship which prompts us to sincerely wish for you, that Health, Wealth and Happiness may follow a Happy Christmas Day. FORD SALES & SERVICE RICHMOND HILL Little Brothers NEW MODELS NOW IN STOCK FURNACE BLOWERS â€" WASHING MACHINES. ETC. GE'] “Mrs. Temple’s Telegram” Presented by A.Y.P.. A “Standing Room Only” sig' well might have been hung outside t1 Orange Hall on Friday night, Dec 13th, ill luck night, when you are sup posed to be surrounded by “MoodOOS‘ that follow you in all your meander ings. Well, anyway, it was the nigh chosen by ’qhe Young People of Christ WOODBRIDGE DISTRICT NEWS ONTARIO act English comedy “Mrsl Vrte Imple's Telegram" and they mazle. » mistake even though the weather as not the most promising for it had ‘iowed a good part of the day which vado getting around rather burden- :ome. The comedy was ably present- vzl to a. highly pleased audience and mention should be made of Miss Avis Poole for her skill in directing the cast. Cast of charac- ters in order of appearance are: Win- nette, a maid, Isabel Smith; Mrs. Temple, Avis Poole, Dorothy, Mrs. Temple’s sister, Betty Wallace; Jack Temple, George Davison: Mrs. Fuller, Vera Smith; Frank Fuller, Roscoe Ring; Captain Sharpe, Harry Watt; John Brown, Wilfrid Maxey; Brown, Olive Weather-ill. Rev. J. S. Roe, newly inducted min- ister of the Presbyterian Church, at- tended the funeral of Mrs. Roe’s father,, Rev. J. Stoddart, last week at Keokak. Iowa, where he was min- ister of the First Westminster Pres- byterian Church. ‘ Junior W1. December Meeting The Dedember meeting of the Junior Women’s Institute was held at the ‘home of Miss Agnes McCallum with the president, Mrs. Leo Watson, pre- special siding. The roll call “A Child’s Christmas Gift”- was liberally re- sponded to. Other items on the pro- gram were, a paper on “Home Econ- omics” by Mrs. Harry Flieldhouse, suggestions on Christmas Gifts by Evelyn Brown, and Community Sing- ing of Christmas Carols led by Mrs. ‘Lindsav Ward and Janey Nattress, ‘and a report of the Convention held lat the Royal York Hotel in November lby Jean ‘McKay and May Kersey. Lunch was served at the-,close by the hostess assisted by Reta Shaw, Reva Nattress, May Kersey, Rilla Thomson and Mrs. G. Stewart. Co-Operative Farmers Store Burglarized i I Mrs.j Burglars forced their way into the Co-operative Farmers Store on Fri- day night, Dec. 13th. and made away with a quantity of postage stamps, electric irons, tobacco, safety razors and other articles of small hardware, all of which was valued at one hun- dred_dollars. Nothing was left lay which the marauders might be traced only that a car drove through the village at 2 a.m., the occupants of which am in such a manner that Constable Fred Bagg became suspic- ious that all was not well and took the license number, and when Mr. J. G. Whitmore, Co-operative Manager, and Mr. Bagg consulted the author- ities at Queen's Park they discovered that the license plate had been trans- ferred from a Pontiac Sedan carown- ed at Waterloo to a Ford Coupe. School Section No. 13 “Yes, a carriage for the new baby, and lots of presents for a pretty healthy little family, by the look of riage and its load is going." Mrs. Wilfred R. Scott slipped and fell down stairs at her home, Pine Street, when carrying her four year old son Bobby. Dr. G. D. McLean in attendance discovered that Mrs. Scott had suffered a fractured collar bone and minor bruises while Bobby es- caped with a few scratches. Christmas Tree The first of a long list of Christâ€" mas concerts forthcoming in the dis- trict was held by School Section No. 13 “Lower 9th" on Monday night, Dec. 16th, when under the direction of Miss Esther Bessey, teacher, an ex- cellent program was provided the ratepayers and their friends. .The program included a pantomime with singing by the children; a playlet “Too Much Married” by a cast of ex- pupils, they were, Samet Williams, Ernest Root, Ethel Williams, Jean Troyer and Jack Boddy; and the Jolly Ministrels directed by George Troyer. Murray Coles, chairman. York Pioneers December Meeting It was reminiscence with the mem- bers of the York Pioneers at their December meeting held on Tues'day last when a number recalled incidents in the life of Toronto and the County. The president, Professor D. R. Keys, M.A., presided. Among other inter- esting items on the program was a letter from Lord Tweedsmiuir, Can- ada’s Governor General, read by the Secretary acknowledging the Honor- ary Membership confirmed on him by the Society. The fact that ten memâ€" bers had passed to the Great Beyond during the month of November cast a mantle of gloom over the members assembled, and it was deplored that but two new members had been taken in during- the same period. Mrs. W. 0. Duncan and Miss Jennie Devins of Emery favored the society with several pleasing duets, accompanied on the piano by Miss Hattie Riley, also of Emery. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY There is nothing more than coinci- dence in the selection of “hiccoughs,” at this festive season, as the subject for consideration. Hiccoughs are not serious in themselVes but they may be most annoying. Acting as a partition between the chest and the abdominal cavities is a particularly strong muscle, the dia- phragm. Through its action, the chest cavity is enlarged or contracted chest cavity is enlarged or COIlbl‘aE'Lcu‘ and‘ thus the diaphragm plays an im-i portant part in breathing. ; The nerve which supplies the dia- phragm, and which controls its move- ments, comes from the upper part of the spinal cord in the region of the neck. A hiccough is really a spasm of the diaphragm caused by some ir- ritation to its nerve supply. An over-dilated stomach is often responsible. This condition is seen typically in the overfed baby whose hiccoughs are relieved when, having been placed over the shoulder of his mother or his nurse and his back patted, he brings up air or milk, re- lieving the pressure and curing the hiccoughs at the same time. In later life, those who overeat or who eat too quickly may suffer in the same Way, but relief is not so easily obtained. An irritated stomach may show its irritation in hiccoughs. Stomachs may be irritated by certain foods or by undue amounts of alcohol. Fur- thermore, the liver and the gall- bladder are not far away, and if these l Phone 78 Hiccoughs may be a symptom of some disease, causing an irritation of the brain centre which controls the action of the diaphragm, or again pressure; may be exerted on this centre by some change in the brain. Here, as in all other abnormal con- ditions, treatment should be directed at the underlying cause. Sometimes a slap on the back, holding the breath, taking a sip of water or suck- lug ice will suffice. If the cause lies in an overloaded stbmach, then an emetic will usually bring all the dis- comfort to an end. organs are upset or diseased, there may be such indirect irritation to the diaphragm as to cause spasms or hiccough. I When hiccoughs persist after the usual remedies are tried, it is ad- visable to secure medical care as they may be a symptom of some condition which should not be neglected. Those who suffer from repeated attacks are advised to slow down in their eating, or to avoid highly spiced foods or the excessive use of any particular food or beverage as both are apt to be irritating when used to excess. Kings of the east and' wise men three there were I Who brought to him rare frankincense and myrrh. " So do my balsamed branches when they stir In the warm airs that move about this room, And render forth their homage in per- fume. Lift up your hearts anew, O, careworn fnen Look up with glad, believing eyes again; And, looking, see A greater thing in me Than the bare figure of a tree. Behold! in every \‘mb I thrill in praise for him For whom I stand in memory. SONG OF THE TREE Once out of midnight sweet with mys- \ tery The wonder of all wonders came to be. So shall the dawn a marvel pake of me, ‘ i For when in all my heauty I am born In the first glimmer of the Christmas morn, Angels of innocence in mortal guise Shall look upon me with their faithful 9yes; And, looking, see A greater thing in me Than the bare figure of a tree. Behold! in every limb I thrill with praise of him For whom I stand in memory. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOODBRIDGE, ONTARIO Wilfrid R. Scott Successor i0 J. J. Deane Director of ive season, as the subject ation. Hiccoughs are not thems‘UlVes but they may HICCOUGHS â€"Tom Daly. HARRY__HQEPAE_RI, Barber TED GRAINGER, Barber MERRY CHRISTMAS DAVID HILL & CO. SENDING A WISH AT THIS CHRISTMAS TIME FOR YOU, BE IT MOST MERRY AND TRUE. HOPING THE NEW YEAR BE JOYFUL AND GLAD. THE MOST PROSPEROUS AND HAP- PY THAT E’ER YOU’VE HAD. 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR Richmond Hill Dairy A FINE, ROLLICKING CHRISTMAS! AND BOUNTEOUS DAYS TO FOLLOW. ALL THIS AND MORE WE WISH YOU AT THIS HOLIDAY SEASON. HEARTIEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY CHRISTMAS SEASON TO ALL OUR CUS- TOMERS AND FRIENDS AND WE CORD- IALLY INVITE YOUR CONTINUED PAT- RONAGE AND GOOD WILL. Merry Ciiristmas A. A. EDEN RICHMOND HILL Only Half a Dozen Words But We Mean ’Emâ€" “MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR” Richmond Hill, Ontario Richmond Hill, Ontario GEORGE VVALWIN, Prop. Richmond Hill, Ontario Richmoxfd Hill, Ontario Leader Store §f§3§3§3m§3§3§3§3§m Christmas Greetmgs THURSDAY, DECEMBER Greetings AND 26th, 1935

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