Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Jan 1936, p. 2

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SIDEWALKS FOR YONGE STREET AN URGENT NECESSITY Adequate sidewalks on Yonge Street are an immediate necessity and their construction should not be any longer postponed. Recent tragic fatalities have driven home with shocking emphasis the fact that sidewalks are a necessity and that every day their construction is postponed means added toll in human life. Reeve James Cameron of Weston speaking as chair- man of the Vaughan Township nomination meeting declared that he favored having the Children’s Aid Society present a bUdget at the beginning of the year and be compelled to live within that budget. Reeve Cameron’s proposal is a good one and should have the support of his associates in County Council. There is no reason why the Society cannot present a budget at the start of the year and when that budget is presented York County Councillors will render the taxpayers a service by making sure all unnecessary frills are trimmed off and administration costs reduced. That section of Yonge Street just south of Richmond Hill is particularly hazardous and those who of necessity use this section of roadway as pedestrians at night are treading in a veritable death trap. The province and municipalities every month pay out thousands of dollars in relief payments to those who have no work. Surely this money paid out in relief could be utilized to advantage in constructing the needed sidewalks for pedestrians and in keeping the sidewalks clear of snow. The shocking fatalities and accidents on Yonge Street south of Richmond Hill must not continue. The outlay of money needed would be more than justified by the averting of one serious accident. Those who use Yonge Street, Whether as pedestrians or motorists, must not longer be faced with the danger hazards which this stretch of high- way presents day and night, but particularly after dark. An adequate sidewalk on Yonge Street south from Rich- mond Hill is an urgent necessity in the interests of safety and the preservation of human life. The expenditures of the York County Children’s Aid Society were subject to criticism at the nomination meet- ings throughout the district on Monday. It was pointed out that this Society accounted for an expenditure of $32,- 500.00 by York County in the past year. It was pointed out that the County representatives had no say in the ex- penditure of this money and that they were merely pre- sented with the demand for money and told that they had to pay. Ratepayers at the nomination meetings showed their disapproval of this method of doing business. The eagerly-awaited announcement of the Dominion government as to relief contributions has at last been made and Ontario gets a satisfactory slice of money from the Federal coffers. Starting immediately, this province is to receive $1,050,000 per month, almost double its previous al- lowance from the Dominion treasury. Other provinces are also given substantial increases amounting to 75 per cent. Just what this will mean to the hard-pressed muniâ€" cipalities is not difficult to figure out. The Ontario governu ment has maintained continuously that municipal bodies could not continue much longer to bear relief costs in their present proportion and that the burden would have to be eased. Now, that the King government hay signified its intention 0i" shouldering a greater amount of the relief burden, the Hepburn‘administration will at once take such steps as will lighten the responsibilities of the municipalities The world is always looking for men and women who are not for sale; men who are honest, and true to the heart’s core. Men who know their message and tell it; men who know their places and fill them; men who know their own business and tend to it, not other people’s busi- ness; men who will not lie, shirk or back out of difficulty; men who are not too proud or too lazy to do a little bit of work, men who are willing to eat what they have earned and wear what they have paid for; men who are not afraid to say “no” with emphasis and who are not ashamed to say, “I can’t afford it.” The establishment of a provincial income tax by which it is hoped to raise $15,000,000 in additional revenue, also enters into the relief picture. In place of their taxing priv- ileges, the municipalities will be given certain concessions in connection with relief matters. When the Ontario delegation went to the inter-pro- vincial conference at Ottawa, Hon. David Croll, welfare minâ€" ister, presented the case for Ontario as far as relief was concerned. He came prepared with figures and statistics covering every phase of the situation, and he showed in a clear-cut manner the necessity of the Dominion govern- ment contributing a larger amount towards the cost of relief. Mr. Croll convinced the Dominion cabinet that the requests were not unwarranted. The figures spoke for themselves. So much was being spent, so much was com- ing into the treasury, and the two were not balancing very well. The whole matter {vas threshed out thoroughly and the upshqt was that the Ontario delegation left for home with the assurance that an increase would be given. That promise has now been kept and the benefit of the larger contribution will be passed on to some extent to those who need it. Every citizen is a shareholder in the community and as such on one day in the year is asked to take part in the election of those who are to carry on the business of the municipality for the coming twelve months. The good citizen gives serious thought to municipal elections and vlection day records his vote. Indifference is the greatest potential enemy of good government. An interested electorate is the best guarantee of good government. Mon- day next is municipal election day in this district, and We hope the vote in the various municipalities will be large and representative. It was a Christmas box from the Dominion government to the Ontario governmentâ€"the best kind of gift that could be made. J. Eachern Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Subscription $1.50 per year â€" To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District Advertising Rates on Application. TELEPHONE 9. THE KIND THE WORLD IS LOOKING FOR Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO., LTD. THE CHILDREN’S AID SOCIETY PAGE TWO THE CITIZEN AND THE VOTE A RAY HOPE FOR THE MUNICIPALITIES THE LIBERAL (Counting on Trade) The Liberal administration is bank- ing heavily on the restoration of in- ternational trade to bring about better times. They argue that the depres- sion resulted from the barriers creat- ed by legislators in the form/0f tariffs, quotas, exchange restrictiOns and so forth. These damned up the streams of commerce and created stagnation everywhere, thus undoing and thwarting the advances of science and engineering and destroying the gains which are obtained when each country does the thing it is best fitted to do and exchange its own Specialy lines fer the specialty lines of other countries. They argue that high tariffs result in costly and uneconomic proâ€" duction, which lowers the demand and the consumption of goods. If the world moves with Canada tow-1"": lower tariff barriers, they argue, 1936 will see further improvement every- where. The European war threat is the most menacing cloud on the Can- adian business horizon; There are enough restrictions on commerce now, and enough debts, without a major cataclysm coming along before the world has recovered from the last one, they feel. That might be the last straw. a continuation of the same upward trend. But there is no longer any easy optimism that unemployment will soon be a thing of the past,‘or that budgets will easily balance, or that the standard of living of the masses will quickly rise to a more respectable level. Most observers'now are pleas- ed to feel that the movement will at least continue upward. (Bright Spots of 1935) What were the developments of 1935 which suggest that times are grdwing better? Employment fig- ures rose; external trade gained con- siderable; the wheat problem grew less acute; production of automobiles, boots and shoes, electric power, sev- eral metals climbed to higher levels. The primary producer in many areas obtained somewhat better prices for his commodities. The newsprint in- dustry at least became no worse. Federal revenues climbed slightly. The cost of money fell, governments being able to borrow at record low levels. Trade barriers were lowered slightly. Some measure of confidence returned into the business world. The stock market, which usually acts as On the other side of the ledger the picture is still dark. In spite of gains in employment, there are still be- twen 400,000 and 500,000 Canadians, it would appear, unable to find em- ployment. There are 200,000 families on relief, and a large army of single men and women also, the grand total 'a barometer of business prospects, pointed to better weather ahead. Perhaps that is why the forecasts this year are a little more sober and cautious. It is quite true that meas- ured by the usual standards, the year 1935 saw a substantial movement to- ward better times. It is also true that indications mainly point toward being over the million mark. There is not a single provincial budget which balances, after taking into ac- count special expenditure, and taxes are about at their peak, so that re- lief on that side of the balance sheet is impossible. The debts of public bodies continue to grow alarmingly. The federal debt has grown about 800 million dollars since the beginning of the depression. The railway problem grOWs no simpler as time goes on. The movement of traffic by rail is discouraging low. Volumn of move- ment on the railways in 1935 was only about 70 per cent of the volumn in ‘ 1926. While trucks and buses explain part of this reduction, it is still a startling commentary on the sluggish- ness of business. Allowing for the long-term trend, internal and external ‘ movement of goods ought by now to be 20 per cent above the 1926 levels, not 30 per cent below it. It will take a continuation of the steep increase in employment of the past summer for another two years before the present unemployed are back in in- dustry. It will take several years of similar gains in federal revenues be- fore a balanced budget can be achieved. Ottawa, Dec. 31stâ€"A popularifipasi- time among the commentators at this season of the year is to look back over the 12 months just past and try to predict, from thr general trend of the times, what the coming year is likely to bring. Ever since the de- pression began, prophets have arisen from time to time to say that “prosâ€" perity is just around the corner” and some of the rosy predictions issued on the lst of January in the years 1930, 1931, 1932 make pathetic reading now. Instead of things rapidly ‘getting back’, to the levels of 1928 and 1929, they‘rapidly and emphatically grew worsei Theflitawa Spotlight By Wilfrid Eggleston THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO The writer although walking on the street car track escaped being killed by a. motorist driving his car across the tracks when crowded out by a large truck last summer. Only yes- terday a child was run over but for- tunately not badly hurt. / During the past week or so a tragedy took place in which a young man in the prime of life was run into by a motorist and allowed to freeze after being apparently thrown into the ditch. Then again a young woman on a Sunday evening was run down by a motorist and is now suf- fering from the effects in a hospital. Is this thing to go on? Mothers send ing children to school in the village are in terror until they see their chil- dren safely home. Are these young innocent lives to be taken due to the absolute niggardliness and wanton carelessness on the part of municiâ€" palities supposed to be Christian? On Sundays parents are 'afraid to send their children to church and sun- day school as traffic is worse on that day than any other. In summer with people pleasure mad and in winter city people coming to the country for winter sports walking is very danger- ous. Editor of The Liberal In spite of men being out of work for some years who might have been employed making at least cinder paths for the people living below the hill in the c‘ommunity, what has been done? Nothing. ' ' ir Tickets and Full Information from Agents at Toronto and all adjacent C.N.R. Stations. PHONE AD. 7011 m Round Trip D Current Thought] yr. E] Pictorial Review. . .1 yr. D Canadian Magazine 11r- I: Nationafi Home Monthly .. .. ..1 yr. D Canadian Horticulture 8: Home Magazine 1 yr. Riviera Du Loup . . . S Cacouna . . . . St. Arsene . . Isle Verte . . . St. Eloi. . . . . . . Tobin . . . . . . . Trois Pistoles St. Simon . . ,. . . St. Fabien . . . . Bic . . . . . . . Sacre Coeur . Rimouski . . . . . . Amqui,Montjoli,Mataped.iai Sayabeclggusapscal, Gaspé STATIONS THURSDAY, JAN. 9 Letters From The People ProvinceTgf Quebec NeW’Brunswick’ Here is a real offer that will _sav'e you money . . . Give yourself and your family lasting enioyment and enter- tainment the whole year through . a . This is all you have to do. rsene . . lerte . . . loi. . . . 1 . . Pistoles . 'Lmon . . ,. abien . . ,Coeur. ., ‘uski. . . 6% $12.00 ARGAIN EXCURSION FARES Fro'm TORONTO- $10.60 10.70 10.75 10.90 11.00 11.10 11.15 11.30 11.50 ‘ 11.70 11.80 11.90 Please for the sake at least of little children cannot something be done for their safety as well as the safety of grown-ups who pay their taxes regularly. (By Charles Dickens) They are idols of hearts and of households, They are Angels of God in disguise, His sunlight still sleeps in their tresses, His glory still gleams in their eyes; Oh those truants from home and from Trusting the 1936 councils will take immediate action on this important matter, heaven, They have made me more manly and mild, And I know how Jesus could liken The Kingdom of God to a child. History of self determination: (1) “We are a poor persecuted minority.” (2) “Now we have the upper hand, let’s get even." 74 Yonge St. Return W? ROOFING, EAVESTROUGHING CHIMNEYS BUILT & REPAIR” CONCRETE WORK SEPTIC TANKS INSTALLED FURNACES BARN a STABLE EQUIPMENT MILK COOLEBS Lon« Via C. N. Rlys. east of Montreal to all points shown above. Lv. Toronto (Union Station) JAN. 9â€"9.15 8.111., 11.30 p.111. PWS THURSDAY, JAN. 9 To Prince Edward Island 95LINTS Return MAIL COUPON TODAY R. H. KANE This wonderful offer is avail- able to old and new subscrib- ers to this newspaper. We guarantee the fulfillment of all magazine subscriptions and you have positive assurance that this generous offer is exactly as represented. Re- newals will be extended for full term shown. Our Guarantee to You! Sydney, Halifax THE CHILDREN Yarmégth,_ f $16.00 A Lover of Children LIBERAL ’M’IT’ Please clip list of Magazines after checking 3 Publica- tions desired Fill out coupon carefully. Gentlemen: I enclose 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . Please send me the three magazines checked with a, year's subscription to your newspaper. NAME STREET OR RED. . . . . . . . TOWNANDPROVINCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phone 91” Return THURSDAY, JANUARY 2nd, 1936 LORD SOMERS ACTING FOR BADEN-POWELL As Acting Chief Scout during his absence in South Africa, Lord Baden- Powell has appointed Lord Somers, former Governor and Chief Scout for the State of Victoria, Australia. THOUGHT THE “TALKIES” WERE GHOSTS A Boy Scout talkie” film, the first shown at a Methodist missionary school in Ceylon, created a near panic. The children thought the figures on the screen were talking ghosts. Funny land! Jailing bandits and doing nothing to “agents” who dry- clean trusting amateur authors.” Special low admission fees will ad- mit Boy Scouts to the famous London Zoo after the New Year. AN ULSTER SCOUT BAZAAR An old English village, including castle, lych-gate and maypole, was the setting of the Ulster Boy Scouts’ Bazaar, at King’s Hall, Belfast. Her Grace the Duchess of Abercorn was Chairman. 9.05 p.m.:' 11.15 p.rn. : "11.30 p.m. JANUARY 11â€"9.15 un. RETURN LIMIT JANUARY 13 OTTAWA - - $5.00 MONTREAL - $6.00 QUEBEC - - - $9.25 STE. ANNE de BEAUPRE $9.85 FRI., SAT. JAN. 10-“ TFor MONTREAL and QUEBEC Lv. Toronto (Union Station) JANUARY 10-11â€"1135 p.m. JANUARY 11â€"9.1 5 mm. Lv. TorontoXUnion Station) JANUARY 10-11 7‘F or OTTAWA Hsee below)

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