Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Jan 1936, p. 4

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I AM A CANDIDATE FOR COUNCILLOR FOR THE YEAR 1936 AND IF ELECTED I WILL WORK FOR THE PROGRESS OF RICHMOND HILL AND STRIVE TO GUARD THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE RATEPAYERS. P. C. HILL NEAL ALEX LITTLE James McLean TO THE ELECTORS OF RICHMOND HILL “BILL” Reeve 1936 "2:;A..;‘,;Councillor for 1936 YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED TO ELECT During the past three years our tax rate has been reduced by five mills and our financial position as a municipality improved. If this record of administration meets with your approval I would appreciate your vote for re-election. (A Returned Soldier) “BILL NEAL FOR A NEW DEAL” PAGE FOUR Having served for the past three years on the Municipal Council as your representative, I would be pleased to serve you again as councillor if my record of service meets with your approval. CAREFUL ATTENTION TO CIVIC BUSINESS EFFICIENCY AND ECONOMY CONSISTENT WITH PROGRESS H. J. MILLS TO THE ELECTORS OF RICHMOND HILL James Butler TO THE ELECTORS OF RICHMOND HILL TO THE ELECTORS OF RICHMOND HILL Re--Elect COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON TO ALL Councillor for 1936 TO THE ELECTORS OF RICHMOND HILL Councillor for 1936 ELECT ELECTORS 0F RICHMOND HILL REF LECT YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED TO RE-ELECT Reeve for 1936 TO THE ELECTORS OF ‘ . RICHMOND HILL [VICTORIAâ€""SQUARE Haig; Assistant, Frank Brumwell; Primary, Ethel Mortsnn, to choose as- sistant; Beginners, Mrs. H. Collard; Assistant, Mrs. H. Barber. Motions were made in regard to material for primarv room, a lookâ€"out committee for a piano and a donation toward the church. At the close of the meeting the customary season’s gift was made to the minister and caretaker. The first meeting for 1936 of the W.M.S. will be held in the Sunday School room on Wednesday, Jan. 8th, at 2.30 pm. The ladies and girls in the community are kindly urged to come and have their names placed on the roll at this meeting in readiness for the year’s activities. A good pro- gram is being prepared and all are cordially invited. A meeting of the caste of “The Alley Daffodil” was held in the home of Mrs. Willows on Friday evening- to close accounts for the season. A donation was made to the Community Hall to cover the final debt and a theatre party planned. This resulted in the members and their friends en- joying- a show New Year’s night fol- lowed by an oyster supper at the home l of Miss Thelma Hart who generously offered to act as hostess. ‘ On Tuesday evening, Jan. 7th, a public .meeting will be held in the Community Hall to hear reports on the year’s work and to appoint trus- tees for the Hall for 1936. All are welcome to this meeting. Collard. Mrs. Ratcliffe; Song Leader, Laura Gee; Assistants, Marion Smith, Dorothy Oliver; Librarians, Harold Mortson and Douglas Gee; Lantern Operator, Alvin Caseley: Teachers, Adult Bible Class, L. L. Nicholls; As- sistant, Mrs. R. F. Boynton; Junior Girls, Dorothy Valliere; Assistant, Bessie Valliere; Junior Boys, Mrs. W. “Ring in the New.” Happy New Year to all readers of The Liberal. Christmas passed quietly with many home gatherings and the usual festiv- ities. for 1935 was in charge or 11<U\uu Hendrick, recreation convenor. In the worshin service fitting for this New Year season Fraser Gee led in pray- er. Alvin Caseley read the scripture, Mr. Avison sang, and Laura Gee gave a reading. Gordon Glenister. in his well-delivered topic, placed a rousing challenge before Canadian young peo- ple. anzl Marion Smith gave a splen- did reading‘. In the business seSsion Thelma Hart was apbointed to re- place Lor'ne Mortson as a- delegate to Pickering College Conference. Lorne has been fortunate in securing a school rear Oshawa and will be leav- ing our community-this Week. / On Monday evening a very\ fair representation of Sunday School mem- bers met in the basement of the church for the annual meeting with Rev. J. McDonald in charge. Reports given showed fair interest in the work, a considerable decrease in at- tendance and a good financial balance. The following slate of officers was the result of the election: Superin- tendent, Mr. R. F. Boynton; Assist- ants, E. Avison, H. P. Collard, R. F. Klinck and F. D. Gee: Secretary, Fraser Gee; Assistants, Frank Brum- well and Alvin Caseley; Treasurer, Wilmot Brumwell; In charge of Home Department, Mabel Caseley; Pianist, Pearl Caseley; Assistants, Mrs. H. F. This is the wish We extbnd to you outside of our community and in it. At Y.P.S. on Sunday evening there was a fine attendance. This was the last meeting of the year and Miss Jean Hadwin was in charge. After the opening exercise’s Mary Carson read the lesson and Harry Cunning- ham one of Edgar Guests poems on Christmas. Little Misses Ruth and Audrey Oliver gave a pantomime on the Christmas Carol “Asleep in a Manger.” This number was well pre- sented and with the colored lights looked beautiful. Also lantern slides on a trip through Europe were en- joyed. Once more Christmas is. come and gone. Concerts in the schools and by the Sunday School were enjoyed this year and many were the happy family gatherings in homes in this district. The closing meeting of the Y.P.S. for 1935 was in charge of Harold Hendrick, recreation convenor. In the worship service fitting- for this New Year season Fraser Gee led in pray- er, Alvin Caseley read the scripture, Mr. Avison sang, and Laura Gee gave Mr. Eddie Simni visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. MacDonald last Friday Mr. E. Marwood ’5 visiting his son Dr. L. Marwood in Thornhill. Master Glen and Miss Audrey Mur- ray of Port Hope are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Diesman. Mr. J. McLaughlin spent Christ- mas with his son Walter in Toronto. Mrs. Moody visited her sister Miss Ella McLaughlin. Friends of Mrs. Frank Pieroey who has been in poor health for some time hope she Will soon be feeling quite well again. Annoving experience: Anything It is Very that would have seemed an adventure keep 3- secre‘ when you were 20 years younger. 'bathinE snit- THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO TESTON‘ Miss Doris Cook was re-elected as President of the Young People's Soâ€" ciety at the annual business meeting and convenors and committees were appointed. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Keys' and daughters and Mr. E. Mathewson and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Keys. At the annual meeting on Thursday of last week the trustees W. Oliver, R. D. McNaughton and George Math- eson were all re-appointed. Mr. and Mrs. C. Robeson spent Christmas with Mrs. Dundas and daughters in Toronto. Rev. A. M. and Mrs. Partridge, Desmond and Mrs. Bower spent Christmas Day with Rev. G. Coulter and family in Toronto. Mr. G. Lawrie has gone to spend a couple of weeks with friends near Kincardine. The children of St. Stephen’s Sab- bath School were treated lo a supper in the Parish Hall on the Monday evening before Christmas. At the last meeting of the Mission- ary Society all of the officers were re-elected for the coming year. Mrs. W. Keffer, of Niagara-onâ€"the- Lake, and Miss Marion Keffer of To- ronto are spending the week with friends here. Rev. R. K. Lambert of Horning’s Mills spent the week-end at Mr. H. C. Bailey’s. There was a good attendance at the concert given by the pupils of Maple Public School and the Sabbath Schools of St. Andrew’s and the Unitâ€" ed Churches. The drills, chorus-es, dialogues and recitations were well given and the play featuring the dream by Helen Cousins, of the wedâ€" ding of the tin soldier, Bruce Laver, and the D011, Agnes Kinnee, had 2, beautiful effect. In changing the character of Scrooge, Desmond Par- tridge and several other boys did some good. acting. The play Mortgaging the Farm was Well reCeived. The con- cert ended with the distribution of many gifts by' Santa Claus. / Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rose spent Christmas Day with their family in Toronto. The Masonic Hall was filled on the evening of Dec. 18th., at the concert given by the pupils nf Hope Public School and an interesting play was contributed by the ex-pupils. A love- ly /tree held many gifts for all. The pupils were trained by Miss Doris Cook who received a beautiful Vanity Case for her work, and the teacher Mr. H. McDonalH was presented with a Leather Travelling Case. The Girls’ Baseball Team and their friends held a grand banquet in the Masonic Hall last Friday evening. Misses Dorothy and Marjorie Brown ‘ of McKeesport, Pa., are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bailey. EXPRESS THANKS The Vaughan Workers Social Club take this opportunity to thank the fol- lowing donators: Vaughan Council, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Horton, Mrs. “Tod” Watson, James Vanderburgh, William Espey, Burwick’s Grocery Store, Langstaff, E. T. Stephens, Mrs Tom Ransom, J. B. McLean, Dr. Wes- l'ey, Langstaff Coal Company, Col. W. P. Mulock M.P., Rev. N. H. Noble, Charlton’s Grocery Store, J. D. Pat- terson, Thornhill Women’s Institute, Major and Mrs. Basher, R. W. Scott, J. A. Dick, B. Weldrick, Reeve Kel- lam, J. E. Smith “The Liberal,” A. Friend in Thornhill, Mrs. Gillard, Grocer. Councillor in Vaughan Township in 1935 who was promoted to the office of Deputy-Reeve for 1936 by the electors. Through the kindness of these do- nators it made it possible for the As~ sociation with the assistance of the relief officer to supply 84 families with Christmas boxes containing good substantial goods for Christmas. Once again we thank yo ufor your co-operation and wish you a Happy New Year. Yours truly, Vaughan Workers Social Club, J. P. Sparkes, President. It is very difficult for a woman to keep a. secret, especially in a modern BOYNTON WELDRIC‘K MAPLE OIL BURNERS for stoves, heaters and furnace. Used stoves and fur- naces, blowers and repairs. R. H. Kane, 74‘Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, phone 92F. No. 112 North Yonge Street, Rich- mond Hill, brick house, six rooms, furnace, hard and soft water, garage and hen house. Apply John McLean, 21 Church Street, Richmond Hill. SAND & GRAVEL, Cement bloeks, buildings raised. John Jarvis, Rich- mond Hill. telephone 94M. APPLES, Telman Sweets and Cook- ing Apples. We deliver. Hem-y Winger, Maple, telephone Maple 2964. from high testing dam now making nice record, fully accredited herd. A. Forrest, Maple, phone 3062. BEAUTIFUL PAIR Russion Wolf Hounds, also Cocker Spaniel Pup/s and Grown Dogs in red and black. Bower- bank, Stop 17A :Yonge St., Thornhill. ALBERTA COAL, stove size, $9.50 per ton delivered ton lots or ‘more. Other coals, coke, etc. Good Hard- wood 1’or 4 ft. lengths. Langstaff Coal and Supply, phone T'hornhill 73. FOR SALE OR RENTâ€" 100 PULLETS, ROCKS, white and buff Leghorns, would exchange for Cockerels or old hens. Bowerbank, Stop 17A Yonge St., Thornhill. WILL PAY CASH for 1928 to 1933 car. Strictly firivate. State partic- ulars to Box 73 The Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. - SIXTEEN PIGS, six weeks old. Ap- ply Walter Reaman, phone Maple 1564 18 PUREBRED Yorkshire Pigs, 7 weeks old. Apply Ira M. Noble, Maple, phone Maple 2331. HOLSTEIN BULL, 7 months old, The president and members of the Women’s Institute, having brought Christmas Cheer to a number of needy families in this district, by sending decorated baskets filled with allxkinds of good things, are apprec- iative and wish to thank the friends who so generously assisted by their donations. ‘ Wm. Riddell, J. E. Francis and W. Ball were again elected by acclamation as trustees to serve in the Corporation of the Police Village of Thornhill for the year 1936, at the meeting of the municipal electors held on Monday night in Victoria Hall for the nomi- nation. Annual School Meeting The annual school meeting of school Section No. 1 Vaughan and Markham was held last Thursday night, Dec. 26th, in the Public School. Mr. N. J. Smollie was appointed chairman and Mr. Gordon Campbell secretary of the meeting. The inspectors report was very satisfactory, also the trustees report. A vote of appreciation was extended to Mr. A. Brillinger, the retiring trustee, for his work during his t’wo terms of office. Mr. Harry Simpkins was appointed to take his place for the ensuing term of three years. Mr. N. L. Morton is chairman of the board and Dr. J. R. Campbell secretary and treasurer. Anna Horan, daughter of the late Michael and Margaret Horan, passed away at her home here last Saturday evening, Dec. 28th. Miss Horan was 79 years of age and has' been a res:- dent of Thornhill all her life. The funeral, which was largely attended,, was held on Tuesday at 9.30 a.m. Requiem Mass at 10 conducted by Rev. E. Keane and Father Coles- at St. Lukes Church. The pallbearers were Efl'. Seager, Mike Picket. Jim Fisher, Wilfred Brown. Jack Banner. and Jake Corbett. Interment took place at St. Lukes Cemetery. A meeting of the Young Ladies Class of the United Church will be held next Thursday evening, Jan. 9H1, at 8 o’clock, at the home of Miss Elizabeth Smellie. All members are asked to be present. Mr. Gordofi Brown of Timmins vis- ited with his family over Christmas. MISCELLANEOUS “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT” RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. THORN HILL FOR SALE THURSDAY, JANUARY 2nd, 1936 COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON 5 ROOM BRICK HOUSE, good cellar, furnace, garage, 35 Benson Avenue. Apply H. Stanford, 11 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. mond Hill. All modern conveniences, rent reasonable. Apply J .R. Her- rington, Richmond Hill, telephone 87. HOUSE on Centre Street East. Ap- ply Mrs. J. A. Greene, Richmond Hill BLACK KNITTED GLOVE ‘with- brown leather palm on Yonge Street opposite Davies Dry Goods Store,. Tuesday afternoon. Finder kindly re- turn to A. J. McLatchy, 153 YOnge‘ j Street, Richmond Hill. v‘ ‘ WEDNESDAY, JAN. 22ndâ€"Auc-â€" tion sale of farm stock, implements,. furniture, etc., the property of Wilr liam Shaw, Lot 28 and 29, Con. 8, Vaughan, 1 mile north of Kleinburgm Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. No re» serve as farm is sold. J. C. Saigeon; and M. McEwan, Auctioneers. JOB ON FARM FOR winter by good' man, best of references. Apply to- Box 84, The Liberal Office. Used Cars sale of stock, feed, furniture, etc., the‘ propert of Reginald Winter, at King- City. §ale at 1 o’clock. Positively no reserve. Terms cash. At the same time a frame barn with cement' foundation size 18 by 28 will be ofâ€" fered for sale. F. A. Egan, Auctionâ€" eer. Nelson 1935 DeLUXE \TUDOR 1935 FORD COUPEâ€"Rumble Seat. Beautiful condition. 1934 FORD V-8 DeLUXE COUPEâ€" Rgmble Seat. Like New. 1933 FORD V-8 TUDORâ€"Excellent Christian 1932 FORD V-8 CABRIOLETâ€" Rumble Seat. A Sporty Car. 1932 CHEVROLET COACHâ€"“10r- oughly Reconditioned. 1931 FORD TUDORâ€"Good Condition. All Ford cars guaranteed for 30 du- Little Brothers YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE RESPECTF'ULLY SOLICITED T0 ELECT Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL, ONTAR'IO COUNCILLOR 1936 THURSDAY, JAN. 9thâ€"Auction‘ ROOM BRICK HOUSE in Rich- condition. SA LE REGISTER TO THE ELECTORS 0F RICHMOND HILL T0 RENT $635.00 $450.00 $585.00 WANTED $550.00 ’ $250.00 $350.00 $350.00 LOST

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