Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Jan 1936, p. 6

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YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED T0 ELECT Robson Councillor 1936 Duckett COUNCILLOR 193B Vote and Work for Election of John Hostrawsgsr Couneiifior for 1936 TO THE ELECTORS OF VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP IT IS A SATISFACTION TO ME TO KNOW THAT THE MEASURE OF SERVICE I HAVE BEEN ABLE TO RENDER IN PAST YEARS AS YOUR COUNCILLOR HAS MET WITH YOUR APPROVAL AND I WILL STRIVE TO CONTINUE TO MERIT YOUR CONFIDENCE. PLEASE >ACCEPT MY APP RECIATION FOR MY ELECTION BY ACCLAMATION AS DEPUTY-REEVE FOR 1936. TO THE ELECTORS OF VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP Your Vote and Influence Respectfully Solicited to Elect THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON TO ALL Your Vote and Influence Respectfully Solicited t0 Re-Elect J. A. DICK THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON TO ALL BOYNTON WELDRICK To Electors of» Vaughan Township JAMES T0 Electors 0f Vaughan Township To Electors of Vaughan Township PAGE .SIX Councillor for 1936 Councillar 1936 DUNMN McMURWY Compliments of the Season to all TO THE ELECTORS OF VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP Re-Eiect Councillor Boynton Weldrick thank- ed the electors for the support in the past ‘and announced that he would be a candidate for deputy-reeve. Speak- ing of the township roads Mr. Wel- drick expressed the opinion that the various road commissioners should have made more free use of road drags. “If our roads had been drag- Deputy-Reeve R. W. Scott thanked the ratepayers for their generous support in past years and announced that he would be a candidate for the 1936 reeveship. The genial deputy- reeve congratulated the ratepayers on the large attendance at the nomina- tion meeting. It is evidence of your interest in municipal affairs, he said. Dealing with township and county affairs Mr. Scott stressed the fact that the administration of municipal business was not an easy task in these very strenuous times. He regretted that in 1935 it had been necessary to make an increase in the tax levy. However, those in charge of the town- ship affairs had no alternative as the township obligations had to be met. The matter of tax arrears represent- ed a serious problem, he said, and the considerable amount outstanding made township financing difficult and in- terest charges high. A feature of county administration which came under fire from Deputy-Reeve R. W. Scott was the Children’s Aid Society which this year cost the county $32,- 500.00. He said that he felt the county should have more control of an expenditure of this proportion. Reeve Kellam gave an interesting review of township and county af- fairs and announced that he was re- tiring from municipal affairs. Re- ferring to County problems he said that the southern municipalities which in recent years had been experiencing extreme hardships were struggling along and doing their best under very difficult circumstances. The retiring reeve expressed his sincere thanks to the ratepayers of Vaughan for their kindness to him during the years he held public office. I appreciate your confidence in electing me during all these years, said Mr. Kellam, and I wish the Township of Vaughan and all its people, the very best in the coming year. As it is, he said, we’re‘just'presented with the bill and told that we have to pay. Reeve James Cameron of Weston. a former reeve of Vaughan and an ex-warden of the County. was ap- pointed as chairman of the public meeting following the formal nomi- nation proceedings conducted by J. B. McLean, clerk and treasurer. The nomination meeting held at Vellore Monday afternoon was large- ]y attended, but was featured by a scarcity of anything in the nature of “fireworks” and it was one of the quietiest nomination meetings heid in recent years. The polls oven at 9 a.m. and close at 7 ram. and the six man race for vouncil while not attracting as much interest as if there had been a con- fest for the two higher offices gives promise of being: closelywontested. Reeve George Kellam, York Coun- tv’s 1935 Warden. announced at the nomination meeting: last Mondav that he was retiring from municipal life land the only ones nominated for the office were deputy-reeve R. W. Scott and former d-eputy-reeve R. W. Docks. Mr. Books for a time was undecided 1as to his intentions but early on ‘Tuesday intimated that he did not ‘ intend to contest the reeveship against Mr. Scott. Councillors Duncan McMurchy and J. A. Dick, members of the 1935 conn- cil, are seeking re-election and there are four other aspirants. Best known‘ of the contenders is ex-reeve James Robson who is this vear a candidate for council. for some time has been mentioned as a likely candidate. is in the field. He is a broth-er of Peel Countv’s 1935 Warden. Nelson Duckett, who was a candidate in 1935. is again in the field and the other contender is C. Baker of Richvale. | John Hostrawser, who‘ ' Acciamation for Reeve and Deputy, Six Man Race for Ceuneii in Vaughan Twp. Ior Boynton Weldrick also getting an acclamation for the office of deputy- reeve. Robert W. Scott beimz elected reeve for 1936 by acclamation and councilâ€" Electors of Vaughan Township will go to the polls on Monday next to elect three councillors, deputy-reeve ROBERT W. SCOTT ELECTED REEVE AND BOYNTON VVELDRICK DEPUTY-REEVE â€" SIX SEEK THREE COUNCIL SEATS ~§ THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARTO Wilbur _Keffer spa-Re on behalf or T. M. Baker, nominated for the of- fice of deputy-reeve. Mr. Keffer pointed out that Edgeley has never had a reeve and he ,was hopeful Mr.‘ Baker would again enter the council and contest the deputy-reeveship. The genius is always photographedI with his chin in his hand. That is the But you can’t be truly tolerant unâ€" only way he can keep it still. less you are tolerant of the intolerant. Nominations were as follows: Reeve George Kellam by L. S. Livingstone and M. M. Coles; Robert W. Dooks by Elmore Witherspoon and Henry Hilliard; Robert W. Scott by T. A. Keffer and J. B. Plunkett. Deputy-Reeve: William Boynton Weldriclc by Charles Kerr and Wil- bert Witherspoon; R. W. Scott by Geo. Brownlee and Geo. Cooper; T. M. Baker by Wilbur L. Keffer and A. E. Reaman. Councillors: James Albert Dick by E. M. Wardlaw and Arthur Hambly; Boynton Weldrick by J. J. Lees and A. L. McNeil; Cyril George Baker by James Stephenson and W. Heron; John Hostrawser by John H. Kellam and Charles K. Johnston; Nelson Sam uel Duckett by S. MacPherson and J. P. Sparkes; Duncan McMurchy by R. W. Docks and J as. Stephenson; James H. Robson by George Brownlee and John Phillips. George Brownlee spoke as the nomiâ€" nator of James Robson who was abâ€" sent. Mr. Brownlee stated that he felt that Mr. Robson, with his long municipal experience, would add to the strength of the council if he would consent to stand for councillor. N. S. Duckett, who was a candidate for council last year, said he didn’t really think there was any need for an election this- year, but if there should be an election he probably would he a candidate. John Hostrawser said that he would be a candidate for council and if elect- ed by the ratepayers to this respon- sible office he would give the position his very best attention and strive to serve the best interests of the people of Vaughan Township. Cyril Baker said that he had been a resident of the township for fifteen years and would be a candidate for council. He advocated tax collections on a commission basis, the more the collector collected the more he should be paid. He pointed out that while the tax rate went up and the council were unable to do some things they had raised the salary of the road superintendent and were paying a big- salary to the relief officer. lin improving the town hall, They! lhave accomplished a real improve-l iment and the cost to the township 1was very small. Councillor Dick pointed out that the increase in the tax rate this year was due to the, deficit at the end of 1934. He crit- icized the use of the township truck} and expressed the belief that trucks: could be hired at less money than it, took to operate the township trucki He favored using screened gravel on‘ the roads. We must stop using pitl run gravel, he said. R. W. Dooks said that he guessed he had sinned in the eyes of some by not opposing Reeve Kellam for the reeveship last year, Knowing his. chances for the wardenship- I did not run against Mr. Kellam, he said, but if the electors could reinstate him where he left off he might be a can- didate for reeve. l i r Councillor J. A. Dick, who is com-! pleting his first year as a member of the c mncil, paid tribute to the Junior; Farmers, the Women’s Institute and the Vellore Old Boy's for their work! Councillor Duncan McMurchy, who has been laid up in recent months due to injuries, was able to attend the nomination meeting and he expressed his intention of being a candidate for council for the coming year. Mr. Mc- Murchy in discussing- township af- fairs observed that it was unfortun- ately true that prices of farm pro- duce were low, taxes seemed high and hard to raise. ged more in October, they would be better for it,” he said. I know some commissioners may be busy, but if you're busy, give your neighbor a chance of the job, was Mr. Weldrick’s suggestion. It is a serious thing to raise the tax rate in times like these, he said, but we have to maintain our financial position and meet our obli- gations and we saw no alternative. The Week of Prayer will be ob- served' next week in the various churches. Joint prayer services will be held in Lansing United, St. Geo- rges (Anglican), Willowdale (United). Westminster Presbyterian and New- tonbrook United, starting Monday evening, Jan. 6th, and continuing all week. The critic is funny. He sneers at “amateur messiahs,” and then he says in effect: “Accept my ideas; I am the true Light.” There was a large congregation at both services last Sunday in the United Church. The pastor delivered messages in keeping with the close of the Old Year. At the evening service the Harmony Brass Quartette of the 48th Highlanders Band In Canada gave special numbers and as- sisted the choir in leading the Christ? mas Carol Service in which all heart- ily joined. The carol service was very much enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobney, Mr. F'. Locksley, Mr. J. Bates and Mr. A. Tibbitts of Toronto attended service at the United Church last Sunday evening. The Girls Mission Circle will meet at the parsonage next Tuesday eve- ning, Jan. 7th, at 8 o’clock. The Women’s Association meeting is postponed until Thursday, Jan. 91:11. It will be held at the home of the President. Mrs. W. T. Wells. A quiet wedding took place last Saturday at 2.30 p.m. at Newton~ brook United Church parsonage with Rev. A. H. Halbert officiating when Miss Edith Margaret Patterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Pat: terson of Alliston, was» united in ma:- riage to Mr. Victor Norman Kerr, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Kerr of Alliston. The bride was becomingly attired in a brown cosâ€" tume with matching accessories and wore a corsage bouquet of talisman roses. They will reside on St. Clair Ave. East, Toronto. M1“. and Mrs. Harold Moore held a family gathering: on Christmas Day. Miss G. Edward is spending the holiday with friends at Port Elgin. Mrs. C. Dempsey spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. George Dempsey at Lansing. Mr. J. Wells and Mrs. Wells Sn, Misses Jean and B. Stevenson of To- ronto, Miss Gladys Scrimegeour and Ralph of Oshawa and Miss S. M. Stevenson of Highland Cre'ek were Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.’T. Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pinder en- tertained the Finder family on Christmas. Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Halbert spent Christmas with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. Pharoah motored to Guelph on Christmas énd spent the holiday with the formers brother. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Newson who were recently married. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jacks of Drewry Ave. held a family gathering at their home on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Johnson and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Burbidge spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. ani Mrs. George Lockyer. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Danby motored to Weston on Christmas and spent the day with Mrs. Danby’s sister. Miss Gladys Scrimegeour and Mr. Ralph Scrimegeour of Oshawa are spending their holidays with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Wells. Miss Ruth Allan spent Christmas holidays with her parents at Cale- donia. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, Misses Bertha and Irene Smith spent Christ- mas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Carson at Teston. Communion Services will,.be held in Newtonbrook United Church next Sunday morning at 11 o’clock Sunday School at 10 am. Evening Service at 7 pm. A Happy New Year to the Liberal Staff and all its readers. NEWTONBROOK I DESIRE TO EXPRESS TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN MY SINCERE THANKS FOR THE CONFIDENCE THEY HAVE SHOWN IN ME BY MY ELEC- TION AS REEVE BY ACCLAMATION FOR 1936. I ASSURE YO'U THAT IT WILL BE MY CONSTANT EF- FORT TO GIVE THE INTERESTS OF VAUGHAN RATEPAY- ERS MY VERY BEST ATTENTION DURING THE COMING YEAR. To Electors of Vaughan Township ROBERT W. SCOTT l New and used harness and collars I Harness and parts, collars, blankets, boots and rubbers, mitts, socks, etc. Tarpoulins repaired Celluloid put in side curtains 3~Endless leather belts, made for ‘ electric motors, cars, etc. [ Harness‘made to order at no I extra charge. Collar fitting and repairing a specialty. Shop closed at 6 p.m., Monday, Wednesday & Friday Maple, Ont. RE. No. 2 Telephone Maple 1063 (11/1, miles North of Concord) Mill 139 Phones THE OLD OLD WISH, “YET” EVER NEW A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU. J. F. BURR “Curves,” says an official, “provide the greatest menace.” Yes, but think how dreadful women would look with- out them. Licensed Auctioneer, County of Yofi Prompt Attention To All Sales Farms & Farm Stock Sales A Specialty. â€"- RATES REASONABLE ~â€" King Ont. Phone King 4213 THURSDAY, JANUARY 2nd, 1938 C. E. WALKINGTON TRAVEL SERVICE Steamship Reservations to Breat Britain and the Continent. Premier sen/ice to West Indies. PASSPORTS ARRANGED FOB Richmond Hill Y. B. Tracy, Agent Phone 139 Rail tickets and sleeper Reservations. EXPRESS TELEGRAPH Gan. National Station are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada.- They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. HARNESS See Your Home Prinier First THE MILL BRUMMOND CRAFT Novelties; Bridgeiprizel and other seasonal gifts made to order. 9 Centre St. West, Richmond Hill MAKE IT, MEND IT, FIX IT Furniture and any other broken household article properly repaired. ISAAC BAKER egr léf.’ Sales Books THE LIBERAL for sale by

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