LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES 'A-SHPHALT ROOFING, GYPDOC 163-167 Yonge St., Toronto, up stairs opp. Simmons. Phone Elgin 4820. The moment you feel the slighte: distress in your eyes or notice a dim ming of your vision consult Lowest Rates. Photos and Passport: Secured All enquiries confidentitl We look after your wants right from your home. Phone Willowdale 63.1 Office Stop 6. Yonge St.. Lansing BROTHERTON’S Steamship 83????2 Saterday: At the fire side Xmas eve as they was a tryen to get me to go to bed I 251'. Pa wot is a monolog. He sed its a man & his wf. konversaâ€" shening. Wots a dialog then I sed. Ma dident look no Cristmas speret at Pa when he replide thats Whair 2 peepel air talken. . Friday: Sum kids ne’ver gets What they want from Santy 0105 it seams. The littel boy acrost the st. who has just moved in was teTlen me that be got a littel brother for his Xmas and that Santy node better becos he had wrote him he wanted a dog. SHEPPARD &,GILL LUMBER co. Whe n dizzy spell Make You Feel Unsafe, Just Try i, , Parke’s M , ‘ LIVER mi; ' TONE Wednesday: I bleave I got off 1 on Jane this a. m. that will hold her for a wile. She was a. tellen about bein outspoken in her opinyens at the gurls club & sed I is that so Who and possibeley out talk you. She tost her bed like she got me. Thursday: They was a big argyâ€" ment in skool this afternoon p. m. as to witch ways the most a lb. of led or 3 lb. of fethers. The teecher ensisted it is the same but she dident get a way with it with me & Jake & Blisters. Us are 2'wise for that. Tuesday: It was ripported that sum boddy had took Snub Post are collidge man’s otto and as a ripporter for the noosepaper Pa ast Snub did he enform the sherreff. Not nesesary said Snub. Hese the 1 that taken it. Special Sailings;â€" to the Homeland by; Canadian Pacific, Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson lines at billyeni$ers & Pa sed yesen of it aint worth the munney. SLATS’ DIARY F. E. LUKE & SON THURSDAY. JANUARY 2nd, 1936 Your Eyes BY ROSS FARQUHAR 50c. â€" $1.00 PHONE 71 Telephone 27 Dealers in It stimulates a lazy liver to healthy, nor- mal action and soon restores you to your usual normal health. 1.: is a harmless cor- rective for consti- pation, biliousness, headaches and dizzi- ness. Monday: Pa got off a wise crack to dinner this evning that was reely wise I Xpect. Ma. sed she‘ sen that the dippreshun had cost us peepel 26 sed‘ yesen my part Thornhill. rence counties are Tenor-fed as from $4 to $5.50 ‘for timoth linrht clover of grades ‘2 and 2 with as much as M per ton fm- No. 2 timothy Us??th clover in the Kinvsfon area. Straw iprices in the Brockville area, 84 per ton. Prices per ton to growers in gnnrthern Ontario are reverted as fol- :lows: timothv No. 2. $10 in the New‘ i‘l'ï¬skear'd area: timothy light clover !$18 in ï¬re 'I‘immins area and $16 in sthe Sndbnry area: timothy clover at [Fort William, $9.00. H Offer-q to growers in the St. Law- I In snufh-Weetnrn Ontario the pro- portion of this year’s market hay cron still on the farms is estimated at 60%. The bulk of this is timothy mixtures No. 3 grade. The supply of alfalfa is not plentiful but small . Hay Cron Renort henorts from central. eastern and northern Ontario indicate nracticallv no movement in hay excepting local transfers for current use and the Shlnment of 9 ‘Fmv r-m- lrmrk n9 1924 liav frnm the lower ï¬ttew‘a Vallev to the Maritime provinces for which growerq received about 96 ‘ï¬DT ten. Grower< still hold the bulk of this year’s crnn and in mnnv areas a part of the 1934 Eron. In northern On- tario the carrv over of 1934 hay is estimath at 95% to 3506. In the unner Ottawa Vallev hay is abundant but mmh of if is of poor quality. A summary of the results of this experiment shows that the commer. cial fertilizer increased the total yield of the cabbage by 45 per cent and of the tomatoes by 105 per cent Used in conjunction with the fertilizer the turning under of a green sweet clover crop nroved of slightly greater benefit to the cabbage crop than an application of 10 tons of manure ner acre. With the tomato crop. h0wâ€" ever, the green manure did not maâ€" terially increase yields, while barn» yard manure gave large increases. Manures and Fertilizers for Vege~ table Crops ‘ The use of fer’til'zers, barnyard manure and green manure in the growth of cabbage and tomatoes has been under investigation at the Cen- tral Experimental Farm since 1924. A 4â€"8â€"5 fertilizer mixture was anâ€" plied for early cabbage at the rate of 1,000 pounds per acre: first, alone: second, with an application of 1“ +0“: of barnyard manure per 301'“: thir'l following the turning under of a 9"“0’1 crop of sweet clover and, fourth. with barnyard manure and green manuve The crop of tomatoes following the cabbage was not fertilized. iiety or of badly mixed varieties! To place the ill child in bed is the Similarly. an analysis of the grain! best thing for him, and by keeping that is being' delivered to the eleâ€".the other children out of'his room, the vators shows that far too many farm- . chance of his transmitting any disease ers are using‘ nondescript seed, and i to them is removed. Later, the docâ€" only a relatively small proportion are ' tor will decide as to the nature of using seed of the highest qualitv “tithe illness, and this will determine the mOst suitable varieties. To drive‘tb-e neceSsitv or otherwise of con- home to farmers in general the imâ€"‘tinued isolation. It is Worth while portant place of good seed in an agri- remembering that an isolated child, cultural program requires that a com or adult, cannot transmit disease. tinuous, persistent, sound, educational} For quite some time, scarlet fever program be carried on over a period'has not been nearly as fatal as it 01" 3’631’5- oreviouslv was. It is fiust as nr-eval- Poor Seed Still Used It is commonplace to say that good seed is an essential in the production of a good crop, stated Professor Robert Summerby of Macdonald Col- !lege in his presidential address to the Canadian Seed Growers’ Association. But while there is very general agree- Iment on this, there are still many }farmers who do not put this apparent- ‘l_v aceepted principle into practice. Examination of the fields and of the seed which is being used in seed drills in different parts of the country re- veals the fact that a large proportion of farmers are still using seed of a poor grade. either of unknown var- iety or of badly mixed varieties. Similarly, an analysis of the grain' that is being- delivered to the eleâ€" vators shows that far too many farm- ers are using: nondescript seed. and; They shall be properly bled so that no blood remains in the extremities: be undrawn with the head and feet left on; be dry picked with all fea- thers removed, except that, if so de- sired, a few feathers may be left around the head and wing tips; be dry cooled having' feet clean and vent properly flushed, with all blood re- moved from the mouth and with the crop empty. Birds showing feed in the cron shall have the crop removed, preferably through the back of the neck; such crop removal shall lower the quality of the bird at least one grade. It is preferable that heads should be wrapped. Poultry Killing Rules The following regulations haw been issued by government authorities for the guidance of poultry producers and shippers in order that standard quality may be maintained and high- est average prices realized: They Shall have been starved for sufficient length of time before beâ€" ing killed to empty crops and intes- tines, during which time they should have access to clean drinking water. NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR THE BUSY FARMER That is, everybody favors abolishâ€" ing- crime if it can be don-e without hurting the firearms business. The championships for sheep were awarded to famous breeders from On- tario who have been winners of blue ribbons for several years, among them being C. J. Brodie, Stouffville, Ont.; Charles J. Shore, Glanworth, Ont; H. M. Lee, Highgate, Ont.; John D. Larkin, Inc., Queenston, Ont; H. Noel Gibson. Komoka, Ont.; and John D. Patterson, Richmond Hill, Ont. ii The term “Streptoccus†has come into fairly common usage. The strep- tococcus group of germs is a large one. the members of which have cer- l‘ain common characteristics. There lis. at the same time, a great differ- Ion!†in other of their characteristics, 1: shown in the various conditions to lwhich one or other streptococcus gives “iso in the human body. It is one of'thc streptococci which is responsible for scarlet fever. The noison or toxin which it produces muses the symptoms of‘the disease. '\n antitoxin. which counteracts the "ovin. is available. and it is used in the treatment of scarlet fever. Bv means of the Dick Test, it is nossihle to recognize individuals who are susceptible to scarlet fever, and [these susceptibles mav be rendered immune or resistant through a series l . . . I‘of inJections of very small doses of the toxin. This method of providing 'protection for the individual againsti scarlet fever is used by many doctors. It is practised as a routine in most children’s institutions and is used by doctors and nurses, who are likely to be exposed to the disease, if the Dick {. Test has shown them to be susceptible i Canadians Win Honours at 1 Chicago International Farmers from Canada who exhibitâ€" ed at the 36th annual International Live Stock Exposition and 17th an~ nual International Grain and Hay Show held at Chicago from November 30 to December 7, 1935 inclusive, demonstrated the high quality of their products entered in competition with those from all parts of the United States and other countries by win- ning a substantial list of champion- ships, first prizes and hundreds of lesser awards. ‘ Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184 College Street, Toronto, will be answered personally by letter. For quite some time, scarlet fever has not been nearly as fatal as it previously was. It is just as preval- ent as ever but, in most countries, it shows itself in a mild form. A few countries in Eastern Europe continue “1 extnel‘ience a severe type of scarlet fever. The child who falls ill with vomit- ing- and fever may be suffering simply from a digestive upset. Nevertheless, this picture of vomiting and fever, which may be accompanied or follow1 ed by a sore throat and perhaps a running nose, is typical of the onset of several communicable diseases, in- cluding scarlet fever. To place the ill child in bed is the A great deal could be accomplished in the way ofapreventing the spread of communicable diseases in the home, if it were to be made a house- hold rule to isolate, from all other children, any child who is ill. Present prices at Toronto for good quality hay are about $9 per ton and $5 for straw. Average prices to growers range from $7.50 to $8.50 for No. 2 timothy mixtures;’ $5.50 to $6.50 for No. 3 timothy mixtures, and $3.50 to $4 for straw. These prices are based on average freight costs to ter- minal markets. quantities are being used for grind- ing. The present demand is poor for timothy mixtures but fair for good timothy because there is little of this quality in the immediate vicinity of Toronto. Some of the biggest con- sumers in Toronto already have large supplies on hand. Little increase is expected in domestic or export trade next month. SCARLET FEVER THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND IHLL. ONTARIO 13 Reduced . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 23c. f Girl’s Patent Leather Oxfords L with straps, in sizes 81/2 to 2 Knitting Wool, Reg. 15c. each f Low Priced . . . .. . . . . . . . . 890. . Sale Price, 3 for . . . . . . . 259. e We have numerous more articles at very low prices that it Will pay glyou to take advantage of them at the right time. Sale commences Mon., Dec. 30, 9am. Richmond HillBargainHouse 4 Arnold St., near Yonge St. Richmond Hill Savings on Most Wanted Merchandise Owing to a backward season we find ourselves overstocked. This is forcing us to make sacrifices never believed possible before but to re- duce our stock and realize cash we are forced to do so in the shortest time. This is your golden opportunity to save. Newcomer (acidly)â€"I do hope you won’t mind me eating whilst you are smoking? At a fashionable restaurant during the Christmas h'olidays a, girl had just finished luncheon and was pre- paring to light a cigarette, when the waiter showed an elderly lady to the table. Girl (readily)â€"Not at all. so long as I am able to hear the orchestra. Next Sunday will be the first of the New Year. Holy Communion will be administered at Teston, Laskay and King United Churches. We look for a good attendance all these services. On Friday night an Evangelistic] Rally will be held in the Hall. Spec- ial music will be provided by Mr. Hardy’s orchestra. The guest speakâ€" er will be Rev. Dr. A. J. Vining of Toronto. I Thursday night the service will be in the Anglican Church. Rev. Davis will give the address. Wednesday night in Eversley Pres- byterian Church when Rev. Hardy will give the address. Church when Rev. Cunningham of Richmond Hill will give the address. He will represent the Presbyterian Church owing to the passing of their minister. The Universal Week of Prayer is commemorated in King the week of Jan. 6 to 11. On Monday night the service will be in the United Church all the local ministers coâ€"operating'. Rev. Wrixon will give the address. Tuesday night in the Baptist Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23c. Boy’s Ribbed Heavy Golf Sox, all sizes Men’s Pure Wool Sox, Extra Heavy & Long Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . Men’s Silk Ties, Silk'Lined Special Value . . . . . . . . . 29c. Men’s Oxfords Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . 69c. Men’s Fleece Lined Comb’s. Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.19 Boys’ Fleece Lined Comb’s. Special Value . . .' . . . . . .. 79c. Men’s Winter Weight Brushed Comb’s. A Good Buy . . . . . . . . . . $1.19 Men’s Ribbed Wool Penmans Shirts 0r Drawers Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79c. Men’s Ribbed W/Ool Comb’s. Suits Special Value . . . . . . . . . $1.39 Men’s Fleece Lined Shirts or v Drawers Cash Realizing Sale UN DERWEAR'v KING CITY Me n’s Socks Men’s W001 Sox SHQES for Ford V-8 cars. Plenty of heat from your hot water heater despite large cooling capacity. No special thermo- stats required, uses heat ordinarily wasted, operates per- fectly with any anti-freeze. Installed in a few minutes and assures a comfortable car in coldest weather. See this outâ€" standing improvement at CITIES SERVICE GARAGE HARRY R. ROSE 40 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill $1.79 Phone 12 Webber Heater Booster 39c. Office Hoursâ€"Every Monday and Thursday Afternoon and by appointment Toronto Office: 100 Adelaide Street West Telephone ELgin 9263-4 Breeches and Pants xMen’s Caps and Ha t ROSE & HERMAN Men’s & Boy’s Shirts ' Men’s Pants, Reg. $1.79 Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . 98c. Men’s Pants, Reg. $2.00 & $2.50 Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . $1939 Boys’ Whip Cord Riding Breeches, reg. $1.75 Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . $1 BARRISTERS-AT-LAW Caps with Fur Bands Sale Price . ; . . . . . . . . . . 73c. Men’s Felt Hats in Brown and Gre Sale Price . . . Men’s Winter Weight Gaps in beautiful patterns & designs withou‘t ear laps Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . 79¢ Men’s Extra Heavy Winter Sale Price . . . Men’s Guaranteed Broadcloth Shirts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 692- Boys’ Guaranteed Broadcloth Shirts All Shoes & Rubbers at greafly reduced prices. Marble Table Oilcloth A Good Buy, per yd. . . . 32c. See the new PAGE SEVEN Telephone 133 Richmond Hill LOUIS HERMAN $1.23 $1.49 7 9c. 59c.