iPHILCO and YEIQTSOR RADIOS Wm. NEAL NEW M D LS N W IN TOCK FURNACE BMWERS â€" WASHING MACHINES. ETC. GET OUR PREJS F RE Iiooper Councillor1936 YOUR VOTE & INFLUENCE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED FOR THE RE-ELECTION OF As Councillor for 1936 CARNIVAL Friday,J an. 10 YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED FOR THE REâ€"ELECTION 0F YOUR VOTE AND“ INFLUENCE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED FOR THE ELECTION OF A. SUMMERFELDT THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON TO ALL YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED TO REâ€"ELECT WISHING YOU THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON TO THE ELECTORS OF MARKHAM TOWNSHIP .‘uâ€" YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE RESFLCTFULLY SOLICITED TO ELECT PAGE EIGHT Richmond Hill Arena THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON TO ALL .â€" VOTING DAY, MONDAY, JANUARY 6th â€" Albert Reesor Fred Coakwelï¬ Admission 25c. “ An Experienced’ Councillor for 1936 To the Electors of Markham Twp. To the Electors of Markham Twp. Inder Auspices of The Hockey Club To the Electors of Markham Twp. Councillor Councillor for 1936 . W. Kincaid MONSTER for $336 NEW MODELS NOW IN STOCK WASHING MACHINES. ETC. GE' Free Lunch Abner Summerfeldt, who is stand- ing for re-election, appealed to the citizens to make a real effort to pay Charles H. Hooper,a candidate for re-election to the council, told of the activities of the past year reviewing the road and bridge work done. He referred to'the relief problem as one ,of the major questions facing these charged with the responsibility of municipal government and said that as a member of Markham council it had been his aim to keep in mind those who had to pay $he taxes. Peputy-Reeye James Rennie stated thathe would be in the field again for the office of deputy-reeve. He referred to township and county af- fairs and looking forward to the com- ing year pointed out that the county equalization was a big and important problem facing the county representa- tives in 1936. He was hopeful that the 6th line would be taken over by the county. The deputy-reeve pointed with satisfaction to the fact that the amount owing to the township had been substantially reduced during the past year. I Albert Reesor, who is standing; for re-election as councillor after having served one year in this office, also referred with pride to the improve- ment shown in the tax arrears of the township, and of the general financial standing of the township of Markham. Councillor Reesor gave much credit for the good showing made in tax ar- rears collections to clerk and treasur- er Charles Hoover. Reeve G. B. Padget in giving an ac- lcount of the year’s activities in the township and county affairs pointed out that the affairs of the municipal- ity had been carried out as economic- ally as possible. With the low tax' rate maintained in the township main- tenance and work on the roads of necessity had to be kept to a minimum consistent with keeping the highways ‘ in shape. Several items of uncon- ltrollable expenditure added greatly to the burden of county taxation and the reeve referred to the increasing cost‘ of secondary education and-hospital- ization, also the increased cost of the York County Children’s Aid Society. This last item, the reeve pointed out, was one in which- the county had ho say except to provide the money asked for. Reev’e Padget said that during the year the closest attention had been given to all township business and the administration of relief and he would be pleased to serve the ratepayers for the coming year as reeve. ’ Reeve George B. Padget of Mark- :ham Township is opposed in next lMonday’s election, by former Deputyâ€" iReeve W. L. Clark who ran the vet- eran reeve a close race a year ago, being defeated by just fifteen votes. ‘The contest is no surprise (to Mark- gham voters and for some time the 1936 reeveship race has been expect- ‘-e(l to be a Clark vs Padget contest. The surprise package of the Mark- ham Township was the entry of ex- 1;eeve Wesley C. Gohn as a candidate for deputy-reeve in opposition to deputyâ€"reeve Rennie who has filled the deputy’s chair for one year. Mr. Gohn gave little indication on nomi- nation day that he intended to be a candidate and his qualification at 8.30 lTuesday night came as the surprise package of the campaign. At the outset of the meeting fol- lowing the official nomination on the suggestion of Reeve Padget a one minute silence was observed in honor of the memory of the late G. M. Davison, former clerk and treasurer of the municipality, who for many years presided at the annual nomina- tion meeting. Cox; Abner Summerfeldt by W. H. Tran and H. C. Reesor; F. J. Coakâ€" well by W. F. Kincaid and Clark Young. For Deputy-Reeve: James Rennie by J. G. Wideman and W. L. Clark; C. H. Hooper by Alvin F. Robinson and Ernest Denby; W. C. Gohn by Russell Boyington and D. Rumnéy. For Councillor: Albert Reesor by J. G. Wideman and R. P. Armstrong; Charls Henry Hooper by William Leathers and Major Deane: W. F. Kin caid by E. L. Clubine and Oscar R. Clerk and treasurer Charles Hoover presided at the nomination proceed- ings land the nominations Ireceived Were as follows: For Reeve: G. B. Padget by W. HrTran and H. C. Reesor; W. L. Clark by J. C. Wide- man and W. E. Gohn. Councillors Hooper. Ree‘sor and Summerfeldt are all ‘ seeking reâ€" election and other candidates are exâ€" deputyâ€"reeve Kincaid and ex-Council- lor Coakwell. CONTEST FOR ALL OFFICES IN TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO It’s fair enough. Parents kick when the children marry, and the children kick when a parent marries. The officers for 1936 are as fol- lows: Pres., Mrs. Stiver, starting her 27th year; novice-Pres., Mrs. Brooke 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. Russell;‘Secre- tary, Mrs. Read; Treasurer, Mrs Hood; Work, Miss Thompson, Mrs.I Padget, Mrs. Burr, Mrs. Kerr; Sick Visiting, Mrs. Hurd, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Burr, Mrs. Kennedy; Messenger, Mrs. Patterson; Temperance, Mrs. Stephenson, Mrs. Craig; Home Help- ers, Mrs. Burr; Organists, Miss Thompson, Mrs. Padget; Mission Band/Pres’d., Miss Roddick; Auditors, Band Pres., Miss Roddick; Auditors, Miss Hooper, Miss Roddick; Press Mrs. Russell, Miss Roddick. 50 Years Married Mr. and Mrs. James Tricker cele- brated their fiftieth wedding anni- versary on Monday, Dec. 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. Tricker have spent most of their fifty years of married life near Richmond Hill and were happy on Monday receiving old friends. They are both members of Headford Unit- ed Church and were very kindly res membezed by that congregation with a beautiful gift of yellow roses. The society have held two silver teas and are planning one in January. The members find these very helpful in interesting prospective members and introducing new comers. They are also planning work meetings for the winter. I The reports of ('Iepartments was read and a very satisfactory year’s work Was reviewed. The allocation was reached and gifts to other sources was reported. The study book, The New Africa, was introduced by Man and Chart. Mrs. Stiver led the devotional perâ€" iod and gave a very helpful lesson for the coming year. ' The annual meeting of Browns Cor- ners W.M.S. was held in the church. The President presiding. The voting will take place on Mon- day and the polls in Markham are open from 9 am. to 5 pm. W. F. Kincaid, a candidate for coun- cil compared the 1935 council to‘a Chinaman in Boston whose slogan was “see nothing, do nothing and know nothing.†He criticized the salary paid to the clerk. How many farmers if they sold everything they had would 'get $1500, he asked. Fred J. Coakwell. a former member of council who is seeking a seat on the council, promised to give the township business careful attention if elected to office. Ex-Reeve W. C. Gohn, who is a can- didate for deputy-reeve, said he felt that relief was administered too free- ly near election time. He said that the township did not need a relief officer in the summer as most of the work could be done by the road super- intendent. He said he did not have much hope of the government taking over the 6th concession. on a salary and he could not see where the economy was in this change The speaker criticized the county grant to the York County Children’s Aid and the extravagance of that or- ganization. He said while that or-' ganization was still paying office rent on Toronto Street other larger and more palatial quarters were rented in another part of the city. If elected Mr. Clark pledged a square deal for all and special favors for none. their taxes. He referred to the mat- ter of unpaid taxes as one of the big problems and stated that if tax pay- ments vvere made promptly it w0uld be a great help to the township. , Former Deputy-Reeve W. L. Clark announced that he would be a candi- date for Reeve for 1936. He criticized the administration of relief and ques- tione mar Brown ’ Corners d the 1‘ E need of having an {ef officer at a big that former relief ) well and man could : explained d ques- outside salary. officer 5 Names Rennie 0=0=O=0=IO=O Padget Alberta Coal $9.50â€:§§ REEVE 1936 Re-Elect GEORGE B. TO THE ELECTORS OF MARKHAM TOWNSHIP Langstaff Coal & Supply Co. Other Goals or Coke in Stock Your Vote and Influence Respectfully Solicited to Re-Elect THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON TO ALL YARD RAILROAD TRACKS AT LAN GSTAFF PHONE THORNHILL 73 Deputy-Reeve 1936 STOVE SIZE A GOOD CLEAN FUEL To the Electors of Markham Twp. $9 per ton in yard Ton lots or more. THURSDAY, JANUARY 2nd, 1936 Deputy-Reeve 1936 YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED T0 ELECT Compliments of the Season to all REEVE tor 1936 GOHN TO THE ELECTORS OF MARKHAM TOWNSHIP TO THE ELECTORS OF MARKHAM TOWNSHIP TON LOTS OR MORE DELIVERED ELECT 0E0 =0=°