LUMBER, LATE, S-HINGLES VQSHPBALT ROOFING. GYPDOC Telephone 27 C-76 SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. Langstaff Coal & Supply Co. Lump or Furnace 1LU Stove Size . . . . Ton Lots or more delivered From that languid tired feeling caused by a lazy liver. Alberta Coal Ph’one Thornhill 73 DAY ‘01 NIGHT GET‘ AWAY ! PHONE 71 GLENN’S DRUG STORE Stove Yard at Railroad Tracks, Langstaff PAGE SIX Welsh Dealers in Stove \ ~ Nut GOOD HARDWOOD 1-4 ft. quickly tones up a lazy liver and soon resto'r'es you to nor- mal. It is also a great aid in stomach disorders. A month’s treatment for $1.00 Parke’s LIVER TONE POCAHONTAS ANTHRACITE COKE Irnace . . . . $9.50 Nut ' THORNHILL Thornhlll Motors ONTARIO for Durham A NORTH BRITISH SCOUT JAMBOREE Next year’s district Scout Jamâ€" borees planned in England include a Northern Counties Jamboree, to be held at Baby Castle, the seat of Lord Barnard, County Scout Commissioner giving dead. hammedans, did the work which the authorities did not desire to ask the soldiers to do. It was a magnificent effort on the part of the Scouts." Photographs of the Rovers at work show them, in gas masks, carrying bodies from the wreckage, digging graves for hundreds of victims, and giving a last salute to the unknown ; SCOUT CODE ABOVE INDIAN CASTE A further tribute by the Chief Med- ical Officer to the work being volun- tarily done in the quakeâ€"destroyed city of Quetta by Indian Rover Scouts: “Yesterday I went in the morning to watch a group of Rovers take a dead sweeper's body from a house. The swaper had been an outcast, yet the Roversy high caste‘Hindus and Mo- American Range Official advice received from the United States Federal Department of Agriculture by Dr. George Hilton, Canadian Veterinary Director General said the order does not include cattle exported for immediate slaughter, steers and spayed heifers and cattle lfor grazing or feeding" which are not iof the dairy breeding,r type. Dr. ‘Hilton said the Health of Animals Branch is prepared to assist farmers in taking necessary measures to free‘ their herds from the disease. ~ Alsike Seed Production A survey at the“ end of October would indicate the following commer- ciél alsike seed production in Canada this year: ’ Central and western Ontario 200,- 000 pounds, which is a decidedly light The certificate signed or endorsed by an official veterinarian of the country of orogin must show that the animals are free from the disease and have been subjected to a test Within 60 days of the date of exporâ€" tation showing negative results of the disease. Must be Abortion Free A ruling which was not unexpect- ed has been made by the Health of Animals Branch at Ottawa. Effec- tive January 1 all cattle six months old or more of dairy or breeding type to be exported to the United States must be accompanied by a certificate saying they are free from Bang's disease, also known as infectious abortion. Ontario Horticultural Association, Annual Conventionâ€"Thursday and Friday, February 13 and 14. commenc ing at 9 a.m., Royal York Hotel, To- ronto. Convention, Wednesday, February 12th, commencing at 9.30 a.m., Royal York Hotel. Toronto. Ontario Vegetable Growers' Assoaia tionâ€"Annual Meeting, Tuesday. Feb- ruary 11th, commencing at 9.30 a.m., Royal York Hotel, Toronto‘ Ontario Field Crop and Seed Grow- ers’ Associationâ€"Annual Meeting, Friday, February 7th, commencing at 9.30 a.m., King Edward Hotel, To- ronto. Ontario Plowmen’s Associationâ€" Annual Meeting, Thursday, February 6th, commencing at 10.30 a.m. Direct- ors’ Meeting at 9.30, King Edward Hotel, Toronto. Ontario‘Associa'aion of Agricultural Societies (formerly Ontario Associa- tion of Fairs and Exhibitions)â€"An- nual Convention, Tuesday and Wed- nesday, February 4 and 5, commenc- ing at 9.30 a.m., King Edward Hotel, Toronto. / Convention Dates Arrangements have been completed by the Agricultural Associations con- cerned to hold their Annual Meetings and Conventions, as annï¬nced below (1 NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR THE “WW I? «in-Mm) THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARTO The ‘application of lime_is recom- mended in 'order to stimulate the growth of clover and alfalfa, the two crops that are well fitted to improve the soil when turned under. The problem of the grower is to decide whether to continue to grow potatoes without \this green manuring and avoid scab or to lime the ground and, take chances. Where potatoes are not a main crop it is possible to plan a rotation in which liming- is done for other crops and potatoes included after :1 five year period. Another; plan/is to choose scab resistant var- ieties of which there are a few offer- ed. Unfortunately these are not such high yielders though in course of time strains may be developed that I Avoid Scab in Potatoes \ There is more than fertility of soil to be considered in crop production. Potato growers can increase their ‘yields by the application of fertilizer, this crop being one that responds readily to the right formulas. Mark- ets demand more than volume, how- ever, and a scabâ€"covered lot of tubers are likely,to be rejected by dealers. The germs of this disease are usually present in soils on which potatoes have been grown for some years, the continuous planting adding to the trouble. The seed may be treated with formaldehyde or corrosive sub- limate, but if placed in infected ground the scab will promptly appear. If lime has been applied Within. the previous year or two the conditions are even more favorable for the de- velopment of the disease. 1 Prices paid. growers in.1935 have not yet been established, but in 1934 when alsi‘ke was scarce also, grdwers ‘I‘eceived fmm 20 to 25¢. per pound for No. 1 grade. The crop this year in Ontario is only fair in general appearance and in freedom from weed seeds, but any alsike that will grade under the Do- minion Seeds Act should be in strong demand. A shortage of alsike for normal Canadian requirements, which ap- proximates 1,500,000 pounds per an- num, seems inevitable for next spring, although there may be some impor- tations from the United States and Europe to increase the supply. crop when compared with the eight to ten million pounds which used to be produced annually in this part of Canada. A negligible crop is report- ed in north-western Ontario which ordinarily supplies a fair quantity. of seed, and only about 5,000 pounds of reasonably pure alsike is indicated in the Timiskaming districts of northern Ontario and Quebec. About two car- loads are reported in the, Prince George production district of British Columbia. In addition there may be some 1,000,000 pounds of timothy con- taining more or less alsike in the Timiskaming districts of'Ontario and Quebec. “Well, mister, I don’t know this Michelangelo; but if he paints cars at less than two dollars an hour he don’t belong to the union.†Please, do not spell it “Xmas.†There is no such word in the English language. “So you’re out of work and want help? What’s your trade?†“I’m a painter, mister.†“Painter, eh? Well, now, my car needs painting. .What would you charge to‘do that job?"’ “Two dollars an hour.†“Two dollars an hour? Why, I wouldn’t pay Michelangélo two dollars an hour in times like these!†A glance at the laying contest re- ports will disclose the remarkable difâ€" ference between flocks, and probably more than any other factor, these contests, held «in all the provinces under Dominion Government manage- ment, have done great service in stimulating selective breeding and pointing out the difference in the pro-I duction of a good flock and a poor one. In conformity with other farm pro- ducts poultry has had its lean years, but a well-managed flock could gen- erally be relied upon to return some profit. The rule that only the best will survive under keen competition may be seriously applied to poultry- keeping due to the small profit per unit; a hen may lay one egg or she may lay 350 in a year, and the over- head expense of the poor hens is reâ€" markably close to that of the high pnoducer, but there is a vast differ- ence in the revenue. Expansioxl' in Poultry Industry The poultry industry in South- western Ontario has undergone rapid expansion in recent years, growing slowly from. the small farm flock of a dozen of two hens to the large flock, and some instances to the larg- er specialized poultry farms. At one time all the operations of breeding, incubation, egg production, fattening and preparing for market were car- ried out on the farm under single management, but now in many in- stances wo find major operations car- ried out at some specialized plant. However, the general-purpose poultry farm where all or nearly all the oper- ations, are carried on still remains the safest undertaking and the backâ€" bone of the industry. combine productiveness with disease' resistance, as already accompï¬shed in wheat. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE CONVEYANCING ESTATES MAIx'iAGED J. R. HERRINGTON Richmond Hill, Ont. DIDN’T BELONG THURSDAY. JANUARY 91h, 1936 Maple, Ont. R.R. No. Telephone Maple 1063 (11/1, miles North of Concord) New and used harness and collars Harness and parts, collars, blankets, boots and rubbers, mitts, socks, etc. Tarpoulins repaired Celluloid put in side curtains Endless leather belts, made for electric motors, cars, etc. Harness made to order at no «extra charge. Collar fitting and repairing a specialty. Shop closed at 6 p.m., » Monday, Wednesday & Friday Licensed Auctioneer, County of YORK Prompt Attention To All Sales Farms & Farm Stock Sales A \ Specialty. â€" RATES REASONABLE 4- King Ont. Phone King 4212 Johnsion 61: Cranston MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS OF CANADIAN & FOREIGN Phone HYland 2081 Open Evening! Eve. Phone 9788 C. E. \VALKINGTON TRAVEL SERVICE Thisnis my: rehembranze b! the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. Yes. I’m sending the Hospital my gift of money toâ€"day, the largest I‘ can spare. and I do trust others will; do so. too. for I think it is worthy! of help from everyone. Each day for weeks. 1 telephoned the Hospital to learn how the child was. For many days its life hung by thread. but they would not let it :6. At last one morning I was joyfully told it would recover. I have since had the great pleasure of seeing this ,ittle one. who is now a happy. laughing school girl. Steamship Reservations to Breat Britain and the Continent. Premite service to West Indies. PASSPORTS ARRANGED FOR Rail tickets and sleeper Reservations. EXPRESS TELEGRAPH I hesitated as to whether I should tell her of my hospital experience, but. although terrible for me at the time. I knew it was nothing can- pared with hers. However. I thought it would help. so I forced back my tears and holding her hand in mine, I told her how very good the nurses and doctors had been to my small son when I brought him to them It the age of seven with a broken leg to mend. “They will be so tender with the baby and nothing will be left undone." I assured her, “not only to save the little life, but to prevent ugly scarring.†We left the Hospitél together and. parting at the comet she thanked me sincerely for my sympathy. I think I had man. aged to comfort her. a little, at least. Richmond Hill Y. B. Tracy, Agent Phone 189 Can. National Station It was wash day. She had just stepped out of the kitchen into the dining-room to take of! the table- cloth that she had decided. at the last minute. to add to the wash. There was a sound of some heavy object striking the floor. a swish or falling~ water. a childish scream of fright and pain. In a split second. a bright sunny morning had become a nightmare of unbelievable horror. Her three-year-old child had pulled over her a huge pot of boiling water-i Her little body was terribly scald- ed. Her face had miraculously escaped. “Will she live. will she live," sobbed the distracted mother. Touching the blanket on; her arm she said. “I can aka an. blanket home that we brought her. in. but 1 have to leave her. my baby.‘ with strangers. 1 want to hold her: in my own arms and soothe her.‘ poor frightened little one!" A oewildered sad-faced woman preceded me down the low, wide stone stairs leading to the front door of the Hospital. A blanket hung over her arm. "Ah yes,†1 said to myself. “that sig'nifies only one thing. She has just left her child here for treatment. The poor thing!†I wondered if 1 should try to com- fort her. or it anything 1 might say would only make her feel worse I overtook her as l debated. just in time to steady her as she stumbled on the last step. It came naturally enough that we should drop on a hall bench: and there. seeing my sympathy. she brought forth her desperately tragic story in broken sentences: 1 see by the papa: that the Hos- pital for Sick Children in Toronto is now sending out its Annual Ap- peal for funds to enable it to carry on successfully for the next twelve months. This brings back to my mind the last tune 1 had occasion to be in that Institution. An incident impressed it very vividly on my mind Granite Monuments L‘ditor. Dear Sir: 'A BLANKET HUNG OVER HER ARM HARNESS ISAAC BAKER 1849 Yonge St. (east side) Between Mer-fun & Balliol Sb. â€"A MOTHER OF FOUR. R.R. No. 2