Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Jan 1936, p. 8

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f PHILCO and VICTOR RADIOS \ NEW MODELS NOW IN" STOCK FURNACE nwwms â€" WASHINQ MACHINES. ETC. GET 0 PR] 0U UY Phone 78 WWQOWW For the first Sufiday evening the newly elected Convener of the Young People’s Society, Miss Sadie Windas, Friday evening, Jan. 3rd, the an- nual meeting of the Sunday School and Young People’s Society was held with a small attendance. Reports of both these organizations were given and were very favorable. The of- ficers and teachers of the Sunday School were again elected, the only change being Miss Louise Carson. who was elected secretary, assistant Miss Sadie Windas. A change was also effected in the distribution of the Onwards. The Y.P.S. election followed: President, Miss H. Dies- man; Vice-President, E. J. Hitchcock; Secretary, Miss Eleanor Heacock; Assistant, Mary Carson; Treasurer, Mrs. George Taggax ; Assistant, E. J. Hitchcock; Christian Fellowship, Miss Sadie Windas; Missionary, Frank Robson; Citizenship, Louise Carson; Social, Roy Bowen; Literary, jean Hadwin. This society had a very successful year and after all payments has a balance of over twentyâ€"six dollars. Approximately two thousand were‘in attendance for the year the average being- forty-two. The congregational meeting of the United Church will be held on Wed- nesday afternoon, Jan. 15th. The W. A. will also hold their meeting on the same afternoon. A full attendance of both church and WA. members is requested. Successor to J. J. Deane Director of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOODBRIDGE. ONTARIO RASPBERRY JAM, lge. jar . . . . . . . . . . . . . ¢.. TOILET TISSUE, 4 lge. rolls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNWRAPPED LAUNDRY SOAP, 8 bars for . . MACARONI, 3 lbs. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NO ORDER TOD SMALL, NONE TOO BIG SPECIAL DELIVERY ON SATURDAY PASTRY FLOUR, 24 lb. bag, Special . . . . . . . . 580. TENDER SWEET WRINKLED PEAS, 3 tins for 25c. DURHAM CORNSTARCH, pkg. . . . . . . . . . . . 9c. AYLMER SOUPS, Tomato &Vegetable, 2 tins for 15c. P. & G. LAUNDRY SOAP, 5 bars for . . . . . . . . . 19c. LUX for fine Silks & Woollens. lge. pkg. . . . . 21c. LGE. TIN TQMATOES, WHITE CORN, BLUE- Wilfrid R. Scott PAGE EIGHT BERRIES & PUMPKIN, your choic’e, m. TESTON Keep Your Eye on KERR BROS. SPECIALS LOOK ! l The annual meeting of the Rich mond Hill Horticultural Society will be held on Saturday, Jan. 11th, at 3 o’clock in the afternoon in the Municipal Hall. Reports will be given and election of officers will take place. All members are urgent- ,ly requested to be present. I The young people are‘enjoying the Iwinter. Coasting on the hills seems to be the vogue these days. Rev. D. Davis impressed on his {congregation last Sunday the fact ‘that a good commencement to any- 'thing generally means success. His advice was to start right in the New Year by putting God first in our pro- gram for the year and for life. To impress this the first Sunday of the [year Holy Communion was partaken by, the congregation. a contest of which further notice will be given. Plans also were made for the visit to Wesley on the 16th. There was ‘a splendid attendance at this opening meeting and everyone en- joyed the program. Miss Marie _Mortson of Congord visited with her friend Miss Grace Jackson last week. Miss Hattie Diesman visited her sister, Mrs. D. Murray in Port Hope, last week. Friends of Miss Laura McCluskey will be sorry to hear that she received severe injuries while tobogganing at Woodbridg‘e last week, and hope for a speedy recovery. ' presided. Harry Cunningham read the lesson and Muriel Kyle gave the Worship Period. The topic Was taken by Mr. E. J. Hitchcock on “Lack of Faith in Adversity.” Miss Dorothy Castator sang “In the Garden" which was well rendered. Plans were dis-' cussed for the coming- year and two leaders, Robert Watson and Howard Heacock, were chosen to take part in HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING 10c. 27c. 25c. 25c. 20c. Mrs. W. Baker Sr. has been con- fined to bed with an attack of stomach flu. Her friends hope she will soon be feeling quite well again. Friends Will be sorry to hear that Mr. S. Koning is still suffering from the effects of the bad fall he had last March and is still quite lame. Mr. and\ Mrs. A. Bailey, Spruce Avenue, entertained a few Toronto relatives and friends on New Year’s day. The friends arrived in time for lunch and after a very pleasant afternoon together they all enjoyed a Turkey Dinner in the evening. The guests incluided Mr. and Mrs. Atkin- son, Mr. and Mrs. T. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Austin. At the Church service last Sunday Mr. Carswell, student from Emmanâ€" uel College, Toronto, had charge and gave ’a splendid address from the words, “where two or three are met together in My name there I am in the midst of them.” Mr. Rapson will be the minister this Sunday again at the service at 3.30 pm. MONSTER CARNIVAL, Richmond Hill Arena, Friday, January 10th, under auspices of the Hockey Club. Mr. Gervais Huestis is visiting with friends in Windsor. Sunday School will ,meet at the usual hour 2.30 p.m. Mrs. Bailey’s brother, Mr. Scarlet of Toronto, with Mrs. Scarlet and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bailey. The Women’s Association are get- ting- ready to present a play some time in February. The date will be annuonced later. A building boom that will give em- ployment to thousands of the nation. A new fire hall to take proper care of our Woodbridge fire equipment. The council to grant the band an amount that will help in its upkeep. men A more equitable distribution of the natural products of the earth. Health and a goodly measure of prosperity to all mankind not forâ€" getting oneself. Unith Church “’.A. Meetimr The first meeting of the New Year by the Women’s Association of the United Church was held at the home of Mrs. G. D. McLean. The program consisted of a paper by Mrs.,Sa1n McClure on “God’s Gardens," a piano solo by Miss Mary Stevenson, a vocal solo by Miss Thelma Shore, and re- freshments served by the hostess. The New Born Year Just a Week Old and Before It Passes Into History We Hope For \Peace on earth and good-will to all IUnited Church Y.P-S. First Meeting ; of Year It was Fellowship night with the Young- People’s society of the United Church at the first meeting of the New Year, held in the Sunday School, on Monday night last when following the business portion of the meeting with Bert Smithson in the chair hiis: Thelma Shore. assistant Fellowship Convener. took charge and conducced the program which included Worship Service prelude played hy Miss Marie Allen. “Theme of Worship Service passing; by Thoughts,” “The Stranger of Gallilee” by Miss M. Miller. a read ing‘ byMrs. J. E. Anderson, player by Miss Bertha Whitmvre, topics in two parts by Gordon Baez and Lind- say Ward. piano duett by Misses Enid Shore and Audrey Ring, reading of activities of 1935 by Roy Blake. and “Thoughts for the future’l by Miss Mary Bagg. New Backs for Public Library New books~for the Public Library will be purchased by a committee composed of Mrs. H. N. Smith, Mrs. Miss Anne McLean of Mori‘isburg spent a few days visiting her brother Dr G. D. McLean. I Jim Marston Will Take Course at McGill Mr. Jim Marston, who for a num- ber of years was in the employ of the Bank of Commerce at Weston and later at Sudbury, has resigned and contemplates taking a course in McGill University, Montreal,’ in prep aration for the ministry. The Week of Prayer will be carried on by the three churches which in- cludes Presbyterian. Anglican and United, who will \c-ombine for the pur- pose with Rev. J. S. Roe, Rev. J. TI. Kidd and' Rev. J. E. Anderson m charge. W. E. Berry and Mr. G. W. Shore. The meeting was conductec} by Rev. J. H. Kidd and others present were Mrs. H. N. Smith, Mrs. A. Hollings- head, Mrs. W. E. Berry and Mrs. C. A. Jackman. WOODBRIDGE THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO RICHVALE ,, _____ _~- afi-v.., The Women’s Assotiation of the United Church met on Wednesday afternoon in the Sundav School room. Installation of officers took place conducted by the minister. Mrs. M. McLean led in the Devotional Period. Good reports were given by the Sec- retaries of the different departments. The hostesses, Mrs. B. Heslop, Mrs. M. J. Johnson, Mrs. M. McLean and Mrs. N. L. Morton, served refresh- ments at the close. The Young People’s discussion grout) met at the home of Rev. E. E. Pugsley on Tuesday night. There was a good attendance. Mrs. Edith Lu-est took up current events. Miss Muriel Deap and Mr. Walter Howell led in the discussion topics. Trinity Women’s Club will hold their annual business meeting in the Parish Hallron Friday, Jan. 17th, at 8 o’clock. A social evening will fol- low for all members after the meet- ng is closed. Mrs. S.\ Bone held a Dinner Party for he: family at her home on Avenue Road on Tuesday evening. Seventeen were present. Mr. and Mrs. Pelgy Bone were‘ guests. Mr. Floyd Davies entertained a number of his friends at his home on New Years eve. for a period of twentv-four vears and owing #0 ill healfh is refirinq‘ from nr-five bnzinew. H0 “riches f0 take this onnorfunitv of fhankinrr his many customers and friends for their valued unfrnnage and also hesneak for his successor, Mr. Brown, a continuance of their natronage. ' Agnes Cowan, a resident of Thorn- hill for a number of vears. and Wife of the late James Eckardt. passed away on Tuesdav. Jan. 7th, at 3 “Rest Home” Clairville, near Wood- hridge. The funeral was1 held on Thursday (to-day) from Addison and Derricks Funeral Home and was con- ducted by Rev. E. E. Pugslev. In- terment took place at Unionville Lutheran Cemetery. One son, Charles, of Toronto. survives. Mr. and Mrs. Robson Farr and daughters of Chatham are visiting with Mrs. Farr’s mother, Mrs. T. Bowes, John St. John L. McDonald of Thorn‘nil] wish; f0 announce that he had sold his "otafl «fore business on Yong-e St. +0 Mr. Milliard Brown. Mr. Mcâ€" Donald has been operating this store The women of the community are cordially invited to attend. The annual meeting and eleciion of nfficm's for 1936 of H19 Thornhill Hor‘ricultural Sociefv will. beheld in the Lawrence Memorial Hall on Monâ€" dav. Jan. 12th. at 8.15 sham. This will be followed bv a bridge and auohrn for the member: and their friends. commnncing at 9 o’clock. Archdeacbn Warren of Toronto vis- iforl on Mondav with Rev. N. H. Nnhlol who has been confined to his bed for the past two week. We 93(- to l svmwjnthv to Mr. Noble and h‘u. + ha will soon be out again. Rev. Mr. James nf Toronfo is taking ’rhe snrvires at Trinity Church during his iIln Smellie, Mrs. M. McLean. 'Mrs. J. Wplls and Mrs. J. L. Davis. Delegates were abnointed to at- tend the annual meeting- of Toronto Cenh‘e Presbv’rerial W.M.S‘ *0 be held in St. flames-Bond United, Church on Jan. 28th. Mrs. Wesley occupied the chair and gave a short encouraging talk to the members, she also read a paper on “The spirit of rational brotherâ€" hood.” which was very fine. Mrs. Johns, Recoi'ding‘ Secretary, gave a survey of the year’s work, which was very satisfactory. Inter- esting- I‘enorts were given bv Miss A. B03719. Mrs. J. Davidson, Mrs. N. J. Smellie. Mrs. M. McLean. 'Mrs. J. Institute Meeting The regular monthlv meeting of the Women's Insti’butewill be held on Thurslday, Jan. 16th. at 2.30 p.m.. at fhe home of Mrs. B. Heslon, Yonge St. Roll call will be answered by “What mart of our meeting do you like besf.” Mrs. R. Simpson will Dive 2 Tâ€"‘l'ifi- The first meeting of the New Year of the VVomen’s Missionary Society of the United Church was held on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. P. Johns. torical men. wood Mrs SAND â€" GRAVEL From Maple Grave] Pit GENERAL CARTAGE by True-k WM. MCDONALD, Tplephode 6‘2. Thornhill. Charles Graham AGENT MASSEY HARRIS Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Telephbne Richmond Hill 132-17 MAKE IT, MEND IT, FIX IT Furniture and any other broken household article properly repaired. Novelties, Bridge prizes and other seas’onal gifts made to order. BRUMMOND CRAFT ‘rs. R. Simpson will o‘ive a His- :al paper on York County and . Findlay a reading. The host- 5 will be Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. Har- 9 Centre St. West, Richmond Hill Mrs. Johnston and Mrs. Mar THORNHILL Hon of' yornhill - H916 inf '1 Mm»; This i Fe and ' l their: to vie-A N. H.; f0 his I . Wm. NEAL WOOMWONWOWW WOOMO“OOONW WW Friday, Jan. 10 CARNIVAL Best Gent comic costume. Best Lady comic costume. Best‘Gent fancy costume. Best Lady fancy costume. AUSPICES OF RICHMOND HILL HOCKEY CLUB Richmond Hill Arena Come and Enjoy a Real Night’s Fun and Give the Ladies and‘ Gentlemenzâ€"Please accept my thanks for the wonderful support given me on Monday. I appreciate the trust you have placed in me and I will try to continue to merit your confidence. Wishes to thank all those who voted for him on Monday, Jan. 6. He also wishes them health, wealth and prosperity during 1936. T0 ElectOrs of Vaughan Township To Electors 0f Vaughan Township James H. Robson Best Couple representative costume. FREE SANDWICHES & COFFEE Best Girl representative costume. Best Boy’representative costume. Admission 25c. by Lucky Ticket Skating from 7.30 to 11 p.m. MONSTER RICHMOND HILL Hockey Boys a Boost. CASH PRIZES FOR THURSDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1936 John Hostrawser TO THE ELECTORS 0F VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP J. A. DICK and I will try as in the past to serve you well. for the coming year, I thank you for my re- election as councillor

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