Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Jan 1936, p. 6

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WM __________â€"____._____â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"r- HARRY R. ROSE ROSE & HERMAN LOUIS HERMAN 40 Yonge St., Richmond Hill Telephone 133 BARRISTERS-AT-LAW Office Hoursâ€"Every Monday and Thursday Afternoon and by appointment Toronto Office: 100 Adelaide Street West Telephone ELgin 9263-4 Ton Lots or '~‘ “rs. twp“ “swam. ..._ more delivered Langstaff Coal & Supply Co. Phone Thornhill 73 DAY or NIGHT ANTHRACITE Welsh American COKE Nut Range POCAHONTAS Stove Nut GOOD HARDWOOD 1-4 ft. l l Stove Yard at Railroad Tracks, Langstaff . i .Vu ~ ‘.i_ " When you If grocers and intelligent] In a letter and are now pa Our consistent Many busi 9 “going places.’ and eventually pendent Grocer business in 1936 than in any year during the last decade. THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR BUSY FARMER Short (nurse at Kingston hen”. According to a decision of the One of the oldest courses of in~].-ommjttoe which administers the Structl'm in Practical dail'ylmf in Can-iCattle Fund from which payment of ada opened for its forticth Sessiotllsulwidiys‘ on homeâ€"fed beef cattle is on January 3 at Kingston. The EiFt-imade no animal with a punch 11019 cm Dairy School. now under the con-1m; an» shape in any position in the trol of the Ontario Department Of m.- ..r half an inc}, or more across. AEl‘iL‘Ule‘C Emil in 01131720 0f pl“>f« or any; snip or cut of the edge of the A. L. Gibson. Sullfi‘l‘inim(l(‘m~ “'33 ear extending half an inch or more first established by Qlleclt's Univer-‘jlgm t}... (.31; win b0 eligibk} {01- the sity in ISM as an agricultural and Sill‘wltiK' when sold for beef. idilil'." ‘1'th hm Of late 3‘031‘5 it hit“ As it has been occasionally noted specialized only in the latter branclmthat beef cattle which have ‘of agriculture. Sewing the rich dairyisut'l‘ered from frostâ€"bite in tile ear i<listricts of Central and Eastern On- .rre left with deformed cars as a 1'0- tario the Eastern Dairy School offers still. it will be inadvisable to prepare course in these for export to the Old Country. \LJlllC I la three months' general lchccsc and butter making, with 3 They can be shipped. but would pro- ispecial Checscmakers‘ Short Courseihghlv bring a much lower price be- from February II to H. and the dairy|¢auge tlmy would not qualify for the instructors course follows the regularlsubsidy. This news has been transâ€" COIH‘SU. from MaI‘Ch ‘34 TO 27. imitted through the office of the lt‘anadian High Commissioners for ‘Canada. Registered Cockcrels Poultry prove egg production and egg size. [and thus lower the cost of production. l l breeders im- wishing to NEW. Care and Breeding of Brood Sows he Experimental Station, Fred- N.B.. the brood sows are licuscd in portable cabins all year except, for a period from a week or Being bred from parents which inâ€" ton days before fart-owing until the herit the capacity for high egg pro- pigs are weaned. A three year ro- tduction and large ones, Registei‘ed_t;1tion of rape, oats seeded. and cockerels possess the breeding iim~.~s-E(> is carried on in the hog padâ€" sary to increase the ego; production Ellm'ixs and this provides a continuous "of any flock and to ensure egg size imp; 'y of green feed throughout, the & ; and increase the revenue from thcl ; L L poultry flock, should secure Registcr- L-l'icton. ed males to male with their breeding! hens for the coming breeding season. ’as well. Since thcst- (arcktrels are i sun: mph. The object in feeding is to bred from mature females and fil‘OHme the sows in a thrifty condition.'tario: passed by government inspectors 1 Ti. , after they are i-iv months old. the i to far or too thin. If they are very I -.‘. \v during December, bt‘l‘cr can rest ass‘urol that he is Q‘lii‘l’ii‘lil‘. after the pigs are weaned. thOYicautious OWNS“ i“ imcm'minty “f the, JOhnStOn 87 Cranston MANUFACTURERS & EMPORm ting birds l‘osscssing goo-l ‘.'<‘llSll- all "rd well until a normal weight is tulions and abundant vigour. Register (*‘lt'lll ll. Cd cockcrcls may be .scct-lred from Canada. When rinsing a litter, the sow is fed lull <11» \rill clean up. This duouiit will vary from 0 to ii pun-ids daily for different sows. \Varning From England (‘unadian cattle such as might hope to export animalst iLtiscrs. :1' last: to the l'nited Kingdom have ll‘r'l‘lltly brcn warned regarding the shipnr-nt \‘zil'fi‘s :li times, owing to the nature of >it)(‘l{ with any nmiilaliun- in 'he: .‘ the fwd on hand. A satisl'actor7.' are going places you like to inquire the way of someone who has been there. will use newspaper advertising consistently y, J. Frank Grimes, president of the Inde- s alliance, said Tuesday, they will do more addressed to members, Grimes said: “The fellows who used the depression as an excuse to curtail their advertising have steadily made their plight worse ying the penalty for their short sightedness. advertising and promotion has been the most potent force in our remarkable growth. Advertising makes for volume sales, volume sales lower production cost and we all benefit.” ness men are making up their minds these days that they have stood still long enough. They are How about you? No matter what line of business you are in there is someone in your line who has taken the Advertising Route reached the City of Success. “ THE LIBERAL ” .mixtur- consists of equal parts of! iground cats, ground barley and tind- I dlings. for sows in good condition and unless 'should receive at least two pounds of 'fish-mcal or tankage at the rate of l l l l2 to 80. for No. 1; in the St. Lawâ€"i l l i If plenty of green feed is fhesc prrts of Ontario some 3":iilublc. about four pounds of mixed pound: of red (‘l<1‘.’t‘l', 4%,000 pounds poultry brcedcrs in every proxirce in grain p 1‘ sow per day is usually F-ufâ€" of alfalfa. honor) pound2 of 'iisike. ii icil‘. to hoop her in good Condition. | 200.00.”) pumrl: of :twgot clover. 3-. THURSDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1936 The barley may be omitted suitable mineral and protein suppleâ€" ments are provided. it should be: omitted during the last month before farrowing. The nursing sow skimâ€"milk per pound of grain or 8 per cent of the ration. Mangels are always provided for winter feeding and are fed at the rate of about two pounds per 100 pounds of live weight per day. Clover hay is supplied in racks. If potatoes ‘ are fed to brood sows. they should" be fed only sparingly during preg- I nacy. At this time it is advisable to feed fish meal at the rate of about 3 per cent of the ration, if no skim-I milk is available. Bone char and salt‘ are each fed at the rate of one per i cent of the ration at all times. Ontario Colt Clubs Middlescx county, with five foal ASHPHALT ROOFING, GYPDOC. / clubs showing 91 colts in club work during 1.025 leads Ontario. The next highest, county is Bruce, which has three foal clubs and a showing of 30 l colts. Ilderton Foal Club with a showing of 25 colts has the largest individual showinz‘ in the province. The live foal clubs in Middlesex are at Melbourne, Ilderton, Parkhill, Glcncoc and Thorndale. i i l l l i i . l Clover and Grass Seed Eastern. Central and Northern On- ’l'he movement of seed from Buyers are market. There are still Zl‘.‘£'tll’li\l9 in '000. 000 p/mnls cf timothy and 700,000 pounds of mixed seeds. i Prices nffcrwl growers ramro as' follOWs: fwr red clover in the King- "l‘he grain mixture for the sowsi rpmâ€"()vliawa district. 8 to Hug per pound for country run seed; in north ern (liltui‘ifi, 9c. l‘ r I: in. the St Lawrence counties, 11 to lie: in the \lfalfa .‘Co. lower Ottawa Valley. 3c. in the Ix'incgston-Oshawa district. 10 to lie. (country r7211). For "bike inl the Bellcville. Pcterboro airl Lindsay districts, 11 to lie. for country run northern Ontario, 10 to 11c, for Sweet Clover in the Kingstonâ€" I, seed; No. 1 I Oshawa district. 2c. for country run‘i seed; in the St. Lawrence counties. 2; to Tie. for No. 1. For timothy in the! KingstonvOshawa district, ‘2 to 30. for country run seed; in northern Ontario! 0 a rence counties, to Site. for No. 1 and in the ,lower Ottawa Valley, 3‘. to 4c. for No. 1. Southâ€"Vthc-rn Ontario: A paratively large quantity of seed has already moved from growers to the trade. although there are still avaih able some 750,000 lbs. of re-l clover. 125.000 pounds of alfalfa, 175,000 of alsike. 550.000 of sweet clover, 4,250.- 000 of timothy and 42.000 of Canadian blue The demand continues good for alsike, fair for red clover, alfalfa and Canadian blue grass and poor for sweet clover and timothy. Present'prices paid growers by the C0111- grass. trade range as follows for No. 1 grade, per pound; red clover 10 to 12c.; alfalfa 14 to 160.; alsike 1'2 to i I. i ! 15c.; sweet clover 3 to 4‘~’_>c.: timothy Endlqu leather belts made for k 7 2 t0 Sléc. and Canadian blue grass 31?: to Lie. (country run). ___.____ TOTTENIIAM The following are the the elections held in the results of village on Monday: For Reeve Livingstone . . . . . . . 15. Brandon . . . . . . . . . . 153 For Council Hastings . . . . . . . . . 188 Rinn . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Simpson . . . . . . . . . . 168 Wray . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 McDermott . . . . . . . 150 McGoey . . . . . . . . . . . 122 For School Trustees Claridge . . . . . . . . . . 190 Mayle . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Hammond . . . . . . . . . 140 Napier . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 McLean . . . . . . . . . . 82 Utilities Cont. Campbell . . . . . . . . . 135 Thornton . . . . . . . . . 113 If a third person doesn’t embarrass married ones. They are through courting and haven’t started quarrel- mg. A successful man is one who thinks he owns a lot of things that own him. “What do you use to stop a cough?” asked an ad. Well, movie patrons use the back of our neck. It pays to save everything. The' useless junk you get one Christmas can be given to somebody else next, time. l Phone HYland 2081 0 e ulna .brudd not be allowed to becomclgrnwers 70 ll‘“ ll‘ll‘i“ “"V ‘l"”l(i“(ii-" Eve. Phone 9788 p n Eve '3. E. WALKINGTON 1‘ Monday, Wednesday & Friday Maple. Ont. :2 A LAZY LIVER CAN EASILY RESULT FROM HEAVY WINTER DIET Don‘t suffer from constant headache, biliousness, consti- pation, coated tongue, etc. Parke’s LIVER TONE is a vegetable cor- rective and will give quick relief. Italso aids the stomach in its digestion. Sold for over 40 years. $1.00 PHONE 71 GLENN’S DRUG SPORE SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER C0. Dealers in LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES 1 Telephone ‘27 a REAL ESTATE INSURANCE CONVEYANCING ESTATES MANAGED IO... J. R. HERRINGTON Richmond Hill, Ont. OF CANADIAN & FOREIGN Granite Monuments 1849 Yonge St. (east aid.) Between Merton & Balliol Sb. :eensed Auctioneer, County of Yont Prompt Attention To All Sales Farms & Farm Stock Sales A Specialty. â€"â€" RATES REASONABLE - ing Ont. Phone King 4212 TRAVEL SERVICE Steamship Reservations to Breat Britain and the Continent. Premier service to West Indies. PASSPORTS ARRANGED FOB Rail tickets and sleeper Reservations. EXPRESS TELEGRAPH Can. National Station Richmond Hill Y. B. Tracy, Agent Phone 169 HARNESS New and used harness and collars Harness and parts, collars, blankets, boots and rubbers, mitts, socks, etc. Tarpoulins repaired Celluloid put in side curtains electric motors, cars, etc. Harness made to order at no extra charge. Collar fitting and repairing a specialty. Shop closed at 6 p.m., ISAAC BAKER RE. No. 2 Telephone Maple 1063 (11/4, miles North of Concord) @i’ @f/ Sales Books are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. They cost: no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. See Your Home Printer First for sale by THE LIBERAL

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