DR. W. J. MASON DENTIST YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET PHONE 70 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Dentist Moo: Trench Block, two doors north of Bank of Commerce Hours: 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.23. Telephone 32 Centre Street, 'l‘hornhm Ofï¬ce Hours: 12-230 p.m. 6-8 pan. Phone, Thornhill 100 ml & holidays by appointmem AUC’I‘IONIERS J. B. Murine, All Balliol Sf». K G. Fremico. Markham Tmnco, HYland 0834 We are prepared to conduct sales of my description. Farms and farm flock sales a specialty. Farms bought Old sold on commission. All sales at- bdéd to on shortest notice, and con.‘ Md by the most approved methods.} I AUCTIONEER MAPLE [domed Auctioneer for the County of York lulu attended to on shortest notice Ind at reasonable rates. Patronage Solicited J. T. SAIGEON & SO Insurance FIRE â€" AUTOMOBILE â€"â€" LIFE Woodbridge Dr. Charles C. Collins luple, Ont. open! Aug. 26th FallTerm in SHAW 12 business School- In Toronto. Our m lead to proï¬table «implement. Writs far curri- qplun. W. R. Slum, Registrar. 1180 Bay St. From the Toronto Comemtory of lute, will accept a numher of pupils in Pluto, Organ 3nd Theory. Richmond Hill â€"â€" Tuesday 82 Friday MRS. MYLKS Thirty Years Ekpeï¬ence Formerly with Heintzman Com my [ï¬ve Orders at Austin’s Drug tore Richmond Hill Office Hours: 9 to 11 mm. 6 to 8 p.m., and by appointment ice: Centre and Church Streets. chmond Hill Phone 24 North Yonge St. - Richmond Hill DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFFâ€" Oflieo Hours: 8-10 a.m. & 6-8 pm. 3. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFFâ€" Diseases of women and children) ice Hours: 1-3 p.m. Phone 100 VOL. LVI. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE “amend Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at THORNHILL AND UNION‘VILLE DENTIST Successor to DB. M. C. MacLACHLAN Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evenings Other Evenings by Appointment Office over the Post Qgflce Dr. C. A. M acDonuld PROVIDE for Your PERSONAL PEN SPON on the New'Unit-qutem flammang “DUNCAN LIFE. ’A STRONG CANADIAN COMPANY WwEXCELSEOR Prentice & Prentice Dr. L. R. Ma‘rwood Dr. R. A. Bigford I THORNHI’LL Bank ï¬f Commerce Building Dr. M. J. Quigley DENTIST Telephone 80 Wright 6’: Taylor Adelmo Melecci Dr. J. P. Wilson DENTIST At Dr. Bigford’s Office Tuesdays 9â€"12 am. Thursdays 12-11530 p.113; “YORK COUNTY’S GEO. W. CROSS Piano Tuner Ofï¬ce Hours 9-10 3.111.. 12-2 & 6-8 Pom- md by appointment LE -â€" PHONE 3 Drs. Langst aff J. Carl Saigeon Dr. L. R. Bell NEWS‘IEST NEWSPAPER†M U SlCAL BUSINESS ï¬lbUlUAL iiï¬an‘é'ï¬upl. a Phone 77 LIFE, FIRE, ‘ ACCIDENT, SICKNESS. 1 PLATE GLASS, AUTOMOBILE, BURGLARY, GUARANTEE BONDS SPECLAL RATES T0 FARMERS ON ALL CARS TARIFF & NONTARIFF CO’S. Bowden Lumber & Coal 00., LTD I LUMBER OF ALL KINDS INSURANCE S. TUPPER BIGELOW LLB. LANSING WILLOWDALE 42 HUDSON 0234 93 Yon ge Street unmediately North of Masonic Hal] Phone 87 â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€" 18 Toronto Street Phone ELgin 1887 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Member of the Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta Bars) \ 311) McKinnon Building, ‘ 19 Melinda St, Toronto Ens. Phone EL. 1744 ‘A. Cameron MacNaughton, K.C. BARRISTER 1711 Star Building, 80 King Street, West, Toronto Phone: ELgin 4879 Alexander MacGregor K. C. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC ‘14 Confederation Life Bldg. Toronto Phone: Ofï¬ce EL. 5029 Res. M0. 3866 PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING ’ Thornhifl. Ontario Hot Water Heating and general repairs. Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Richmond Hill â€" Ontario Office over Davies Dry Good Store Maple Every o'aturday MAPLE nUTEL ALL KINDS OF SHEET METAL WORK Furnaces, Elva Troughs, Meal ’ Gar-gag. Roofing Jobbing Pronptly Attended to Insulex, Donnacona Board, etc. Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Officeâ€"711 Dominion Bank Building southwest ccmer of King and Yonge Streets, Toronto. W. B. Millikan. K. C. Herb. A. Clark Henry E. Redman W. P. Mulock formerly of Wm. Cook. Cook & Delany BARRISTER - SOLICITOR - NOTARY BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers and Solicitors Hon. W. H. McGuire James A. Boles, B. A. Percy Biggs AD. 0177 Toronto AD. 0178 1315 Bank of Hamilton Building Yonge Street â€" Toronto Barristers. Solicitors, "Notaries Telephone ADelaxde 2108 Offices: 85 Richmond St. W., Toronto Naughton Block, Aurora Solicitors for: Aurora, Richmond Bill, King, Whichurch. Markham and \Iorth Gwillimbury. Walter S. Jenkins. Res. Phone Hill 5048. VI. Harry Ngught_o_n. Res. Elfin Mills Barristers. Solic1tors, etc. Wm. Cook. K. C. Ralph B. Gibson, LG. Toronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg" 85 Richmond St. West Richmond Hill, Thursday torenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate A. C. HENDERSON McGuire, Boles & Co. N aughton & Jenkins 1008 Federal Buildir'ig 85 Richmond St. West, oronto Telephone AD. 1948 J'.F'OX THURSDAY AFTERNOON Mulock, Milliken, Clark & Rvdman T. C. Newman Thomas Delany A. G. SAVAGE Cook & Gibson Ricbénoqd Hill Evgry Campbell Line Post Office Block Richmm-d Hill Established 1880 Reg. Phone 12‘: Res. Phone RA. 5429 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23rd, 1936 Honest work and fresh air used to turn out more pretty girls than the beauty parlors. “Well, I’d rather do that,†was the answer, “than have to kiss her good- bye.†But no reasonable answer occurred to explain the strange practice. Baf- fled, one of the travellers volunteered to get the truth. When the opportun- ity presented itself, he button-holed the husband of the homely one. “Why is it that you bring your Wife‘ with you on your trips?†he asked. I More equipment than ever before ‘is being used by the Ontario Depart- .ment of Highways to keep Provincial lroads open this winter, it was stated iat Queen’s Park Monday. There are 32,400 men engaged in this work all {over Ontario, and 100 trucks owned f‘by the department, as well as many rented machines, are busily engaged in clearing highways of snow and rendering dangerous spots safe by liberal applications of sand. There must be an explanation for his doing this thing, one of their num ber contended. All had wives. None was homely, yet no other traveller took his wife with him when he covered his territory. There was much speculation among his acquaintances as to why a certain commercial traveller took his wife with him when he went out on the road. For she was homely. She was so homely that none of the fellows could ever recall seeing a face so un- beautiful. In a. hotel one night the travellers shook their heads at the sight of their pal newly arrived in town and checking in at the desk. At his side was his unbeautiful wife. ' It was Alfred Noyes, the poet, who said: “Most people at the present day are sleepwalkers.‘ They are alive but they are not awake. They don’t realize their own marvellous possess- ions or- readin perceive the world about them. If, for instance,†he said “the trees were to break into leaf only once in a generation, and flow- ers appear“ on the earth only once in twenty-five years, the beauty of that appearance would be overwhelmâ€" ing.†Just so it is with our blessings and privileges, they are so abundant and frequent, we sometimes lose their real value of beauty.†That story should set some of us thinking. Often we have come home from church or Sunday School in a critical mood, and have'a lot to say about parts of which we disapprove. After all, however, have We not reâ€" ceived a lot in comparison with the little we have given? â€"Huntsville Forester. A story is told of a Sunday dirlner at which the family was criticizing the church service all had attended. Father objected to the sermon, says an exchange, and mother thought it time they. hired a new organist. Daughter was severe on the defects of the choir. The son of the house listened uneasily to all this criticism. Finally he put in his word: “After all, dad, I think it was a lot for a cent." Hon. George S. Henry is not satis- fied with only $1,000 voted for his portrait to be hung in the premier’s row at the parliament buildings. George would be surprised [how many folks in Ontario would not‘g‘rant him more than the price of a small camera snapshot. Anyway the government will appropriate no more, and it hasn’t occurred to Mr. Henry to dib in any himself. “We are using greatpr quantities of sand than ever before.†said R. M. Smith, deputy minister of highways. “There are 3,600 miles of provincial highways, and most of them are be- ing sanded. Here is a real chance for the girls in a classified advertisement which appeared in a recent issue of the Brantford Expositor: “Widower, aged 45, dead broke, but able to earn living wishes to meet lady same age, to share misery. Box 41, Expositor." Next Tuesday the York County Council meets for the initial session of 1936. The wish of the taxpayer is that it may be a brief session. Old man winter is wearing away and soon ’twill be spring. One week from Saturday is the first of February. General News & Views 3 The annual meeting of the RH. and Y.S. Agricultural Society was held on Saturday. The Secretary-Treasurer’s books were audited, showing a good substantial balance on the right side. The following officers and directors were appointed: President, J. Slater; 1st Vice-President, G. Leek; 2nd Vice- President, G. Gormley; Sec.-Treas., H. A. Nicholls; Directors, Whitchurch T. Lloyd, W. Thompson; King, T. H. Legge, W. Wells; Markham, G. Padget W. Ormerod, A. Pingle, D. Lynett, R. Elliott, J. E. Francis; Vaughan, W. H. Clubine, J. N. Boyle, J. S. McNair, G. Dibb, G. Redditt, H. Rumble; Rich- mond Hill, W. H. Pugsley, T. F. Mc- Mahon, J. H. Sanderson, P. G.\ Savage, W. Eyer, E. Barker, J. Palmer, I. Crosby; Executive Committee, Messrs. Pugsley, Sanderson, Boyle, Clubine, Palmer, \Padget, McMahon, Lynett, Savage. ’Messrs. Sanderson, Leek, Pugsley, Clubine and the Secretary were appointed a committee to super- intend the Seed Show which will be held here on the 10th of February. It is announced that ears are grow- ing larger. But that doesn’t mean that anybody is going to listen any more attentively to all you say. From Our Issue of Jan. 18th, 1906 Mr. Donald Mackenzie of Wood- bridge ‘»has been appointed license in- spector' of West York in place of the late James Bond. The weekly practice of the Victoria Square Rifle Club was held last Sat- urday afternoon. The following are the five who made the highest scores: A. Quantz 90, R. Agar 77, T. Read 73, W. Scott 71, C. P. Read 65. About a year ago one of the prin- cipal discussions in shops related to the by-law for the removal of snow in the village of Richmond Hill. Until to-day the by-law this winter has been as unnecessary as are the snow fences along the Metropolitan Railway. C. Forrester A. Quantz . .. J. C. Jenkins R. Agar . . .. W. Mustard George Brown At the annual meeting of the Methodist Sabbath School all of last year’s officers and teachers were re- elected. The following are the of- ficers: Superintendent, J. Switzer; Secretary, G. S. McMahon; Assistant Secretary, Donald Atkinson; Treasur- er, A. J. Hume; Librarian, Wm. San- derson; Leader of Singing, W. A. Wright; Organist, Miss Wiley; As- sistant Organist, Miss Barker. Mr. T. Thomson of Headford in- stalled the Sons of Scotland officers on Wednesday evening of last week. William Henry Harvey, who for a number of years kept the store at the Metropolitan Waiting Room, North Toronto, died suddenly of pneumonia, Saturday last, in his 37th year. In- terment took place in Mount Pleasant Cemetery on Monday. J. M. Lawrence J. W. Elliott J. Ellston F. McConaghy J. Brownlee D. Bayle J. Vickery, W. H. Pugsley, skip 15 skip 12 W. R. Proctor J. Hall J. Glass John Casely T. H. Trench A. Moodie Geo. McDonald W. Sanderson H. A. Nicholls, J. Palmer, skip 19 skip 1.r W. E. Brown H. F. Hopper E. A. Coombs J. Casely F. H. Kirkpatrick T. F. McMahon C. McConaghy P. G. Savage J. Mortson, M. Boyle skip 20 skip 1.‘ At the regular semi-monthly shoot of the Victoria Square Rifle Club held on Saturday last the following scores were made: FORTY YEARS AGO From Our Issue of Jan. 23rd. 1896 The members of the Richmond Hill Curling Club had a full day’s enjoy- ment on Tuesday. By request of the club Mr. Mortson and Mr. Savage chose rinks and played for an oyster supper. In the forenoon Mr. Mort- son‘s side won by 3 points, in the afternoon by 4 points, and in the eve- ning; by 2 points. The match created quite an interest, many of the citizens, including a number of ladies, being present at the games. After the closing match most of the players repaired to the Palmer House where an excellent menu had been prepared by the proprietor, Mr. Kelly. The following is a summary of the games played: J. M. Lawrence J. W. Elliott J. Ellston F. McConaghy J. Brownlee D. Beyle J. Vickery, W. H. Pugsley, W. R. Proctor J. Glass T. H. Trench Geo. McDonald H. A. Nicholls, Way Back in Liberal Files 100 yds. 200 yds. total rester . . 40 ‘ 40 ‘ 80 ntz . . . . . 37 36 73 enkins .. 45 24 69 L1‘ . . . . . . 40 26 66 lstard . . 35 30 65 Brown . 36 ‘ 29 65 THIRTY YEARS AGO 100 yds 40 37 45 4o 35 36 ‘ A good Anthracite Coal shows its worth under hard winter fir- : ing. We handle the best grades obtainable. Jones Coal Company, { phone 188 . Ham (mournfully, as he leaned out of the window of the AIMâ€"This is tough luck. Shemâ€"What’s the kick now? Hamâ€"Why, we’ve got all this wa- her around us to fish in, and only two fish worms on board. 'Janada’s Grand Old Man Who on Sum lay last; celebrated his 92nd birthday. lir William, who is now Oritario’s 3hief Justice, is hale and hearty and \njoy'ing- the best of health. His host of friends in. North York and through out Canada extend to this outstand- ing citizen best; wishes for many more years of happy useful life. ' A smart man is one who never makes the same mistake twice, but a smarter one is. he who never makes it the first' time. A lot of folks keep their radio on every minute of the day. They per- haps can’t get over the notion. that it will finally “say something." SIR WILLIAM MULOCK IN SINCERE RESPECT WE JOIN WITH THE MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WHO MAKE UPl THE GREAT BRITISH EMPIRE IN THE UNIVERSAL SORROW OCCASIONED BY THE PASSING OF OUR BELOVED SOV- EREIGN, KING GEORGE V. Richmond Hill Richmond Tailors J. A. Greene 013mm! the ikiug’s Eigbmap DAIRY Because it is so PURE, Io FRESH, and so GOOD be sure to insist on Phone 42 Richmond III Milk and Cream SECURED FROM SELECTID AND INSPECTED Hum AND HANDLED IN m MOST APPROVED METHOD. IT IS SURE TO GIVE snu- FAC’I‘ION. PASTEURIm BY THE MOST uonm METHODS. ’ Richmond Hill Daily Services GRAY COACH LINES N ewmarket, Sutton, Barrie, Orillia, Midland ATTRACTIVE RATES between Richmond Hill Canadian and USA. points LOW FARES Richmond Hill Dairy ' G. WALWIN, Prop, Single Copy 5c intermediate points. TORONTO $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE between and and and Ontario No. 30