Everyone is cordially invited to at- tend the crokindle party given by the Willing Workers of Group No. 2 of the W.A. of Can'ville Church at the home of Mrs. Delbrocco on Jan. 29th. Progressive crokinole will be played after which lunch will be served. A Mr. Stewart Wark and Miss 0. Bovair took tea with Mrs. J. Clement on Sunday evening. Miss M. Reaman and Mr. Billie Baker spent Tuesday in Toronto. Mr. Wesley Muirhead of Singhamp- ton spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Muirhead. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hopper (nee Miss Hazel Woods) on the birth of a son. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Middleton gave their home for a very delightful crok- inole party for Mr. Bert Middleton, Mrs. J. Clement and Mrs. Woolcott’s Sunday School classes. Progressive crokinole and other games were play- ed, the‘1 lunch was served. All report a lovely time. School was closed Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week. Miss Walker was sick with a cold THURSDAY, JANUARY 23rd, 1936 CARR‘VILLE (726 HOSPlTflL FOR SICK CHILDan Premier someday? You cannot decide; OUR donation to the Hospital for Sick Children makes sure that no needed expense is spared when a little patient’s future depends on treat- ment and attention costing more than is contemplated by the fixed grants made to this institution by Provincial and Municipal governments. The support of a humane and charitable public is required if the skilful treatment and extraordinary attention demanded by many cases which come to our doors is to be provided. Remember, the Hospital does not share in the funds collected by the Toronto Federation for Community Service be- cause We accept patients from all over the Province. Every child of 14 years of age and under‘ 0 Send your donation to the Appeal Secretary you can make sure he is given a chance for normal citizenship! but 'LUH‘E-DE-i no cHaLD KNOCK The Annual Congregational meet- ing of the Laskay nUited Church was held on Friday, Jan. 17th. A record attendance marked the event and the splendid reports of the preceding year were put through in record time. There were no additions to the mem- bership which stands at 96. The total receipts for the year were $1500 of which $365 was given to Missions. The W.M.S. added two Life Member- ships this year, this gives them four We are glad to report that Miss Myrtle Middleton who is in the To- ronto General Hospital is improving nicely after the recent operation on the legiments of her leg. Mr. and Mrs. Neaves of Toronto have moved into the house recently vacated by Mr. Campbell Line. Mrs. E. A. Baker and son Walter is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Prentice in Toronto. Miss Jessie Mitchell spent a couple of days last week at Maple the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robeson. very small admission fee will be charged. LA SKAY But general business conditions during the last three years have resulted in a reduction of nearly 50% in the contribu- tions received in response to our annual appeal to the public. Your donation is moge important this year than ever before. $70,000.00 is needed. A cheque will do a wonderful workâ€" but $1.00, $2.00 or $5.00 will help a lot. Thousands of children from every point of the Province come here because of :he splendid record of our professional staff in the successful treatment of “problem†cases. The demand for service is in- creasing and must be met. in genuine need of Hospital care and treatment, and unable to pay for such service can automatically become a patient of this institutionâ€"by right. r in their local society. The Young ‘People’s Dramatic Group have been : resting since their extended tour with , “Wild Ginger†but they will soon be featuring their new play. This group presented the church with a piano this year which was greatly appreciated by the congregation. Keen interest is aroused by the Young Mens and Young Ladies Classes in the Sunday School. Short essays are written each week on the lesson of the preced- ing Sunday. These are condensed and the merits of the boys will be com- pared with the wisdom of the girls. Regular attendance and new mem- ibers are given consideration, and lthese are checked at the monthly social held by the combined classes. INo, this Sunday School is NOT dead. A unanimous vote of appreciation was extended to the Pastor for his leadership and inspiration. GENERAL CARTAGE by Tru WM. MCDONALD. Telephone 62 From Maple Gravel Pit SAND â€" GRAVEL THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Thornhin Actorâ€"Ah, my boy, when I played Hamlet the audience took twenty minutes to leave the theatre. Listenerâ€"Really! Was he lame or something? Haroldâ€"Did you hear the big news? Geraldâ€"Spill it! Haroldâ€"My dog visited a flea. cir- cus and stole the show. Husbandâ€"Perhaps they have a bank account. The actor was boring his listener badly: Mrs. Smathersâ€"They’re not much. They have no automobile or ratkio 01* even a grand piano. I can’t imagine what they have got. Most girls are the moody type un- less the right fellow is along. Husbandâ€"What did you find out about the social standing of the folks across the street? Mrs. Smathers took a great inter- est in the doings of her neighbors. It was a great day for her when a. new arrival came to the house next door, and she watched with interest as furniture was carried into the house. for Ford V-S cars. Plenty of heat from your hot water heater despite large cooling capacity. No special thermo- stats required, uscs heat ordinarily wasted, operates per- fectly with any anti-freeze. Installed in a few minutes and assures a comfortable car in coldest weather. See this out- standing improvement at ClTlES SERVICE GARAGE Phone 12 Webber Heater Booster See the new Richmond Hill PAGE SEVEN