A congregational méeting was held in the United Church last Wednesâ€" day evening when reports were re- ceived from all the departments and a cordial invitation was extended to Rev. M. Partridge to remain as Pastor. Hot supper was served by the ladies of the chufch. ' In the different churches Memorial Services were held last Sunday for our late beloved Sovereign King George V. The altars in Hope and Maple United Churches were draped in black and purple. On Monday evening the Young Peo ple of Edgeley were entertained by the Maple Society, the vistors fur- nishing the program which included a. Playlet “Too Much Married.†Under the auspices of Hope Sab- bath School a play entitled “Coming Through The Rye†will be presented in the Masonic Hall on Friday eve- ning, Feb. 7th, by the Dramatic Club of St. Columba’s, Toronto. On Saturday of this week the an- nual sleigh drive of the United Church Sabbath School will be held to be followed by hot supper and a program in the vestry of the church. Skiing is enjoyed on the hills north of the Village by a large number of young people from the City. VOL. LVI. CAPITO M0. 2172 ALL WEEK, FEB. 3rd to 8th “YORK COUNTY’S N EWSIEST NEWSPAPER†MU TIN Y ON the BOUNTY THE BRIDE COMES HOME REVIVAL TUESDAY & FRIDAY AT 11 RM. JOE E. BROWN in “ALIBI IKE†CLAUDETTE COLBERT NEWS CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT. 1.30 T0 11.30 FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JAN. 31, FEB. 1 MAPLE MATINEE DAILY CLARK GABLE â€" FRANCHOT TONE CHARLES LAUGHTON PARKING FOR 200 CARS SCROOGE â€" â€" -â€" AND â€" â€" â€" CHARLES DICKENS in OYSTER SUPPER The A.Y.P.A. of St. John’s Church, Oak Ridges, will hold an Oyster Sup- per in the Parish Hall, Schomberg Junction, on Wednesday, Feb. 12th. Local Deanery A.Y.P.A. talent. The speaker of the evening will be Mr. Jack Thompson, a. Past President of Toronto District Local Council. Ad- mission, adults 35c., children 25c. All welcome. A Gypsy Tea and Baking Sale will be held by the W.A. of St. Mary’s Church on Saturday, Feb. 15th, from 3 p.m., in the basement of the church. Remember the date. THEATRE GYPSY TEA 3/, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JANUARY 30th, 1936 “In Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentials, Liberty; In All ThingsLCharity†Next Monday evening, Feb. 3rd, I. D. Ramer & Son of Richmond Hill will sponsor the showing of the talking picture “HIDDEN HARVEST†at the ‘ Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill. Ac- ‘cording to I. D. Ramer & Son this film is of exceptional interest to any- one engaged in farming. _ It is a full two hour regular film that is highly interesting and amusing. It is made doubly interesting because the story deals with farm life from start to finish. Included in the film are many excellent scenes of familiar farm activities. Complimentary tickets for farmers and their families are being issued at the office of I. D. Rainer & Son, Richmond Hill. CITIZENS HONIIUR MEMORY OF LATE BELOVED SOVEREIGN Citizens of Richmond Hill and 511‘?- rounding district joined with theii fellow citizens of the British Empire in paying a final tribute to the late King George V on Tuesday, the «lay of his funeral. A community service held in the Richmond Hill United Church at 11 a.m. attracted a capacity audience and every seat in the church was filled fqr the impressive and memox‘able service. The service was sponsored by the municipal' cnuncfl and was conducted by the local cletgv and a choir composed of members of the different church choirs led in thn smgmg. Rev. C. W. Follett of Richmond Hill United Church presided and following lthe call to worship the gathering joined in singing the hymn “All peo- ple that on earth do dwell.†This was followed by a scripture reading by Rev. C. W. Follett and prayers by Rev. R. S. Mason representing St. Mary’s Anglican Church. Then fol- lowed the hymn “Praise my soul, the King of Heaven†after which the 21d- dr-ess was given by Rev. J. D. Cun- ningham of Richmond Hill Presby- A proposal is now under consider- ation by‘ the Richmond Hill, Mark- h m and Woodbridge Agricultural Societies to hold a district s-eed fair sponsored by the three Societies. Such a fair undoubtedly would attract the best in seed exhibits and should prove a Success. FAIR BOARD MEETS SATURDAY The annual meeting of the Rich- 'mond Hill Agricultural Society will be held in the Municipal Hall, Satur- day afternoon, at, 2 p.m. All officers and directors and all interested in the Richmond Hill Fair are invited to attend. FREE TALKING PICTURES MASONIC HALL PLAN DISTRICT SEED FAIR mmm Reeve J. A. Greene and Mrs. Greene, members of the municipal council and' their wives, W. P. Mulock K.C., MP. and Mrs. Mulock, Morgan Baker M.L.A., Reeve R. W. Scott and Deputy-Reeve Boynton Weldrick of Vaughan Township, members of the Board of Education, former members of council, members of the Veterans lOrganiza’cion, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides- lTrumpet Band, School Children occu- pied reserved seats in the church for the service. terian Church. In his address Rev. Cunningham paid sincerest tribute to our beloved monarch and the useful life he lived in service of the Empire and its pe0ple. The hymn “Abide With Me†a particular favorite of the late King was followed by an im- pressive tw0 minutes silence, the sounding of the last post by Band- master James Butler, the benediction and the National Anthem. It was a most impressive service and marked in fitting manner Rich- mond Hill’s tribute to a beloved Mon- arch who served his people faithfully and well. W.I. PARTY POSTPONED Owing to the death of His Majesty King George V, the Women’s Insti- tute party has been postponed until Feb. 14th, at 8 p.m. Tickets dated Jan. 24th will be honored Feb. 14th. The Veteran Women’s Auxiliary will meet at the home of Mrs. C. Nelson, Yonge Street, on Tuesday, Feb. 4, at 2.30 pm. All members are urged to be present as the elec- tion of officers will take place. New members made welcome. The regular Euchre and Dance of the Vaughan Workers Social Club will be held in Richvale School on Wed- nesday, Feb. 5th, at 8.30 pm. sharp. Good prizes and refreshments. Also a grand prize for highest score will be given at the close of the season. Admission 25c. plus tax. VETERAN WOMEN’S AUXILIARY REGULAR EUCHRE AND DANCE Rev. Rev. W. F. Wrixon of King City has been appointed rector of St. Mary’s Church. Richmond Hill, as the successor of Rev. L. Claude Secrett, who became rector of St. George's Church, Willowdal-e. The appointment of Rev. W. F. Wrixon was announced to the Annual Vestry Meeting on Monday evening in a communication from Rt. Rev. A. R. Beverley, Suffragan Bishop of Toronto, who in making the appoint- ment confirmed the unanimous choice of the parishoners at a. previous meeting. The new rector will assume charge' on March lst. Rev. Wrixon comes to Richmond Hill after a period of over seven years in the three church parish of St. Stephen’s, Maple; All Saints, King City; and St. John’s, Oakridges, and his departure from these churches is regretted by citizens in all phases of municipal, soeial and religious circles 1n Maple, King City and Oak- ridges districts. On first going to All Saints Church, King City, in 1929, it was united with St. Stephen’s F. Wrixon Named Rector of St. Mary’s is delicimus Church, Maple, and both were hardly able to maintain their work indepen- dently. Later, St. John’s, Oakridges, was linked with King City and Maple and toâ€"day, this three church parish is entirely selfâ€"sustaining and in ex- cellent condition. During his stay in King City, he introduced a surâ€" plice (hoir at All Saints’ Church, which had never previously been organized. Previously, Rev. Wrixon was rector of Trinity Church, Liverpool, in the Diocese of Nova Scotia for five years and because of climatic conâ€" ditions he was advised to come to Ontario, in order to improve his health. In the missions of Wybridge and Coboconk in the north of the Diocese of Toronto, he began his ministry and served several years in that district. ‘ Rev. Wrixon is a graduate of Wy- cliffe College, Toronto, and Bible Col- lege, Glasgow, and received his early education in the National Public School of Bournemouth, England. He was ordained deacon in 1917 and priested in 1918 by his grace, Arch- bishop James Sweeney. At the presâ€" ent time, Rev. Wrixon is Chaplin of West York Deanery Local Council of the A/.Y.P.A. and Treasurer of Wy- cliffe College Alumni. Mrs. Wrixon has rendered valuable services in all of her husband’s various parishes in the work of the Women’s Auxiliary and has been honored by appointment to Life Membership in the Women’s Auxiliary of the Diocese of Nova Scotia and as a Dominion Life Mem- ber of the WA. The citizens of Richmond Hill welcome Rev. and Mr-r Wrixon to their new field of service in our midst. BIRTH HOGGâ€"At Newmarket Hospital on Saturday, Jan. 18th, to Mr. and Frank S. Hogg' of Richmond Hill, t. son (David Edward). SINGLE COPY 5c. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE 30! No. 31