SKATING - WNIHV TNIQ INVICOPATWC =°=O 0c: 0: KEEPING A COW ON RELIEF (From the Elmira Signet) In Tavistack they have gone one step farther than that. There, some objections were raised to a cow being on the relief rolls of that village. As a result one of the members of the council was obliged to explain just why a cow should be kept on relief by the village. At the nomination meeting- Reeve Roth explained that by keeping a cow on relief the relief costs of the village were actually diminished. “If the animal had been sold,†the Gazette reports Mr. Roth as saying, “the relief costs of this family to the municipality would have been much greater than the cost of feed“ for the animal. And so, the village continues to hand out the cow rations gratis, knowing,- it will pay back dividends, which thing many people on relief do not do.†FREE MOTION PICTURES at Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill, Monday evening, Feb. 3rd. For tickets apply to I. D. Ramer & Son, Richmond Hill. 61:0: Monday, Ev’g, Feb. 3rd Talking Free ! Pictures Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill PAGE FOUR at 8 pm. Sponsored by I. D. Ramer & Son .The picture “ HIDDEN HARVEST †is a thrilling and exciting romance of Farm Life which is amusing and entertaining.†Don’t miss it. It is a picture every member of the family will enjoy. Free tickets may be obtained from I. D. RAMER & SON Phone 10 Special arrangements for parties and carnivals: Apply to GOOD MUSIC ENJOY THIS INVIGORATING HEALTH RECREATION Richmond Hill Arena WEDNESDAY 1 way! Your spark plugs never miss and I fuss, [Your motor never makes one cuss. .Your frame is good for many a mile. Your body never changes style. Your wants are few and easy met,â€" |You’ve something on the auto yet! THE OATSMOBILE Oh, horse, you are a. wonderful brute, No buttons to push, no horn to boot. You start yourself, no clutch to slip. No spark to miss, no gears to strip; No license buying every year, With plates to screw on front and rear. No gas bills- climbing up each day, Stealing the joys of life away; No speed cops chugging in your rear Yelling summons in yOur ear. Your inner tubes are all O.K. And thank the Lord they stay that Daughter â€"- Mother, I wish you would stop bossing Father around so much. Motherâ€"What’s, the matter now? Daughterâ€"Well, every time I get some young man interested in me he grows serious and asks me if I take after you. H. J. MILLS, Chairman Park Commission SATURDAY Richmond Hill and 10=0=O=° (By Calthaâ€"Copied from Church Times) The authorship of the words as well as the tune of our National Anthem has long been under considerable conâ€" troversy. The words have been un- doubtedly changed from the original except in one instance only because they have been translated from Latin. The tune seems to have remained the same as in AD. 1606. Various attempts were made at the time of Queen Victoria’s Jubilee es- pecially by those who misunderstood the meaning of the 2nd verse and the good old anthem with its 3 verses is now established as our national one and the attempts to change it happily came to nothing. ,0 save us. It is only in the latter lines that God’s grace is directly annealed to as the hone of the s-urmliants that the Fine might be enabled to do as they hone and desire. What wonder that the Revolution being: accomnlish- ed. the Roman Priests’ Hymn went into disuse. Thus it came about after a considerable time elapsed be- fore it was revived at ’46. In the year 1740 Dr. Henry Carey (the Author of Sally in our Alley) is said to have sung it with great success at a birthday dinner by the Mercers’ Company in honour of George II. Dr. Carey died in 1743. Who translated it is unknown. But as Carey claimed to be its author he may have doneideav'aftmrqon‘ Jan: 29th this. But as to its tune Dr. Gauntlet an“? 9]“an 0f Ofï¬cers tc lobserves that Carey’s claim to that. pmze wmnlp’rs at thp must not be accented for had this,workers Sana] Club Em been the case Dr. Arue and Dr. Bur- v Dame on ,Wednegdav 0f 1: ney would certainly have known it were' lamesï¬ Mrs' Farr" as the one harmonized it for Drury Ethfr Momma“: gentle" Lane and the other for Covent Gar- gigiéfm’ A‘ Brown“ den Theatres and both declared the ‘ I (a tune was known in the time of James ' A TURI~ II. This is supported by a letter. DONE TO . . . as 'ust a callow br written by Garrick 1n 1745 thus: The When I w . J . I got my fingers burned ant stage at both houses is; the most- . - - Was quite enough. But slnc pious as well as the most loyal place - - , I sagely swore to keep awa; m the 3 Klnzdoms. Twenty men an- . From conflagratlons, I have peared at the end of the play and . , My resolutlon wasnt sound one stepped forward from the restiI iew of feminine endura with uplifted hands and eyes began n v 0 I 1 ' - So now I’d like some fire ir Singing an old anthem. __ O Lord our God arise Confound the enemies Sweet Young Thing (at - Of George our King counter)â€"Have you: ‘Kiss< Send him victorious the Moonlight?†Long to reign over us Abashed Clerkâ€"Erâ€"it n God save the King. been the man at the othei And these are the very words ofI’ve only been here a week- .Thie music for this was probably composed by John Bull, Doctor of Music, and was the tun-e still used in our National Anthem because the tune was in the Manuscripts of Doctor Bull in the time of James I. Since then the name of John Bull has been typical of every loyal British Subject. We don’t know in what language if was sung by the gentlemen of the Chapel Royal at the Merchant Taylors’ Hall on that occasion. The next time we hear of it was under different circumstancas. Wil- liam of Orange was then in Oct. 1688 hovering off the Southern Coast of England. and a Captain Churchill (who afterwards became Duke of Marlborough) was influencing- the Kings Guards to go down and welcome him. It was then that Father Petre was using- in the Chapel Royal of St. James’ Palace a hymn of which he was supposed to have had something to do with the wording. At any rate this is the first time the words of our National Anthem are known to have taken their present shape. Father Petre’s hymn was in Latin. Dr. An- thony Young, organist of All Hallows Church, Barking. is said to have writâ€" ten its tune. But it is much more probable he only adapted it from Dr. Bull’s original one. After the escape of James I and the parliament from the perils of Gunpowder Plot a banquet was given to the King- by the Merchant Taylors Company. At this “God save thP King†was sung by the gentlemen» of the Chapel Royal who were vested in their_ surplices. There is a noteworthy record in the State papers which may point to an origin of the National Anthem. The orders for the fete taken by the Lord Admiral Aug. 10th 1545 contain these directions, “The watch word on the night shall be thus “God Sade the King†and the other shall answer and “Long to reign over us.†Remember King James II himself as unpopular as his Popish leanings and consequent acts afterwards made by him. There had been a time when there was hardly any Englishman more popular. That was after his victory over the Dutch at the Battle of Harwick when at the surrender of New Amsterdam its name was chang- ed to what has ever since been called New York being so chanved on ac- count of the Duke of York as Janus the King’s brother was called. The 2nd verse was thus: Let the Lord King arise Scatter His enemies And drive them back Confound' their deceits Dismal their frauds In Thee let hope be placed THE NATIONAL ANTHEM LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO an old anthem which was sung at St. James’ Chapel for James II when the Prince of Orange landed to deâ€" liver us from slavery. The wording might be put more plainly but its meaning is clear. From 1745 onwards the English ver- sion has become our National Anthem Here then is the probability of its origin both to composition and melody 1. It was written in Latin and set to music bv Dr. John Bull and sung at the Merchant Taylorsf Banquet, in 1606. 2. Much in the same Latin form to the same melody by Fr. Petre at the Chapel Royal in 16528 and Dr. Anthony Young adanted the original tune and for this reason Dr. Young’s grandâ€"daughter received a state pension. Politics in the Greek origin might be written policies. In 1890-1837 lnyaltv wag at a low ebb. It was during the reign of the good Queen Victoria that it arra‘n touched high-water mark and harmily confinues at the same. Mamv people seem to forget it was a Prayer to God and that is why we stand and if in the open uncnver our heads when it is sung or even nlayed. Who shall not say in those days of unrest we should not pray for prefec- tirm. remembering what has hegn done for us in times of old. That foe-s may be brought to noughtâ€"and that we may remember past mercies. 3. Then it slent for some half a centurv until 1745. From thét time it has in its present form been ackâ€" nowledged as the National Hymn with a slight change: May he defend our laws And ever give us cause To sing with great applause (Now altered “To ï¬rm with heért and vein; God save the King). We are glad to rennrt {hat Mrs. W. Palmr has recovered from her recent illness but sorry to sav that Aurlww Baker, dalm‘hfer of Mr. and Mrs. Wallie Baker has been confined f0 bed for a few davs with a severe cnld‘ and hope she will soon be quite well again. The Women’s Assoniafion met at the home of Mrs. A. Bailey on Wedv nesdayafternqon. Jan. 29th. when the annual election of officers took nlace. Mrs. Warrah‘rs was the rnnreqerfla- tive frnm fhe local Women’s Associa- tion of Rir‘hvale Church and attended the annual meeï¬'nor of “we Centre Prï¬shv‘mrv held last 'T‘11»Mdav in Trinitv Church, Corner of Phor and Robert Sh'eets. Toronto. The new officers for 1936 were elected and in- staW‘od with Mrs. Barron as nrnsHent. It is in the sed‘nd verse these tho’fs imm-ess~ us most ‘On God our hopes we fix’ not party politics as we use the term nowadavs are thus brought to mind at all but rather Divine Mercies enioved and still last- ing. Not-the desire to harm others is asked for but the thankful recog- nition of liberties and blessings past and to come. are brought to mind. It is the continuance of such things we pray God to preserve Our King Edward VIII and with him our Natâ€" ional life as by Divine Grace. Prize winners at tho Vaughan Workers Social Club Euchre and Dance on Wednesdav of last week were, ladies, Mrs. Harrv Woods; Esther Morrison: gentlemen, Bill Morrison, A. Brown. RSV»? 'u ' «J DONE TO A TURN When I was just a callow brat I got my fingers burned and’ that Was quite enough. But since the day I sagely swore to keep away From conflagrations, I have found My resolution wasn’t sound In View of feminine endurance. So now I’d like some fire insurance. The annual meeting of the Sunday School will be held in the church on Tuesday evening, Feb. 4th. at 7.15 p.m. All teachers and officers are urged to be present, also anyone in- terested in the work of fhre Sunday School. At 8.15 pm. the annual con- gregational meeting will be held the Samn evening and same place. All members and ad‘hevem‘sy of fhe church are "wired fn come out on Tuesday evening. Business of great import- ance f0 thi: community will be dis- cncserl. 'T‘hese meeï¬nas will he under fhe charge of Rev. James Miller of anon’m aqsidpd bv Mr. Ramn‘n- o+~ Emmanuvl "allege. The mambers of the Chm-ch Board are especially asked to attend. v Sunday School meets as usual everv Sundav at 2.30 p.m. Church service at 3.30 pm. under the charge of Mr. A. Rapson. college student. Sweet Young Thing (at the music counter)â€"-â€"Have you: ‘Kissed Me in the Moonlight?†Abashed Clerkâ€"Erâ€"it must have been the man at the other counter. RICHVALE CUTTER in good shape. L. H. Cle~ ment, Richmond Hill, telephone 35M. 1 CUTTER, 1 set single harness. Ap- ply Hadwen McQuarrie, Maple, teleu phone Maple 2260. AYRSHIRE COW fresh, 7 years old, good butter cow. Apply 74 Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. CARROTS, 40c. bus., parsnips 450.’ bus. E. Willett, south of Carl-ville Road on Bathurst Street. SAND & GRAVEL, Cement blocks, buildings raised. John Jarvis, Rich- mond Hill, telephone 94M. MATCHED TEAM, Clydesdales. Ap- ply J. A. Baker, Lot 15, Con. 3, Vaughan, phone Maple 1364. DINING ROOM SUITE, 9 pieces, Old English Oak, slightly used, $50.00. Apply W. Dixon, telephone LI. 9484. LEGHORNS, Barred Rocks, Pallets, also portable chicken coop. Will ex- change for old fat hens. C. Bower- bank, Stop; 17A, Yonge' Street, Thorn- hill. 3 DANIELS INCUBATORS (250 egg) and 3 Coal Brooders (1000 chick) or will exchange for T. B. tested H01- stein Cow. Apply Box 41, Liberal Office. YOUNG JERSEY Cow due to fresh- en Feb. 13th. 01' trade for 11/2 ton four cylinder Chevrolet truck .David Mackey, Sussex Ave., off Markham Road. OIL BURNERS for stoves, heaters and furnace. Used stoves and fur- naces, blowers and repairs. R. H. Kane, 74 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, phone 92F. HOLSTEIN COW, grade, accredited and blood bested. Will consider grain in exchange. Reason for selling sur- plus milk. W. A. Jones, farm man- ager, Leechwood Farm, 3rd Con. Markham, telephone Thornhill 18-r-22 CORDWOOD SAW, Massey-Harris No. 2, all steel frame and table, skids and trucks, in first class condition. Apply Samuel Winger, R.R. No. 2, Maple, telephone Maple 1062. J. B. McLEAN, Clerk Dated at Maple, Jan. 29th. J. F. BURR Mill 139 Phones Res. Monday, Feb. 3rd. SOIL nawin. Bramptonâ€"W. A. Russell, W. J. Abell. Torontoâ€"W. G. Dennison, G. S. Bonham. Streetsvilleâ€"S. H. Foster. Port Creditâ€"G. F. Skinner, H. B. Thompson. Chinguacousyâ€"D. W. Moran, Nor- man Cameron. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT" RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Vaughan Council Classified Advs. PEEL COUNTY COUNCIL, 1936 Albionâ€"0. H. Downey, W. A. Wil- Boltonâ€"P. W. McMurter. Toronto Goreâ€"Charles London. Caledonï¬i. F. McDonald, S. Kan- Len Wall & Sons We have attractive prices on Oil Cake Meal, Gluten Meal, also Bran and Shorts. We carry concentrates, also full lines for Mashes. The regular Feb. .meeting of the Vaughan T0wnship Council will be held in the Township Hai’. Vellore Charles Graham AGENT MASSEY HARRIS Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hill 1324' THE MILL PLUMBING, HEATING, EVETROUGHING FURNACE WORK A SPECIALTY For Estimates Call Richmond Hill 196-r-12 FOR SALE 11 am. for the transaction of General Business THURSDAY, JANUARY 30th, 1936 HOUSE AT CONCORD. Telephone Maple 23-63. HOUSE on Centre Street East. Ap~ ply Mrs‘ J. A. Greene, Richmond Hill 6 ROOM BRICK HOUSE in Rich- mond Hill. All modern conveniences, rent reasonable. Apply J .R. Her- rington, Richmond Hill, telephone 87. TUEDSAY, FEB. 4â€"Extensive sale of farm implements, live stock, grain, feed and household furniture, will be held on the farm of Victor Appleton at Lot 3, Con. 5, Whitchurch, 3rd farm north of Markham Townline. Sale includes tractor and plow, threshing machine, and full line of implements. The farm is sold. Terms dash excepting the tractor. See large bills. Sale at 12.30. A .8. Farmer, auctioneer. persion sale of Scotch Shorthorns, the property of Thomas Thomson, Lot 19, Concession 3, Markham at Headford. Sale at 1 pm. Sharp. Terms cash. Alvin S. Farmer, auctioneer. tion sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, ebc., the property of Wilâ€" liam H. Clark, Lot 8, Con. 3, North York, Dufferin Street, sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. No reserve, giving up farming. Prentice and Prentice, auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 26thâ€"Auctionr sale of farm stock, implements, grain, etc, the property of Leslie Robb, Lot 5, Con. 5, Vaughan, Edgeiey. Terms cas. J. C. Saigeon and J. H. Prentice auctioneers. auction sale of farm stock, tractor, implements, hay, grain, furniture, etc., the property of the estate of the late Joseph Mathewson, Lot 20, rear Con. 4, Vaughan, 1% miles west of Maple. Terms: Hay, grain, pigs, fowl, and all articles selling for $25 or under cash, over that amount 8 months credit on approved' joint notes 5 per cent straight off for cash on credit amounts. Tractor half cash. Sale at 12 o’clock. Lunch provided. No reserve as farm sold. Prentice and Prentice, auctioneers. Custom Sawing Used Cars Little Brothers 1934 FORD V-B DeLUXE COUPEâ€" Rumble Seat. Like New. 1931 FORD TUDORâ€"Good Condition. 1935 FORD V-8 DeLUXE TUDOR: 1935 FORD V-8 COUPEâ€"Rumble Seat. Beautiful condition. 1931 FORD PANEL DELIVERYâ€"â€" Completely Reconditioned. All Ford can guaranteed for 89 d1†Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL, ONTAR‘IO- WEDNESDAY, FEB. 12thâ€"Dis- WEDNESDAY, FEB. 12thâ€"Aucâ€" TUESDAY, MARCH 3rdâ€"Credit & Ireland. For further in- formation call Maple 1972. Teston sideroad. Logs may be left any time. Good road in for trucks. Evans SA LE REGISTER At Garnet Diceman’s on TO RENT $625.00 $250.00 $250.00 $585.00 $535.00