farewell, A little While and‘ all his saints shall dwell, In hallowed union indivisable. “Good-Night!†_ Until we meet again before his throne Clothed in the spotless robe He gives The large number of floral wreaths evidenced the high esteem in which she was held and the devotion of many friends. Interment was made in the family plot in St. Andrews Cemetery, Markham, and the pallbearers includâ€" ed Jam-es and William Lauder, John Armstrong, Clark Young and Howard Stiver. “Only “Good-Night,†beloved, not Miss Russell is survived by a bro- ther, William James Russell, his wife Jean Kennedy Russell, a niece and nephew Helen and Kenneth Rus- sell. A large number of friends assem- bled at the residence, Main Street, on Wednesday afternoon to pay last tribute and the impressive service, opening and closing with the verbal rendition of the 'hymns “I, to the Hills will lift mine eyes†and “Breathe on me Breath of God" was conducted by Rev. A. E. Owen of Central United Church, Rev. Frank Rae of Willow- dale, a former pastor, and Rev. W. D. MacDonald of Agincourt. The Scripture selections used during the service were Psalm 90 and Rev: 21 and the text chosen by her pastor was “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death.†Miss Russell has lived in this 10- cality continnously. her childhood was spent on the Russell homestead farm north of Unionville, now a part of Glenburn Farms. Since coming to Unionville her enlarged interests in the various activities have been per- sistently and unselfishly given. As a member of the Public Library Board and latterly the chairman, she had a part in the restoration of the Library from a chaotic condition to one of high recommendation, equally splendid service was rendered on the Executives of the local Women’s In- stitute, Horticultural Society and Re- lief Committee, nor were her church activities limited, for many years she gave successful leadership to the Mis- sion Band in the former Presbyterian church and at the time of her death was an active member of Central United Church and a Life Member of: the W.M.S. She was the daughter of the late Alexander Russell and Margaret Mil- ler Russell and granddaughter of the late George Miller of Rig'foot Farm, Markham, a sister Katharine pre- deceasei her some years ago. Many friends in Unionville and vicinity mourn the passing of Miss Elizabeth Russell to whom death came quietly early last Monday morn ing at Wellesley Hospital, following an illness of short duration from an asthmatic attack. more. Shall claim of death cause us to grieve, And make our ecurag'e fade or fall? Nay, let us Faith and Hope receiveâ€"- The Rose still grows beyond the wall, Scattering fragrance far and Wide, Just as it did in days of yore, Just as‘ it will forever more. Onward it crept with added strength, With never a thought of fear or pride, Breathing its fragrance more and tall Slowly rising- to loftier height, It came to a crevice in the wall, Through which there shone a beam of light. light, Watered and fed by many a dew, Shedding its sweetness day and night, As it grew and blossomed fair and â€"-The Rose Beyond The Wallâ€" Near a. shady wall, a. rose once grew, Budded and bloomed in God’s free THURSDAY, JANUARY 301b, 1936 WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM ( THE UNIONVILLE’ DISTRICT i Meanwhile, the missing one prob- ably ieposes beside the eight-day clock on some mantel back in Keokuk or somewhere. Digges had a two-day vacation while another wooden leg was fashion- ed on the mainland and rushed to the island. After the tourists’ departure, Dig- ges’ pet peg-leg could not be found. The isthmus was scoured, but no wooden leg. The logical conclusion was that the wooden leg had been “snitched†by a souvenir hunter. “It’s like my own flesh and blood,†Diggers chortles in one of his scenes on the Bounty . . . and it was more truth than fiction for the leg had' been attached to him so long. Following three weeks of serene seclusion at the Catalina isthmus, the Bounty troupe was suddenly invaded by a boatload of sightseers and souvenir hunters from Avalon. As Old Bacchus, the ship’s surgeon Digges had hobbled on the prized let! â€"â€"a wooden oneâ€"for four weeks dur ing the filming of Metro-Goldwynâ€" Mayer’s “Mutiny on the Bounty," which opens next week at the Capitol Theatre. WOODEN LFG AS FILM SOUVENIR Souvenir hunters have been guilty of many strange deeds of vandalism but they should not have stolen Dud- ley Dizges’ leg. Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill, Monday evening, Feb. 3rd. For tickets apnlv to I. D. Ramer & Son, Richmond Hill 1.30 p.m.'â€"Church School. 2.30 p.m.â€"â€"Pub1ic Worship. CENTRAL UNTTFI) CHURCH Pastor. Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a.m.â€"Chnrvh Svhooi. 11 a.m.â€"-â€"“Father & Son make a reâ€" ligious discova.†7 p.m.â€"â€"“The Sm"): of Mans Second Conversion.†EBENEZFR I’NYTED CHURCH 1.30 p.m.â€"-â€"Ch1"'ck School. 2.30â€""Fathei' &' Son make a religious discovery.†St. Philip’s Anglican Church 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 7 1').m.~â€"Evening Prayer. BETHESDA LUTHERAN CHURCH To r-arrv them off for a comfortable chew, For I’m just a little black Aberdeen pup, With one ear down and the other ear up. And please you musn’t laugh, cause that’s how they growed. I’m as black as a. cinder from a. choo- choo train, I’m not a bit proud and I’m not a bit vain, I have a nice voice but they call it a bark, And I’m always ready for a. romp or a lark, I keep my eyes open for a boot or a shoe. I’m just a little black Aberdeen pun. With one ear down and the other ear up. . And my front two legs are very, very bowed, Dissolve jelly powder in boiling water. Add cherry juice. Chill. When partially set, beat until foamy. Fold in cherries and whinped cream. Turn into moulds. Chill. Serves 8. VERSE FOR THE KIDDIES â€"Cherry Bavarian Creamâ€" 1 cup boiling- water, 1 cup canned cherry juice, 1 package cherry jelly powder, 1 dun halved cherries, 1 cup 32% cream, whipped. his own, Until we know as we are known, “Good-Night!†A FAVORITE TESTED RECIPE CAPITOL THEATRE FREE MOTION PICTURES at â€"Authur S. Bourino’c. “Verse for Children.†RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D. Cunningham Sunday, Feb. 2nd 11 a.m.â€"â€"“He died for All.†2.45 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 yumâ€"“The Great Comparison.†If we really want a New Worid, we must provide the New Men to make it RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. G W. Foilen, 8.1)., Pastor Sunday, Feb. 2nd 11 am â€"“A Call to Advance.†2.45 [mmâ€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"“Th-e Prince who played the Traitor.†8 p.m.â€" Pleasant Sundav evening. A hearty welcome to all. Preacher, Rev. R. S. Mason. 3 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer. 4th Sunday after Epiuhany Feb. 2nd 11 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. On behalf of the municipal council I extend thanks to all the citizens who co-operated so well in the service in memory of our late King George V last Tuesday morning. We also wish to thank the members of the clergy and all organizations for the support and co-operation. ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH The monthly meeting of the Womâ€" en’s Missionary Society will be held in the school room on Thursday, Feb 6th, at 3 p.m. Mrs. A. J. Hume, Mrs. J. P. Wilson and Mrs. J. F. Burr will review a chapter of the Stud†Book. All ladies are cordially invited to attend. The Young People’s Society of Richmond Hill United Church is pleased to announce that Mr. Elliott Moses, the well known Indian of the Six Nation’s Indian Reserve at Brant- ford, will be the guest speaker at their meeting on Monday, Feb. 3rd, at 8 o’clock. He will speak about life on the Reserve. Mr. Moses is a. well known speaker and on two former occasions filled the Sunday School Room. A hearty welcome is extended to everyone. Come and spend a profitable evening. The annual convention of the North York Temperance Federation will be held in the Sunday School room of the Newmarket United Church, Fri- day, Feb. 14th, at 2.00 p.m Short addresses, discussion on the present temperance situation, and a Tem- perance Oration contsst will be fea- tures of the convention. The public are cordially invited to attend, and all interested organizations are asked to send delegates. Election of of- ficel‘s. To Relief Recipients of Vaughan Twp. All those on relief will apply at Richvalc School for re-x‘eg’istration on Wednesday, Feb. 5th, from 9 am. in the morning. The date of the C.G.I.T. annual Mother and Daughter Banquet has been set for Thursday, Feb. 20th. This is one. which all women and girls should plan to attend. Please re- serve the date, Feb. 20th. The annual oratorical contest for the children of the public school will be held in the High School auditorium to-m'ght (Thursday) at 8 p.m. Every- one is invited. ‘Reeve J. A. Greene is in attendance at the County Council session this week. Miss M. Brock of London, Ontario, and Miss Clark of Toronto were re- cent guests of Mrs. H. A. Nicholls and Miss Russell. Free motion pictures at the Masorlic Hall, Monday evening, Feb. 3rd, at 8 p.m. For free tickets apply to I. D. Ramer & Son. The W.A. of St. Mary’s Anglican Church will hold their Gypsy Tea and Baking Sal-e on Saturday, Feb. 15th, instead of Friday, Feb. 14th, as at» nounced last week. Please note change of date and plan to attend. Friends will be pleased to hear that Mr. George Plewman, who was ser- iously hurt in a motor accident on Wednesday of last week, is now pro- gressing favorably in Toronto General Hospital. ELLIOTT MOSES TO ADDRESS UNITED Y.P.S. Preacher, Rev. R. S. Mason NORTH YORK TEMPERANCE FEDERATION ANNUAL CONVENTION Social and Personal K UNITED CHURCH W.M.S. PH'E LLBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO J. A. WALTCH. President. J. A. McALLISTER, Secretary IMPORTANT NOTICE THANKS A. V. ORR, Relief Officer. J. A. GREENE, Reeve. The regular meeting of the WC. T U. will be held at the home of Mrs». Wellwood‘, Centre Street West, on Tuesday. Feb. 4th, at 3 p.m. As important business is to be discussed we would ask that every member and those interested will make an effort to be present. Will the ladies please bring- their church Hymn Books. IN MEMORIAM CLURINEâ€"In loving ‘remembrance of our dear Father (D. W. Clubine) who passed away Jan. 28, 1935, also of our dear Mother (Mary Clubine) who passed away May 16, 1931. Beautiful memories of ones so dear, We cherish still with love sincere, A dav that comes with sad regret And or»: that we will never forget; V0 length of time, no lapse of years Can dim our loved ones path For treasured memories hold them dear ‘md will While memories last. Ever remembered by The Family. Interâ€"Club Relay: 1stâ€"Vellore 2ndâ€"Union-ville . The Judges were Reeve J. A. Greene James McLeam Mrs; P. G. Hill an’l Miss Smith, all of Richmond Hill. Mrs. R. Piewman wishes to ex- press her sincere appreciation to the many friends for their kind inquiries f1nwer= and many acts of kindness since the unfortunate accident to her son Mr. George Plewman. ‘ Best Comic in Costume: lstâ€"Cameron Kennedy, Agincourt 2ndâ€"Maurice Hamill, Markham Best Hard Times: lst‘râ€"Merland Deavitt, Newmarke’c 2ndâ€"Konneth Howard, Newmarkct Ladies’ Race: lstâ€"Jean Thompson, Un-ionville 2ndâ€"Mabel Rumble, Maple Gents’ Race: lstâ€"Lome Dimma, Unionville 2ndâ€"-â€"Wm. Robb, Vellore Couple Race: lstâ€"Jean Thompson & C. Kennedv. Unionville The number in costume was consider ably increased over that of previous years, Unionville with nineteen win- ning the special prize for the club hav- ing the largest number in costume. The following- are the winners in the various classes: Best Lady in Costume: 1stâ€"Eleanor White, Unionville 2ndâ€"Jean Thompson, Unionville Best Gent in Costume: lstâ€"Gordon Glenister, Victoria Sq.. 2ndâ€"Gnrdon Howard, Newmarket Bat Couple in Costume: Ina. Shaw and Gordon Howard, Newmarket Don’t mias the hockey‘ games to- ‘morrow night. Harry Trowell is Icokinq for the crowd of the season and is busy to-dav installing addition- al seating- capacity. How about a revival of the old Metropolitan Hockey League for next season? The suggestion is fnarle in hockey circles that next year will see midget. iimior and intermediate teams from Willowdale. Thomhill, Rich- mond Hill. Oak Ridges. Aurora, New- market and Bradford fighting it out. How about it fans? Sounds: like a good idea. YORK JUNIORS HOLD CARNIVAL Despite the extremely stormy night, York Junior Farmers turned out in large numbers to their annual Skat- inp: Carnival held in the Richmond Hill Arena on Jan. let. Sharp at 9.15 Reeve Greene extended a welâ€" come on behalf of the Town of Rich- mond Hill. This was followed by a two minute silence in recognition of the death of our late Sovereign. Previous to the big “North†vs “South†game the Midg‘ets will nlay a 'I‘.H.L. schedule game with Fair- bank. The local Midgets have yet to be defeated in the T.H.L. and the fans are assured of a good game when they meet Fail-bank to-morrow night. Last Friday night they deâ€" feated the highly rated Roly Ram~ blers by a. score of 2-1. Friday night the game of the sea- son is scheduled for the Richmond Hill arena when there will be a battle royal between two Richmond Hill teams, the North vs the South. “Ren†Brown will captain the north-ende'rs and Bill Savage will be mentor for the southerners. Both teams are lin- ing up some star players and at the time of going to press the betting- is even money although in some quart- ers the north enders are made the favorites due to a shrewd move by captain Brown in signing: up the gas house gang and Ben is building high hopes on their contribution to the struggle. In an interview with The Liberal to-day he stated what his team lacked in speed they would make up in weight. ' 2nd-â€"-Nelson Graham & Miss An'fln Vellore W.C.'[‘.U. MEETING CARD 0F THANKS Hockey Notes OEOmOUO‘ 0:0 War «rt ‘wmm g Two Shows Daily â€" 7.30 & 9.30 'â€" Sat. Matinee 2.00 p.111. Home Killed Beef, Veal, Pork,‘*Lamb quanheatreAURORA WED., THUR, FRI, SAT., 4 dayS JAN. 29-30-31, FEB. 1 4 days CLARKE: GABLE â€" CHAS. LAUGHTON FRANCHOT TONE IN MUTINY on the BOUNTY TRY OUR CHOP SUEY FRUIT LOAF, each FRUIT CAKE, Special, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOSS ROSE PASTRY FLOUR, 24 lb. bag . . AYL_MER. GREEN GAGE or Red Plum Jam, lge. jar . . RINSO, 3 small pkgs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRY OUR SPECIAL BLEND TEA, per lb . . .. PRUNES, 3 lbs. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MACARONI, 3 lbs. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DATES, 2 lbs. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOAP CHIPS, 3 lbs. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GRAHEFRUIT, 5 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ORANGES, Sweet and Juicy, doz. . . . . . . . . . . . MATCHES, pkg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NO ORDER T00 SMALL, NONE T00 BIG SPECIAL DELIVERY ON SATURDAY I WISH TO ANNOUNCE TO THE CITIZENS OF MAPLE AND SURROUNDING DISTRICT THAT I HAVE OPENED A MODERN BUTCHER SHOP IN MAPLE AND WILL CARRY A FULL LINE OF I RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT YOUR PATRON- AGE. FRED WESLEY Tuesday, Feb. 4th, 1936 TO DISCUSS RADIAL CAR COMPLAINTS AND APPOINT A DEPUTATION TO MEET THE 0N- TARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD, PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO. RICI-IVALE SCHOOL WAY DOWN EAST BORN FOR GLORY MONDAY & TUESDAY, FEB. 3-4 ROCHELLE HUDSON â€"â€" HENRY FONDA PUBLIC MEETING Important Noticed? WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, FEB. 5-6 ANNOUNCEMENT PHONE 54 BETTY BALFOUI§â€" JOHN MILLS I Keep Your Eye on KERR BROS. SPECIALS W. HERON, President GEO. F. ALLISON, Acting Secretary RATEPAYERS ASS’N., Richvale will be held at at 8 p. m. 0=°=OUOC==°=O LOOK ! MAPLE PAGE FIVE 11c. 20c. 19c. 25c. 25c. 25c. 210. 19c. 39c.