E Lump or Furnace .’ Stove Size; . . . . g Ton Lots or more delivered § Langéta’ff Coal & Supply Co. HARRY R. ROSE Alberta Coal Yard at Railroad Tracks, Langstaff Phone Thornhill 73 DAY or NIGHT PAGE SIX Stove Office Hoursâ€"Every Monday and Thursday Afternoon and by appointment Toronto Office: 100 Adelaide Street West Telephone ELgin 9263-4 40 Yopge St., Richmond Hill BARRISTERS-AT-LAW Welsh GOOD HARDWOOD 1-4 ft. “THE LIBERAL GOING PLACES Nut ‘ POCAHONTAS Stove ‘ I ROSE & HERMAN AN THRACITE COKE ice $11 00 $9350 American Nut LOUIS HERMAN Telephone 133 When you are going places you like to inquire the way of someone who has been there. _ If grocers will use newspaper advertising consistently and intelligently, J. Frank Grimes, president of the Inde- pendent Grocers alliance, said Tuesday, they Will do niore business in 1936 than in any year during the last decade. _In a letter addressed to members, Grimes said: “The fellows who used the depression as an excuse to curtail their advertising have steadily made their plight worse and are now paying the penalty for their short sightedness. Our consistent advertising and promotion has been the most potent force in our remarkable growth. Advertising makes for volume sales, volume sales lower production cost and we all benefit.†Range Many business men are making up their minds these days that they have stooq still long enough. They are “going places.†How about you? No matter what line of business you are in there is someone in your line who has taken the Advertising Route and eventually reached the-City of Success. Grains for the Breeding Ewe In early winter, with hay supply- ing the bulky part of the ration, breeding ewes in good condition have very little need for grain. However, with mixed or grass hays. some proâ€" teinâ€"rich concentrate should be added. One-quarter to one-half a 'pound 'per day of a mixture of two parts oats and one part bran gives very good results. Oats are relished by sheep. They strengthen the ewe, while bran furnishes the protein needed to bal- ance the ration in addition to assist- ing the digestive organs by its lax- ative qualities. Other grains, such as barley, corn, wheat and peas are fat- tening feeds and should not be used except in small quantities and for ewes that are in very poor condition. They should always be fed in com.- bination with bran and oats to lighten the mixture. Convention Dates Arrangements have been completed by the Agricultural Associations con- cerned to hold their Annual Meetings and Conventions, as announced below (1936): Taking Stock The farmer who takes stock now and plans for his fanning- operations during the coming crop season will be able to order his fertilizers. spraying material. insecticides, etc. in good time. He will also be able to elim- inate unprofitable hens, cows, and other animals, and otherwise cut the cost of production. The Spring Seed Supply Now is the time for farmers to take stock. of their spring seed re- quirements. Those who do not have sufficient seed of their own should secure what they require as soon as possible, making sure that they are getting the varieties recommended for their part of the country. Farmers who have their own seed should have it properly cleaned and graded be- fore the spring‘ rush. NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR THE BUSY FARMER THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARYO Ontario Plowmven's Associationâ€" Annual Meeting, Thursday, February 6th, commencing at 10.30 am. Direct- ors’ Meeting at 9.30. King Edward Hotel, Toronto. Ontario Field Crop and Seed Grow- ers’ Associationâ€"Annual Meeting. Friday, February 7th, commencing at 9.30 a.m. King Edward Hotel, To! ronto. Societies (formerly Ontario Associa- tion of Fairs and Exhibitions)â€"â€"An- nual Convention, Tuesday and Wed- nesday. February 4 and 5, commenc- ing at 9.30 a.m.. King Edward Hotel, Toronto. With these points in mind, there can be no hesitation in<recommending the following rations for general use: Ontario Vegetable Growers’ Associa tionâ€"Annual Meeting on Tueschy, February 11th, commencing at 9.30 a‘ ‘m. Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Convention, Wednesday, February 12th, commencing at 8.30 a.m. Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Rations for Bacon Hogs Exoerimental work conducted dur- ing‘ the last few years has demonâ€" strated that feeds commonly grown or manufactured in Eastern Canada will supply practically all the food nutrients necessary to properly de- velop and finish the bacon hog. . Cost of production studies in the growing of \the' common cereal crops show that these crops (oats, barley and wheat); quality considered, can be produced more cheaply than they can be purchased. ' Ontario Fruit Growers’ Association Annual Conventionâ€"February 12, 13 and 14, at the Royal Connaught Hotel Hamilton. Corn Growers’ Association Annual Corn and Grain Showâ€"At Chatham. Ont, February 11 to 13. Ontario Horticultural Association, Annual Conventionâ€"Thursday and Friday, February 13 and 14, commenc- ing at 9 a.m. Royal York Hotel, To- ronto. p Ontario Association of Agricultural First periodâ€"from weaning at 6 *o 8 weeks to 100 pounds live weight' Ground oats, 300 pounds; ground bar ley, 500 pounds: ground wheat. W" pounds; skim-milk, 11/2 to 2 pounds per pound of grain mixture, or. high grade fish meal, 8 pounds per 100 pounds of meal mixture. Second periodâ€"from 100 pounds live weight to finish at 210 pounds: Ground oats, 100 pounds; ground bar- ley, 600 pounds; ground wheat 300 pounds; skim-milk, 1 pound per pound grain mixture, or, fish meal, 5 pounds per 100 pounds grain mixture. The age to start on this ration is given as 6 to 8 weeks, the most suit- able age for weaning. Pigs younger than this are not able to stand a heavy ration. If found necessary to wean at a younger age, a ration that has proven satisfactory here is equal parts ground oats, with the hulls sift- ed out, or ground hulless oats, and white middlings. The pigs at this farm are started on this before wean- ing, in a pen or creep separate from the mother sow and they suffer no setback when this practice is follow- ed. Add a little milk 01;.fish meal to the mixture and make all feed changes gradually. When feeding skim-milk in the above ration, a mineral mixture is necessary. A suitable one may be made of equal parts of Jground lime- ston-e,’ common salt and bone char or bone meal, and fed at the rate of 4 pounds per 100 pounds of grain ration. Skim-milk, however, is not essen- tial for the proper development of the bacon hog. High grade fish meal has proved to be an excellent substitute. Feed three times daily for the first period and twice daily from then to finishing. Regularity in feeding is essential to success./ “NERVOUS BREAKDOWN" Every life is a battleï¬eld between the native inborn desires and the ideals of conduct which we set up f1Jr ourselves‘as the result of our associa- tions and experiences. We can live our life as a protest against con- ditions which we resenthor else we can‘face the situation and make the best plan for ourselves under the cir- cumstances as they exist. The person who is called “nervous,†or the one who has a “nervous break- down†has failed to meet the situa- tions of life. These individuals lack balancq which is the happy condition enjoyed by those who have niade a satisfactory and harmonious adjust- ment of their inherited desires to their ideals and social standards. Most people find it difficult to understand that such physical symb- toms as blindness or paralysis, to mention but two rather striking and evident conditions, are not always due to a dis-eased or abnormal state of the nervous system, but may arise solely from an emotional disorder. This does not mean that the indi- viduals suffering from these con- ditions wish to be blind of paralysed: they do not will or plan to be so af- flicted. Quite unconsciously, as far as thev are concerned, their emotion- al difficulties are solved for them temporarily‘n through these physical conditions which offer a satisfactory excuse for not doing, or for avoiding. what was for them a difficult task or situation. A city woman married a man whose business required that they liVe in an isolated place Without the sanitary and other conveniences to which the wife was accustomed, and, in ad- dition, she was cut off from the social life which she had enjoyed in the citvi She began to suffer from severe headaches which justified several trips to the city so that she might have her eyes examined. Later on, she developed a variety of pains- and aches for none of which was. there ever found any physical cause, but they provided her with the necessary ‘ excuse to get back to her city friends i and comforts. There are many kinds of mental breakdowns in which the final pre- cipitating factor may be failure to adiust to changing conditions of life. which follow upon altered economic conditions, marriage, growing older, and so on. Mental health makes it possible to meet the changing con- ditions, and to face the crises which come to all. A realization of the truth, which comes to us if we have mental health, helps us to face the facts squarely and to deal with them sensibly, instead of running away‘ from them. It also allows us to Iunderstand the actions of those who fail to solve the conflicts between inâ€"_ SAFE! PW .A‘A, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30th, 1936 born desires and personal ideals or social standards which beset them in life’s journey. Questions concerning health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184 College St., Toronto, will be answered personally by letter. Phone HYland 2081 Open Eveningl Eve. Phone 9788 Johnston & Cranston MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTEBI OF CANADIAN & FOREIGN I Granite Monuments r8’49 Yonge St. (east std.) Between Merton & Balliol Sh. (ing Ont. New and used harness and collars Harness and parts, collars, blankets,~boots and rubbers, mitts, socks, etc. Tarpoulins repaired Celluloid put in side curtains Endless leather belts, made for electric motors, cars, etc. Harness made to order at no extra charge. Collar fitting and repairing a specialty. Shop closed at 6 p.m., Monday, Wednesday & Friday C. E. WALKINGTON Maple, Ont. RE. No. 2 Telephone Maple 1063 (1%, miles North of Concord) gKeep Your Liver Active icensed Auctioneer, County of Yolk Prompt Attention To All Sales Farms & Farm Stock Sales A Specialty. â€" RATES REASONABLE -< TRAVEL SERVICE Steamship Reservations to Breat Britain and the Continent. Premier service to West Indies. PASSPORTS ARRANGED FOB Rail tickets and sleeper Reservations. Can. National Station Richmond Hill Y. B. Tracy, Agent Phone 189 PHONE 71 GLENN'S DRUG STORE HARNESS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE CONVEYANCING ESTATES MANAGED Will Repay You in Health EXPRESS TELEGRAPH are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada; They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. See Your Home Printer First J. R. HERRINGTON ISAAC BAKER Richmond Hill, Ont. @er‘ iQ/f Sales Books for ale by THE LIBERAL has long been noted as a stimulator of lazy livers. It peps you up and keeps your stomach act- inp: properly. Try it for that dizziness, headache and bilious ness. Parke’s LIVER TONE Phone King 42!: $1.00