If there wasn't more in curling than one observes from the sidelines how do you account for the fact that thousands of men in Canada perform each year in palatial ioe barns from one side of Canada to the other and new recruits are joining the colors every year. As the advertising slogan says, “There is a reason.†And the reason is that it’s a bonnie game, played by young and old with players and rinks and all parts of the world with recognized headquarters in Scotâ€" land. Moreover it is one game which has not yet succumbed to the spirit of professionalism and we can vouch for the Simon pure amateur standing of every curler. - Richmond Hill Curling Club extends a. cordial welcome to anyone in the (.istrict interested in the ’roaring; game. Just drop down to the rink .my old timeâ€"the latch key is always on the outsideâ€"and join in the king of all winter sports. CURLING “ NOTES Two Richmond Hill rinks enjoyed a] friendly game at the Victoria Clul), Toronto, on Monday, and report al very enjoyable outing. The rinks were: Evans Morris, F. J. Mans: bridge, C. P. Wiley, James McLean; skip; ‘2. Paris, G. Fuller, W. Riddell,‘ G. Yerex skip. The singles and doubles competitions have now started at the local rink and there is keen interest in the games. Several new recruits have joined the fraternity of curlers recently. Everyone who tries curling likes itâ€" so Why not give it a. trial. Two Richmond Hill rinks are com- peting in the group finals of the Dis- trict 0in at High Park rink this after noon. The rinks are: George Agar, R. Paris, F. E. Sims, G. Yerex skip; J. Dewsbury. A. A. Eden, A. E. Glass- and J. E. Smith skip. a carefully marked thorough‘are on ice, following or preceding a. granite stone polishing the ice with a. long handle’l broom and shouting “300p ’er up,†“let her come," or something. BUT all those men can’t be wrong. It really is a great game. There is really more in curling than appears on the surface. You have to curl to appreciate it as a sport. No, you don’t have to be Scotch to be permit- ted to play, although if you aï¬- that is a distinct advantage. And if you can keep your feet under slippery con- ditions age doesn’t count. It may seem a little silly, especial- ly to the uninitiated on the sidelines, to see grown up men, sensible'in so many other ways, chase up and down A one dollar treatment accomplishes WONDERS; makes you look and feel like new born. If you are not as yet familiar with the beneficial effects of this natural remedy LION CROSS HERB TEA try it at once and convince yourself. If not satisfactory money refunded to you. Also in tablet form. " . Try it and convince yourself with our money-back guarantee. One week treatment $1.00 Six weeks treatment $5.00 In order to avoid mistakes in getting the genuine LION CROSS HERB TEA, please fill out the attached coupon. PAGE EIGHT Since 1799 thousands of people have regained their normal health after years of suffering from stomach troubles of all types, such as constipation, indigestion. gas, and sour stom- ach which are the basic factors of such maladies as high blood pressure, rheumatism, periodic headaches, pimples on face and body, pains in the back, liver, kidney and bladder disorder, EXHAUSTION, loss «of sleep and appetite. Those sufferers have not used any nan-made injurious chemicals or drugs of any kind; they have only used a remedy made by Nature. This marvelous product grows on the highest moun- tain peaks, where it absorbs all the healing elements and vitamins from the sun to aid HUMANITY in distress. It is composed of 19 kinds of natural leaves, seeds, berries and flowers scientifically and proportionately mixed and is known as LION CROSS HERB TEA. LION CROSS HERB TEA tastes delicious, acts wonderfully upon your system, and is safe even for children. Prepare it fresh like any ordinary tea and drink a glassful once a day, hot or cold. ‘ Liaâ€"Pharmacy, Dept. 10417 1180 Second Ave., N. Y. City, 'N. Y. Gentlemen: Enclosed find S . . . . . . . . for which please send me.. treatments of the famous LION CROSS HERB TEA. NAME ADDRESS CITY Oldest European Discovery Against Stomach Troubles and Rheumatism Acclaimed Best by Latest Tests PROVINCE in plavimz' games, after which luncn was served. A rrnorl time was enioved by all at the Fur‘ln‘e Club Thursday evening which was held at ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. Rny Folliott. The prize winners were. gents 1st. Charlie Hen- shaw, consolation. Bobbie Rumble; ladies 1st. Mrs. Fred Hare. consola- tion. Mrs. Henshaw. TEMPERANCEVILLE A number from this community at- tended the Horticultural Euchre Fri- day night at King. Prizes were won bv. Fliza Barker lst, Mrs. Henshaw 2nd. Mr. Geo. Thompsori 1st. Mr. and Mrs. John Beck, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Kerr and Mr. and Mrs. John H. Snid-er and John Beck visit- The regular monthly meeting of the Willing Workers Mission Band was held last Satm'dav aftnmoon at the home of Mrs. W. N. Thompson. A short 'nlav “Making Friends" was nresenvfed by three of the innior mem- bers. Adal Anderson. Lois Bernard and Marv Brown. which was directed bv Fav Reward. Read‘inrrs were Given bv Ruï¬h Bateson. Thelma Graham, Erin-2, Folliott and Gertie Henderson, vocal duet bv Lois Bernard and Mary Brown. A social half hour was snent in nlavi‘ng‘ games. after which lunch mM’r, Lloyd Vanderburgh of Toronto spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Vanderburgh. Last Monday Carrville Y.P.S. held their meeting at the home of Mrs. D. Middleton. Miss Florence Hobday was in charge of the program. Next Monday the Y.P.S. will be held at the home of Mrs. Keffer and Miss Lau- rene Walker will have charge of the r--‘-*' Mrs. E. A. Baker and son Walter have returned to Hazenmore. Sask.. after spending six months with her brother, Mr. W. Reaman. The monthly meeting of the WA. wil! be held 0n Wednesdav afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. Vanderbureh. iLittle Miss Annie Woods enter- tained a number of voung‘ friends at; a birthday party Wednesday after- M011. Mrs. John Gowan of Aurora spent a few dnvs last week with Mr. and Mrs. M‘ R. B-evnon and family. ed Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Thompson on Wednesday. We are glad to report that Miss Margaret Henxshay, who has been con- fined (*0 her bed for the past two Weeks, is making favourable progress. We wiah her a speedy recovery. Miss Mildred Folliott and' Mr. Harry Rumble attended the Y.P.S. Residential School at Barrie last week. CARR‘VILLE rose in response. to. n. his usual wit and humom posed a toast to the ladle ing‘ especially the Institu' and their work. Doroth sponded on behalf of the W. A. Gordon of the Rob4 Co. placed a challenge young people to be alert ‘ high standards, in an : soon to be forgotten. F Miss Helen Evans added the program. An enjoy of dancing brought anot‘r banquet to a close. On Thursday evening served supper before the c a1 meeting in the churcl Encouraging reponts mm from the church treasure etery board, the Sunday 1V1.D., vv.n. unn\- -W, V M. treasurer. The chairman of the board of stewards reported on the year’s work and the board of stewards eturned to office intact. Rev. W. Haig was re-elected to the session for 5 years. Auditors and ushers will reirain the same for 1936. R. E. Sanderson was appointed choir lead- er with Boyd Mount organist and Mrs. R. Perkins assistant. Rev. J. McDonald, who was chairman of the , commented on the splendid work olirri-ed out by the various de- partments of ‘the church and offered encouragement. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Boynton, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Klinck. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Collard, Mrs. I. Nichols, Mrs. E. Boynton, Misses Mabel Boynton and Ethel Mortson, Mrs. R. Perkins and Eloise and Fraser Gee attended the Sunday School convention at Markham on Friday. V? a S 1‘ Dallquco uv .. W, On Thursday evening the WA. served supper before the congregation a1 meeting in the church basement. Encouraging reports were received from the church treasurer. the cem- etery board, the Sunday School, W. M.S., WA. and Y.P.S., also the M. & M. treasurer. The chairman of the board of stewards reported on the year’s work and the board of stewards was returned to office intact. Rev. W. Haig was re-elected to the session for 5 vears. Auditors and ushers LVUla uuuua all†LVLIB. MnH-F-Qouard Wa§1mtlatedlrft° spoke on tonics dealino: with the his new position as assistant superm- ; Le gue of Nations and Mr. D. Hoff- tendent of Sunday School on Sunday‘man read the corrent events of the run uu slu'caaly last. Weather conditions made at- tendance a little lower than usual. After the lesson period some happen- ings of the Sunday School convention were presented by Fraser Gee. A few young people braved the stormy weather to attend the teet- ing on Sunday evening. Gordon Glenister presented the explanation of the scripture lesson. Thelma Hart gave her Pickering Conference report; and Laura Gee played an instrument- al. Musical practice was lead by Boyd Mount. The young people en- tertained Temperanceville on Tues- (tay, Jan. 28th, and will visit Sharon on Jan. 3lst, and Hleadford on Feb. 6th. Miss Thelma Hart is repre- senting the society at Barrie Winter School this week. Miss Dorothy Oliver was hostess to the Supper Club Girls at the home of Mrs. W. Brumw-ell on MondjeJy :- ....1._J~ ,‘,As .H . week. The anual meeting- of the Thom- hill United .Church Sunrlav School was held on Thursday nirrht. Jan. r’3rd, at the Parsonage. The following of- ficers and teachers' were elected: {Su’nerinten-dent. Neil McDonald: Sec- retarv, Bert O'ke: Treasurer. Cecil .Martin: Home Denartment. Mrs. J. WV. Weslev: (‘rarlle Roll, Mrs, B. Oke: .Missionarv Denartment. Miss Geral- !cline Weslev; Pianist, Mary Mortin; [Teachersâ€"Primary. .Mrs. C. Merton, _Nora Johns: Juniors. Mrs. Morton. :Puhy Jeft'ries. Mr. Morton. Lucille ED/ean.‘ Elwood Mchan and Donald ;Smellie; Intermediate, Mr. Victor iGraineer. Geraldine Weslev: Seniors, iMrs. McKeom. Mr. M. J. Johnston. 7 I The retrulm‘ ‘nonthlv )ncetincr of .the Women’s Missionarv Society of the lllnited (‘hurch will be held on Tues- day. Feh. 4th: at 2 o’clock. at the home of Mrs. N. J. Smellin. The orn- prrarn will he in charm: of Rnnvetarv ;of Christian Stewardshin and Finance and the Treasurer. The women of the congregation are cordially invited .to attend. Tunior Farmer: Institute Chlbs was held in the Miss Dorothy Oliver was hostess to the Supper Club Girls at the home of Mrs. W. Brumw-ell on Monday night. some fine ideas on salads were brought out in the demonstra- tions. Mr. Frank Brumwell enter- tained the members of the J. F. ex- ecutive the same even-ihg when they made plans for the remainder of the year’s work. VICTORIA SOUARE UNITED CHURCH Sunday, Feb. 2nd ‘ 1 p.m.â€"â€"Sunday School and Bible Glasses. 2.30 p.m.â€"â€"Church Service. Subject of Sermon, A Good Man's Blunder. 7.30 p.m.~â€"-Y.P.S. VICTORIA SQUARE A meeting of the congregation will be held Monday night to decide on building a Parsonage at Victoria Square. “Human beings must always bel capable of adapting themselves to the world as they find it. But adaption]: does not involverthe fundamentals.‘ Young people of to-day can build the good life on the same principles as the old-timers used as their models. Courage is neededâ€"4t always was. With courage there must go intelli- ‘ gence, ingenuity, and far sightedness. Juniorâ€"Which of your two fellows are you going to marry, Sister? Sisterâ€"Why do you want to know, Junior? Juniorâ€"Well I don’t want to waste my ,valuable time botheq-ing with the wrong one THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO the program was com- g: led by Harry Barber. as toastmaster then rise in a toast to the mtry. A toast to the rs Club was ably pro- :ounty president, Albert 0 which Jack Frisby lse. R. E. White, with and humour, \then pro- to the ladies,\mention- the Institute members rk. Dorothy Hart re- :half of the lowl club. of the Robert Simpson challenge before the to be alert and keep to Is, in an address not )rgotten. Readings‘by vans added interest to An enjoyable period ought another splendid FACTORY MAY LOCATE HERE During the week negotiations have continued with the manufacturer who is considering locating here. At the. public meeting held last .Thursdlay night the citizens of the town intimat- ed their unanimous support of the council in their efforts to have the firm locate here. At the present time prospects are good for the lo- cation of the plant here. AgricuEturists Elect Executive The annual meeting of Markham Agricultural Society was held last week with a fairly good attendance. Addresses were delivered by Peter Stewart and Stanley White of To- ronto. Mr. Stewart discussed the best methods of growing good barley, and Mr. White reviewed the results of last year’s conmetition among- the farmers of the district. W. G. Maxwell. Directorsâ€"Markham Village, James Torrance, Kenneth Prentice, H. C. Morris. A. L. Smith, Albert Wideman, William Petch; Markham Townshipâ€"W. L. Clark, Ken Deacon. G. B. Padget, Wesley The following officers were elec*ed: Honorary presidents, W. H. Crosby, R. R. Corson, A. J. H. Eckardt, R. P. Armstrong; president, George I. Hambly: vice-presidents, A. H. Crosby Pipher, Fred CoakWell, John E. Arm- strong, J. W. Warriner, James Ren- nie, Fred Bagg; Pickering Township, Walter Milne, John Scott; Sc1rboro, H. C. Hamill, Morris Hamill, Thomas Harding, Lyman Kennedy; StOquville; Mr. Rodanz; Whitchurch, Jessie H. Cook: auditors, E. W. Clark, P. M. Reesor. One of the best attended annual vestry meetings of Trinity Anglican Church was held on Monday niq-ht, Jan. 27th. in the Pariah Hall. Maior Rasher m‘esided and Miss E. Wilson, VestryCIerk. took the minutes. Re- ports frnm the various dennrfments were submitted and the officers for 193?» elerrfed. Rectnr’s Warden, Mr. A. Muldison; People’s Warden, Mr. W. Ball: Lav Delep‘ntes to Svnod. Mr. W. Robinson and Major Rasher. W. Robinson and Major Rasher. On account of illnws, Rev. N. H. Noble WM unable to be present and was greatly missed. The Young- Peonle’s Discuseion Groun of the United Church met on Tuesdav night at the Parsonage. Miss Nora Johns and Mrs. Edith Lu-esbv spoke on tonics dealino: with the League of Nations and Mr. D. Hoff- man read the current events of the week, The annual meetiro‘ of the WJVLQ. of 'I‘m'nn‘m Centre Prashv‘ferial will he held in St. .Taqu-Rond United Chm‘r‘h on Thursdnv. Feb. “th. The mnnthly meefino‘ of Hm meo‘ Ladies Class of fhn United Church wi†he helr} m1 ThurtdaV, Fab. ‘R’rh‘. at the home of MN. Charles Tâ€"Tnvflinq, Richmond Hill. ,qu. Howard Gaines: will amid- +ho hncfess; An InstaUnHon Sprv7ce,wi11 he h-OM in ï¬re Unifed Church mwt Sundav morning at 11 n’clock. when the of- ficers and teachers of fh'e Sundav School and Sre<sionv and Sfewards of tho Chuth will be im’ralled. Dr. and Mrs. Carleton and daiwh- ter of TQI‘Oh‘l’O visited on Tuesday with Miss Avqie Cooper. Mrs. S. Bone of Toronto spent last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bone. Misses Elizabeth Smeme and Jean Brillinzer snent the week-end with Mrs. L. Short. Toronto. The annual meeting: of the Men’s Class of the United Churr-h was held on Mondav night. Jan. 27fh. in the Sundav th001, with Rev. E. E. Pugs- ley nresiding'.~ ‘ "After th-eobnsiness was dealt with and the treasurer’s report given, election of officers took place. Mr. Neil McDonald was Marie honorarv presideth and Mr. Elmore Hooper, hon. vice-president. Mr. Cecil Martin was re-electedlpresident and Mr. Alex ‘Jamieson vice-president, Robert Ben:- net, secretary, and Elwood McLean, treasurer. Mr. M. J. Johnston, who has been: teacher of the class for ten years, was again appointed to that position. The meeting‘clos-ed with one min- ute silence and prayer by Mr. Pugsley THORNHUJJ Mrs. G. Broddy. Formerly of Clair- ville, Fatally Burned It was with saddened hearts that Woodbridge and Clairville friends of Mrs. George Broddy, Brampton, learned of her tragic death which oc-l curred early Monday morning lastI when she was fatally burned in ai fire that totally destroyed the Brodd’y: home. Mrs. Broddy was trapped in the basement where the fire started. Mr. Broddy was overcome at the foot‘ of the stairway and was snatched from the flames by rescuers and- rushed to the hospital suffering from~| lshock. Mrs. Travis, an occupant of part of the house, was also a victim of the flames and succumbed before‘ the rescuing party could reach her.; Mrs. Boddy was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Watson: and was born at Clairville where she! ’spent her early life and was active] in the social affairs of the communityi and was held in high esteem by old and young. Mrs. Boddy was the last member of a large family, a brother; ‘and sister having died just a fewi months ago. In 1892 she married! and as a bride went to live in Brampâ€" ton. The Liberal correspondent canâ€"I not find words to express his deep sympathy in the sad death of Mrs. Broddy and also the illness of Mr.. Broddy as he knew both of them well.! i Delegates representing the Woun‘ l l :en’s Association of Woodbridge Unit- ~ed Church at the Convention held at Erskine United Church, Toronto, were, Mrs. G. D. McLean, Mrs. Kear- ney, Mrs. Wm. Allan and Mrs. David : Shannon. Mrs. Wilfrid R. Scott returned to her home, Pine Street, on Monday last following two weeks spent in Guelph General Hospital where a baby girl named Nancy Anne was born. The Liberal scribe offers con- gratulations. Christ Church W.A. The Missionary meeting of the Afternoon Branch of Christ Church Women’s Auxiliary was held at the Rectory when the Study Book “The Jew and the Worlds Fer-men †was read by Mrs. A. S. How]. The host- ess, Mrs. J. H. Kidd, presided, and also served refreshments at the con- clusion of the meeting. Late Thomas McGeachy Thomas McGeachy, aged 61, who died at Bolton on Saturday was bur- ied in Knox Cemetery on Monday last. He was a son of the late Dun- can and Catherine Smith McGeachy and was born on Lot 15, Concession 10, where his father carried on a most successï¬ul blacksmith business more than half a century ago. Tommy McGeachy, as he' was knOWn by friends, was a veteran of the Boer War having gone to the front with the Cagnadian Contingent. He 1?â€" mained in South Africa for many years and was forced to return home because of illness. He is survived by WOODBRIDGE DISTRICT NEWS We are equipped to give you prompt service, and you will find the quality and the price right. We solicit the order for your printing requirements. Auction Sale Bills The Liberal Jab Printing If you are planning to have an Auction Sale we would appreciate the job of printing your and the tron} of a carton from any one of the other products lisred below. We will lmmediarely send you the "HOCKEY BOOK" and any picture of the team or player you select from the group shown at the rig I. Make your choice now. When sending in the necessary labels tn the address below, wrlte your name and address plainiyt BENSON'S CORN STARCH ‘ CANADA CORN STAROH CHALLENGE CORN STARCH - SILVER GLOSS LAUNDRY STARCH The CANADA STARCH COMPAN’Y limited‘ Toronto Here’s your chance to get a book on hockey. “How to Become a Hockey Star", and a special autographed picture of a famous hockey player or team, FREE. HOCKEY BOOK THURSDAY, JANUARY 30th, 1936 ‘f WILL-TAKE CARE OF YOUR 'RHEUMATISM AND WILL GIVE YOU LASTING RELIEF. his wife. Woodbridge Euchre Club Activities At the annual meeting of the Woodâ€" bridge Euchre Club held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cousins the following officers were elected for 1936: President, Major A. A. Mc- Kenzie: Viceâ€"President, Miss Helen Ross; Secretary, Miss Lillian McNeil; Treasurer, A. B. Cousins; Entertain- ment Committee, Mrs. John Gillan, Mrs. Lulu Willis, Miss Helen Ross, Mrs. A. B. Cousins and Miss L. Mc- Neil. It was planned to hold the next Euchre Party at the home of Miss McNeil on Thursday night, January 30th, and mangemenrts were started for the annual dance to be held on a date convenient to St. Patrick’s day. The purpose of the club is to raise money to assist in the upkeep of Memorial Park. On Wednesday, Feb. 5th, Headford and Victoria Square Y.P.S. will join with Can-ville in a skating party at the Richmond Hill Arena. Hunt up your skates and help make this a very enjoyable evening. Don’t forget the Mission Band will meet on Sunday, Feb. 2nd, at 3 p.m., in the Sunday School room. THE NEW REMEDY against RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA NEURITIS also used EFFECTIVELY for ARTHRITIS Phone 78 Only 20¢. a ngk and all other Mr. Thornton, one of so many writes: Aurora, June 151:, 1935 After suffering from rheumatism and neuritis for thirty years I was advised to try “RHEUMATA†last fall. After the first week using, my swollen joints and pains left me and I have had no pain since and am able to carry on my work as I have not been able to for years. Sold only by AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE or write to Fr. Zimmerman, Mfg’r. Oak Ridges P.O. RHEUMATA’ Successor to J. J. Deane Director of W'NERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOODBRIDGE. ONTARIO and AUTOGRAPHED PICTURES 0' YOUR FAVORITE PLAYERS Wilfrid R. Scott H’EADFORD Ba 5. semi RHEUMATIC PAINS I. B. Thornton. Group "Canadicns' ' 1935-6 Baldy Northcou George Manda