The Sunday school treasurer reâ€" ‘iorted $399.29 raised during- the year (with a balance in treasury of $155.53. A hearty vote of thanks was extend- ‘d to the retiring treasurer',iMiss Eva 'lockyer, also to the Sunday School uperintendent, Mr. A. W. Galbraith, "he attended the Sunday School every "lunday during the year. Mr. W. T. New gave the renort of he Y.P.S. which has a membership of ‘2. Exchange visits had been made with neighboring societies. There vas a friendly competition held in the ‘arly part of the year, the losing side "iving a supper. Seventeen members ‘ttended the Y.P.S. Religious Train- ng School held‘ in Queen Marv School Turing September and October, sev- rral of these receiving certificates. Ipecial sneakers also added interest 0 the meetings. D'rring the ’summer ~ionths several activities were report- d in the form of picnics, paper chase nd hikes. The Y.P.S. contributed "25.00 to Missions†also $25.00 to local 'unds. Thev had a substantial bal- ‘nce in treasury. The secretary of Sunshine Fund re- worted sending flowers and fruit to :he shut-ins. Harold Duggari reported for the Koys Club. They had a balance of 14.66 in treasury. The Boys Club bé- onged to North Yonge Churches _Base all League during the summer and ru'oyed several friendly games. NeWtOHbYOOk United Ch“er lCommunily Masquerade Carnival Held Annual Meetmg Richmond Hill Arena Wed. Night Missionary and Temperance Sunâ€" ays were observed. Monthly execu- ive meetings were held. The Home Department had a mem- ership of 25 and had contributed “22.00. Fiftyâ€"eight calls was made by he Home Department Supts., Miss E. street and Mrs. Shaw. The Young Men’s Organized Class *eported $25.45 in treasury. Five had x perfect attendance at Sunday lchool, Clifford Brett, Irvin Brown, licks Smith‘ Bill Douglas and Ken Foreman. There was a membership _-f 15. Mrs. Walter Johnson. secretary of ' he W.A., gave a very fine resume of he work of the Women‘s Association. locial functions of various kinds were l ‘eld during the year, a St. Valentine f‘ea, St. Patrick Supper, Birthday T‘ea, a Picnic to Hanlan’s Pt., Garden “arty, Anniversary Supper, Concert nd Bazaar. Five quilts were made. its. Glen Shaw, treasurer of W.A., exported S3°527 raised. Mrs. W. T. New, W.M.S. secretary, eported for the W.M.S., Girl Mission ‘ircle. Mission Band and Baby Band. A substantial bale valued at $65.00 'iad been sent to the Presbyterial Sup- ily Secretary in May by W.M.S. and Tircle. The W.M.S. had a membership *f 30 with an average attendance of ‘3 including visitors. One of the out- tanding meetings was the 10th Birth lay Party held in November at the \arsonage with three Presbyterial of- 'icers as guests. Mrs. E. R. Young, '~Irs. J. A. Snell and Mrs. Roger Self nking part in the meeting. The Girls Mission Circle had its most successful year since its organ- 'zation. They exceeded their allocaâ€" ion. The Circle contributed knitted (foods, babies layetbes and childrens clothing to the bale. They also made ‘r was offered. Miss Ja iunday School Secretary, 6mp1ete report of the Sm ‘here are 19 classes and PAGE FOUR Everywhere one hears expressions of regret at the removal of Rev. W. F. Wrixon to another charge and all wish for him and Mrs. Wrixon health and prosperity in their new field of labour. It is felt that King City and Maple’s loss will be Richmond Hill’s gain. The sleigh ride and supper last Saturday by the Sabbath School- of the United Church was Very successâ€" ful. An interesting program was given after the supper by the chil- dren of the school. Communion services were held in St. Andrew’s Church last Sunday with a Preparatory service on Friday afternoon. Keep in mind the three act play to be given on Friday evening in the Masonic Hall by the Essdee Dramatic Club of St. Columba's Church, To- ronto. The play is entitled “Comin Thru the Rye†and the Club is well- known and very popular in Maple and at Hope and it is hoped there will be a good attendance. Rev. C. H. Bowman will have gharge of the Communion services at Bolton and Nashville Sunday next and the pulpit of St. Andrew’s will be occu‘ pied by Mr. R. Manning. Mr. Frank Summers read an ad- dress expressing‘ the deep appreciaâ€" tion of the Official Board and Con- gregation for the faithful services of Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Hadbert, who are now completing their sixth year, and a unanimous invitation was extended to Mr. Halbert to remain as their pastor. ' Mr. Halbert expressed his apprecia- tion for their very loyal support. The meeting closed with prayer by Mr. Grlsdale. Mrs. Roy Fierh‘eller and daughters of Aurora spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Manning. of th $74.00 Y., The pastor reported having received sixteen new members. He had at- tended ]4 funerals, had 4 weddings. He had made 815 calls and attended 168 meetings (Sundav meetings not included), had preaahed 100 sermons. The regular monthly meeting of Maple Women’s Institute will be held at‘ the home of Mrs. Herbert Jackson on Feb. 12th at 2.30 p.m. Will mem- bers please bring thimbles as this is to be a sewing meeting. Commencing Wednesday, Feb. 5th, relief recipients of Vaughan were given an open voucher and can now purchase Isupplies wherever they like. Previously they had to buy in the township. The V bers of Band 3] in June. The session was elders added. Mr. Mr. W. T. New. The name of was added to Stewards The Baby Band had a membership of 70 including three new life mem- bers. The Baby Band Supt, Miss Lever, made 38 calls at the homes. The W.M.S. entertained the mem- bers of the Baby Band and Mission Band also the mothers at a meeting Mr. A. W. Galbraith reported for the Missionary and Maintenance Fund which showed an increase over the givings of the previous year. Mr. W. T. Wells reported the debt of the Building Fund reduced to a Dutch Girl Quilt. The Mission Band Study Book and took in the meetings. Listen in to the “Blue Coal†proâ€" gram on CFRB to-night at 9 pm. POLICE OFFICERS HAVE LONG COLD TRIP Constable S. A. Barraclough ac- companied by Constable W. Hill had a long cold trip last week-end but like the famous N.W.M.P. “got their man.†The chase after a man wanted in con- nection with a Newmarket robbery led as far north as Bracebridge and some twenty-one miles beyond. Some ten miles from Bracebridg‘e they had to abandon their car and walk the eleven miles through the snow land; zero weather of the north to get their man. It was nine p.m. at night when they started their long- tramp and after getting their man they im- mediately started their eleven mile trek back to the car. Stopping at two settlers’ homes during the trip for a bite to eat the officers at one place were given dry bread and dried apples and at the other dry bread and lard. It was all they had but they gladly shared it with the of- ficers. All of which goes to show that life in the rugged north is not all sunshine, and that the life of a ‘police officer is not a bed of roses. OPEN VOUCHER IN VAUGHAN MAPLE of Mr. Gladstone Wilson to the .committeq of was re-elected with two Mr. Leslie Grisdale and Band took up the took an active part to be. The two contestants are the two famous equines “Man 0’ War" and Spark Plug. Man O’ War was recently purchased by Harry Trowell who as well as being a hockey mag- nate has followed the famous Conny Smythe and has acquired a racing stable. Spark Plug is owned by the well known Gas House Stables and “Slim†Allan is the trainer. Mr. A1â€" lan declared that he would like to ride the horse in the and he will still do so if he can make the weight required which for Spark Plug is 101 pounds. Failing this another joekey will secured. Mr. Trowell has maintained a discreet silence as to the identity of the rider of Man O’ War as he fears an effort might be made at bribery. The race is .for 6 furlongs and will start at 9.15 pm. So far rink chairman H. J. Mills has not been able to arrange for pari mutuels for the race but in any event the bookies wil be there and no doubt you will be able to place a bet on your favorite. Next Wednesday evening, Feb. 12th will be a red letter night in Rich- mond Hill. This is the date of the Carnival which will be held at the arena, the proceeds of which will go to the children’s playground fund. Many and varied are the novel at- tractions which are on the program for the night and it promises to be a real evening of fun and merriment. The program will open with skating for all commencing at 7.30 p.m. and at 8.30 there will be a parade of cos- tumes and the awarding of the prizes. Prizes are offered for the best child’s representative costume, b-est adults’ representative costume and for the best hard times outfit. A record number are expected to attend in cos- tume and according to advance reâ€" ports the judges are in for a tough time. The Dog Derby which is billed as a special event is attracting wide- spread attention. Any boy with a dog and sleigh is eligible to enter and the race Will be three times around the arena. There will be two prizes for this event and already many of the local aspirants are busy training their dogs and getting them in shape Any kind of a dog‘is eligible, so if you have a dog that wil draw a sleigh bring him along and get in the race. The barrier will go up at 9 pm. Horse racing on ice has been the vogue for many years but this will be positively the first time a horse race has ever been staged in the arena. And What a race it’s going “BLOSTON RUINS†& “SHAPLE MEAFS†IN CHAMPIONSHIP HOCKEY GAME Then there will be a number of speed skating events including boys race, girls race, mens race, ladies race and a couples race for which suitable prizes will be awarded. Another feature attraction of the‘ evening will be the sensational hockey game between the two nationally known teams, the ‘Bloston Ruins†owned by Frank Schrisler and the‘ “Shaple Meafs†owned by, “T0mâ€â€˜ Taylor. For years there has been‘ rivalry between these two noted hockey moguls and it has been hinted that next Wednesday night’s meeting of these teams will be a hard fought affair. In fact it is possible that extra police will be on hand at the request of Reeve J. A. Greene in case the keen rivalry between the teams results in some fighting. Discussing this angle of the coming game Reeve Greene made it very“ clear that every effort would be made to keep the game clean and free from any rowdy- iism. l“We simply will not tolerate for :one minute any fighting,†said the Reeve, who stated that offenders would be sternly dealt with. Tom Taylor’s noted “Shaple Meafs†ambitious for the world’s champion ship include such well known players as: councillors James McLean and Owner Schisler in an interview withl The Liberal said that he was facing the big game with confidence. “I have the finest aggregation of non-I hockey players in Canada but if We, can’t beat Tom Taylor’s team next-l Wednesday night I am going to sell! the whole outfit,†he said. Among} the well known stars of the hockey firmament who will line up with the “Ruins†are Bert Cook, Bill Neal, Morley Hall, F. Grainger, Percy Hill, Jack Daunt, “Slim†Allan, T. H. Trench, Dr. Langstaff, J. R. Her- ring'ton, J. A. Greene, Duncan Cham- ney, Harry Trowell, Bill Mylks, Jimmy Pollard, Kenny Branchard, Jeff Nash and Hugh McMillan. | SKATING, COSTUMES, DOG DERBY, HORSE RACE. SPEED EVENTS, SENSATIONAL HOCKEY GAME AND MOCCASIN DANCE ARE FEATURE ' ATTRACTIONS LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Alex Little, Clarence Mylks, Bill Savage, Walt Young, Jack Hart. Charlie Graham, Bob Endean, C. H. Sanderson, Al Whittle, Ren Brown, Wes Middleton, Al Duncan, Morley Beynon, Tim Murphy, Jim Ellis, A. E. Class, H. F. Austin and Don Fris- by. Discussing the game owner Tay- lor just nodded his head and remark- ed “Schisler may do a lot of talking about his team but we’re ready to show him when we step on the ice next Wednesday." According to gos- sip in hockey circles the Shaple Mcafs are placing much confidence in their goalie for the night whose identity is a closely guarded secret. According to one of their supporters putting this man in the goal is just the same as boarding up the nets. Not a man on the whole Ruins line-up can put a shot past him, we are told. Following the pr: gram of \skating and events there will be a moccasin dance on the ice. Although it’s call- ed a moccasin dance you don’t need to wear moccasins. Any kind of foot- wear will be allowed and' only those who attempt to dance barefoot will be barred. FLASHâ€"As we go to press we have just learned that a special body of the St. John’s Ambulance Corps will be on hand to render any first aid needed in the hockey game. It’s going to be a great night. Don’t m‘ss it. The date is next Wed- nesday, Feb. 12th, and the proceeds are for a very wot thy cause which merits your support. referees for the game have not yet been chosen but the council will hold a special meeting Monday night to make the decision and the choice rests between L. H. Clement and A. G. Savage. Anyway it’s going to be a great game and may the best team win. To end the struggle for filthy lucre, show people something else that will give power and social stapding. I ROSE BUD =242791= Female A Roan Bull Calf at foot ‘ROSABELLE 9th =2001887= Female Bred December 191.11 BLYTHESOME QUEEN =214594= Female, Red Bull Calf at foot §BLYTHESOME BELLE =204727= I Female, Bred July 15th Another reason for crime is that living honestly always includes a lot of hard wo'i‘k. EBLYTHESOME BELLE =2u2123= IFemale, A Dark Roan Calf eat foot, ‘ and bred January 10th BLYTHESOME LILLY =272786: Female, not bred LADY ROSE =272785= Female Not bred STOP THE PRESS NEWSâ€"The The best bulls from good herds have been used in building up this herd and the result shows the wisdom of that policy, for each animal may be depended on to produce a good’class of Shorthoms, both for feeding and milking, as both features have ever been in mind when buying eit her males or females. TERMS: CASH. The Scotch Shorthorn Herd On His Farm 21/2 Miles East Richmond Hill 2 Miles North No. 7 Highway, 3rd Con. Markham Twp. Wednesday, February 12th FULL LINE OF FUEL LIME, CEMENT, TILE Phone 188 Yards at Burr’s Mill Jones Coal C0 (Take Yonge St. Radials or C.N.R. to Richmond Hill) THOMAS THOMSON (Elm Bank Farm), Headiord AUCTION SALE Complete Dispersion of THE PROPERTY OF will be held 3 DANIELS INCUBATORS (250 egg) .and 3 Coal Brooders (1000 chick) or will exchange for T. B. tested Hol- stein Cow. Apply Box 41, Liberal Office. SAND & GRAVEL, Cement blocks, buildings raised. John Jarvis, Rich- mond Hill. telephone 94M. ply Harold W OIL BURNERS for stoves, heaters and furnace. Used stoves and fur- naces, blowers and repairs. R. H. Kane, 74 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, phone 92F. TAPESTRY CHESTERFIELD Suite, 3 piece, $15.00. Apply Box 38, Li- beral Office. CARROTS, 40c. bus., parsnips 45c. bus. E. Willett, south of Carrville Road on Bathurst Street. DINING ROOM SUITE, 9 pieces, Old English Oak, slightly used, $50.00. Apply W. Dixon, telephone L1. 9484. SIX SHROPSHIRE sheep, due to lamb last of February. Apply to H. Summerfeldt, Lot 23, Con. 6, Mark- ham. 4, Markham, 9116. A. FARMER, Auctioneer PULLETS, apply to H. Cooper, Hunt Farm, 2nd Con. Markham. TWO GEESE MAINSPRINGS 75c. & $1.00 CLEANING 75c. & $1.00 GLASSES 15c. & UP Jewels and other parts at lowest pos- sible prices. We buy and pay cash for old gold, rings, brooches, teeth, etc. Let us quote you highest prices. You are under no obligation to sell. BLYTHESOME PRIDE =224422= Male, Red ‘ RED FUCHSIA =234363= Female Bred September 20 ROAN GOLDEN DROP =214596= ROAN GOLDEN DROP =214596= Female, Bred August 15th CRIMSON ROSE =231377= Female Bred January 20th MISS PURITY =272784= Femaie Fresh 127 Yonge St. lst House North of Ken's Bakery LEN WALL & SONS “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT†RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Watch Repairing Classified Ast. Charles Graham AGENT MASSEY HARRIS Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hill 132-! PLUMBING. HEATING, EVETROUGHING FURNACE WORK A SPECIALTY For Estimates Call Richmond Hill 196â€"r-12 T. TAYLOR FOR SA LE and one Gander. Ap- Mortson, Lot 20, Con~ telephone Stouffville THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, 1936 Telephone Richmond Hill ‘19W HOUSE AT CONCORD. Telephone Maple 23â€"63. MAID_ FOR FAMILY OF TWO. Pre- ferable but not necessary to sleep out. Apply Box 63, Liberal Office. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 12thâ€"Dis- persion sale of Scotch Shorthorns, the property of Thomas Thomson, Lot 19, Concession 3, Markham at Headford. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Terms cash. Alvin S. Farmer, auctioneer. SMALL SECOND HAND SAFE WEDNESDAY, FEB. 26thâ€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, grain, etc., the property of Leslie Robb, Lot 5, Con. 5, Vaughan, Edgeley. Terms cas. J. C. Saigeon and J. H. Prentice auctioneers. '1933 CHEVROLET MASTER SIX SEDANâ€"A real buy. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 12thâ€"Auc- tion sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc., the property of Wil- liam H. Clark, Lot 8, Con. 3, North York, Duffel-in Street, sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. No reserve, giving up farming. Prentice and Prentice, auctioneers. portant and extensive auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc., the property of Leslie Robb, Lot 5, Con. 5, Vaughan, Edgeley, on No. 7 Highway. Includes a fine dairy herd, 5 horses, quantity of grain, full line of implements including tractor, etc. No reserve as proprietor is giv- ing up farming. Sale at 11.30 am. sharp. Terms, cash. J. C. Saigeon and J. H. Prentice, auctioneers. TUESDAY, MARCH 3rdâ€"â€"Credit auction sale of farm stock, tractor, implements, hay, grain, furniture, etc., the property of the estate of the late Joseph Mathewson, Lot 20, rear Con. 4, Vaughan, 1% miles west of Maple. Terms: Hay, grain, pigs, fowl, and all articles selling fora$25 or under cash, over that amount 8 months credit on approved joint notes 5 per cent straight off' for cash on creflit amounts. Tractor half cash. Sale at 13 o’clock. Lunch provided. No reserve as farm sold. Prentice and Prentice, auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11thâ€"- Auction sale of farm stock, imple ments, etc., including threshing m chine and tractor, the property of Frank Graham, Lot 19, Con. 2, Van- ghan. Prentice A» Prentice, auction- Used Cars 1935 FORD V-8 COUPEâ€"Rumble 1934 FORD V-S DeLUXE COUPE-â€" 1933 FORD V-8 CABRIOLETâ€"Equip ped with 5 brand new 600 x 16 low pressure balloon tires. 1931 FORD TUDORâ€"Good Condition. 1931 FORD PANEL DELIVERYâ€" 1930 FORD COUPEâ€"A nice job. All Ford cars guaranteed for 30 day: Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL, ONTAR-TO WEDNESDAY, FEB. 26thâ€"Im- Seat. Beautiful condition. Rumble Seat. Like New. SA LE REGISTER Completely Reconditioned. T0 RF: WANTED $475.00 $250.00 $585.00 $535.00 $250.00 $200.00 CNT