Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Feb 1936, p. 3

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DR. W. J. MASON DENTIST YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET PHONE 70 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO F allT‘ Dentist Moo: Trennh Block, two doors north of Bank of Commerce Hours: 9 am. to 5.30 p.m. Telephone 32 I “I. I. bl III in h [Sumac-I School- In Toronto. Our cannon lead to profitable OHM-nun. Write h curri- ahn. W. R. Shaw, Begins”, 11” Bay St. Open Monday. Wednesday and Friday Evenings Other Evenings by Appointment Office over the Post Office Woodbridge Phone 77 Dr. Charles C. Collins DENTIST luple, Ont‘ Phone, Th5rnhill 100 MA" & holmays by appointment AUWI‘IONIERS J. H. Amado: uh Balliol 81’... K G Pumice. Markham Tuonto. HYland 0884 We 1r: prepared to conduct "118' of wary description. Farms and firm dock sales a specialty. Farms bought Old lold on commission. All sales at- tuded to on shortest notice, and con- ducted by the most approved methods. 'A STRONG CANADiAN COMPANY. Office Hours: 9 to 11 a.m. O to 8 11.13., and by appomtment ice: Centre and Church Streets, chmond Hill Phone 24 Iiiifiiéfifiéfi G. H. DUNCAN PROVIDE for Your PERSONAL PENSPON on the New-Unit-Sl/stem North Yonge St.‘ - 'Rlchmond Hill DR- ROLFH L. LANGSTAFFâ€" AUCTIONEER MAPLE w Auctioneer for the County of York Idol nttended to on short/est notice tad at reasonable rates. Patronage Solide J. T. SAIGEON (z SON Insurance ‘ FIRE â€" AUTOMOBILE â€" LIFE ‘ Dr. C. A. MacDonald DENTIST Thirty Years Experience formerly with Heintzman Comglny I‘ve Orders at Austin's Drug tm‘e Richmond Hill From the Toronto Conneme of lush, will accept a number of pupils h Pinto, Organ and Theory. Mahmoud Hill â€" Tuesday & Friday MRS. MYLKS r fiihegées of women and children) 511m Hours: 1-3 pm. Phone 100 VOL. LVI. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE wand Hi1] Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices st TBORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE xii ’LILLLAN c. LANGSIAF'Fe THORNHI’LL Bank at Commerce Building Dr. M. J. Quigley DENTIST Telephone 80 Prentice &, Prentice DR. M. C. MacLACHLAN Dr. L. It, M arwood fie. Hours: & 6-8;p_.m. Dr. 1:. A. b’igi 0rd Centre Stréet, Thornhm 0‘1ch hours: 12-230 p.m. At Dr. Bigford’s Office Tuesdays 9â€"12 a.m. Thursdays 1241.30 p.131z Dr. J. P. Wilson Wright & Taqur Dr‘s. Langslaff Office Hour. 9.10 5.111., 1.4-2 & 6-8 pm. and by appomtment -- BHONE 3 Adelmo Melecci G'EO. W. CROSS “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER" Dr. L. R. Bell J. Carl Saigeon gm“? Piano Tuner Successor to .MLULLAL MUSICAL BUSINESS open! Aug. 26th Phon-e Maple 8 HUN LEFE LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, ‘ PLATE GLASS, AUTOMOBILE. BURGLARY, GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES T0 FARMERS ON ALL CARS TARIFF & N ONTARIFF CO’S. INSURANCE PLUMBING AND TIN ALL KINDS OF SHEET MEI‘AL WORK Furnaces, lave Troughs, Ion] Ganges, Roofing #an; Pro-ptly Attended to Bowden Lumber & Coal 00., LTD LUMBER OF ALL KINDS Insulex, Donnacona Board, etc. LANSING WILLOWDALE 42 HUDSON 0284 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, E'DC. V Member of‘ the Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta Bars) 31:0 McKimwn Building, 19 Melinda SL, Toronto Bus. Phone EL. 1744 S. TUPPER BIGELOW LLB. THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonge Street Immediately North of Masonic Hal] Phone 87 .-â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€" 18 Toronto Street Phone ELgin 1887 Alexander MacGregor K. C. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC ‘14 Confederation Life Bldg. ' Toronto Phone: Office EL. 5029 Res. M0. 3866 A. Cameron MacNaughton, K.C. ‘ BARRISTER 1711 Star Building, 80 King Street, West, Toronto Phone: ELgin 4879 Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Richmond Hill “ â€" Ontario Office over Davies Dry Good Store Maple Every daturday MAPLE nUTEL BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC ,Ban‘isters, Solicitors, etc. Officeâ€"711 Dominion Bank Building southwest ccrner of King and Yonge Streets, Toronto. W. B. Milliken, K. C. Herb. A. (‘lark Henry E Redman W. P. Mulock formerly of Wm. Cook, Cook & Dehny BARRISTER - SOLICITOR NOTARY Barristers and Solicitors Hon. W. H. McGuire James A. Boles, B. A. Percy Riggs AD. 0177 Toronto AD. 0178 1315 Bank of Hamilton Building Yonge Street ' â€" Toronto Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries Telephone ADelalde 2108 Offices: 85 Richmond St. W.. Toronto Naughton Block, Aurora Solicitors for: Aurora, Richmond Bill, King, Whichurch. Markham and \Iorth Gwillimbury. Walter S‘ Jenkins. Res. Phone Bill 5048. J. Harry Naughton. Res. Elgin Mill: Res. Phone 12-2 Bmisters, Solicltors, etc. Wm. Cook. K. C. Ralph B. Gibson, K.G. Toronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg" 85 Richmond St. West Richmond Hill. Thursday forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate McGuire, Boles & Co. N aughton & Jenkins 1008 Federal Buildiglg 85 Richmond St. Wat, omnto Telephone AD. 1948 VIBING AND TID‘SMITHING T;L:.l‘n"i". Ontario Hot Water [fleeting and C. HENDERSON A. G. SAVAGE Mulncla Milliken, Clark & Redman T. C. Newman Post Office Block Richmond Hill Thomas Delany Richmoqg HiH Evgry Campbell Line Cook & Gibson Established 1880 general repai‘i’s. Res. Phone RA. 5429 74 Yonge St. And now as bylmyv fire I sit One thought my spirit cheers, ’Twas love that shed its glowing light Upon our happy hearthstone bright Through all the changing years. Consecon, Ont. ROOFING, EAVESTROUGHING CHIMNEYS BUILT & REPAIR” CONCRETE WORK SEPTIC TANKS INSTALL FURNACES BARN & STABLE EQUIPMENT MILK COOLERS And many a night about the fire Rang merry song and jest, With friends around the fireside bright The hours sped in keen delight, For simple joys are best. It glcvrfid with friendly cheer, When heavy was‘ the hand of pain And slumber sought our eye in vain Its light a comrade dear. When illness came and nights were long ‘ A bit old-fashioned it may be, But like a longâ€"tried friend, It never fails to do its. part So with a fond and grateful heart Its name 'I will defend. MY COAL STOVE Oh? What a joy my stove has been Through many Winter days! Its glow and gleam of ruddy light Through dreary days and winrter nights Are worth a meed of praise. I Speaking at the opening of a new? car park in London, Mr. Hore-Belisha,x British Minister of Transport, pointed' 1out that the street is ‘the mest ex: pensive garage in the world. The] capital value of the land occupied by: a single parked car on a busy London! street was $100,000. Commenting on this, the Toronto Telegram says: “It is a mistake for motorists to imagine that it is their inalienable privilege to park their cars- on the streets with- out regard to the rights of others. Streets are built with ,public funds and are primarily for the use of mov- ing vehicles.” I Addressing the Fairs Association in Toronto this week, Superintendent J. A. Carroll stated that the regula- tion prohibiting gambling devices at agricultural fairs will be strictly en- forced this year. No exceptions under federal law, as hitherto per- mitted, will be allowed, he said. This announcement wil be pretty generally approved. In recent years there has been a marked increase in this sort of thing at many fairs. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13th, 1936 E In Sweden, Where the liquor traffic iis under government control, before lbeing allowed to buy liquor a person must produce a receipt showing that his taxes are paid. This seems a wise regulation, though it could not well be applied in Ontario upder pres- ent conditions. Beyond a doubt thousands of dollars are being sfoent for'liquor While taxes and other billsl are left unpaid. 1 Pointing out that there were twenty cases of gastro-intestinal in- fection attributed to the milk supply in the last year in Mara Twp., Dr. P. B. Richard Bnechin, M.O.H., is of the opinion that the passing of the by- law regulating milk and licensing all sellers for this year will effect an improvement. Of $29,835.22 spent for relief in Barrie in 1935, $20,081 went for food. Refunds from the government on the above total amounted to $18,905.26. leaving a net cost to the town of $10,929.96. Orillia’s new stainless steel in- dustry, Fahralloy Canada Limited, started operations last-week in the factory which was formerly the Nat- ional Lock Works. Aurora’s newly formed band comâ€" mittee is asking citizens for their co-operation in plans to raise a fund of $800 to provide new uniforms, numic and other equhnnent for the band. Five weeks from Saturday is March let.' It won’t be so long now. General News & Views WAY BACK IN R. H. KANE â€"Hellen B. Anderson “So he’s teaching Vera swimming. mam What has she learned so far?” 5 “That he’s 24, not engaged, works Phone ’2' in a bank and his name is Cyril.” The Bible tells‘ us to love our neigh- bors, and also to love our enemies, probably because they are generally the same people. The only business requiring more hands is manicuring. The At Home held in the Masonic fHall last Friday evening by the lg‘entlemen of the village was a. pro- nounced success. About fifty couples tripned the light fantastic to the strains of an Italian orchestra, and the committee may justly take credit to themselves for giving a most en- joyable evening- to those present. The success is more esneciallv due to the secretary, Mr. J. H.‘Mog‘an. and the president, Mr. G. H. Duncan, who were untiring in their efforts, and succeeded in making- everyone feel perfectly “at home.” - Mr. .T. McWilliams has purchased- a. house on Amold Street fiow occu- pied by Mr. R. Kennie, and will move here in the spring. I 3 On Thursday evening last an oys- ter supper was given the patrons, guests and boarders. of the Dominion House by Mr. and Mrs. D S‘rong and! the Misses Stone. About fifty were in attendance. The time was pleas- antly spent in games, social conver- sation and enjoying the excellent spread provided by the ladies of this popular public house. Before dis- persing for the night votes of thanks â€"moved by John Michael and Frank Simsâ€"were tendered Mine Host Stein; and his able assistants frjr their kindness and‘ hospitality, to which the former replied in a few suitable remarks. ‘ THIRTY YEARS AGO Fl'bm Ou;r Issue of Feb. 8th, 1906 Lakevievaurlin‘g Rinks came up Saturday for a friendly match. The home rinks Won by 13 points. The visitors were entertained to tea at th e Palmer Hounse. Vaughan Council met at the Town ship Hall on Tuesday. all member being present. Accounts for graw' were passed for over $1000 in Di? trict No. 1, oyer $600 in No. 2, an over $400 in No. 3. Several othe‘ accounts were passed. A by-law wa passed appointing a local Board 0’ Health, Medical Officer and Sam‘ tary Inspector as follows: G. W High, rceve; J. M. Lawrence, clerk Alex McNaughton. for 3 years; Leed.c Richardson, 2 years; John Elliott, 1 year; '1‘. H. Robinson, M.D., Medical Health Officer; Robert Rumble, Saniâ€" tary Inspector. The reeve was in- structed to inquire into a claim for damages from Alex Gunn, and in- spect the road where the accident occurred, and report: at, the next meeting: of council. [to be paid: A. L. Skeele, repairin' ‘clock, $1.25; W.‘A. Sanderson, chew icals for High School, $9.75. Th secretary-treasurer presented a stab“ ment which showed the High Schor. expendituve for 1895 to be $19386r with a balance on hand of $275.44 Public School, $1342.05, balance 0‘ hand $590.36. The annual meeting of the Boarrl of Education was held on Wednesday the 5th inst, for the election of of ficers‘, etc. The following member were present: Messts. Glass, Switzer Clubine, Storey, McConaghy, Lynet’r Palmer, Newton, Naughton, McDonalr‘ Mr. W. H. Glass was reâ€"elected chair man of the Board and Mr. Switze‘ secretarv-treasuren Committee 0’ managementâ€"Messrs. A. Newton, W T. Storey, J. N. Boyle. The follow ing accounts were on motion, order-o- From Our Issue of Feb. 13th, 1896 The following are the Fence- Viewers and Pound Keepers for Vaughan for the current year: Fence-Viewers District No. 1â€"D. S. Reaman, George Keffer, George F. Legge; District No. 2â€"Georgve F. Wallace. T. Witty, L. Whitmore; District No. 3â€"John Ellis, Adam Dicemanl, Wm. Patterson. District No. lâ€"N. S. Reaman. Henry Hdughton, James Rumble: District No. 2â€"A. Lloyd, T. Sullivan I. Fletch-er; District No. 3â€"Johr Agar, Wm. Richardson, Thos‘. Grif- fith, John Duggam Pound-Keepers District No. lâ€"N. S FORTY YEARS AGO LIBERAL FILES Jerryâ€"“She always makes a Wild drive deep into the woods- at the four- teenth hole.” She Knows The Game ‘ Katherin%“Why do all the boys like to play golf with Sylvia Anne?” Unfair Advantage Mrs. Potter‘â€"‘I‘I notice your hus- band always has his hair cut short.” Mrs. Cotter_â€"“Yes, the coward.” Joeâ€"“I’d like one of 'your chickens to take home.” Farmerâ€"“Do you want a pullet?” Joeâ€"“No thanks, I’ll carry itl in the usual wayé’ ‘ Villainâ€"“No, I’m having them filed.” Villainâ€"“They are at the black- :mith’s.” Heroâ€"“Ha. So you are having them forged?” The Euchre Club met at the home f Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thompson on ‘hursday evening. There were seven ables and twelve hands played. The ‘rize Winners: Ladies, 151:, Mrs. Wm. \lichols; consolation, Eliza. Bark-er; “rents, lst, Mrs. Fred Hare; consola- n'on, Mr. C. Henshaw. , Miss Doris spent a few days with relatives in Aurora. aapers The regular monthly meeting of St. John’s W.A. took place on Thursday, Feb. 6th, at the home‘of. Mrs. Wm. Capella with the President, Mrs. S. Snively, presiding. Rev. W. F. Wrixon led in the devotional period. Mrs. Snively on behalf of the WA. spoke very feelingly of the rector's and Mrs. Wrixon’s departure to the Parish of St. Mary’s, Richmond Hill. TEMPERANCEVILLE The community note with regret the announcement of Rev. Mr. Wrixon‘s appointment at, Richmond Hill in that it removes him from our midst at the end of the month. His ministry at St. J-ohn’s Church, Oak Ridges, for six years has been of benefit to all, whether in his partic- ular church or in other churches. Mr. and Mrs. Wrixon have made many warm friends in this community and all join in wishing them continued success and good health. The entire parish feel that their loss is certainly Richmond Hill’s gain. Keep in mind the Oyster Supper which will be served in the Parish Wall on Wednesday evening, Feb. 12th While tobngganing on a hill near His home Sunday, Jimmie Graham, "re twelve, broke his right leg just wlow the knee. Don’t forget the Valentine Social 'hich will be held in the basement f the United Church on Friday eve- ing', under the auspices of the Wil. 'ng Workers Mission Band. I A gooé rogram is being arranged. Every- ody welcome. ' Owing to bad roads and stormy weather only a few members of St. Tohn’s W.A. were able to visit St. "leemns W.A., Toronto, which was “old at the home of Mrs. Dowell. Heroâ€"“Cur! Where are those 9n Phone 49J Richmond Tailors garments cost no more but you get the maximum of quality, ster and workmanship. An overcoat tailored to your measure by Richmond Tailors is a splendid investment right now You will be assured of a fine garment featured by style, qual- ity and moderate cost. CLEANING & PRESSING A SPECIALTY Richmond Taiiors STYLE Richmond Hill Dairy G. WALWIN, Prop. Phone 42 Richmond ll DAIRY attain! the king’s isigbbaap SECURED FROM SELECTED AND INSPECTED HERDS AND HANDLED IN THE MOST APPROVED METHODS IT IS SURE TO GIVE SATIS- FACTION. PASTEURIZED BY THE MOST MODERN METHODS. Because it is so PURE, In FRESH, and so GOOD be sure to insist on Milk and Cream Richmond Hill. Daily Services N ewmarket, Sutton, Barrie, Orillia, Midland GRAY COACH LINES ATTRACTIVE RATES ' between between Richmond Hill LOW FARES Canadian and USA. points J. A. Greene intermediate points. Single Copy TORONTO $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE and and and Richmond Hill No. 33

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