Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Feb 1936, p. 4

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Proud Fatherâ€"“I already give my son a good allowance, and I am now wondering how to give him a really good start.” Friendâ€"“That’s easy. Just tell him you’ve stopped his allowance." SW" Efiifilfifi‘fififififi “ Bargain GOING DAILY-a- FEB. 28 to MAR. 1 CONVENIENT TRAIN SERVICE ‘ BAGGAGE Checked. STOPOVERS at Port Arthur, Ont, Armstrong, Out, and West; also at Chicago, 111., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., and west, in accordancewith tariffs of United States lines. 1-745 Tidzefs, Sleeping Car rexcrvalimu, and all informalion from any Aunt. ASK FOR HA NDBILL CANAEMAN NA?®NAL LARGEST CLEARANCE All under $59.00 SLEEPING CAR PRIVILEGES. Where sleeping car space is required ‘Ihe following slightly higher fares apply: (a) Tourist Sleeping Cars at approxi- maicly1%c per mile, plus regular berth rate. (’o) Standard Sleeping and Parlor Cars at approximately 1‘1/2c per mile, plus regular berth or chair rate. of RADIOS EDDIE BLACK Limited TORONTO 1440 Yonge St. 2 Stores 23% Blaor St. w Y0ngeSt.P9ultry Farm and Haichery p n 1 nnnngitp Orange Ornhanage Telephone 1m White Leghorns 12c. 10c. Hen Eggs 21/2c, Barred Rocks 12c. 10c. Duck Eggs 4c. White Wyandottes 13c. 11c.‘ \ Turkey Eggs 4c. Black Minorcas 15c. 13c. GOOSe Eggs 7c. Visit our Hatchery and inspect our 14,000 capacity Buckeye All Electric Incubator, just installed. Note the remarkable growth of our business 1924 p 1936 Incubator Capacity Incubator Capacity . Per Hatch Per Hatch 500 Eggs 25,000 Eggs Experience Countsâ€"â€"Special attention given to Custom Hatching. Approximatey CENT A MELE â€" Each Way GOOD IN COACHES ONLY all well known makes Victor, PhiIco, Rogers, Strome’merg Carlson; General Eiectric, Westinghouse and many others. We sell BLUE COAL amd a full line of other kinds of fuel. l.D.Ramer & Son PAGE FOUR WE GUARANTEE QUALITY, SERVICE AND WEIGHT Phone 10 Richmond Hill For over fifty years this outstanding D.L. & W. anthracite has been considered the finest hard coal ever brought above ground. This is why more Canadian homes are burning BLUE COALâ€"be- cause home owners know that BLUE COAL as- sures even, steady heat during the coldest weather â€"keeps heating bills down to a minimumâ€"saves constant trips to the furnace and burns cleanly to a fine, flaky ash. DRIVE DOWN, WRITE or TELEPHONE WE WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU WHY LISTEN TO SQUAWKS Member Canadialn Baby Chick Association. PRICES Efififii Opposite Orange Orphanage H. G. MECREDY Return Limit: 45 days March April Neighbor (who was calling)â€"â€"Has your husband any hobbies? Mrs. Newrichâ€"No, he has the rheu- matiz a good deal, and hives now and then, but he ain’t never had no hob- bies. CUSTOM HATCHING Hen Eggs Duck Eggs Turkey Eggs Goose Eggs 12 iiicilESfiV ele‘phox‘le E 102-13 “I must see him.” said the Prince. “Retier nn. sir. "Von can do him no good. And the sight is ferrible.” “Still I wish to son him.” (Mr: member of the staff accom- panied the Prince into that li‘tle darkened mom of unufterahle travt‘dv. He relfi’ros that the Prince walked firmly to the bedside. that he turned vesrv whife. bnf stood there w1th bowed heml, looking at the man who could nei+her see him nor hear him, looking at that awful wreck of man- hood as thoue‘h he would see the final anguish of war. Then the Prince stooned down and kissed the man’s face. l Tackling- the problem of icv pave- ments which early this Winter kent the hosnitals busy patching 1m minor hurts. the garages and renair shops busy taking out the dents in fenders and changing smashed Wheels. and which caused innumerable delays to traffic and bus and truck schedules. the Hivhwav Denartment at Queen’s Park. Tomnto, has now built up an organizafion that enables it to sand 3,000 miles of highway within three hours nf‘er the need arises, This represents not only a marvelous fen'r in getting the work accomnlished in the time stated but it is also a s’re“ that has not yet been thouaht of as practical in the United Sfates where we have a tendencv to look for me- cedence and leadership in highway maffers. When he rose it was as if another Pmsence had come into that room. “God Save King Edward VIII.” HIGHWAY DEPARTMENTS TACKLE ICY ROADS ed and disfigured out of the liker of humanity, this Seventh man lax bed in a room to himself, from wk the sevenfh he would never stir paused Fast trucks, mechaninal smwa‘uier,o and a smoo’rh organization direv’nsvJ bv wide-awake enizineers have mado this method of spreading the abrasive an accomniished fact. A Touching Story of! King Edward VIII ! Ward whe cheerin 2‘ word fighting the des i‘ence and courag a day, and went only seen 25 It was ex other seven figured that “For yours, 511' At once he insi seven men. He v the beds. the (1001‘ he storm The casts WPI'e at first nrnhibitive. but as the problem was studied, ne§v means were devised and the costs came down. The materials used for the abrasive are sand, Cinders and stone chins. Lumps are broken up or eliminated to ensure a smooth flow through the Spreaders. Common salt is used in an admixture to keep the sand piles from freezing as they must be avail- able in coldest weather for immediate use. The salt also allows the abra- sive to embed itself in the icy surface, thus preventing wind and traffic cleaning the surface in short order. By treating in this manner. the ma- terial is held on the pavement, not only nrovidine' traction but at the same time tending- to tear off the ice and thereby expose the bare pave- ment. I e “E Ie stopped f0 The denarfment at Queen’s Park has the stock niles of the mixture snread at convenient poimts where thev are available in all weathers. Trucks are sneeflilv loaded. mechan» ical wreaders attached, and with a couple of men shovellinq grit into the spreader the road surface is quickly covered with a thin layer of the abrasive. Piles have been so located that one truck can cover several miles of highway or street without the necessity of losing time through running empty over the route. The department engineers report a. wider usage of the roads and a decrease in the number of accidents. up What good is education if it enâ€" ables neople to make more money but doesn’t teach them to say no? Ther 01' my sake or told N THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO wns to] i at the door. t there are m 'sisted. “WheI are many f0 11 ina the nar WEI ain hat nobodv Could: see Blind. deaf, maim~ ‘cl out of the likeness s seventh man lav in Then, once again. he bed on seeing their HT inu ix men hen the seventh and saw. “J tients, I have 3.1 at each went round I ’ he aske ical nce nam 0U thesve avi But the dis- .tl' TUESDAY, MARCH 3rdâ€"Credit auction sale of farm stock, tractor, implementfi hay, grain, furniture, etc., the property of the estate of the late Joseph Mathewson, Lot 20, rear Con. 4, Vaughan, 114. miles west ‘of Maple. Tr rms: Hay, grain, pigs, fowl, and a1 articles selling for $25 or under cash, over that amount 8 months credit on approved joint notes 5 per cent straight off for cash on credit amounts. Tractor half cash. Sale at 12 o'clock. Lunch provided. No reserve as farm sold. Prentice and Prentice, auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 20thâ€"Im- portant and extensive auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc., the property of Leslie Robb, Lot 5, Con. 5, Vaughan, Ed‘geley, on No. 7 Highway. Includes'a fine dairy herd, 5 horses, quantity of grain, full line of implements including tractor, etc. No reserve as pr‘bprietor is giv- ing up farming. Sale at 11.30 a.m. sharp. Terms, cash. J. C. Saigeon and J. H. Prentice, auctioneers. tiofi sale of farm stock, implements, etc., the property of Charles Hoover, Lot 35, Con. 2 E, Markham (3rd con- cession, road)’. A. S. Farmer, Auc- tioneer. Auction sale of farm stock, imple- ments, etc., the,‘ property of Frank Graham, Lot 19, Con. 2, Vaughan. The stock includes ag fine herd ‘of registered T.B. bested holsbeins. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. cash WEDNESDAY, FEB. 26thâ€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, grain, etc., the property 9f Leslie Robb, Lot 5, Con. 5, Vaughan,.EvdgeIey. Terms cas. J. C. Saigeon and J. H. Prentice FRIDAY, FE} of Scotch Short perty of Thomas perty of Thomas 'l‘homson, HeadIord, 2 miles north from No. 7 Highway on 3rd C-on'. of Markham. This com- plete dispersion salex includes a fine lot of pure bred cattle. This sale was postponed to this date owing to the condition of the roads this week. A. S. Farmer, Auctioneer. Banking was easy in the old days. You just urged a man to borrow money when he didn’t need it, and made him pay it back when he needed it. x Fond Husbandâ€"Well, cheer up Spring will soon be here. ale Loving Wifeâ€"â€"My dear, the doctor ays I must have a. change of climate. (Take Yonge St. Radials Commencing at 1 o’clock, the GOLDEN DROP LASS =252291= Female. Red Heifer Calf at foot ROSE BUD =242791= Female A Roan Bull Calf at foot ROSABELLE 9th =2001887: Female Bred December 19th BLYTHESOME QUEEN =214594= Female, Red Bull Calf at foot BLYTHESOME BELLE :204727: Female, Bred July 15th BLYTHESOME BELLE =2‘12123: Female, A Dark Roan Calf at foot, or C.N.R. to Richmond Hill) following registered cattle: ROAN COUNT, of the Blythesome Family, Bull 10 months old RED TOM, Crimson Flower Family, Bull 10 months old RED NONPAREIL =224009=Male, Red ' BLYTHESOME PRIDE 2224422: Male, Red RED FUCHSIA =234363= Bred September 20 ROAN GOLDEN DROP =214596= Female, Bred August 15th Female WEDNESDAY, FE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11thâ€" TUESDAY, MARCH Nthâ€"Auc- SATURDAY, FEB. 15thâ€"Auction 1e of dwelling, furniture, etc., the operty of the estate of the late adrew Stewart, at north end of 8th 10,, Wondhride‘e. This is a very Not bred The host bulls from good herds have been used in building up this herd and the result shows the wisdom of that policy, for each animal may be depended on to produce a good’class of Shorthorns, both for feeding and milking,’ as both features have ever been in mind when buying eit her males or females. and bred January 10th BLYTHESOME LILLY =272786= SA LE REGISTER LADY ROSE 2272785: oneers Scotch SHORTHORN Herd ale at 1 Auctioneer POSTPONED Friday, February let Female, not bred heating, new garage lent shape. Sale a1 . Saigeon, Auctioneer : THOMAS THOMSON (Elm Bank Farm), Headiord B. 19thâ€"Aucti0n 'ell mson. Headfor Vaughan, 11/2 on paved road 5 sold. Terms TERMS: CASH. A. FARMER, Auctioneer Auction AUCTION SALE THE PROPERTY OF Female Terms Walk- pro sale will be held THE GEM MILK CUOLER will give the fastest [cooling possible without disturbing the milk. Easily financed. Giving satisféfiztion on many Ontario farms. For sale by Garfield Yerex, Richmond Hill. TREE PRUNING by an expgrienced man. Apply A. Jones, Elgin Mills, telephone Richmond Hill 102-râ€"22. NINE PIGS, six J. W. Constable OIL BURNERS for stoves, heaters and furnace. Used stoves and fur- naces, blowers and repairs. R. H. Kane, '74 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, phone 92F. Teacherâ€"“I have Went” â€" that’s wrong, isn’t it?” Pupi1,â€"“Yes, ma’am.” Teacherâ€"“Why is it wrong?" Pupilâ€"“Because yo ain’t went yet.” Prospective Purchaser: “My sisters and I haven’t a chauffeur, so we must have a car that a woman can manage and run.” CARROTS, 40c bus. E. Willet bus. Road lamb last of February Polite Salesman: “This is the car fpr you, miss. It is ab-so-lute-ly fool- proof !” Summerfeldt, Lot ham. HYDRO AND ANCHOR POSTS; also an “Ideal” Incubator, 375 egg, hot water. Apply J. Windass, Lot 24, Con. 6, Vaughan. 12 BORE DOUBLE BARREL Shot-[EXPERIENCED farm manager, gun; 2 Ford Tires and Tubes; Ford wants position to start March or c1asspools,*Amil. Excellent wreferences, now employed. Apply to Box 87 The Liâ€" beral Office, Richmond Hill. Radiator for truck. Broakside Ave., Stop 29, Yonge St. Maid: “Madam, master is lying un- conscious in- the hall with a piece of paper in his hand and a large box by his side.” SAND C1 Mrs. X (joyously),: “Oh, my hat has arrived.” buildings mi: mond Hill. t6 Customer (doubtfully) â€"â€" “Is it a. pedigree dog?” either of us‘.” Déalerâ€"“Pedigree? /Why if this dog could talk he wouldn’t speak to Male, Red RED FUCHSIA =234363= Female Bred September 20 ROAN GOLDEN DROP =214596= Female, Bred August 15th CRIMSON ROSE =231377= Female MTSCFIIJLANEOUS “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT” RATES Classified Advs. each insertion Bred January 20th MISS PURITY =272784= Fresh AGENT MASSEY H ARRIS Farm Implements. Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hi“ 132-17 each sub Chafles Graham FOI Bat} Lâ€"Five lines c AVEL, Cement blocks, ed. John Jarvis. Rich- “st Street weeks old. Apply to phone Maple 269. one 94M bus., parsnips 45c. south of Carrville 1es or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents ‘ent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13th, 1936 Femaie new HOUSE AT CONCORD SIX ROOM HOUSE Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill Debentures for Sale OATS AND MIXED GRAIN in ex- change for radios, washing machines and electric refrigerators, 90 modeISI to choose from. B. R. Leech, Toronto Radio and Sports Ltd., 241 Yonge St, Toronto, telephone W21. 4501. T0 FARMERS: we want a few cars of good heavy barley, also some mixed grain. Highest prices paid. I. D. Ramer & Son, phone 10, Richmond; Hill. . The undersigned will receive tenders up until March 2nd, 1936, for $3000 Township of Markham debentures, is- sued on the rateable property of the Police Village of Unionville, bearing interest at four and a half per cent, to run for a period of ten years from October lst, 1935, with equal annual payments of principal and1 interest each year for the ten year period. For full particulars apply to, CHARLES HOOVER, Used Cars 1933 CHEVROLET MASTER SIX SEDANâ€"A real buy. LEN WALL & SONS 1933 FORD V-8 CABRIOLETâ€"Equip ped with 5 brand new 600 x 16 low pressure balloon tires. 23-63 aple 1931 FORD TUDORâ€"Good Condition. 1531 FORD PANEL DELIVERYâ€" Completely Reconditioned. 1930 FORD TUDORâ€"Good condition. 1930 FORD COUPEâ€"A nice job. All Ford cars guaranteed for 30 in” Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL. ()NTAR'W) Clerk & Treas. of Markham Twp., Unionville, Ontario. The Full Line of FUEL Lime, Cement, Tile PLUMBING, HEATING, EVETROUGHING FURNACE. WORK A I SPECIALTY Phone 188 For Estimates Call Richmond Hill 196-r-12 Yards at Burr’s Mill Jones Coal Co. TO RENT WANTED $475.00 $250.00 $250.00 $225.00 $200.00 Apply also called for week- Richardson‘, Box lephone St, Hill,

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