Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Feb 1936, p. 5

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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13th, 1936 WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT . . 1 IKE LIBERAL, RICHMONT) HILL, ONTARIO g Social and Personal : I‘Vomen or girls who “on: partners "or the (CULT. liar-met please notziy :‘in~.< Blat- Plowman. i I“. :1 :1 '7'xe >"C’1Iii ‘..'111‘1"l I I1~-;111’:113:- C. rte-1 1f \Ves‘ Yuri: 1...... 1_.- c r' - n p- lhovl ,\\- (wintinn '1elvl in , H11»; * "" :r:-davl ‘ 1e tub in this me. i In suit? of toll “W‘hIlli” .1 1':;'1‘ wry-d m‘cn lwl the I. ().L. 1’.-‘.Vl I0 FLA. I‘luchro held on \Vednesv y fight .izi-T Tilt. TON ‘ZIIIIQS (5.. O‘Jz'iiv‘» ere in play and wine»: wer award- 1 l l '- 1 l ‘. 1 ’0 1mm» 1=r um sEm: of the r r n. P o. Ilome. 9nd Mrs. Shieldsz: . . -, . Fl’I’RI' \RY â€" II‘lmlc': ‘IIOIV‘ '1“z‘11élivl}: fit her l1.e H I . . . . . i - .~ .,..4 .991, This cold little mop h.v.'11h Ms tux-r11} W 3.1 ,.,m-.,.,.H,m dd}, “.1, .h \ 1.1. I-i'l'lal‘ 'lfi".", ’., .AI-‘ 1 in I'plfvn'x‘lllv. :\l“-"l\ ' i I ~ »._ ',. I . 1., ., rm" IS a gang (1‘ -rr1".' u"‘h 1» Ms? me - I» .w in a nmm MW» “- flung,” (1.41.133 If,“ .letv: (rm-mo best <97 \‘Vlw‘1 it‘H'w' ‘1'”‘4' l'"'=“.1 “‘“h "W‘N’Tivw... sh. u-i‘] inland. to great ' ‘ H ’ I 4 . - .1 1 .1 r~ l v m l; i : mil In (‘rfi‘iv’t'l’ftl ‘."lill ill" l‘i’ And .I-M v: :11'1- :‘lilm‘ll'r‘fr r" 1’l\"’.iw4’ ol-i. «ti-(*nnif'utirm “il'm-pmll‘v- I“ ‘ ‘ i v ,1 .. and lw-or‘f. , i’dm .11" 'he (*N""‘IT" ("Ill PM 7‘ v 1" . .'_-'i .- ‘Vh..n stiflrl‘ni": er me 111 fl"‘m thp Inf‘vlln‘dfl‘w" Wendi-V" fi’l’l "‘0 " 1' mm“. ,.,,,.,.,.{,.1 1mm i,.._,_,.(, m minpnnwn at the meet" 0 And (.:,;,.,..,., (Nude: by tho DIlQ‘l‘i I MR. FA 1;: R,.5chV\nltn mo 11.1111 . - . ‘ e ,,.:.,,1 “am. 11,“? p... m.“ Tnctv-m: P1es1lf‘nt. i‘” . . - ' ‘~ . r .- no. And ,1,..,,. 1.111.. (mm stops in on beluwfip ., cm the oftmnoon. “a van" oil.» in h \ present. hut lm‘wmlwi” ’With mirrivos of love on St. Valen- tire’s Day. *Selected â€" The Nicost Valentine â€"â€" The nicest lrind of valentine to give Onc’s frirnds. is not of l'lCC and verses, It’s not '1 valentine folks buv With well filled nurses. The nicest relentine is not A hearts en'l valentine at all Is just to bola pleasant friend. Some folks sen/l valentines and then. Discuss their friends when they‘re not present, And criticise and gossip too. So, theue'h store valentines are pleas- ant. This valentine for all the year Is unite the nicest one to send To all your friends both far and near: Is just to be :1 pleasant fv‘ion‘d. â€"Marv Carolyn Davi»i The pulse of our news column seems to be at lowest ebb this week. Zero weather and snow storms in the mean time more. or less paralyzing traffic on the country roads is the excuse offered, as scheduled meetings in the Various centres have necessarily been ’postponed. However the weather man promises discussion: on "irled v"cod enter‘ainment. Illa“ oroerom afternoon tea was servw lhv the hostesse‘ and a soe1‘1l hour [outlive/l. The in ielurlcvl me. cmwrmu. M... smnum- !vrs. _-‘.. n. Milnei‘. Mrs. E. J. 110m: ‘uvs. o. Broithwoite and Mrs. A. Mc- Frtll “vita 1 ladies charge 111- h'innon. At. the meeting of the Band of Central I'nited Church the Mission ‘ ‘ II |st:‘rl_v m‘ “Thrlmch the Afr1can Bush, I of \liss Marion Vy'orne. {two I"nee is reported. Srmnathv is extended to Mrs. M. 1'In-:~incvwa_v at the death of her bro- ithor. Mr. John Goo/l. who passed I'm-71v suddenly at his home, 6S4”: Cer'rar'l Stu Funeral ser- vices \vlil be’hel'l from his late resi~ iderce to St. Ann’s Church on Friday I Toronto. at 9.510 o'clock. Interment in Mount Hope Cemetery. The popularity of the euchres conâ€" "unwind tinue. Announcement is made of a Euchre and Bridge to be held at the ,home of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Harring- lton, Main Street. on Thursday evcâ€" lninfr ner‘. under the auspices Of St. A‘iwliea“ Church. PF"? If Toronto visited her I7‘lm’li’ns Mrs. a change shortly and we hone soon to mother V": T‘ Harper, last week. be back on the job properly. VHCW' ever, we are pleased to I'EDDYt thi“ weather propitious for the skating rink activities and Crosby Memorial Rink is ‘indeed the community recrea- tional centre this season. boasting of the largest curling club in years, a 'sensational hockey program and plenty of good skating. The first carnival of the season held 'last Wed- nesday night proved gratifying be yond the expectation of the manag- ing committee. The parade of ms- tumed skaters included representaâ€" tion from all walks of life from Eme peror Haile Selassie and the Empress to the notorious bandit Robin Hood as well as Film Land, Comics and many others. The prizes were at- tractive and the judges report the following winners of the evening: Best girl in costumeâ€"Clara Conn nell. Best boy in costumeâ€"Stewart Camp bell. Best lady in costumeâ€"Evelyn Per- kin, Peggy Rus-h. ' Best 0‘ent in costumeâ€"Howard Stiver, Walter Reesor. Best pair in costumeâ€"Miss Rage: and Mr. Groskurth. Comic costumeâ€"Ken Deacon. Advr‘tisingâ€"Min-a Robson? Best lady skaterâ€"Joan Sabisto‘nr. Best gent skaterâ€"A. K. Harrington Best pairâ€"John Sabiston, Mr. Steckley. Racesâ€" Boys 14 and underâ€"R. Lawrie. Girls 14 and underâ€"Jean Watson Bovs 17 and underâ€"N. Raymer. Girls 17 and underâ€"Joan Sabistor Girls open raceâ€"Joan Sabiston Evelyn Perkin. ’ Men's cuen raceâ€"M. Steckley, Car Reesor. Chariot raceâ€"-Ladiesâ€"Rose Ness Gentsâ€"J. E. Collicott. H. R. Mavnar" The management plan many other attractive events that will deserve your patronage. A service held under the auspices of the Men’s Club of Central Unit Church with Prof. Thos. Mitchell as guest speaker is scheduled for Suns day evening next commencing at 7 o’clock. A men’s choir will lead thel music part of the service and a cordial invitation is given to attend. The members of the Institute Reâ€" lief Committee have been busy thisi sewing! week assembling clothing, making quilts, etc., to be used for needy families. ‘The cause is indeed a worthy one to which creditable ser- vice has always been given by this organization. When a man ain't got a cent, an’ he’s feelin’ kind 0’ blue, And the clouds hang dark an' heavy, an’ won‘t let the sunshine through, It’s a great thing, 0 my brethren, for a feller just LO lay His hand upon your shoulder in a. friendly sort of way. I â€"Jas. Whitcomb Riley, Special tribute was paid to the’ memory of the late Miss Elizabeth B; Russell at the February meeting of ’the Women’s Institute held at the home of Mrs. A. Kc.m~edy on Thurs- day afternoon last, when Mrs. G. R. 1 The. Y.PS. of Knox Presbyterian Church A gineourt. were entertained at. “R0‘.“’V“.V00d” the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. ‘. Hood. Milliken, on Thurs- day evening last. Games and re- freshments were included in the ten- joyable entertainment. A vote of appreciation was given the host and hostess for their kind hospitality. Congratulations are offered to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Conley (nee Isabel Ogden) Orillia. on the birth of a fine baby boy on Tuesday last. Mrs. Jas. Muirhead visited her sister, Mrs. Bruce Muir-head of To- ronto ,on Saturday last. Miss Grace Harrington spent Sun- day with her parents, Mr. and‘ Mrs. D. Harrington. Mrs. Belle Morden and Miss Lillian Parkinson of Toronto spent Sunday at their home here.» Mr. Blake Broad, of Toronto, an" Mr. Jack Broad of Uxbridge soon" the weekâ€"end with their sister, Mi: Blanche Broad. ’ At the Bowling Club Euchre hel«‘ on Wednesday evening the follO‘vi‘W" were the lucky winners: Ladies. Mrs Sanderson, Mrs. G. A. M. Daviso-w Mrs. Roy Battle; Men, Bert Nichols. Wm. Leathers and Howard Findlay. Fifteen- tables of players entered the competition. Owing to conflicting events the meeting of the Horticultural Society scheduled for next Thursday evening has been postponed. Announcement will be made next week as to date. Mr. and Mrs. G. Murphy, Mrs. I? L .Stiver and Mrs. J. W. Perkin at, tended the annual Horticultural So- ciety Convention. held on Thursday ,and Friday of this week in the Royal 'i York Hotel, Toronto. A FAVORITE TESTED RECIPE â€" Corn and Macaroni Oysters _. 1.4 cup cooked macaroni, 1/1» cup canned corn, 1 egg well beaten, 1.4,» t-nasnoon bakin'r powder,-2 tabIe- spoons pastry flour, salt and pepper to taste. 1 tablespoon chopped onion. 1 tablespoon chonped pim-ento or pinch of red pepper. Combine macaroni with other inâ€" gredients. Drop by tablespoons in well frreased hot, frying pan. Fry until brown on both sides. Serve with catsup. If using kernal corn add 3,4. tablespoon milk or «ream. VFRSE FOR THE KIDDIES A lesson in being kind to dumb, animals is passed on to us by Garv Cooper. famous Film Star. “Max” a mum; horse has been owned bv Mr Cooper since he was born and still lives on a ranch owned bv Mr. Conn- er’s brother Frank. a Montana Bank- er. Mr Cooper’s annual birthday gift to “Max” is a box of the choicest apples that never fail to arrive and reminds his pet that his master never forgets him. Lucky Max! CEE'I'MxL ['NITI‘U (‘HI‘RCH Pastor, Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a.m.â€"â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"“On being used by God’s Ideas.” 7 p.m.â€"Men’s Service. Dr Thos. Mitchell. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH 1.30 p.m.-â€"Church School. 2.30 p.m. “On being used by God‘s u Mens choir. various questions nroi vms (entiruerl under the leadership; A {rood at-‘ 1.“. Mr .Norris, 2nd Mr. I’. i St‘erl-tes. o'cnt s. A communication which we :eccived ‘ Ithis week from Mr. F. N. To .1linson.} a. formr‘r resident of this district now,I living at Tlornepaync. reports very} Cold weather in the north country.‘l ‘Somc points. in the northern district reported weather as cold as 42 below' zero. “I’Vha‘ would you do in Richâ€"l 1mond Ilill if tl‘o thermometer took 21" Islide like that?” asks Mr. Tomlinson. The Young II’mren’s Auxiliary ofI the Presbyterian Church are holding a St. Valtntire's Tea. on Feb. 14th,' ‘t'rom 5 to T p.m.. in the Church Parâ€" lov. Everybody Tea cup reading. welcome. The Evening Auxiliary of the Unit~ ed Church \‘.‘ll hold their annual Soc- ial Evening at the home of Mrs. W. Cook, Church St.. on Feb. 19th, at 8‘ pm. Games. Crokinole, refreshments- will he enjoyed. Collection in aid of All Indies of the congre- Q‘ation very cordially welcomed. missions. Miss Joan Carr entertained a numâ€" ber of her friends to a Tobogganing Party on IVcdnesday of this week on the occasion of her birthday. After tobogganing the party returned to ‘her home for supper and spent a ,pleasant evening in games. Do not forget the Pancake Euchre ,which the Women’s Auxiliary of St. 'Mary‘s RC Church are holding in the Rectory on Pancake Tuesday, Feb. 25th. A cordial invitation is ex- tende to all. \VOMEV'S INSTITUTE PARTY The \Vomen’s Institute. are holding a Court Whist and Progressive Crokâ€" inole Party in the High School Gymâ€" nasium on Friday. Feb. 14th, at 8 p. m. Proceeds in aid of library fund. Drizes and refreshments. Tickets 25c. A cordial invitation is extended to everyone. HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB The regular monthly meeting of the Home and School Club will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 25th, in the Public School room. A very interesting pro- gram is being arranged by the ex- ecutive. Please keep this date in mind and plan to attend. I CH’WOND HILL PRFS YTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D. Cunningham Sunday, Feb. 16th 11 a.m.â€"“Ti~e Magnetic Cross." 2.45 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"“Limiting God." If money is the only thing you are getting out of your business, you’re not getting enough. RICHMOND HILL ‘ UNITED onuch Rev. C. W. Folio". B D., Pastor Sunday, Feb. 16th 11 a.m.â€"“Finding Onte’s Brother.” 2.45 p.m.HSunday School. ’7 p.m.â€"Annual Choir Service. Spec- ial Musical PrOgram. assisted by Miss Johnson, Contralto Soloist, Church of The Messiah, Toronto Mr. Melecci promises us a. real treat at this service. A cordial in- vitation to you "and your friends. “What was d‘at noise ovah at youah house last night?” asked one Negro of another. “Sounded lak a lot ob wile cats broke loose.” “Huh! Dat! Why, dat was nuffin’ but de man from de furniture stoh collectin’ his easy payments.” Saving money isn’t so hard. The hard part is to keep it after slickers find out about it. Daughterâ€"Mother, I wish you would stop boss‘ing Father around so much. Motherâ€"What’s the matter now? Daughterâ€"Well, every time I get some young man interested in me he grows serious and asks me if I take after you. Ideas.” St. Philip’s Anglican Church 10 a.m.â€"«Church School. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer. BETHESDA LUTHERAN CHURCH 10.30 a.m.â€"Church School. 2.30 p.m.â€"Public Worship. I. THANKS TO ALI. On behalf of the mmnl’nvrs ut' the municipal m nut-ll I wish to thank all . . , 1 those who took part 1r. Inc prwgramt or :zr‘sisiw. ‘ any; Way to make last "'rh'f- (111‘! IZIII ~1zth :1 SLIL‘t&'<-. \VC Frw also rm?- t’ul in The Q‘ 11ei'al pubâ€" ! Weir 2‘ non '1~' palromge in s'ippor‘ of our chilrfr n': }\l':_\“;1"'111nrl fund. ; .I. A .GRICENIC, Rc‘ve \’.\I.l-l.\"l‘INI’. II \N 7“. _\ \V'Ilfl‘ii..~" l‘:1'1ce \"ill 5 1 held in‘ dominiity llall. Victoria S were. on 1 Friday evening. Fob. llt’ under the 'msricius of the lIal Trustees.‘ S"rillerv Orchestra. II ' ert .Ion-‘ 'IILLTS. i"(or marae'er. h providâ€" In “It. Admission, {rents 3:..c.. adios 350: Hockey Notes , ‘aftcr the want lCURLING NOTES . PAGE FIV E m:_â€"_:* “‘z -.--.----.n-¢.IUOO RADIAL snows HANDSOME * ’ I‘ROY’I’I ‘ Skip Garfield YWGX and Stir rm >1 * Rn-hmna 11:11 \tumo received * McLean piloted rinks at the ;“1L':l’* 1 Us, ,l "15,17 ihis Irma, 4: court honspiel this week. I 1'-1‘-1i1;).’> sinm- of “in 1‘pc1‘11'711r * Skip James McLean mur- .;‘ W14“: pm, 1:3. v Mpg. a 1'11k to the lxiu' (Intro-i». bi its-incl w '31 I 3, j'-_j »~ 1. ' ,1, n... ,,f 1 11111311,; in 'I‘wronto 11-:rzt Monday. :-.>\.,v 13,3, ';‘ . 1 , o» x V. I \ s McLean is dravxn to play his oponrg {11:1 1 .3 ; 4, -,., ' 1 game at the Toronto Club :1: 1 k 331,9 puma] . .. x; \n ., 1< Rf. nortl Ilill : .. 1 : hm .e * 777 ‘â€"T â€" I‘ll} ‘ ’1‘" '.ll..‘.‘i"s Si ILI‘L‘ t COI'NTY DRAMATIC FESTIVAL “f .e |. || Ir, ‘ 3, * AT NI:\VT‘!.\RI\'E’F v (,3. T1, ._ gmm. \ _ a It has been annuonCt-d that a Y. 7‘: I my“ m (w. my,“ “1”. , ,3 a County Dramatic Festival \le1 lc h Ki k m,th up), mug, supp-Hugo“ 1,,» r in Newinrirkwt almut the middle of " fhfi ;-_1(...<‘..~_.- 15.. (my-“my j,“ I: April“ Prix“ ('3‘ 83000- $300” a“: :' nth-1 lull ft“;-’<“i¥‘.’f in 'I‘Ol'on‘O " $20.00 are offred for the best for';‘ $3.111... {.5- mum'ng. X minute presentation by any organiTâ€" ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ " " ' ' ’ ' ' ’ ‘ 'F ‘ tion in the County. There is an entry fee of 9"? 00 "'l will he AI'CTIUN SALE POS’I‘I’ONI‘TI) Owing to the o‘ndition of the roads l‘f‘fLITlel '.‘1 1111.1 .1ll intriis must, Richmond Hill Midgets are tit'd for he in by N'n‘ch lilih. All entries wright} {woman S2110 m sectch shor‘hwns . l , . Group honors in the T.lI.I.. \\‘lil1 the cnquirles should l (Inkuwyul Indians and the final andzclndmau, secwt'xrv r deciding game is likely to he played ‘ or Alderman Joseph Vale. Newmavkuf Friday niuht. If the local; \vin tl1ey1 go on into the championship play-offs.i elected statistici-m The Midgets are playingr good hockey? executive of his yer; .\' and the best, uishes of the Richmond I Queen's University. Hill fans go with them into the dc-chccutive acts as a omit ciding game Friday night. DANCE \T VEI,I.ORE The Vellore “’ovnen's Institute are holding an Olde Tvme Dance in the Township llall, Vellore, on Friday. Feb. 21st. Catannia’s orchestra; E. Evans floor manager. Progressive euchre will also be played in the base- ment. Lunch provided. Admission 350, tax included. Plan to attend. CHOIR SUNDAY On Sunday next. the United Church Choir will observe their Choir Sunday by a special musical service in the evening. The folowing anthems will be sung: “I waited for the Lord"â€"â€" Mendelssohn; “Hymn to the Trinity" â€"â€"; “The Heavens are Telling"â€"Haydn. Miss Irene John- son, contralto soloist from the Church of the Messiah, will assist the choir. HEADFORD” We are sorry to hear that mumps are again visiting this community. We hope that they will not stay long. A social evening was spent at the church on \Vednesday, Miss Mary Stewart was in charge. ' On Sunday afternoon the Mission Band will meet at the church at 3 o’clock. On Wednesday, Feb. 19th, the Y.P. S. will meet at the home of Mr. Fred Clark. The Christian Citizenship convenor will be in charge of th' meeting. Mr. Ralph James from Vic- toria. College will address the meet- ing on Christian Youth and Politics. “Human beings must always be cap- able of adapting themselves to the world as they find it. But adaption does not involve the fundamentals. I Young people of to-day can build the good life on the same principals as the old-timers used as their models. Courage is neededâ€"it always was. With courage there must go intelli- gence, ingenuity, and far sightedness. Detectiveâ€"“Got away, has he? Did you guard all the exits?” County Constableâ€"“Yes, but we think he must have left by\ one of the entrances.” A NEIV MEMBER OF THE INSTITUTE I’ve joined the Women’s Institute, I want to tell the news. I’ve paid a silver quarter inâ€"that constitutes my ‘dues.’ â€" For “Home and Country,” I shall work with resolution strong, An active member I shall beâ€"and not merely “just belong.” Whatever training I have had, ex- perience, and such, I shall contribute to the cause, folks: may not think it. much. But someone may be needing aid, which I can pass along, I’ll be an active member, not content to “just belong.” A regular attendant I shall alwhys strive to be And try to always be on timeâ€"my promptness all shall see; I’ll memorize the creed and code, I’ll join in every song, I’ll be an active member, and do more than “just belong.” When volunteers are needed for some new committee work, Some cooking or some canvassing, I promise not to shirk, With head and heart and strong right hand I’ll help good work along. I’ll be an active member and get others to belong. The Hired Manâ€"Are you the fel- low who cut my hair the last time? The Barber Manâ€"I don’t thing so only been working here six months. 1 WOOOWQOMO” 'the property of Thomas Thomson, Ileadford, was postponed from Wedâ€" nesday until Friday, Feb. 2lst. II. M. f the crimmitlee 1e made to N. W. Byme of Innrrrtmff. has l1: n th ~ v... If». ' . _» 52933 NEXT. :27; TRINITY CHURCH .»‘§.Y.P.- .. , permanent. fence iii-"i, at The permanent Presents ‘ roofing link E , between the member.- oi‘ th~ class , " . l I after graduation. 1' » ‘ i “LOOK VVHOS HERE” AFTERNOON Tr. \ .xxn stir. l m A Tea and Baking SC]? “m be WM! Lawrence Memorial Parish Hall FRIDAY. FEB. let at 8.15 p.m. Adults 25c., Children 15c. by the W.A. of St. Mary’s (‘hurch on Saturday, Feb. lfith. from 3 p.m., in the basement of the church. Teacup reading. A hearty invitation to all. MASONIC HALL. RICHMOND HILL To-night Thursday, Feb. 13 CURTAIN CALL AT 8.15 Second annual Dramatic Contest of West York Deanery Local Council Anglican Young People’s Association The following branches are competing: St. Mary’s Church, Richmond hillâ€"“The Cuckoo’s Nest” (1 act play) I Christ Church, Kettlebyâ€"“Here Comes Charlie" (3rd act). Christ Church. Woodbridgeâ€"“The Blue Teapot” (1 act play) Admission 25c., tax extfi WWWWWW i g i PEANUT COOKIES, 2 doz. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. APPLE SPICE CAKE, Extra Special, each . 19c. YORKMINSTER Cream Sandwich Biscuits, per lb... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c. DESSERT PEARS. 2 tins for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19c. BRUNSWICK CHICKEN HADDIE, tin . . 13c. DATES, 2 lbs,,for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19c. UNWRAPPED LAUNDRY SOAP, 8mbars for 25¢. PlRUNES, g lbs. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. | SPECIAL LEND TEA, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39c. BREAKFAST COFFEE, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. GRAPEFRUIT, 5 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25c. ORANGES. doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. 1 “ NO ORDER TOO SMALL, NONE 'Loo BIG SPECIAL DELIVERY ON SATURDAY “ Two Shows Daily â€" 7.30 & 9.30 â€" Sat. Matinee 2.00 p.m. TO-DAY â€" THURSDAY, FEB. 13 JOHN BOLES â€" DIXIE LEE 1n RED HEADS ON PARADE â€" Added Attraction â€" DIONNE QUINTUPLETS in “GOING ON TWO” FRIDAY & SATURDAY, FEB. 14-15 JAMES CAGNEY â€" ANN DVORAK in g “ G“ ” MONDAY & TUESDAY, FEB. 17-18 CAROLE LOMBARD â€" RALPH BELLAMY in “Hands Across the Table” WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, FEB. 19-20 WILLIAM POWELL â€" ROSALIND RUSSELL in RENDEZ VOUS

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