HORSES 1 Bay Gelding, 5 years old, H.D. 1 Bay Gelding, H.D. 1 Grey Gelding, H.D., 9 years old 1 Grey Gelding, H.D.. 10 years old 1 Bay Gelding; GR, 9 ygars old HAY AND GRAIN 'A quantity of Victory Seed Oats A quantity of Seed Barley, O.A.C No. 21 About 200 bus. of Mixed Grain About 200 bus. of Mixed Grain About 800 bus. of Feed Oats A‘mut 800 bus. of Feed Barley About 5 bus. Red Clover A quantity of Hay 2 Stoves 1 Smal Separator for one Cow No reserve as proprietor is giving up farming. i DAIRY CATTLE Holstein Cow, in full flow Black Cow, in full__f1_ow _ Holstein Cow, milking 'well, bred 1 Dec. 23 Holstein Cow, milking ' 1 Holstein .‘Cow, milking, bred July 2 1 Holstein Cow, milking 1 Ayrshire Cow, milking, bred Dec. 24 1 , l Holstein Cow, milking .1 Red Cow, part Jersey and Durham,‘ due March 25 1 Jersey Cow, milking Holstein Cow 1 Holstein Cow, due March 18 l Holstein Cow, milking well, bred 1 Jan. 27 1 Pure Bred Jersey, Bay Forwards Dora, Bâ€"65935, born April 5. 1932. 1 breld by E. T. Stephens, Richmond; Hi] 7 _ H _ _ Horses, Implements, Hay, Grain, Etc. THE PROPERTY [OF I! Holstein Jan. 12 Uulsttéin Cow, milking- well, Inn 18 Holstein Heifer, bned Jan. 12 Holstein Heifer, bred Jan. 25 Holstein Heifer, 1 year old Durham Bull, well: bred' good Set Double Harness H A pNFSS Set-Double Harnesé with Breechin Lot 5, Co'n. 5, Vaughan Twp. ‘ Edgeley 0n Highway‘rNo. Wédnesdayyebruary 26.1% ' at 11.30 a.m. sharp ' Langstaff Coal & Supply Co. No Reserve whatever, Giving up Farming Stove Size HARRY R. ROSE LOUIS RE] 40 Yonge 3L. Richmond Hill Telephone 133 BARRISTERS-AT-LAW Office Hoursâ€"Every Monday and Thursday Afternoon and by appointment Toronto Office: 100 Adelaide Street West Telephone ELgin 9263-4 Alberta Coal Yard at Railroad Tracks, Langstaff Phone Thornhill 73 DAY 01 NIGHT PAGE SIX Stove Ton Lots or more delivered Important Auction Sale of TERMS: 6055‘}, milking 'well, bred; Cow, milking well, bred} Cow, milking- well, bred; FURNITURE Dinner DAIRY CATTLE Welsh GOOD HARDWOOD 1-4 ft. LESLIE ROBB served to those coming from a distance CASH. Stove ROSE & HERMAN PGCAHONTAS ANTHRACITE COKE $9.50 Nut Plough Oliver Riding Plough, single furrow Oil Barrels Pair Dehomers. good Scalding Trough Milk Hand Sleigh, nearly new Milk Cart A number of Short Sling Ropes 200 feet of Water Piping, 1 inch r-n-uâ€"nâ€"nxn-t ‘1 Set Power nurse Uhppers ;1 Grass Seeder About 3 doz. Grain Bags 1 Watering Trough 1 Milk Vat 1 2 Fur-rowed Corn Scuffler F Forks. Shovels, Doubletrees, Nevk Iyokes and other articles too numer- 1(ms to mention. Binder, M.H., 7 ft. cut, in good- repair l Mower, M.H., 51/2 ft. cut, in good repair Hoe Drill. 13 spout, Frost & Wood Fordson Tractor, in good shape Tractor, 2 furrow-ed plough, N0. 9 Oliver, good Tractor, double disc‘ Bissel Tractor or Horse Hitch Cultivator, spring tooth Stiff Tooth Cultivator, Internationâ€" al, good M.H. Spring Tooth Cultivator Steel Roller, International, good M.H. Hay Thedder Manure Spreader, Cockshutt, near- l_v new M.H. Sulky Rake, nearly new Farming Mill . Vessott Grain Grinder, 10% inch plate, good Set Scalest 2090 lbs'. pap., Wilson Set Steel Trucks, good Wagon. cut down, Spleight Hay Rack, 16 ft. ' Sneight Wagon with Springs, good Wagon Box. Sneight, good Set Pin Bob Sleighs Flat Rack 6 Set Speight Sleighs Buggy; 1 Cutter Walking Plough Dick N0. 3 Verity Plough Plough; 1 Set Plough Wheels Potato Plough. Souffler. Frost and Wood Potato Molder; 1 Ba}: Truck Hay Fork; 2 Sling Ropes (good) J. C. Saigeon & J. H. Prentice, Auctioneers. FurroWed Cockshutt Walkiï¬g American IMPLEMENTS Nut rse Clippers LOUIS HERMAN Range Milwaukeeâ€"“Soda Ash Johnny†Horan, >98, vowed that as long as he could work “no boy of mine is going: on the county,†and his son’s name was removed from the list of county pen- eion applican’cs to-day. The North York Horticultural So- ciety met last Monday evening with a large attendance. The guest speak- er was Rev. Tebbrs of Burlington. better’known as “Old Man Sunshine†or “Dick the Amateur Gardener of Radio Fame.†His lecture was illus- trated by beautiful colored lantern slides which were very much enjoyed. The President. Mr. W. T. Wells, was in charge of the meeting. The annual meeting- of Toronto Centre Presbyterial W.M.S. was held last Thursday in St. James-Bond United Church. Those who attended from the local auxiliary were Mrs. Hicks. Mrs. Soden, Mrs. A. Brown, Mrs». Halbert and Miss Case; BUSY FATHER, 98 Has ‘Boy’ Cut Off Cuunty Relief Lists Galbraith. last Tuesd‘av, evening with a fine attendance nresent. Mrs. Hal- bert gave the renort of the Markham weeks ago The boys and girls of Newbonbrook are thoroughly enjoying the skating season. Two fine rinks‘ are at ,their disposal without charge, the Public Schnl rink and one on P‘etawawa Ave. which are kept in splendid condition. Horan, who celebrated his 98th birfh 4av Thursday on the job at the Mil- waukee railroad shops, is the oldest active rail wo'rker in the United Qtates'. . The n stnoned meeting- of the Sun- dav Sc}:on execu’rive of New-fonbrook United Church was held at the home of the Suverintend-enrt, Mr. A. W. Mr. R. Pharaoh of Guelnh spent last week-end with his brother, Mr. W. Pharaoh, Finchs Ave. H‘he son-g service in the United Church was very much ‘enjov-ed last Sunday evening, all ioinin‘g heartin in /sin,tzin_2‘ the old favorite hymns. A duet was sung by Rev. A. H. Hal- bert and M1: Geary. His boy, William H., who is 66, had applied for an old age pension but the blea was dismissed in court when the elder Horan and a nephew arranged *0 contribute toward his supnort. The father, nicknamed “Soda Ash†after he introduced that chemical in the washing of locomotive boilers, has worked 82, years almost continuously for the road. The Girls Mission Circle will meet this (Thursday) evening at the par- sonaqe. The W.M.S. Dav of Prayer Wm b9 held on 'F‘ridav. Feb. 28th, in Wilfow- dab United Church‘ The Red Cross Society gave the children at York Cottage a $t. Valen- tino Tea and entertainment last Wed- nesday evening. Several members of the Red Cross Mtendled the tea. Mrs. St. Clare ovao.c ,Angeles, Cal), is visiting her sister. Miss Ada StPhhen. on Steel-es Ave. The Women’s Association met last Friday at 10.30 am. for a sewing meefinex The business meeting was held after luncheon with the Vice- Presiflent, Mrs. A. W. Stenhenson. presiding, and who led in ï¬le de- votional service assisted by Mia: E Street and Mrs. F. Foreman. PIanI: Were made to have a St. Pn’rrirk Sunper on Thursday evening, March 5fh. ill health. A lecture “Hitch hiking- around the world†illustrated bv lantern slides will be given by the Toll R1~others (sons of Rev. S. L. Toll) on Tuesdav evening, Feb. 25th. at 8 o’clock at N-ewtonbrook United Church. under the ausnices of the Y.P.S. This lec- ture comes very highly recommended so nlan to come. William put in 53 years for the line as engineer and call boy, but was forced to retire in 1931 because of “riday evening: returning to the Sun- Jav School room for refreshments. Although the evening was very cold and stormy there was a splendid at- tendance. ‘ Mr. Clifford Brett and Mr. Jack Due‘zan will be in charge of (the meeting next Monday evening. The tonic of “Christian youth building a new world†with discussion, will be continued. ' The W.M.S. will hold‘ its regular monthly meeting next Tuesday, Feb. 18. at 2.30 p.m., at the home of Mrs; W. T. Wells. Mrs. E. M. Benton. 2nd" Vice-President of TorOnfo Centre> Preshyterial, will be the guest speak-' . l er. Everv member is requested to “rtend. Visitors welcome. I Miss» Gladys Sutterbv. convenor of‘ he Missionary Department, was in “name of the Y.P.S. meeting last: lWanda}; evening. A very fine mis- =ion¢a1iv program was presented with several members taking~ part It was- wrrang-ed to hold a sleie‘h drive on NEWTONBROOK Council which met a couple of SUPPORTS SON THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARTO 66 The application of fertilizers to plants throuo‘h the air instead of the soil is foreshadowed hv Dr, Earl S. Johnston of the Smithsonian Instiâ€" tution. .He had conducted an exneri- ment in which he said wheat produced ‘better by feedintr it large quantities of carbon dioxide, a cmnmoh consti- tuent of air. The experiment showed lwheat plants which received about [four times as much carbon dioxide as is normally present in air produced more and heavier heads, more grains, and heavier straw than plants grown in air alone.. There has been a steady growth in the number of entries in the plough- ing Match since it was organized in 1913. This growth in the number of entries has been paralleled by a cor- responding increase in attendance. For the first two years, the match was held at Sunmybrook Farm, To- ronto, with 32 and 29 entries, re- spectively. By 1919, when the con- test was held at Chatham; and tractor competitions were introduced, the number had risen to 90‘, while two years later at Woodstock it jumped to 216. Clover and Grass Seeds A fair demand continues for most items and prices have changed little during-the past month. There is still available in eastern Ontario some 350,000 pounds of red clover, 250,000 of alfalfa, 50.000 of alsike, 300.000 of sweet clover and $000,000 pounds bf timothy in principal production localities. Alsike is in particularly good demand at the present time with little available 'and timothy and red clover are in stronger demand at present than alfalfa and sweet clover. Prices to growers l‘nsimi on cleanâ€" ing to no. 1 grade range from 100. to 150. for red clover; 10c. to 130. for alfalfa and 31/2c. to EC. for timothy. Most of the good a’lsike has already Mr. Marshall said some time ago the main problem connected with ï¬le project was one of finance. and at that time he in-dicaled the Provincial Government would not likely make a contribution. The Plowing Match Efforts are being made by o‘rz’ani- zations in Guelnh to secure the Inter- national Plowing- match for 1937. This event is to be held this year near Cornwall and the custom is to alter- nvalte between eastern and Western Ontarin. In southâ€"western Ontario timothy is plentiful but mostly of the lower grades due to off colour and hulling‘. Some 4.000.000 lbs; ave estimated in this bar’s of the province. The alfalfa and alsike has nearly all moved to the trade. Red clover is being threshed steadily and ié in fair demand. I Elgin County was the leader in the :Western Ontario district for the >highest percentage of first grade 'cheese in 1935 with Oxford in second lplace. Oxford was first for the highâ€" est average score with Perth in ‘second place, according to Frank H-erns. chief dairy inspector for West- 'ern Ontario. A1†ter a full renort; has been made Mr. Marshall will call a meeting of growers in the latter part of Feb- ruary to go further into the proposal. The plan is to have this market near the waterfront in Toronto and pro- vide under one roof facilities for growers disposing of vegetables and fruit.†Price: f0 growers hand on cleanâ€" ing to no. 1 grade range from 100. to 150. for red clover; 10c. to 130. for alfalfa and 31/2c. to EC. for timothy. Most of the good a’lslike has already been sold and that remaining is sell~ ing' at from 10c. to 15c. per pound. Pricest paid growers based on clean- ing to no. 1 grades range from 10c. to 12¢. per pound for red' clover; 14c. 60 16c. for alfalfa; 12c. to 15c. for alsike; 3c. to 41/60. for swoet clover: 3c. to 4%c. for tfn'mtbv and 31/2 to 4c. for country run Canadian Llue grass. Mr. Fisher has visited Montreal and Detroit to inspect similar markets, and m‘esrented the Minister with an interim report. When the competitibn was‘ held at} Stratford in 1930 there wére 439 am. trants, and last year at Haldimand County, near Caledonia; there were 544. Market For Toronto Hon. Duncan Marshall, Ontario Minister of Agriculture, has an- nounced a committee headed by Paul Fisher of Burlington, an official of the Ontario Vegetable Grnwers’ As- sociation. is investigating his proposal for a $1,000,000 Wholesale fruit and veaeta‘nle market in Toronto. There is still some seed in north- western Ontario in the Oxdrift and Emo districts, possibly 13.000 pounds of red clover, 55,000 pounds of alsike and some mixtures». A large quantity of timothy-alsike mixtures is reported in northern Ontario but a great deal of it is low grade owing to immatur. ity. NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR THE BUSY FARMER i Breeding Troubles I Following long- Winters with deep Isnow. as this Winter nromises to be, “a great deal of trouble is unusually experienced with hairles'sness in young pigs, goitre in calves and lambs. and joint ill in foals. It is: xsuzgested that these troubles may ibe traced to a lack of iodine in the :thyroid gland of the pregnant female, ' losses from this cause may be avoided by feeding iodine, in the form of [potassium iodide. I For Sows, diSoIve one ounce of potassium iodide crystals in one gal- lon of water, and' mix one tablespoon- ‘ful per sow daily in the feed or (him: - 'ing water. For mares, give each mare ‘a half teaspoonful of potassium iodide in the feed g'rairi or water on the first and fifteenth of each month. For cows, dissolve two ounces of Potassium iodide in a cup of warm water; sprinkle this solution over ’100 pountds of salt spread evenly and [in a thin layer on a clean floor. and mix well. When the salt is dry, place it in a box where the animals have free access to it. For ewes, follow the same method as for cows. Potassium iodide has a generally stimulating effect, toning up the whole system, and exerts‘ a particuâ€" ularly strong influence on the gen- erative organs. Females which are apparently non-breeders will often become pregnant after this drug- has been administered for a few months. 2 Mows of Hay, got in bam without rain 25 Bags of Potatoes A few bushels of Early Garden Peas, good variety A quantity of Mixed Clove): Seed At a meeting- of the Ontario Com Growers’ Association the following resolution was endorsed: “Whereas it is the considered opinion of the On- tario Corn Growersï¬ Association that control measures as recommended by those in charge of the administraâ€" tion of the Act are important factors in the control of the corn borer we respectively ask that municipal and county councils in the corn growing area urge the ratepayers to make every effort to effect a highly satis- factory cleanup of the large 1935 crop, an unusually large percentage of which remained standing- as Winter approached. With this in mind we would further recommend that the county corn borer inspectors com- mence activities immediately and by so doing- render valuable service to the individual mower and to the far- mers of Southwestern Ontario gener- ally. 1 Bay Horse, 9 years old 1 Bay Horse, aged Corn Borer Threatens The corn growers of Southwestern Ontario are viewing with more or less alarm the amount of corn still stand- ing and the absence of clean-up measures in some fields that should have been instituted last fall in order to control the corn borer. The borer has not been so prevalent the past two 01- three years, but it has by no means been eliminated, and there were enough borers in the corn last fall to create a real menace to the crop next year if the weather should be favourable at the time the moths are emerging. Lot 13 Rear Con. 3, Vaughan 112Miles South of Maple on Paved Road Wednesday, February 19th Red and White Cow, milking, yOung TLB. Tested Cow, Holstein, milking, T.B. Tested Veal Calf Red and White H-eifer, rising 2 yrs‘. old ' BlaCK and White Head Heifer, ris- ing 2 years old ‘ Black and White Head Heifer, ris- ing 2 years old! Set Double Harness Horse Collars Set Single Harness TERMS: CASH Sale at one o’clock sharp Auction Sale of Farm Stock, IMPLEMENTS, ETC. N O RESERVE AS FARM IS SOLD. HAY, GRAIN, ETC. WILBUR L. KEF F ER FAT CATTLE HARNESS CATTLE HORSES C. E. WALKINGTON, Auctioneer THE PROPERTY OF THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13th, 1936 May we request you this year to look after your harness and collar requirements early. You will help us to give you better service by bringing your repair- ing before the spring rush be- gins. Phone HYland 2081 Open Evening. Eve. Phone 9788 Johnston & Cranston MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTE†0F CANADIAN & FOREIGN Licensed Auctioneer, County of Y‘ ,Prompt Attention To All Sale! Farms & Farm Stock Sales A Specialty. â€" RATES REASONABLE -- King Ont. Phone King 4212 Maple, Ont. R.R. No. 2 Telephone Maple 1063 (11/4 miles North of Concord) 1 Wagon, low, springs and box, good 1 Platform Spring Wagon, good 1 Hay Rack, 16 ft., removable ends, new 1 Set; Bob Sleighs, good 1 Mower, McCormick, 5 ft. cut 1 Hay Rake 1 Cultivator, spring tooth 1 Set Harrows 1 Scuffler; 1 Stone Boat 1 Root Pulper, new knives 1 Cyclone Grass Seeder 7 Dozen Sap Pails and Spiels 2 Sap Tubs Iron Kettles 1 Dresser; 1 Hanging Lamp Number of Table Lamps Second Hand Bath 'Ihb, complete for installing And other articles too numerous to mention. 1 Small Stove 1 Lounge 1 Bgdstead and Springs Shop closed at 6 p.m., Manday, Wedpesday & Friday C. E. WALKINGTON TRAVEL SERVICE When dizzy spells Make You Feel Unsafe, Just Try PA SSPORTS ARRANGED *FOI Richmond Hill Y. B. Tracy, Agent Phone 189 Steamship Reservations to Breat Britain and the Continent. Premier service to West Indies. EXPRESS TELEGRAPH Can. National Station Granite Monuments PARKE; HARNESS GLENN'S DRUG STORE ISAAC BAKER Rail tickets and sleeper Reservations. 1849 Yonge St. (east dd.) Between Merton & Balliol BU. IMPLEMENTS Thank You. FURNITURE It stimulates a lazy liver to healthy, nor- mal action and soon restores you to your usual normal health. It is a harmless cor- rective for consti- pation, biliousness, headaches and dizzi- ness. 50c. â€" $1.00 PHONE 71 Parke’s LIVER TONE