Mill 139 Phones Res. BUY ROYAL RICHMOND FEEDS Examine the wheat quality in the so-called cheap scratch feeds and Dev‘8. Our Baby Chick Mashs are one better than last year. Special Sailings to the Homeland by. Canadian Pacific. Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson lines at Lowest Rates. Pbotcs and Passport: Secured All enquiries confidential We look after your wmts right her your home. Phone Willowdale 63J Office Stop 6. Yonge St“ Lauim BROTHERTON’E BOOKHV Steamship on: m Dealers in LUMBER LATH. SHINGLES ASHPHALT ROOHNG. GYPDO( _ He requires energy and initiative quickness of judgment and action, 'however sudden and startling the emergency; g‘ood temper, patience and perseverance . . . To Edward VIII it is sportmanship, not the sport that counts. Here is his own application of the principles of sportmanship, made in a speech at the Guildhall, London, several years ago: “The sportsman needs love of adâ€" venture. He needls courage to under- stand it and take risks; Here is his. principles of a speech at several years For his education, he has found travel the best way to discover the Why of many things. For his diversion. he has turned to sport. Perhaps that is Why he has a. trim, athletic figure and fresh complexion. This slight, boyishâ€"looking chap (he is five and one-half feet tall and weighs 125 pounds) has travelled 200, 000 miles. He never has visited a country without trying to bring back some knowledge of its people, their language, and customs. “In his own youth he had been kept aloof from all those who were not within the royal circle. His education had been planned with a stern eye toward the actual duties of a sover- eign. He was not allowed to read‘ or study any book or subject which might lead him away from the prac- tical. Even Sir Walter Scott was for- bidden, lest his mind should wander toward the adventurous and romantic.†Ideas Work Out That King- Edward’s ideas on the making of a king have borne ricth in the person of King Edward VIII is1 widely accepted. But the new King has packed adventure into his 41% years. “King Edward has vet-v riefinite plans for his grandson. He wanted him to be a friend of the peo‘pleL‘to understand them, and to develop these qualities which would’ make him, when his day came, a beloved and thereâ€" fore, wise ruler. SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. WM. MCDONALD Telephone 62 Thornhill THE MILL In “A King in the Making,†Gene- vieve Parkhurst told how: The Seventh Edward took tremendb ous interest in the Eighth Edward. It was he who picked Henry P. Han- sell, in June, 1902, as tutor for his eldest grandson and Prince Albert, now Duke of York and Heir Presump- tive to the British Throne. The tutor remained at his job until the out- break of the war. He is said to have had more to do with molding their characters than any one person. That merry-eyed, tow-headed lad now is Edward VIII, ruler over one- fourth of the earth, through the death of his father, George V. It was in November 9, 1902, the 6151; birthday of King Edward VII of Britain. He and the last Emperor of Germany were watching a merryâ€" eyed, tow-headed lad of eight romp on the spacious lawns of Balmoral Castle, Scotland. An Article from the Literary Digest From Maple Gravel Pit GENERAL CARTAGE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13th, 1936 SAND â€" GRAVEL J. F. BURR Telephmne 27 by Truck THE TRAINING OF A KING out shoes Mr. Newrichâ€"Yes, sir, I started in life a barefooted boy. Sonâ€"Yes. it boils down to this: If I do well, it is because of my illus- trious forebears; if I fail it is my fault. Fatherâ€"Now, son. you understand perfectly what I mean. “There ye are. ï¬ner: that darned Everyman wanted five.†A father was giving- some advice f0 [his son. At the end of the Lecture he said: “Three dollars," renlied the doctor. Tho country man pï¬d‘. TTnnn avr-ival, the farmer enquired “What foe?†lifo. Hri‘mm’s maw Kim: can hardly beoome a slave to them now . . . “No (mo, exnnrk him to nlay noli- HM. H" bv nonir-s, is meant active interferonne Wiflw T19er rule: buf. as‘ a moral force. Drohahlv no man alive wields sin much nresficre. His reign, therefore. may see vast changes.†A farmer arrived verv late at a country Hnnfor’s/ hnns‘e and renneeted him to oqme ine’rantlv to 'a distant farm. 'T‘Pm doctor hitched up and drove furiolrslv. “Never has the rnlar of England been a ‘stuffed shirt.†H‘ornlayed fhe Mme even when a strinlinq . . . . A rpbel against the convnntions all his lifo. Pri‘min’s maw V‘nq can hardly “The new Kimr will hardlv be a ‘Socialist King.’ But he is. and will likelv remain. sociaLminded. Those are outspoken words for ‘royalty. Would a king be allowed f0 :speak his mind so bruskly. That is what William Pihlip Simms. SCI-inns- Howard Foreign Editor implies in asking: “Will Britain’s new sover- eign, Edward VIII, come to be known as the Empire’s ‘Socialist King?†“Precedent Smashinrz.†“There are those in England-who predict he will. They say he will turn Britain unsid‘e down, smash precedent and do anda say things never said or done by any British monarch in history.†But Mr. Simm: hesitates Over th Serialist tag, finding: “This nation can not‘ afford to per- petuate such slums. What’s the use of treating the .diseases of slum- dwellers, especially the children, if when cured, they are to be sent back 66 such slums? It is a disgrace to our national life.†British officialdom probably would gdeny that a king- ever has his finger. in the political pie, yet, even in this century, there have been evidences of the royal, withal impartial touch. Frank Speaking The depression has focus-ed the new King’s attention on matters political. He is mest interested in unemployâ€" ment and slum-housing problems. Talking on these subjects, he does not mince words. Recently, after in- specting the slums of some of Brit- ain’s chief cities, he returned to Lon:- don, and, soon after, was invited to a Guildhall function. There, industrial and political big-Wigs expected to hear pat words of praise. ‘ Instead he blistered their ears with: “There are a great many slum, dwellings in this country that arel relics of a bygone idea of what was1 tolerable for workmen. That type,l of home must be demolished. They are not, and must not be, considered fit for the coming generation . . . Mr, Oldfamâ€"I, too, was born with- “The Prince of Wales will, without .question, make as good a King- as his [father. Yet he is a King, not of the 5' past, but of the future . . . “It requires only a little intelligence to see that the youth of Britain is moving in a world entirely different from that of their elders, constrained only by the realization of their imei maturity from attempting to put into practice the ideas they hold; soon, the youth of toâ€"day will be the middle- aged backbone of England. They will be able to realize their ideals; and their leader will be the Prince of' Wales!†“Well, what single quality have I put into that catalog which isn’t es- :sential to the statesman? Surely : none. And are there not lessons from 'the parallel that leap to the mind ?†: Whether he can follow one new manifestation of his love of sportâ€" !aviationâ€"is going to be a knotty prob- lem for the new King’s Cabinet Min- isters. He is the first British King to have flown. When he returned to London With the Duke of York from their father’s death-bed at Sandringham, Norfolk, they flew in one of the new King’s private airplanes. Both can fly, but never go along alone. Airplanes are one symbol of the modernity of this second generation of Windsor. In “The Biography of H.R.H., the Prince of Wales,†W. and L. Townsend pointed out: Roomerâ€"I Ike this room, but the. view from the windows is rather monotonous. Landladyâ€"qul, of course, this is a rooming house, not a sightseeing Saturday: At skool yester day p. m. a P T A pay-bran was tryen out are classes on obzervine: at the black board. She ast me for a No. & I sled 36 witch she writ down 62. Blis- ters giv 28 & she writ 82. 55 sed Jake, less see you change that. F‘Hday: Blisterses lithe] bruther cum to skool for the 1st time v-ester- day & when he got home Blisterses Ma ast him what did he lern & he sed konsiderable but hede haft tq go agen tomorrow. Blisterses fokes sed it was funny but I dont see how cum. Thursday: I & Pa was at the grocery store buven sum shnzar & etc. The grocerie man sed he ust to be a prize fiter as P2. was watchen the shades. The lite wate chamneen? sed Pa. I diddent see the joak but its there sum whaii-s. Wednesday: A hnv from the coun- try got 1 on a maï¬shen at the oprey house last nite whn was 2‘9th aizs and etc out of a bar. You cant get aig‘s without no hens can ,vou sed the majishe'n to the boy & the rinnlv was Shure can-we got firkie-s dux & gees & ganders all so. Evrv body laft. Tuesday: Last Wk. teecher told are class to each rite a pome for} today & I roteâ€"I took Jane out a riding & cold cold was the breeze“. Jan sad to me your antey-freezel seems turned to antey-sqneeze. Jane dident like it none two well. Monday: 'I'h‘eys a dum cub renorter on the noosepaper at witch Pa wirks at. The ‘ed‘itur 1 cenrt him to rept. a big ivvangelu‘st’s surmen & to kon- déns it, so the c. r. writ J. Christ & Co. whair it shnd of sed Jesus Christ and his apostels. Sunday: Pa isent & doant seem to be abel to xtrikate hiself offen his SLATS’ DIARY (By Oliver N. Warren) , CONSIDER THE COMPANY BACK THE LIBERAL, RIM HILL. ONTARIO HOCKEY THRILLS: Tune in every Saturday night at 9 p.m., Eastern Standard Timel noosepaper thots even when in the hussem of the fambiy. This a. m. Ma sed she made a kake that is a poem & Pa replide well I xpect I’m xpected to be the waist basket. Thmnhili Motors ' Young children should never come in contact with other children who .are ill or who appear to have a. head 'cold. If there is such exposure and the ill child 1s found later to have measles, then it is advisable to inject the child who was exposed with blood It is not only possible, but it is practical to take b10037 from a. person who has recovered from measles, and, by injecting it into a child, to confer on that child, for two or three weeks, a measure of protection against measles. Those who pass through an attack of measles do not, as a. rule, suffer from the disease again. As most of us have measles during- childhood, the adult population is, in general, im- mune or resistant to measles. While the symptoms of most dis- ease vary a great deal, measles ap- pears consistently in a typical form. The onset is marked by what seems to be a cold in the head, accompanied by fever. Later, a rash develops, to be followed by a. branny desquama- tion of the skin during convalescence. Before thelskin rash appears. there are present, on the mucous membrane of the mouth, Koplik spotsâ€"bluishp white, pin-head in size, and surround:- ed by a red zone. Measles is a children’s disease be- cause most of us are exposed to it early in life. The earlier in life the disease is contracted, the more dangerous it is. The proportion of deaths‘ to cases decreases with each year of life. Therefore, the first year of life is the mOSt dangerous year in which to have measles, the second year the next most dangerous, and so on. We do not know enough about measles to enable us to control it. We do, however, know how its ill effects may be minimized. We cannot, as yet prevent the regularly recurring- epidemics, but we ban reduce the lbs of life from measles. ' MEASLES Practically every human being who is exposed to measles will contract the disease. Striking examples of this were seen when measles was in- troduced, for the first time, to cei'tain islands in the Pacific. Regardless of age or sex, every man, woman and’ child fell Victims to the disease. ‘ A HEALTH SERVICE OF YHE CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AND LIFE DNSURANCE COMPANIIS (I) Hydraulic Brakes . . . (2) Solid Steel Turret Top Boay by Fisher . . ‘ (3) Valve-in-Head Engine . . . (4) Knee-Action on Master DeLuxe Models . . . (5) Fisher No-Draft Ventilation . . . (6) Safety Glass throughout. CHEVROLET GIVES YOU ALI. SIX! serum taken from convalescent measâ€" les patients, or with the blood from their parents who will almost surely have had measles. Such injections are usually given to children under three years of age, and, if given early will prevent or modjfy the attack which is apt to be so dangerous in the early years. i SKATINE 'o=o=o=o=no=o °=0=O=OI for Ford V-8 cars. Plenty of heat from your hot water heater despite large cooling capacity. No special thermo- stats required, uses heat ordinarily wasted, operates per- fectly with any anti-freeze. Installed in a few minutes and assures a comfortable car in coldest weather. See this out- standing improvement at CITIES SERVICE GARAGE Phone 12 Webber Heater Booster I, to General Motors Coastm Special arrangements for parties and carnivals: Apply to Thornhill Ontario GOOD MUSIC NO ONE would dream of putting a thatch roof on a‘modern house, and Chevrolet followed the very same sound reasoning in developing the famous solid steel Turret Top roof for all its new, 1936 models. Pressed from a single, seamless sheet of heavy steel, the Turret Top, makes possible smooth perfection of streamlined beauty. It completes your safety, too, with its up-to-date overhead pro- tection; and it aids in keeping the car warm in winter, cool in summer. Come in and inspect the new 1936 Chevrolet with its Turret Top Body by Fisher today. Let your own eyes prove it is The Only Complete Low- Priced Car. Greatly-reduced 7% GMAC Plan time payments. See the new ENJOY THIS INVIGORATING HEALTH RECREATION AT Richmond Hill Arena WEDNESDAY VThe child with measles should be in bed. It is the complications of measles which kill. Proper nursing care will do much to ward off compli- cations, or to meet them should they develop. QuesLi:.-ns concerning health, ad- :lressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184 College St., Toronto, will be answered personally by letter. H. J. MILLS, Chairman Park Commission toâ€"Coast Hockey Broadcast. SATURDAY (Standard Series 2-pass. Coupe) Master Deluxe Models from $905 at factory. Delivered at factory. Oshawa, Ont. Fun] equtpned. Freight and Government Registration Fee only extra. PRICED FROM and s772 o=0=onm PAGE SEVEN Richmond Hill