Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Feb 1936, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT =" W NEWS CARRYING MAKES YORK COI'NTY COI’NCIL ADVANCE From the Windsor Star Between the lines in Royal Gazettes were there no lines of explanation, which preserve the f'Tmal announceâ€" a photogranh of tho York co'intv Ill-i his of six kings and one queen who have been proclaimed since Halifax was founded in 1719 is the story of rapid advance in carriage of news: Dcath of Gouge II. October 1760. one of the Ontario l('£l<l/l'lll‘”. T1 is understandable because this cow ,cil is the fourth lure ii’r‘slati' Pl‘ll‘i'il'ill was n t" body in Canada. Off" lal advice reached Halifax on the size of York (muff? ("ll?‘»‘~"»l- “ IT‘.".',*"‘_."IԤ.' 3, 17m. Ccorge III pro- course. is the abuncancc wt toy." villages and townships. There {1" e] King in llzlifax on February Time clatscd, three months. cit-Er 11th. eronir d abo several municipali‘vi T ' 'l'l a» rm‘sc to three days. | ioronto, all of u lICl to r i. n . ,1 A. .. ~ In r‘t' Dee‘h of (,mrmi 111, January 29,.bun.ei<ms places to tr no 1.970. Official advice reached Halifax ‘ along Yoch St. and there are others on to the northeast. April 6. lRflO. George IV proâ€" ' . _ claimed on April 7th. Time elapsed,i “Vim Cour}th ‘fouml hommq if; two months. eight days. “32”!” Fe":an m Tornnm‘ the ex? D’"£\ll‘l of George IV, June 6, 1830. Official advice rcached Halifax OTII August 16th. “'illiari IV proclaimed the day. Time elapsed, twol months, 10 days. Dmth of William I‘,’v June 20,1831! n 1 t, q ‘ “my, 0m.»in advice reached Halifax onlem] “T‘O’mf‘; 7“} “' “:0 m‘. ,f ,. . . ,over-eokcrnet. in this and other no} ~. giz:wt-‘h1]th' 3mm“; prOSIISInfjii Objection to abolition of county u cn 0 some Lay. Ime ps u. one month, 22 days. bor‘ios might be based ion scntimcntal _ . grounds, but should not be. Always Death of Victorla. January 22, 1901. Official advice reached Halifax same there will be matters of interest to , ithe county as a whole, but why could day. Edward VII proclaimed January 28. l"0]. not. a small board take care of these? One man could represent various Death of Edward VII. May 6, 1910.. Official advice reached Halifax the: l townships, and others could act for towns or villages. accnrding to loâ€" same day. George proclaimed May 9th. ,cation. At any event, the taxpayers have enough burden to shoulder with- Death of George V, January 20, out paying fm- costs Which are not 1936. The Canadian Press flashed reâ€" necegmry port immediately and official advice. reached Lieutenantâ€"Governor Covcrt' Nothing turns out right two hours later. Edward VIII prov somebody makes it his job to see that claimed January 22. it does. lie pcnso recessary for mileage alone is at once apparent. The annual cost Lends weiglrt to the argument tha‘ county councils might be done away with. or at least reducr‘d in size to a decree. There is genâ€" Qflh'e considerable unless PROMPT DELIVERY LOWEST PRICES Specials for week ending Februai‘y 13111 BUTTER, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 24c. ROLLED OATS, 8 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. YORKMINSTER Cream Sandwich Biscuits, lb. 15c. SEEDLESS ORANGES, doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. FREE Bobby Comb with 4 cakes Calay Soap .. 19c. GRANULATED SUGAR, 10 lbs. with order 47c. GRAPEFRUIT, 6 for . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . 25c. KELLOGG’S All Bran with one measuring cup 21c. N. D. HICKS, Langstatt Wmomoomwoomooooooommm i Adauac StOI‘C X g Cor. Yonge St. & No. 7 Highway : Phone Thornhill 99 PHONE TO-DAY 9» WW § § 9 z z. 2 § g z E OLDEST EUROPEAN DISCOVERY AGAINST STOMACH TROUBLES AND RHEUMATISM ACCLAIMED BEST BY LATEST TESTS Since 1799 thousands of people have regained their normal health after years of suffering from stomach troubles of all, types, such as constipation, indigestion, gas, and sour stom- ach which are the basic factors of such maladies as high blood pressure, rheumatiam, periodic headaches, pimples on face and body, pains in the back, :tver, kidney and bladder disorder, EXHAUSTION, loss of sleep and appetite. Those sufferers have not used any man-made injurious chemicals or drugs of any kind; they have only used a remedy made by Nature. This marvelous product grows on the highest mounâ€" tain peaks, where it absorbs all the healing elements and vitamins from the sun to aid HUMANITY in distress. It is composed of 19 kinds of natural leaves, seeds, berries and flowers scientifically and proportionately mixed and is known as LION CROSS HERB TEA. LION CROSS HERB TEA tastes delicious, acts wonderftu upon your system, and is safe even for children. Prepare it fresh like any ordinary tea and drink a glassful once a day, hot or cold. A one dollar treatme/nt accomplishes WONDERS; makes you look and feel like new born. If you are not as yet familiar with the beneficial effects of this ,natural remedy LION CROSS HERB TEA try it at: once and convince yourself. If not satisfactory money refunded to you. Also in tablet form. ‘ Try it and convince yourself with our money-back guarantee. One week treatment $1.00 Six weeks treatment $5.00 In order to avoid mistakes in getting the genuine LION CROSS HERB TEA, please fill out the attached coupon. Lie-Pharmacy, Dept. 10417 1180 Second Ave., N. Y. City, N. Y. Gentlemen: Enclosed find S. . . . . . . .for which please send me . . . . . . . . treatments of the famous LION CROSS HERB TEA. NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PROVINCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . council might easily be mistaken for Ator FAMOUS POST WIR FENC THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Rudyard Kipiing t 1 “Pool of the Empire" llz‘ccni'wr FIGSâ€"January 19le l l . ' i" cure. tn. punt-t- If this stilt" "'s «"‘£ltl>lllil‘i of letters. ‘ 2' Rudyard Kipling cmild. :‘zl‘l «‘il, r' rlv ‘i ~ bw'lel of tho V. Ni with} mim. .~-~m:~-:x.~.~ u.» a..- ivi' “h bi.»- “lf.” living i v vv-ic‘s 1w . t i“ "1" if? l-mls, ( ,iii’ \ y ‘ “.\il.“k‘ldi “" 1le Th mil tltrill a nation h l‘." ("IN"4(:-'~‘i"‘illil.” Tri: -. ‘ib'lrw at'r- other story trillm's.‘ y: of songs, titl‘icr maker‘ *t' fir(>.~t,11'ztli“,g S-f‘lli-Fllm 3. O‘llql' ll\'f‘l“’ (if l‘lllQ‘iEllll. l‘lit “ill-TV 1'“ till»: c‘encration was eiwr. the cmbinaâ€" tion of all. roily to us wa< givcn Kipling. IVhat. a strange name for such a shy, retiring man-Dudymwl. IIow ldid it come about'.’ The story is this: Alice Macrlonald, one of the four daughters of Rcvcrcnd George D. Macdonald, met .Iohn Lockwood Kipâ€", ling at the village of Rudyard, Ene- lnnd. This was the beginning of a friendship which later resulted in the marriage of the two young people.- VVhen Mr. Kipling was appointed director of the art school at Bombay, India. the couple made thnir home in the Far East. And it was here that a son was born. and called “Rudyard” in memory of the place where the two parents first met. Little did the couple think that this name was to become known‘througbout the world. Young Rudyard grew up in thc' imidst of all the color and drama ‘which go to make up Oriental lifeC India was part of him, and the naâ€": tives his friends. , At the age of six he was scnt to! lEngland to escape the unsuitablez climate, :1 small. homesick boy in at strict school; his mind and body' longed for the time when he might return to his beloved India. While: still a boy, he was placed in Ilnitcdi Seiyice College, where. in the less strict surroundings, he again became the happy boy who some years before had left India. 5 At seventeen came the great dcâ€"‘i cision of his lifeâ€"University or In-l dia? And luckily for those of us who ‘ from childhood have sat at his feet. he chose India. Herc, back in Bomâ€" bay as sub-editor of the Civil and Military Gazette. he learned the les- son of hard work. Day after day he prepared and saw through the native hands, copy for his paper. But in be- tween times he found moments to write. Little poems, witty jingles, short stories. tales of tho life around him, found their way into the paper“! and people liked these little fillers. They began to look for them, to wonder what they would find in each issue as the ‘days went on. And so began the life of literature which just a few days ago end-ed. for us, but not for him, for did not he himself say: We shall rest, and faith we shall need it; Lie down for an aeon or two, Till" the Master of all good workmen Shall put us to work anew. l And what of his scholarship, for- he was no mean maker of jingles? He was known as “the laureate of the empire.” In 1907 he visited Can- ada and became LLD of McGill University. He was Hon. D.Litt. of Oxford, Cambridge and Durham. In 1907 he received the Nobel prize for literature. He was a Rhodes. Trusn tee. Lord Rector of St. Andrew's University and an Hon. Fellow roof IMagda'lene College, Cambridge. From time to time his booksâ€"stories, poems and historiesâ€"appeared to be received each time with tremendous inter-est and appreciation by the reading public. His only son, reported miss: ing during the Great War, was never found. - And now he has gone, and each of us will remember him as we are touched again and again in the years to come by his inspiration. The chil- dren will sing: Land of our birth we pledge to thee Our love and toil in the years to be, When we are grown and take our place As memand women with our race. And we who are older will sing: The tumult and the shouting dies, The captain and the kings depart, Still stands Thine ancient sacrifice, ,An humble and a oontrite heart, Lord God of hosts be with us yet, Lest We forget, lest we forget. “What time do you get up in the morning nowadays '2" asked the very earnest man. “As soon as the first rays of the sun enter my window," replied his friend. “that’s jolly early, isn’t it?" “No,” said the other; “you see my window faces the west." -. a.) e ‘ Show THORNHILL At the “'o'ncn's llosu‘tal. Bloor St. on Sunday. Feb. i’nd. to .llr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison (nee Finance Wells) dcughtcr. Miss Loretta Dean cntcrtaincd six- . Ill-ts .n who elm/vi :1lmf‘ in li1< genius ‘ecn of her school fi‘ic'l i: “t lo" “we immmztml in Tiisfitvln \vnrl; are cor- {ltnllv invited to avith le Your.” l'wliw Fl'\:: of the I't‘itcd (lunch n‘cl lT-‘f 'I‘h'u‘s’lri‘.‘ t‘niel‘.‘ at thc h unv o’ "r: Charlc= llarrlinrr. Richmond ll‘ll. Mr, Victor Craiugcr was e'unst Cllt'”l;e"]' and truce a vcrv interesting cud educative talk on “Flower arrau'runcut anl color sclicnzt" dcuions‘tratine‘ his tall: ‘11st of his own flowers which were afterwards presented to the llostcss! of the class. At the spent and members close a social time was the tea cups, when Mrs. llarding and Mrs. Caincs were hostesses. Mr. Ernest Collatlv of Parry Sound visited friends here over the weclo end. A meeting of the executive and directors of thc Thornhill Horti- cultural Society was hold on Tucsrlav right, at tho home of the president. Mr. Percv Bone. The various comâ€" mittccs were appointed to arrange for “‘0 seasons shmvs, including~ Tulip Show in May. Rose, Peony and Pansv in June and the Fall Show. Mcmln will again rcccimn valuable option» this year. N, .T. Smellic and A. J. 'i‘hompson were aluminth dnlc~ gates 'o ,attend the Ontario Hortiâ€" cultu: ri annual convention held in the Royal York on Thursday and Friday. Feb. l"-14. The I..O.I.. bold a successful cuchro and (iwnce las‘v Friday niwbt. at thx home of Mr. “'nltcr Dobius/m. The 0V0 l‘ :prizc winners: Ladies. Mr»: Alan Wilt- shirc. Mrs. .Tacl: Sbnpl-rins: con“olnâ€", I timi. Mabel Robinson . Cents. Cordon ifibiiiibctrli).Brilliiinvpfhrki mmo‘almh'i Although road conditions were un-i Tho anrgng A'cmcinfinn of theit'avorable more than 300 young peo- aftcrnoon at the home of Mrs. l’crcv Bone. ' dent the Viceâ€"President, Mrs. Simpson, occupied the chair. Mrs. M. McLean led in the dcvotione‘l period. Short readings were given by Mrs. James, Mrs. Morton. Mrs. Bril- linger. Mrs. Davis. Mrs. Morton closed the meeting with prayer. R. KING CITY The Y.P.S. of the United Church visited Dunkerron on Monday eveâ€" ning last week. The program was in charge of the local society. An en- joyable hour of games and contests were provided by Dunkerron. Mr. Lawrence Folliott missionary convenor, presided at the YPS. this week. An interesting program was given followed by progressive crok- .â€" by ‘ United Church met on V‘Vednesdavi“1n (rammed in “‘0 orange Han (ml In the absence of the Presiâ€"i THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 13th. 1936 Colurcd I‘icturcs Feature At YI‘ S. Meeting t l I‘icturts of Ct‘llT‘IIl Africa b" Rcv. Riilou‘. was the ntti'actiu‘. at when the llui’ml Church Young” I‘mu'w‘s “’1 smur‘inl' ""“lli‘l'”. ‘Vill'll 3“ “mo-l" nicotine“ on Mon??? niC'ltt. The nicâ€" ulaln tinw was cuent. ' .TVTWQ my, n I“, xvii” “in” [‘H‘WWLX‘] The regular r-iu‘tlilv inve‘ine' of tl‘e‘ I L. I Alp-Mp7“. vil] r.“ put mote corrosponrl \‘.'i‘l a“: V311,.“ !’ . Fvl'. 'l‘lil‘ "Y “ i”. 2“ lb“ qll"“‘Vl l" lantern ~ v‘“li exâ€" . P "ire St. iil‘intctiin: by Mr. var“ my ‘ 'M i‘Yilvilléllflllf.’ intuit-p.15“... I. \,_.,_. «VT-(fin)? .... ,. i T‘ 3 ‘07“: ui’r‘nt pm", Mir-c 1t”... “fit” r,‘ .1. , \i" Alix-dawn?“ wow-mum. wrath} 75,3 “I” 7"" viii"ii‘H'ml‘lVW’v‘ ‘xt'as orc 0'" Ll” l". used in. “"0” V": ““l m" 9- “fl-Foo. lit» of the society. om. A on “on: SOT}. ri‘lll' “."““‘V (W‘- tlwi I'n'jw‘nunztyg r _ . :pron'ram were ll-lissi's Mario Allen. ic‘id Marv Mcl can Nl‘o s'inrr :1 duct. .’ :‘Rcv. J. s. & ins. I’m“ Slwowured M “'JIS. Meeting 5 There was a good rurnm“. cf mcm-' 1bers at the T’ohruarv meeting of the ‘I’rcsbytcrian TWINS. on Friday after-i Enemy of last week when an address on} FForeio-n Alissions by Rev. .T. .q. ROP‘ Mrs. VIA. \Vallis proâ€" Ssided and a miscellanmus shower of useful cnd ornamental article: was presented Rev. .7. S. Roe and Mrs. lBoc. the presentation address bcino: made by Mrs. IVallis while Mrs. Wm.’ iFlcming and Mrs. James Brown preâ€" . lscntcd the articles. to which Mr. Roe Supper was was e‘iven. t .mndc a suitable rcnlv. served under tho direction of Mrs. ,J. 'F‘.. Ilarris, Mrs. Ed. White, Mrs. IVilliam Mainnrizo and Mrs. Flem- Mr. and Mrs. Roe were married a few months aoo and Mr. Roe was recently ordained and inducted as Pastor of the church. the, cl’iare‘e hav- ine' been made vacant as a result of the, long continued illness of Rev.‘ :Jobn McKenzie. who we are sorry to‘ mg. say is making slow progress. j Miss Thelma Shore. :1, member of, gthe teachinrr class. treated her class ito '1 slciorhin!r party on “lodnnsdavl ,‘niebt of last week which was follow- led by refreshments served by Miss lShorc it her home. Rth Avenue North. . lManv Attend Junior Institute Dance Friday night of last week, it being“ the occasion of the annual dance of the JuniOr Women’s Institute. The; program with Art VVcst’s Orchestral providing the music and Henry Hil-i lard as floor manager included oldt time, modern and novelty? dances. Officers in charge were Mrs. Leo Watson, Mrs. Alvin Wood, Miss‘ Evelvn Brown. Miss Mary Kersey and Miss Iola Watson. Christ Church Young People’s i Meeting Monday night’s meeting of Christ Church Young People was devoted to music when vocal numbers were rend- ered by Misses Isabel Smith.’ Veral Smith and Normaul Ostrander and a number of musical contests conducted bv Misses Olive Weatherill and Betty Wallace. Miss Doris Ostrander, music convenor, presided. “The Blue Teapot” a one act play is in course of preparunon to be enter-t inole, Miss Annie McBride and Mn ed in the West York Deanery Contestl Bud Hambly were the Winners to be held at Richmond Hi1. Miss Cookies and tea were then served. lAVlS P0019 is in Charge 0f rehearsals-i Mrs. M. Winter, Mrs. A. Gordon. Mrs. W. Carson and also Miss M. Case attended the Centre Presbvtery Conference of the W.M.S. of United Church last Thursday in Toronto. The social evening under the AF. A.M. in the Masonic Hall on Friday evening was a great success with over sixty in attendance. Mr. B. Hollins- worth presided and the program con- sisted of piano solos by Mr. Harris and Mrs. Harris of Newmarket, Miss- es Beth McDonald, Francis Ross, Dor othy Armstrong; piano duets, Mr. and Mrs. Harris: piano and violin selections. MiSS D0?0th and Masterlweek. There were fifteen tables andl George Armstrong, Mrs. E. Patton and Miss Arleante Carson: reading, Miss Betty Walker; vocal solo, Miss Bobette Holinsworth. A very dainty and nourishing luncheon was served by Miss Louise Lockhart assisted by Misses Mabel Lumble, Ninctte Hol- linsworth, Hilda Patton, Eliza Bar- ker and Margaret Walker. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dew and fam- ily attended the birthday dinner on Friday for Mrs. Dew of Toronto on the occasion of her eighty-ninth birthday. Mr. Elwood Patton returned to his home from Kirkland Lake on Tues- day. Miss Dorothy Dew, Messrs. Aubrey Archibald and J. C. Dew were pres- ent at a dinner party on Friday eve- ning at the home of Miss E. Follett of Richmond Hill in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Crockford of Toronto. Joe: “For years I used to get up Woodbridge Hockey Team Win Ten Straight Games \Voodbridge Hockey Team can boast of an unbroken record of ten games land 54 goals so far this season. The llast win was at Willowdale where lWoodbridge won by a score of 4 to 2. ‘ lThe players were, Bert Shore. Charlie ‘ lMcLean. Jack Blake, Jack Haworth. l.Jack Bunting, Don Groskurth, Bill iMcLean and Benny Harris. Gordon gBagg, coach. I' The Woodbridge Euchre Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. ‘Cousins on Thursday night of last ‘prizes donated by Levi Elliott were won by Mrs. Lulu Willis, Mrs. Glass, Mr. Roy Barker and Mr. Lindsay Ward. The next party will be held at the home of Mrs. Willis on Thurs- day. ‘ WOODBRIDGE DISTRICT NE‘VS Y.l’.S. Iluld Citizenship Vight The of tlm I'nitcd Church made 11 't'wzturr- of Canadian Citizenship at ‘hcir mcetinar on Monâ€" day lli‘fl‘i. Miss llarv blr-Iru'm. conâ€" prcsir‘cd and a C'tirtwn-hin pro- A piano sale by lli=< reading “The Home Town“ Bessie Nomi-cw: the tonin “Canadian Citizen young “conlc \'t‘llfll'. as follows \‘x‘ii ‘4"‘l‘olcl‘cil: cornct solo bv .If‘i‘li Plll‘xllti‘lf era in A goo . firm-ms; l.\\' I‘ll 'c. jsbin" by Clair Bush: a contest divid- il‘l‘C‘I‘ groups “Citi"enshi“ in thn hon: lcd bv Miss Bertha Vi'hitâ€" more. “Citiicnship in our Country” led bv Clair Rush. “Citi'rcushin in the Communitv" led by Don McCallum; a vocal duct by Cameron and Andrew McClure: and prayer by Miss Mae I'Vatson. “'ondbridgc Party Motors To Floris: It has become quite the custom for many Canadians. like different var: ictics of birds. to migrate to warmer climates during the winter months. A nartv of four VVnodbridge residents left by motor for Florida on Monday last. The party includes Dr. G. D. l\‘IcI.-can. W. S. Belfry, Hugh Lindsay and Charlie Smith. Ilnitcd Church W. A. Meet The February meeting of the United Church Women’s Association was held at the home of Mrs. A. E. Kearney. No. 7 Highway East, when “Stewardship” as the tonic was taken by Mrs. Robert Watson, and other items on the program were. Scripture reading by Mrs. Leo Watson: a read- ing by Mrs. G. W. Bagg: and sing- ml into ling by the octette comprised of Mrs. Kellam. Mrs. A. E. Kearney, Mrs. Lindsay Ward. Mrs. J. E. Anderson, Mrs. G. D. McLean, Mrs. Russell Ward and Mrs. G. W. Shore: a piano solo “Nearer My God to Thee” with variations was an enjoyable item. Rev. J. H. Kidd addressed the meeting and lunch was served at the close by the hostess. “What has become of the old fash- ioned winter?” is a question often asked. In reply we may say that anything more old fashioned than the one we are having is needless, and ought to put at rest, for a time at least, the idea that there are no old fashioned winters any more. With the mercury hovering around the zero mark and roads drifted full of snow so that they are impassible it is quite evident that the old fashioned Winter still exists. Wilfrid R. Scott Successor to J. .I. Deane Director of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOODBRIDGE, ONTARIO Phone 78 @@r 9// Sales Books are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. See Your Home Printer First for sale by THE LIBERAL If you are planning to have an Auction Sale we would ’ appreciate the job of printing your mama *wfid PM . so ..... n... sag-Bing We are, equipped to give you prompt service, and you wil find the quality and the price right. We solicit the order for your The Liberal “J n I _ ed h at six, breakfast at eight, dinner at .9 . 0‘ " exc mm t e eameSt man' one, tea. at six, and bed at ten, and I never felt better in my life.” Bill: “Joe, what were yer in for?’ printing requirements. . , Job Printing J P Wm. N EAL RICHMOND [ll-LL

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