refreshments were served by the hostess and a committee of ladies. The annual sleigh ride of the chil- dren of St. Andrew’s Sabbath School took place on Saturday afternoon and on their return they enjoyed a hot supper in the school room. The Bus from Toronto could not get any farther north last Thursday night on account of the storm and the passengers had to remain here over night with friends . The Valentine Dance which was to be held last Friday night had to be postponed on account of the storm. A Pancake Supper under the ausâ€" pices of the Women’s Auxiliary of St. Stephen’s Church will be held in the Parish Hall on the evening of Shrove I‘uesday, Feb. 25th. reminder of the afternoon was spent in discussing arrangements for the annual At Home, to be held on March 11th. The meeting closed with sing- ing God Save the King, after which son The program consisted of a paper on Health by Mrs. Bigford and a. reading by Mrs. J. Manning. The ladies sewed on quilt blocks, and the The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute was held on Feb. 12th, at the home of Mrs. G. H. Jack- VOL. LVL “ STORM over the Andes †NEWS CAPITO MO. 2172 300 SEATS ALL EVENING 27c. Parking for 200 Cars MATINEE PRICES T0 6 RM. “ If You Could Only Cook†They broke every law of {4 'he Seven Seas. . ï¬ghting, ‘ loving, stealing an Island // Paradise in a South Sea {Vi Eden! One of ihe great 1†odvenfu'res of a†time, ’ lives again in a screen epic if iook two years and two N \ Ami/lion doliars to make! $2,000,000 FILM THRILL! Popeye “YORK COUNTY’S N EWSIEST NEWSPAPER" Feb. 19th, 1936 We trust that consumers will take notice of these instructions and co-operate with a prompt payment of all arrears and thus avoid the un- pleasantness of discontinuing the service. Under instructions from the Hydro-Electric Power Commission all electric light consumers in arrears for two months or more will have their service automatically discontinued. ALL WEEK â€"â€" Feb. 24-29 Matinee Daily at 2.15 Continuous Show Fri. & Sat. Friday & Saturday, Feb. 21-22 Herbert Marshall â€"â€" Jean Arthur MAPLE NOTICE TO HYDRO USERS News â€"â€"-andâ€"â€" Dudloy Dlggu 0 Donald Crisp J (1†'Un' Heb rm d‘ . m- o 1: ‘ cm- I‘ e “n m IE I." an A Frank Lloyd Production \ f‘ 1337†m Mnklbm lewin \PIC‘TU REA Village of Richmond Hill By order, HYDRO COMMISSION, Glasses. 2.30 p.m.â€"â€"Church Service. Subject of Sermon. The Man Who Might Have Been And Was Not. 7.30 p.m.â€"â€"Y.P.S. Rev. J. D. Cunningham Sunday, Feb. 23rd 11 a.m.â€"“Christ in a Modern World.†2.45 p.m.â€"â€"Sunday Schools. 7 p.m.â€"“Roses in Winter." One can conquer a bad habit more easily to-day than to-morrow. SouL†8 p.m.â€"Pleasant Sunday Evening. Old familiar Hymns with slides, solos, choruses, recitations, etc. Every- body invited. A delightful way to spend the Sunday evening. Come and bring your friends. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D., Pastor Sunday, Feb. 23rd 11 a.m.â€"â€"“Taking Jesus Seriously.†2.45 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 punâ€"“Anchors That Hold The RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH J. Macdonald, Minister Sunday, Feb. 23rd .â€"â€"Sunday School and Bible VICTORIA SQUARE UNITED CHURCH THEATRE Highlights Wig RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20th, 1936 Owing to the condition of the roads the dance under the auspices of Vel- Iore Women’s Institute which was to have been held on Friday night of [this week, Feb. Elst, has been post- poned until a later date. Watch for further armotmcement. . DANCE POSTPONED “In Essentials, Unity; In Nonâ€"essentials, Liberty; In All Things, Charity†The regular monthly meeting of the Home and School Club will take place ‘Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock in the Public School. In place of silver col- lection donations of sugar and cocoa will be gratefully accepted. The chief feature of the program will be given by Mr‘. C. Matthews on “Visual Education in Canadian Schools†with‘ talking pictures. It is to be hoped that a large audience Will avail them- selves of the rare opportunity to learn first hand of this new and in~ teresting phase of educational de- velopment. The most hilarious comedy of the “gay nineties†“Charlie’s Aunt†is be- ing rehearsed at the High School in preparation for the thirteenth annual commencement, March 6 and 7. It is anticipated that ex-pupilsi, parents and friends will rally round in the usual numbers. Keep the dates open. All entries for this big amateur'fleen looted, and C.N.R. Constable Ben contest must be in early and "111513 be l Anderson assisted the County officers in writing. Write stating name, 0c' in the round-up of the suspects cupaflion, address and what you in- Among the loot said to have been bend to do to The Wager Knowes secured were several amounts of Amateur Contest, clo Box 79 The cash, tobacco, blankets, tools, electric- Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. All light bulbs, bed sheets, gasoline, entries must be in by 10 D-m- Marc}! cocoa, eggs, chickens, and a quantity 7th. Contestants must be strictly of meat. It is expected that further amateurs and must be resident in arrests will soon follow. York County, The seven persons arrested appear- An interesting announcement made known as we go to press is that Ragam Crackmyknee the well known radio announcer will be on hand to assist Wager Knowes. There is widespread interest in the Amateur contest to be staged here in Through the arrest of six men and the near future by a local organiza- a woman by York County police, the tion- The date for the Show has been i authorities believe they have solved set at Wednesday evening, March 3 a seriï¬ of burglaries and thefts which 11th and anyone in the district who is' have been carried on in North York able to Sing, dancer redbe' play an over‘ a long period. Already seven- instrument or do any kind of novelty. teen charges have been laid against act is invited to take part in the pro- David Longhurst’ Archibald Foster, gram and Share in the Prize awards- } Fred LaBonta and Burdette Dales, Wager Knowes Who is (meeting the I and the others are being held on a contest has announced that there will nominal charge pending the complet- be three CflSh Wiles, lst $1000! and ‘ ion of investigations. $5.00 and 3rd $2.00, and arrange“ Constable Syd Barraclough and ments are under way to have the: Constable William Hill made several winner Perform 0V9? a Toronto Radi" long trips in running down the ac- Station. cus-ed. It is believed by the police Amateur Contest Wed. March 11th Roads throughout the district are badly blocked after a week of severe sub-zero weather. The temperature moderated somewhat to-day and the! weatherman gives promise of milder? weather in the offing, but it will be some few days before country roads are passable for motor traffic. Early in the week gangs of men Were put to work but another storm followed making conditions worse than ever. Provincial, County and Township authorities are doing everything pos- sible to cope with the situation. Yonge Street is in good shape al- though towering‘ banks of sn0w line the highway at different places as evidence of the fury of the storm. In many outlying sections of On- tario whole communities are isolated as a result of the storm which for severity and length created a record for many years. Highway depart- ment snow plows and road gangs have been working almost continuously and Ontario Motor League officials have issued a warning to motorists to abandon plans for any lengthy motor ~trips. Municipal relief officers report an increased demand for fuel frOm relief recipients who find difficulty in mak- ing coal and wood allowances last the required length of time. DISTRICT IN GRIP 0F KING WINTER AND SUB-ZERO WEA- THER WITH BLIZZARDS TIE UP TRAFFIC STORM BLOCKS COUNTY ROADS ENTRIES FOR AMATEUR CONTEST CLOSE MARCH 7th HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB R.H.H.S. COMMENCEMENT Lawyerâ€"Alternation of affections, Your Honor. JudgFWhat are your grounds for divorce? HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY MEETING The regular meeting of the Rich- mond Hill Horticultural Society will be held on Thursday, Feb. 27th, at 8 pm. in the Municipal Hall. Messrs. R. D. Little and A. Bales, delegates to the Ontario Horticultural Conven- tion, will give reports on this con- vention. The society would be pleas- ed to have a goodly number attend this meeting. Everybody welcome. The seven persons arrested appear- ed in York County Police Court at the close of Wednesday’s session which lasted until 7 p.m., and were ordered remanded in custody for one week. Speaking at the Ontario Good Roads Association convention in To- ronto on Wednesday, R. M. Smith, Ontario’s Deputy Minister of High- ways, intimated that it was the in- tention of the government to give special consideration to the construcâ€" tion of sidewalks along provincial highways. This announcement is of particular interest to residents of this district where their need of adequate sidewalks or footpaths along Yonge Street has been keenly felt for a long time. The deputy-minister pointed out that deaths of pedestrians walk- ing along highways are becoming so frequent that the situation demands action. He pointed out that fifty seven pedestrians were killed on high- The C.N.R. Station at Bradford is included among the places said to have been looted, and C.N.R. Constable Ben Constable Syd Barraclough and Constable William Hill made several long trips in running down the ac- cused. It is believed by the police that the robberies will involve others now in custody in other parts of the Province. COUNTY OFFICERS MAKE CLEAN UP 0F ROBBERY GANGâ€" Seven Arrested Robbery Charge Highways Deputy Urges the Need For Sidewalks The Young Peonle’s Guild of St. Pauls and St. Andrews visited Wood- bridge Young People’s on Monday night of last week and had a m;- enjoyable evening. “The annual Women’s Institute darice has been postponed owing- to the con- dition of the roads. Further par- ticulars will be given regarding the change of date. The regular meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. George Bishop on Thursday afternoon. Ow- ing to the stormy weather the at- tendance wasn’t so large. Mrs. Jas. Robson, president, presided, and the roll call was answered by naming a missionary in Western Canada. The program was in charge of Mrs. Archie Cameron, Mrs. Nelson Kerr and Mrs. Roy 2McDonald. Miss Annie Kerr rendered an organ solo which was ap- preciated. An excellent renort of the Toronto Presbyterial. was given by the delegates, Miss Mary Constable and Mrs. Nelson. Lunch was served bywthe hostes§_and the committee, Midgets Win Group Honors Richmond Hill Midgets emerged victorious from a hard three games series with Oakwood Indians to Win their group honors in the Toronto Hockey League. The third and deâ€" ciding game piaerd at Wfllowdaile arena was a hard up-hill fight for the locals but they won with a one goal margin. They now enter the play- downs and tolniglii: play the first game with the East _Enders. Coach Cecil Mableyois confident that his boys will give a good account of them- selves and that they will advance anâ€" other step towards a T.H.L. champion- ship. Mrs. J. A. McNeil; 2nd, Mrs. C. H. Rutherford; 3rd, Mrs. A. L. McNeil; and consolation, Miss Grace McDonald Gentlemen; lst, Mr. Mat. Walker; 2nd Mr. Howell Price; 3rd, Mr. Harris Mathewson; and consolation, Mr. Idris Price. The next meeting of the club Will be held Monday evening, Feb. 24th. - ‘ - The Velore Euchre Club met on Monday night with a. goodly number present despite the weather. The prize winners for the evening were won kgy VtheA Af9_119_wing:_ IiadiesL lst, Q\\\§ § \\\\\\ §\\\\ § .\\\\\\H . \& § \\\§ § § Hockey Notes VELLORE V .\ V § ww § §\\\\\\. V\\\\\\k Friends of Mrs. Frank Pieroey wil be pleased to hear that she was 8“ to IeaVe the Hospital since her recen illness and is at present with friend. in the city prior to returning home. The Young People have decided to put on a play “The Third Customer" and are busy practising under the direction of Rev. Davis. There is a caste of nine. Do you like pancakes? Well come Tuesday evening, Feb. 25th, when the ladies of the W.A. are serving a panâ€" cake supper. Miss Mary Patterson is visiting with her cousin, Miss Jessie Dicemm Miss Gladys Eagen, Toronto, w: home for the week-end. Considering the state of the roads there was a very good attendance at Sunday School and Church, and in the evening the Young People’s Society had an attendance of about twenty. Louise Carson was in charge. Mrs. Harold Bowen read the lesson and/ Kenneth Wallis was the speaker takâ€" ing for his subject “Friendship†after which followed some discussion. MisS Dorothy Castator was soloist. Mr. Ed. Bowen lost one of his horses on Monday. King Winter has been reigning supreme. It looked as if the rest 03' the world might go by as far as we were concerned but we got dug out several times and will be alright until the next blizzard. Beautiful snow! Very nice in poetry but not so beau- tiful in reality. SOCIAL EVENING The Choir of St. Mary’s ‘ RC. Church are holding an evening’s enâ€" tertainment at the Parish House, Fri- day, Feb. 2lst, at 8 pm. Numerous prizes, refreshments. Admission 25c. Come and bring a friend. CHANGE OF DATE FOR EUCHRE Aï¬othér enchre in the series will be held by the local L.O.L. and LO. B.A. in the Orange Hall, Yonge St, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Feb. 27th, at 8 pm. Good prizes and refresh- ments. Note change of date. SINGLE COPY 5c. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE TESTON @\\\\\\M\x No. 34