Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Feb 1936, p. 2

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According to Admiral Richard Byrd, when he was on his expedition of exploration to the Antarctic regions, he discovered a sure preventative of colds. It was to be found in the exceedinqu low temperature of those regions, which drops to 80 below zero. So if any of those who are afflicted with colds during the winter season wish to find relief from them they know where to go. The Admiral says that the bitter climate destroys the germs and no one ever takes cold in those salubrious surroundings. He points out that his chief meteorologist who suffered greatly all his life from colds and sinus trouble was completely cured. He gained 45 pounds, and there has been no re- currence of his trouble. That may all be perfectly true. but most peoole will conclude that a sojourn in the Antarctic regions as a cure for colds is-worse than the disease. How- ever, it is possible that there is one encouraging note in his message, and that is the confirmation of the fact that colds are chiefly an indoor malady, and that the great remedy is a plentiful supply of oxygen derived from the open air. It is the greatest health given in the world, and peonle do not need to go to the Arctic or Antarctic regions to find it. We have no doubt but that York County Council made an excellent choice a few years ago when they chose W. W. Gardhouse as treasurer and we believe that he has filled the position in a most capable manner. We congratulate Mr. Gardhouse on so gaining the confidence and resnect of the members of County Council as to receive a $1000.00 increase in salary. We cannot congratulate the members of County Council on their action in increasing the salary of any public official by one thousand dollars in these difficult times. $1000 SALARY BOOST FOR COUNTY TREASURER How would you like a $1000.00 increase in your salary this year? To a great many people who pay taxes in York County this looks like a salary in itself but in this case the $1000 increase was given to the treasurer of York County who formerly received $3,000.00 per annum. This hand- some increase was voted at the recent session of the York County Council with but one dissenting voice. The lone opponent of the increase was Reeve Gus Edwards of Mimico. He should be made Warden at the first oppor- tunity. Of course this is only the first sessron and next January looks a long distance away. Probably the rate- payers will be so busy trying to scrape their taxes to- gether next December they will forget all about it by the time the next municipal election rolls round. We would sugvest that the ratepayers make a mental note of this one as it would be interesting to hear County Council members explainingr it néxt nomination day. Surely the genial atmos phere of the session must have created the illusion that" the depression was over. It certainly wasn’t that the members of York’s famous legislative body had money to spare be- cause they found it necessary to increase their levy this year, NUTRITIONAL QUACKERY HIT How do you eat? Do you eat what you like in portions dictated by common sense and moderation or do you eat things you do not like because some dietary quack has told you that you need to do just that because you must have your vitamins, calories, proteins, starches and wllatnots? Do you force little Johnny and Betty to eat spinach and suffer the indulgence of alkali-forming meals because you have been advised to avoid the possibility of their getting “acitosis” caused by eating acid foods? Do you go to the trouble to serve starches at one meal and proteins at an- other? If you are a food faddist of any device you will L- .‘_r.l_,,r__~L_ J L, 7,- Joy My." . be interested in learning what a report %of the committee on nutritional problems of the American Public Heal‘h As- sociation had to say on the subject. Branding); “andmels” as nutritional quackery the report declared: “The great popular demand for information about foods and health during recent years has resulted in an increasing and alarm- ing amount of exploitation of false and harmful ideas foist- ed upon the public by dietary quacks, faddists and self- styled nutrition experts.” “Acidosis,” the committee report said, is a term fre- quently and effectively used by the purveyors nf food fallacies. Nearly all the diseases that afflict mankind can be found enumerated as the result of acid0s‘s. But, the report continued, the claim that acidosis m1? result from eating bread and meat or certain combinations of foods, such as proteins and starches or fruits and starches. is entirely unsupported by scientific evidence. Likewise the report held that the feeding of the whites or raw ege's to invalids and other similar dietary ideas were without basis. In reality. it pointed out. investigators have found that the white of eggs is much less (il"'PQtii\le when raw than when cooked. The idea that protein". and starches are incompatâ€" ible and should be separated. and served only at separate meals is branded as one of the most common and extensive- ly proclaimed nutritional fallacies. But, acwrding to the comittee report, this completely ignores the fact that a large proportion: of staple food articles c0ntain both starch and proteinZâ€"Pathfinder. are high? We would suggest that the twenty-three mem- bers of County Council who voted for a $45,000 grant take a trip around their municipality and visit some of the hard pressed taxpayers who are asked to pay the shot. There was an investigation of the York County Children’s Aid Society a few years ago and it would appear that another investigation is due to find out the reason for the greatly increased demands made on the taxpayer. CHILDREN’S AID GRANT INCREASED BY $12,500.00 Twenty-three members of York County Council voted for a grant of $45,000 to the York County Children’s Aid Society which is an increase of $12,500 over last year. Seventeen councillors voted against the increased grant and we feel that those seventeen more truly represented their ratepayers than the twenty-three who voted for the increase. According to statements made at the County Council the Children’s Aid grant has increased from $18.- 000 to $45,000 in about three years. Is it any wonder taxes Advertising Rates on Application. PAGE TWO Eskblishod 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL THE I'AIBERAL PRINTING 00., LTD. J. Eachez'n Smith, Manger Member Camdian Weekly Newspaper Association Subscription $1.50 per yen- â€" To the United States $2.00 Covering Camda’s But Saba-ban District THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20th, 1936 A CURE FOR COLDS TI-IELIBERAL TELEPHONE 9. Mr. Euler, as Minister of Trade and Commerce, and chairman of the sub-committee of the cabinet on wheat, made a lucid and business- like statement of the present wheat policy of the government, answering the charges made by Mr. Bennett earlier in the debate. Mr. Bennett had protested against the manner in which the old McFarland board had been discharged, and had: made a claim that speculators had been saved by government action from the ad- verse action of the market. this beimz' at the expense of the wheat farmer and the country. Mr. Bennett had claimed that under the five years of his administration a considerably larger per centage of Canadian wheat had been imnorted into Britain than in the previous five years. He had denied that there was any ‘sales re- sistance’ aeainst the McFarland board in the buying circles overseas, the alleged reason for their dismissal. (Wheat Charges Answered) These charges Mr. Euler answered. The present board was selling wheat, he said. In six weeks they had sold 65% million bushels; and the board they replaced had sold only 12% mil- lions in a considerably longer period. He quoted from British millimr nuln lications to show how Canada’s chief customers were pleased with the change of policy. The government didi not intend to nush Canadian wheat on the market at fire-sale prices. but they did intend to continue to offer it freely at competitive levels, getting- as‘ much for it as they could. but keeninlg it moving' on the markets of theyworld. There is to be a parliamentary inquiry into Mr. Bennett’s charges. ‘ (Three Able Addresses) \ The most admirable addresses made in the Debate on the Speech From the Throne, aside from those of the lead- ers, who dealt chiefly With purely political issues, were made by Hon. H. H. Stevens, Hon. W. D. Euler, and M. J. Coldwell, C.C.F. member for Rosetown. The two former are of course, veterans in parliamentary life, the latter a newcomer. but in presentation, at least, the member for Rosetown held his own with the best. I heard one parliamentary reporter of many years experience saying that Coldwell’s style of delivery was the finest he had heard in the House since Michael Clark. The main estimates were fabled during- the week. They show an an~ parent saving of about $12 000,000 as compared with last year’s figures, but this will be reduced a little by +he supnlemenfary estimates. The dis< turbing feature of the estimates was the sum now required to meet inter- est on the public debt. It went up another three million dollars. stand- ing now at 3140335078. What Mr. Dunning acfually did was to trim fif- teen millions out. of current expendi- tures, but lost three million of the cut because of higher interest costs. Most , Ottawa, Feb. 18â€"The House of Commons wasted the better part of a week on political oratory, but there were three or four bright patches in it. The responsibility for the flood of party feeling must be placed on the shoulders of Mr. Bennett, who spoke for over three hours in a veii calcu- lated to draw fire from the Liberal! It wmilrl, of[ ranks, which it did. course, perhaps be too much to expect of human nature that members should gather together after a hotly fought election without fighting a few of the battles over again on the floor of the House. Those earnest the Canadian National at an average rate of only a little over 2% per cent. This is a tribute to the confidence which the investing public has in the present government, which, in its ad- herence to a ‘sound money’ and ‘no repudatiorr’ policy is not one whit behind the previous administration. (In the Best Tradition) Hon. Harry Stevens made a con- structive address in the best tradition. He called attention to the fact that through the anomalies of our voting system he represented nearly 400,000 voters, although the Liberals and the 5 Social Credit members each represent- new members on both sides of theled onlyalittle over 10,000 voters. He House, however, obtained, as the gen- l told the ministry that Canada was eral public would have don-e, a ratherI expecting great things of the new distasteful first impression of ,our parliament, and pleaded with mem- parliamentary machinery. They want bers to work together to find a com- action to deal with the present hard mon solution for present day ills. He times; and the less purely party bick- i praised the government for its inter- ering there is the better they Will vention in the textile incident at like it. ‘ Sherbrooke H-e wound up with a (Three Able Addresses) challenge to the government. “I ap- \ The most admirable addresses made pealvn he said, “to the new members in the Debate on the Speech From the Wh" have come here imbued With the Throne, aside from those of the lead_ doctrines of Gladstone of Bright . . ,. erg, who dealt chiefly with purely T believe the Liberal party, because political issues, were made by Hon. of its history and its ancient prin- H. H. Stevens, Hon. W. D. Euler, and "inles' has' an opportunity WHO“ is‘ M_ J. Caldwell, 00.13. member for unsurpassed in scope . . . This is the Rosetown. The two fennel. are Of_ house of the common people. Let us course, veterans in parliamentary respect not only the sanctity of conâ€" life, the latter a newcomer. but in IthtS’ but the sanctity Of Human ives.” uwnudwrh'nn n4 1Ann+ 4-1..“ Mnm'lnnu {nu of the saving was made by deferrinzj the vote on social legislation, by a cut in the vote for the National Products Marketing Act, (Cheesebonus), and by reducing various subsidies and sub- , ventions. The only substantial in- crease in the estimates was in avia- tion, the Royal Canadian Air Force getting an increase of a million (101- Iars: and the civil aviation branch over i half a million. ‘ b There are several issues of goverm- ' ment bond-s maturing in 1936 which. bear interest at five per cent; if these can be refunded at three perr cent the interest for 1937 may ati least be prevented from advancin? farther. As it is, for every $1 re- ceived in federal revenue. about 50 cents at the present time goes in interest either on the national debt or on the railway debt. But a hope- ful feature may be seen in the fact that during the week the government was able to borrow $80,000,000 for The Ottawa Spotlight THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO By Wilfrid Eggleston (The Social Credit Doctrine) " In a general way, the first Sooial Credit speakers adhered to the theor- ies with which their name has be- come associated. They dismissed loWer tariffs and other remedies as inadequate, and asserted that the real kev to the present problem was the failure of the present economic svs- tem to distribute sufficient purcha9< ing- power to buy back the goods it was capable of producing. In a sense, although this is the first time Social Credit candidates as such have been in the House, it is an old famil- liar statement. We had it from Wil- liam Irvine, Henry Spencer and others in the former parliaments. The Soc- ial Credit cure for present conditions is an issue of purchasinz power adequate to make up the difference between the value, of the goods pro- duced and the purchasing power of "he Donnie. No doubt in due course there will be a full-dress debate on the subiect in the House: but in the early stages the Social Credit mem- bers are satisfied to take advantage of such Opportunities as the Debate on the Speech Erom the Throne to voice their views. Mr. Coldwell’s address was more notable for its style than its content. nerhaps, but he held the close atten- tion of the House for 40 minutes. Several Social Credit members made their debut to the House. They showed a readiness of deliverv and confidence of manner which suzzes‘ts that we shall hear a good deal from them as time goes on. In the main they were inclined to exm-ess co- operation with the Liberal party: their criticism, such as they exnress- ed, being- mainly on the ground that while the Liberal program was in the right direction, it did not go far enough. We are to have, at an early date. an announcement regarding the in- nuirv into the penitentaries of Canada‘ The Minister of Justice made the an- nouncement in reply to a question bv Miss Agnes Macnhail, who has been in the forefront of those demanding reforms in our penal system. (Section 98 Again) Legislation to repeal Section 98 of the Criminal Code which deals with freedom of speech and assembly is to be introduced in the present session also, the Minister of Justice said in reply to a question put bv A. A. Heaps, Labor member for Winnipeg. It wil be recalled that when the Li- berals were in power, they revealed the Section five consecutive times, after the incentive had been provided by Mr. Wood‘sworth; but on each oc- casion the Senate refused to give its endorsation to the change; and the measure remained on the statute books. The Liberals held a large and lively caucus last week. Though these gatherings are regarded as confidem tial, fh? prime minister gave the press a brief summary of what was done; and hints and fragments got out else- where. Apparently the boys were told that one of the first objectives of the government was a balancing of the budget, a dactrine not overlv in I.‘.v\)1' mm “105:: who want to go out and spend lame sums on schemes calculated to give immediate employ- ment. (Militant Liberals) There is a nucleus of young militmt Liberals, deeply impressed with the gravity of conditions, the suffering- At; the annual vestry meeting of St. John’s Church, Castlemore, George Hunter and W. H. Taylor were elected wardens; William Bland, lay delegate; Joseph Pan- and John Ezard, auditors; John Phillips, Sunday School Sup’t.; and Howard Carbe'rry, sec.-t1~eas. of humans,‘andl the for_imme_d- iate and active changes. These prom- ise to provide from within a similar spur to the Liberal party as will be provided from without by the small but able opposition. These incipient insurgents are inclined to watch and wait for a while, but if things do not move as fast as they would like, they can be counted upon, later on, to proâ€" test, unless they have become, by that time, imbued with the curious lethargy which sometimes settles down upon our political leaders when they have been in office for a while. E. W. Kellam was recently elected viceâ€"president of the Peel Holstein Breeders Association. BROTHERTON’S ° BOOKINO Steamshlp on IcE Lowest Rates. Photos and Passport; Secured All enquiries confidenthl We look after your wants tight hon your home. Phone Willowdale 68.1 Examine the wheat quality in the soâ€"called cheap scratch feeds and Dev’8. Our Baby Chick Mashs are one better than lasti year. Office Stop‘fi. Yonge St. 1min. J. F. BURR Mill 139 Phones Rea. 82W Special Sailings’to the Homeland by; Canadian Pacific. Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson lines a Telephone 62 THE MILL BUY ROYAL RICHMOND FEEDS HARRY R. ROSE LOUIS ES] 40 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill Telephm I33 BARRISTERS-AT-LAW Office Hoaryâ€"Every Mondly :nd Thursday Afternoon and by 31111an Toronto Office: 100 Adelzide Street West Telephone ELgin 9263-4 From Maple Grave] Pit GENERAL CARTAGE SAND â€" GRAVEL WM. MCDONALD Let’s hope they don't hap- pen to you! But, in case they (13, it’s always wise to be prepared. I'll work for very little, too; only a few cents a day.” by Truck ROSE & HERMAN Thornhill THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20th, 1936 LUMBER. LATE. SIHINGLES ASHPHALT ROOFiNG. GYPDOC. MILK COOLERS 74 Yugo St. E The moment you feel the slightest distress in your eyes or notice a dim ming of your vision consult 163-167 Yonge St, Toronto, up stairs, Opp. Simpsons. Phone Elgin 4820. ROOFING. EAVESTROUGHING CHIMNEYS BUILT & REPAIR. CONCRETE WORK SEPTIC TANKS INSTALLED FURNACES BARN I STABLE EQUIPMENT SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. From that lunguid tired feeling caused by a lazy liver. F. E. LUKE & SON GET AWAY PHONE 71 GLEN'N‘S DRUG STORE Your Eyes REAL ESTATE INSURANCE CONVEYANCING ESTATES MANAGED J. R. HERRINGTON Richmond Hill, Ont. R. H. KANE Telephone 27 Dealers in quickly tones up . lazy liver and no. restores you to nor. mal. It is also a great aid in stomach disorders. A month's treatment for $1.00 Parke’s LIVER TONE Phone 92"

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