â€" RATES REASONABLE .â€" m 9113. Phone King 431: C. E. WALKINGTON DR. W. J. MASON DENTIST YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET PHONE 70 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Dentist Moe: Trench Block, two doors north of Bank of Commerce Hours: 9 am. to 5.30 13.13. Telenhone 32 DR. M. C. MacLACHLAN Open Monday. Wednesday and Friday Evenings Other Evenings by Appointment Ofï¬ce over the Post Offleo Woodbridge Phone 77 Dr. Charles C. Collins DENTIST Itple, Ont. Licensed Auctioneer, Counties of York and Simcoe Prompt Attention To All Sales Farms & Farm Stock Sales A Specialty.“ G. a. DUNCAN Li I†i: ’A STRONG CANADIAN COMPANY. Phone, Théruhill 100 his†& Holidays by appointment PROVIDE for Your PERSONAL PEN SPON on the New'Unit'sqstem 7/“; EXCELSEOR Office Hours: 9 to 11 mm. 6 to 8 p.m., and by appointment Wine: Centre and Church Streets, Richmond Hill, Phone 24 Prentice & Prentice AU’T'IONIERS J. H. Fumes, 41I Balliol St†E G Prentice. Markham Toronto, HYland 0834 We are prepared to conduct sales of‘ my description. Farms and form flock sales a specialty. Farms bought Ind sold on commission. All sales at- ‘bded to on shortest notice, and con- Mod by the most approved methods. North Yonge St. â€" Richmond Hill DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFFâ€" Oflioe Hours: 8â€"10 a.m. & 6-8 p.111. DB. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFFâ€" (Dina-es of women and children) Office Hours: 1-3 pm. Phone 100 Dr. C'. A. Mac-Donald AUCTIONEER MAPLE flamed Auctioneer for the County of York Idol lttended to on shortest notice Ind at reasonable rates. Patronage Solicited 7 THORNHI‘LL Bank 6f Commerce Building Thirty Years Experience formerly with Hein-tzman Com any I‘ve Orders at Austin’s Drug wre‘ Richmond Hill I FIRE â€" AUTOMOBILE â€" LIFE Dr. M. J. Quigley DENTIST From the Toronto Comemtory of Huh, will accept a numher of pupils h_ Pinno. Organ md Theory. Ilehmond Hill â€" Tuesday 6: Frldly MRS. MYLKS THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE .VOL. LVI. FUNERAL DIRECTORS . AMBULANCE SERVICE Mend Hill Phonesâ€"~15 md 1‘2 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at Telephone 80 Dr. LR. Marwood Dr. R. A. Btglord Centre Street, Thornhill Ofï¬ce Hours: lid-2.30 p.111. At Dr. Bigford’s Office Tuesdays 9â€"12 a.m. Thursdays 12-1130 pr: Dr. J. P. Wilson Drs. Langstaff Ofï¬ce Hour. 9-10 3.111.. 12-2 & 6.8 pan. And by appointment LE â€" PHONE 3 Dr. L. R. Bell Wright & Taylor J. T. SAIG'EON & SON Insurance Adelmo Maelecci GEO. W. CROSS J. Carl Saigeon "YORK COUNTY’S DENTIST Successor to NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER" lVthlUAL Piano Tuner BUSINESS MUSICAL Phon-e anle 8 UFE LIFE, FIRE, ‘ ACCIDENT, SICKNESS. ‘ PLATE GLASS, AUTOMOBILE, BURGLARY, GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES T0 FARMERS ON ALL CARS TARIFF & NONTARIFF CO’S. INSURANCE Bowden Lumber & Coal 00., LTD ' LUMBER OF ALL KINDS Insulex, Donnacona Board, etc. LANSING WILLOWDALE 42 HUDSON 0284 PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING ThornhiH, Ontario Hot Water Heating and general repairs. Mel. lave Trough]. [an] aunt". Roofing Jobbing Pro-aptly Attended u BARR-ISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Member of the Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta Bars) 310 McKinnon Building, 19 Melinda St., Toronto Ella. Phone EL. 1744 S. TUPPER BIGELOW LLB. BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Richmond Hill Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonge Street Immediately North of Masonic Hall Phone 87 â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€"â€" 18 Toronto Street Phone ELgin 1887 Alexander MacGregor K. C. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC ‘14 Confederation Life Bldg. Toronto Phone: Ofï¬ce EL. 5029 Res. MO. 3866 Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Richmond Hill -â€" Ontario Office over Davies Dry Good Sï¬ore Maple Every oaturday ‘A. Cameron MacNaughton, K.C BARRISTER 1711 Star Building, 80 King Street, West, Toronto Ph‘one: ELgin 4879 Barristers, Solicitors. etc. Officeâ€"711 Dominion Bank Building southwest corner of King and Yonge Streets, Toronto. W. B. Miniken, K. C. Herb. A. Clark Henry E. Redman W. P. Mulock formerly of Wm. Cook, Cook dDelsny BARRISTER - SOLICITOR NOTARY A Barristers and Solicitors Hon. W. H. McGuire James A Boles, B. A. Percy Riggs AD. 0177 Toronto AD. 0178 1315 Bank of Hamilton Building Yonge Street â€" Toronto . C. HENDERSON Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries Telephone ADelBlde 2108 Offices: 85 Richmond St. W., Toronto Naughton Block. Aurora Solicitors for: Aurora, Richmond Hill, King, WthhNCh, Markham and North Gwillimbury. iWalter S. Jenkins. Res. Phone Bill 5048. J. Harry Naughton. Res. Elfin Mills Res. Phone 12% ' Barristers, Solicxtors, etc. Wm. Cook. K. C. Ralph B. Gibson, K.G. Toronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg" 85 Riuhnond St. West Richmond Hill, Thursday fetenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate McGuire, Boles & Co. ~ 1008 Federal Building 85 Richmond St. West, Toronto Telephone AD. 1948 N aughton & Jenkins A. G. SAVAGE Mulock Milliken, Clark &- Ré’dman T. C. Newman Post Office Block RichmOnd Hill Thomas Delany Campbell Line Established 1880 Cook & Gibson MAPLE’ nOTEL Res. Phone RA. 5429 On Thursday evening, Feb Toronto Board of Education 1 of 15’to 1 re-afï¬rmed it’s 0 to any further concessior granted to Roman Catholic Schools. It is seldom one of, the congregation ‘talks out in church. However when one does that is news. In the Stouff- ville United Church last Sunday Rev. Laidlaw was declaring that there were those who believed every word in the old testament was actually dictated by God to the Saints who wrote them down. I am here to say that that is utterly wrong- and that it is not true, said the minister. “It is true,†just as confidently declared a solemn voice from the congregation. From then on everyone listened in- tently to the sermon but there were no more interruptions. It might be added that at a meeting of the United Church official board on the follow- ing Thursday the Minister advised the Board to look for a new clergy-i man. Last Thursday night experienced the worst b1 Winter. All night the w the snow piled in great 5 the roads and even the' most impassable. The average person, on reaching the age of 70 years, has spent 23 years in bed, another 23 in pleasure, 6 years in eating, nearly 2 years in washing and some 13 years in talking. But We all know people who are not “average†Some of them, indeed, seem at times to have talked continuously for 13 years. Someone has started the old song about “Spring is just around‘ the cor- ner.†Judging from the weather that has prevailed for the past three or four weeks, one is inclined to doubt that statement, although it is a great relief at times to think that we Will get somewarm weather if we wait long- enough. As a result of the rubber factory going into bankruptcy, the Town of Orillia is out $50,000 having given the enterprise a can to that extent. This year’s payme t will take 2.3 mills and“ a tax rate of not less man 52 mills is expected. We never could understand! how the citizens of Orillia fell for tliis ' proposition that, to outsiders, looked almost impossible of success. l l A gossip is one who talks to you, about others; a bore is one who talks! to you about himself; and a brilliant conversationalist is one Who talks. to you about yours-elf, slyly remarks the editor of the Galt Reporter. F-ew men become so dependent that they ca Without a good neigh} In a world where men don’t believe today what they fought over yester- day why should they so bitterly con- test for theories which the may a- bandon tomorrow? RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20th, 1936 Remembering the relief and old age pensions, the young people will begin to wonder Why they want a. job. Another need of typewriter that Will mittal wiggle when about the spelling. I The mariufacturers of artificial I limbs are enjoying a boom in business ;because of motor accidents. If you [drive carefully, you just take bread [out of the mouth 6f the wooden-leg [maker’s little ones. Alas! By the time a man outgrows Santa Claus, he believes riéIx men are eager to let him share it} a sure thing. ‘eterboro Examiner. .V- “Vuv JV... .4 Mull.le of apples you find his reputation at the top of the barrel, but when you work down a bit you discover his character.â€â€"John McNeil. The curlers have commenced their series of games for the Smith medal. So far the following games have been played, the first named being the skip of the winning rink: We are told of a man Who fell W‘ H' P1393195“ 14 '1 Palmer, 12 asleep in a dentist’s chair while hav- [Rev' J' Vwkery’ 15 P' G' savage 8 ing a tooth drilled. He felt bored, of ' J- MOW-“‘0â€, 25 J~ Palmer: _10 course_ The East York Plowmen’s Associa- tion held their annual meeting at Alas! By the time a man outflows Webber’s Hotel, Unionville, Monday, Santa Claus, he believes riéh men are for the election of uIflcers and to re-l eager to let him share in a sure thing. ceive the treasurerk report There l l was a good attendance. Amongst Another need of the times is 3 those present were noticed! Ward'en typewriter that will make a noncom- Slater, John Little, 3- Rennie, Wm mittal Wiggle when y0u aren’t sure Milliken. Alex. Ping'le. R. Petch, Wm. “When a farmer sells you a barrel of apples you find his reputation at the top of the barrel, but when you work down a bit you discover his character.â€â€"John McNeil. From January" 16th to February 13th the temperature was very seldom many degrees above the zero mark. 'Six Stouffville householders were taken to court for failing to have a. radio license. General News & Views WAY BA CK IN , ‘ _ _, LIBERAL FILES I "wwu, umrway evening for' the X. :Liberals of West York was a pleasing ,rSday evenmg’ ebt') 6th’ at“? event. The speakers were Hon. G. P. “Md °f.Ed“ca.t‘,°“ y ‘3"? e! Graham, M.P.P.; Arch. Campbell, M. l re-afflrmed Its opposmonvp _ Messrs A J Anderson (I W further concessions being " ' ' ' “ J“ ' 0 Roman Catholic Separate: Verral, J. Gardhouse, Jos. Watson, R. I. Glbson, Dr. Hunter and others. 'hursday night the district: 3d the worst blizzard of the U] night the Wind blew and' piled in great ï¬rifts making 1 become so great and in- ;hat they can afford to do good neighbour, says the †uvuyune usnenea in- sermon but there were rruptions. It might be a meeting of the United 3.] board on the follow- ' the Minister advised look for a new clergy- even the. highways a]: 9 started the old song is just around‘ the cor- from the weather that for the past three or v h-AU, a pearl sunburst, and an embroidered ,silk tulle veil wreathed‘with orange blossoms, and carried a bouquet of bridal roses. The bride’s attendants were also in white, the maid of honor wearing a dainty point d’esprit ov-er silk, and the bridesmaid a becoming voile over taffeta. Each carried pink carnations and wore the groom’s favorâ€"a crescent pearl brooch. Mr. William C. Shand acted as best man, and Mr. Archie Savage as grooms- man. Mr. and Mrs. Savage left for a trip to Buffalo and other points in that vicinity, the bride travelling in a suit of red chiffon broadcloth, white furs and white tulle hat, with osprey and mink trimmings. The banquet given at Eagle Hall,‘ Weston, Thursday evening for’ the Liberals of West York was a pleasing- event. The speakers were Hon. G. P J’ The annual competition for the : silver cup and pair of curling stone" " presented by Mr. J. Kelly, of th-r _ Palm-er House, took place here or ‘ Thursday and Friday last. The ice was perfect and everything passed/by without a hitch of any kind. Five ‘ clubs competed, Markham and Scar- boro not being able to reach here on account of the snow storm. On Thursday, Markham team defaulted to ‘Thornhill, later in the \afternoon {Aurora defeated Thornhill, in the eve- vm'ng- Richmond Hill won from the Little Yorks, Friday foren‘oon Rich- ‘lmond Hill defeated the Aberdeens, .' and finally in the afternoon Richmond 1Hill defeated Aurora, thereby Win- ning the stones. The cup must be .won three times by the same club lbefore it becomes their property. 5Bradford has won it once, Markham ‘twice, and' the home team twice. “a, “mung was qulte a success, there being a goodl attendance of lskaters and spectators. THIRTY YEARS AGO From Our Issue of Feb. 15th, 1906 Wednesday evening of last week in the home of Mr. William S. Shand, 5 Rusholme Road. Toronto, the mar- riage of his daughter, Miss Agnes Shand, to Mr. Milton Belmont Savage of Richmond Hill, was celebrated in the presence of about fifty guests. The bride, who was given away by her father, and attended by her sis- ter, Miss Mae C. Shand, as maid’ of honor, and Miss Nina Spence, as bridesmaid, was gowned in white point d’esprit, elaborately trimmed with baby ribbon and mounted on- taffeta. With this pretty dress she wore as ornament the groom’s Diff The carnival at Thorn} day evening was quite there being a good) at skaters and spectators Stiver, George Gormley. The treasur- er’s report showed a balance on hanr' of $109, after holding a successfu' plowing match, when upwards of $300 was naid in ‘Xn'izes. The followinsr officers were elected: President, Wm Milliken; Vice-President, John Law rie; Secretary-Treasurer, Thos. Hoe-4- ‘Dinectors, Jonathan Slater (WardP" of York County), S. Rennie, John Little, Alex. Dougherty, George Gorrr Iey, John Morgan, R. Petch, A Quantz, Wm. Stiver, F. Marsh, F. W Jackea. Wm. McDonald, George Fo-res ter, R. McLean, Frank Weir, Ale†Pingle: Auditors, J. F. Davison am‘ Wmi McDonald. The Newmarket Era last week con- gratulated itself on havlng‘ secured the county printing for the year 1896. It will be a mean man who will be- grudge brother Jackson all he makes out of the job at the price tendered for. From Our Issue of Feb. 20fh. 1896 Messrs. J. T. Saigeon of Maple, and J. B. McLean of Purpleville, are auditing the accounts of the clerk and treasurer of Vaughan this week at the clerk’s office here. FORTY YE A RS AGO ne team twice. Thornhill on Tues. i the Abel-deems, ‘ternoon Richmond ‘I’a, thereby win- [‘he cup must be 37 the same club sas, U.S.A., died suddenly on. Jan. 3lst. He was born in Albion Twp. Surviving are four sisters, Mrs. John Wilson, PaIg-rave; Mrs. Robert Wilâ€" son, Bolton; Mrs. Dan McCrimmon, Toronto; and Mrs. J. E. Scott, Nash- ville, and one brother Thomas Parr, Bolton. Where is the man? You know the man! The man who said last Fall “Of all the Winters we have had (be "ause the rabbits and all the smaller "or bearing animals have a. very slight coat: the squirrels laid in only a small amount of winter food: the Wild’ geese were late about flying South; there were few husks on the ears of com; “he groundhog- has an abundant sup- oly of- corn syrup in his endrocine vland; the woodchuck shows signs of having a double yolk pituitary gland in his brain, making hibernation un- necessary; all thres-esignsv showing) This will be the open’ist Winter of all."‘ Where is that man!" “Oh, what {man-z" Let us his memory keep; They found him frozen, cold and l (at a “Nudist Colonyâ€) In a snow drift twelve feet deep. D. Brown, and for crokinol-e Miss Tanet French. Hostesses were, Miss Nora Hooper, Mrs. Chas. Hooper, Mrs. \I. Reid, Mrs. JuMcQuay, Mrs; D. “food. ‘ ‘ The second party was held at the Home of Miss‘ Cora Hoohel'. Pi'ize 1winners were, Mrs. B. Weldrick, Miss 'Ielen Fierheller, Mr. H. Perkin, Mr. Hostesses were, Mrs. Stephenson,f Mrs. C. Thomson, Mrs. Wm. Elliott,‘ Mrs. McGimpsey, Miss Janet French 1nd Mrs. Calvert. William Parr of Harrison, Arkan- Two enjoyable euchre and crok- inole parties have been held under the auspices of the Women’s Institute. The first at the home of Mrs. Aubrey Stephenson. Prize winner were, ladies, Mrs. Calvert Miss Janet Brown; gents, Ross Hord, R. Boying- ‘on. Crokinole, Myrtle Burr. Another enjoyable afternoon was spent at the home of Mrs. David Brown when two quilts were quilted. Those responsible for this meeting were Mrs. Brown, Miss Janet Brown, Miss Della Stephenson, Mrs. Burr, Della Burr, Mrs. D. Brown, Mrs. Brillinger. The regular meeting held at the home of Mrs. Norman Reid was large- Iy attended. An address, illustrated with pictures dealing with interest- ing places seen on her European tour, was ably given by Mrs). Wm. Rodick. Readings by Misses ‘v101a and Norma Middleton were much appreciated as was a delightful solo by Mrs. Taylor. The hostesses were Mrs. Reid, Mrs. C. Hooper, Mrs. Russell, Mrs. D. E. Hood. The past weeks have been busy ones for the local Women’s Institute. BUTTONVILLE Phone 49J Richmond Tailors garments:- cost no more but you get the maximum of quality, style and workmanship. An overcoat tailored to your measure by Richmond Tailors is a splendid investment right now You will be assured of a firm- garment featured by style, qua§~ ity and moderate cost. CLEANING & PRESSING A SPECIALTY ~ Richmond Tailors STYLE Richmond Hill Dairy G. WALWIN, Prop. Phone 42 Richmond ll DAIRY- BY THE MOST IMODERN METHODS. Milk and Cream SECURED FROM SELECTED AND INSPECTED HERDS AND HANDLED IN THE MOST APPROVED METHODS IT IS SURE TO lGIVE SATIS- FACTION. PASTEURIZED Because it is so PURE, . FRESH, and so GOOD he sure to insist on attain! the fling’s isigbtnay Richmond Hill Daily Services GRAY COACH LINES N ewmarket, Sutton, Barrie, Orillia, Midland ATTRACTIVE RATES Canadian and U.S.A. points between Richmond Hill LOW FARES J. A. Greene intermediate points. TORONTO Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE between and and Richmond Hi1? and No. 34