Jahnstcn 9: Cransten MANUFACTURERS & IMPORT“! 0F CAN ADIAN & FOREIGN Granite Monuments 1849 Yom St. (eat nil.) Phone Miami 2081 Eve. Phone 9788 The W.M.S. met last Tuesday after noon at the home of Mrs. W. T. Wells with Mrs. J. C. Bales presiding..}\fllss Gladys Brown read the Scripture lesâ€" son from Luke 17th :5. (the pirable of Christ healing the ten lepers but only one returned to give thanks). The key note of the worship service was “The Stewardship of Thankful- ness†and was conducted by Mrs. Hal- bert. Mrs. E. M. Benton, 2nd vice- presrident of Toronto Centre Presby- terial, gave a very inspiring address on "The Stewardship of Life†which was very much appreciated by all. Mrs. Wells read a letter from Mrs. Banfield, Christian Stewardship Sec- retary, re the alocation. Miss Pam- ella Follett is the adopted missionary for prayer. A report of the Toronto /Centre Presbyterial annual meetingr which was held on Feb. 6th in St. James-Bond United Church, Toronto. was presented by Mrs. Halbert. In the absence of Mrs. New the minutes Were read by Mrs. Walter Johnson As the regular March meeting fall" on Tuesday. March 17th. it was arâ€" ranged to hold a St. Patricks Mis s-i'narv Tea at the home of Mrs. J C. Bales and invite neighboring aux- iliaries to attend. Announcements were made of the Toronto Conference Branch meeting- to be held on March 3rd, 4th and 5th in Danforth United Church. Toronto, also the W.M.S. Day of Prayer in Willowdale United Church on Feb. 28th, at 3 p.m. Meeting closed with a hymn “'We give Thee but Thine own†and prayer by Mrs. Benton. The W.M.S. Day of Prayer Will be observed on Friday, Feb. 28th, at 3 p.m., in Willowdale United Church. This will be a union prayer service of Westminster Presbyterian, St. Georg- es Anglican, Willowdale Baptist, Sal- vation Army, Newtonbrook Gospel Mission and the United Churches» of Lansing, Wilowdale and Newtonbrook. Miss Margaret Shaw and BL Har- old†Dug‘gan were appointed delegates from the Y.P.S. to attend the Ontario Temperance Federation Conventum in Toronto this week. Mr. Jack Dugg‘an, citizenship con- venor, was in charge of the Y.P.S. meeting last Monday evening. Mr. Clifford Brett led in the devotional worship service and Rev. A. H. Halâ€" bert offered prayer. Two piano solos were given by Mr. W. Geary. The president, Mr. W. T. New led in the discussion “Should the Church be in- terested in the Social and Economic Problems of our day?" Miss Gladys Sutterby and Mr. Harold Dugg‘an gave some very helpful thoughts alon" this line giving proofs from Scripture A lecture “Hitch Hiking around the World†illustrated by beautiful lantern slides will be presented by the Toll Brothers next Tuesday evening, Feb. 25th, at 8 o’clock, in the Newtonbrook United Church under the auspices of the Y.P.S. This is a very popular lecture and well worth hearing, so plan to come. Next Sunday evening at 7 o’clock there will be a special musical service held in Newbonbrook United Church. A hearty welcome to ail. Rev. A. H. HaTbert attended a meeting of Toronto Centre Presbytery last Tuesday. Miss S. M. Stevenson haw returned from a weeks visit with friends at Highland Creek. Mr. W. T. Wells is entertaining the Young Mens Bible Class this (Thurs- day) evening. This is also the an- nual meeting and election of officers. Mrs. W. T. New spent last week in Shelbouyme with her father who is critically ill. A chapter of the study book “In the African Bush†was reviewed by the leaders, Miss Hope and Mrs. Wells. Miss Lever taught the children some new missionary songs. Two new mem bers joined. The membership list is steadily growing. Don’t forget the Irish Supper on Thursday evening, March 5th, to be held under the auspices of the Wom- en’s Association in the Sunday School Hall of the United Church. The Mission iBand held a meeting last Monday at 4.15 with a good at- tendance. Lois Risebrough presided. The Y.P.S. of the United Church enjoyed a sleigh drive last Friday evening. On their return to the Sun- day School Hall refreshments were served. A11 report a grand time. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20th, 1936 NEWTONBROOK Between Morton 6 WHO! h A land of equality is one where the ordinary man thinks nobody his su- perior except a millionaire. It might be worse. Suppose good manners required you to buy a fourth round of milkshakes. to 1934 tax sale as follows: John Umehara, Lots 100-104, Plan 126 Twp. of King, Lots 16E'1Ap, Plan 132. Twp. of King, Lots 14â€"16, 245-247, 273-274. 311-315, 965-969, 1181-1182, Plan 133. and the seal of the Corporation be af- fixad hereto. Carried. The next; revular meeting of Coun- oil will ha, held at Nobleton, on Sat- urday. March 28th, 1936, at 10 o’clock a.m., 1936. The “Chateau Laurier†well known Canadian National Railway Hotel in Ottawa will be a busy place for sev- eral weeks now with the first session of the new parliament under way. The “Chateau†is the sessional resi- dence of many of the members and senators and at all periods of the year is the headquarters for many of the social activities of the capitol. Also during the parliamentry sessiori there are many extra guests com- posed hath of visitors to the session and others who have business with the government. The hotel is one of the most beautiful and spacious of the Canadian National chain, but as large as it is, it is often unable to meet the demand that is made on it for room accommodation at this neriod of the year. Our advice to oersons who contemplate visiting the ‘apifol is to arrange in advance by letter or wire for room accommodation 4“ ... . e Chateau. Moved by Thos. MacMurchy, second ed by C. E. WalkT‘ngtonâ€"That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to issue a cheque for $46.05 to the Sec-Twas. of S. S. No. 14 as required rebate on Assessment re Section Pupils. Carried. Moved by L. B. Goodfel'low, second- ed by J. S. Lawsonâ€"That the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to receive $12.50 from Mr. Whytock as payment for Mr. H. F. Switzer’s culvert. Car- Moved by L. B. Goodfellow, second- ed by C. E. Walkingfonâ€"That the Reeve and Treasqu be and is hereby? authorized to sign tax deeds relative Moved by L. B. Goodfel'low, second- ed by J. S. Lawsonâ€"That the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to issue a cheque to Victor A. Hall. for the sum of $60.00 covering Clerk and Treasurer Bond for 315.000.00 for year ending Jan. 215t, 1937. Carried. Moved by J. S. Lawson, seconded by C. E. Walldngtonâ€"That the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to is=uv9 a cheque to Arthur Weflesley for $12.05 the same being in navment fn services rendered as Sch001 Attend- ance Ofï¬cer. Carried. Moved by C. E. Walkington, second- ed by L. B. Goodfellowâ€"JI‘hat the Treasurer is hereby authorized to issue a cheque to W. W. Gardhouse, County Treasurer, for $34.87, same béing this Municipality’s Hospitali- zation share for month of January, 1936. Carried. Moved by Thos. MacMurchy, second ed by J. S. Lawson-~That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to Sign the plan as‘ submitted by Nolan and Green re Sub-Division of Lots 12 .&| 13, Concession 3 (0.3.). Carried. Burroughs Adding Machine 00., repairs to adding machine.. 8.94 Voucher No. 2â€"$283.80. Voucher No. 3â€"$120.20. Reliefâ€"$914.07. Resolutions Moved by C. E. Walkington, second- ed by L. B. Goodfellowâ€"That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to issue cheques to the following as payments on salary on account: C. H. Ross, $100.00; Ed. Reddick, $75.00; S. Armstrong, $75.00. Moved by C. E. Walkington, second- ed by L. B. Goodfellowâ€"That the Col- lectors time for collection of 1935 taxes be and is‘hereby extended to March 25th, 1936. Carried. salary 1935 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bear’s Limited, office supplies Stamp & Stencil Works, dog calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. B. Davis, P.V.S., Coal F. Brown, P.V.S., Comm. sal- ary 1935 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. Graham, P.V.S., Comm. sal- ary 1935 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E. Aitchison, P.V.S., Comm. King Township Council Feb. 15th, 1936 The Second Regular Meeting of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of King was held at the Parish Hall, Kettleby, Ontario, on Feb. 15th, 1936, at ten o’clock a.m., 1936. Accounts Ordered Paid General Accounts: Gus Farquhar, constable ser- Schomberg Tele. 00., L. D. $ 8.50 :10th James A. Simpson, for the past year and a half Agricultural Repre- sentative in Peel County has resigned are the' that position. We understand that his 511-3 it is his intention to engage in farm- Iing in Norfolk County. ‘ 28.18 10.00 11.40 10.00 10.00 14.84 17.00 Saturday: Old mister Jones is a 'itte] deef but all ways has munney in his panoe pocket. Recent when Mister Slokem ast for a lone of five 3 $ mister Jones cupped his ear & ‘ed wots that? Lend me ten 3 $ sed Sloken. You damg fool I herd you the onest time sed mister Jones. Friday: In the barber shop to day Slim Jebers was a tellln of a lot of things his new ot’w has on it that His Pa’s otto aint got. Old Mister Teters riz up & flang off a wet tou] & sed & that aint all. Its all so got 1 morgige on it mine aint got on it. Tuesday: I expect Mister Macken- tosh is enclinde to be not so free with his mummy. Enney how when his little dotter ast her Mom was shn hefl clostest relativ, Mistress Macken- tosh sed no she is the nearest, Pappa the clostest. Wednesday: Jake jist seams to get dummer & dummer. This p. m. the teecher ast him what yr. he was horned in & he diddent no. Why sed the teecher ilttle Tommy hear nose that mutch & Jake replide well he shud 01: to. Hese onley bin horned 6 yrs. & I bin horned 10. Thursday: Lige Grubbs-es Wife his got fallen arches & when the d'TC told Lige rubber heels was good for same Lige sed what with. Keeley I woodent no myself. don’t you care no thing about the law. ,& the dame replide & sed Mebbe but I hardly no you yet. Sunday: Well, this is the onest day of the week & I diddent half to go to no school \ccept S S Witchis nutty near as bad as the other 1. Tho ', if you doant no yore lessons there aint no thing no body can do about ‘ it. SLATS’ DIARY (By Oliver N. Warren) m LIBERAL. Rm HILL. ONTARIO HOCKEY THRILLS: Tune in every Saturday night at 9 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, to General Motors mum-Coast Hockey Broadcast. Monday: The policemen that pay troles the high way near where we live at is a good look- er & keeps his ears clene. He stopt a dame mi 3.. m. & sed you were hitten 60 Thornhiii Nlmors At the time of the stroke, the patient should be placed in bed with the head silghtly raised and the whole body turned on one side. Alcohol should not be administered; indeed, nothing should be given until the patient is seen by the doctoi- and then L only what the doctor orders. At- ' tempts to make an unconscious per- | son swallow may do harm. An iceâ€" 2 bag or cold compresses may be placed : on the head, and a hot water bottle I to the feet. I The extent to which recovery is ayoxsible depends up:.- 2;: lowdon land severity of the condition. The :blood clots, and the clot contracts and 'iis partially absorbed, thus relieving the pressure. During- this convales- cent period, passive moments and mes sage of the para]de muscles are con isidvered to be helpful. The value (If rrâ€"‘IWWN “STRO‘K E†Because of its sudden onset, zmo- plexy or cerebral hraemorrhnge is popularly called a “stroke.†In the midst of his ordinary activities, the victim suddenly falls and remains deeply unconscious, usually with a flushed face, and his breathing labOur ed and noisy. Not all cases occur so suddenly, some experience a period of general discomfort with dizziness and head- ache before consciousness is lost. Strokes happen more often to men than to women, and usually occur after middle life. They are due to a haemorrhage in the brain which causes pressure on important nerve centres. The artery which breaks is one which has become worn out and hard- ened. Apoplexy commonly occurs in those with high blood pressure and whose arteries have lost their elastic- ity. Occurring early in life, apoplexy may then be considered as tho pena‘ty of failure to give reasonable care to the hygienic needs of the body. Occasionally, death follows upon the apoplectic stroke, but usually con- sciousness returns, speech is restored, and, to WYV‘M‘ extent. the paralysis improves. Paralysis which is limited to one side is known as hemiplegia. The face, arm and leg- may all be in- volved, but again, one or other may‘ escape. A HEALTH SERVICE or ' “ ‘ n1: CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AND LIFE - tNSURANCE COMPANIIS IN CANADA te‘educate the muscles. After three Questions conï¬ning health, “L V: , , electrical treatments is questionablaalcohol and overeating ahould b. _. ‘.~' The patient should be encouraged toavoided by those whose condition 1. J use the paralyzed arm or leg and thus such as to predispose to amplexv b‘r / fl months, no hope can be held out for.iressed to the Canadian Medical Ab / W‘%9 . I _ . 7 a 4' I ‘any 1mp1ovement m the extent of thesociation’ 184 College St; Toronto, V“ ' ' y . -.. I ; , )aEJIySiS' ,. . , _ A, will be answered pmonally by letter. WM rrs SAIEW i3: Over-exertion, violent emotioms for .«._J V-S cars. Plenty of heat from your hot water heater despite large cooling capacity. No special thermo- stats required, uses heat ordinarily wasted, operates per- fcctly v 1h any anti-freeze. Installed in a few minutes and assures a comfortable car in coldest weather. See this out- standlmr improvement at. CE’MES SERVICE GARAGE var Phone 12 0 w: A ) SKATING“ ebber Heater Booster :ouomnomomonomouo Special arrangémonts for parties and canxe n13: Appiy to Th )rchill Ontario WU“ mUblC See the new ENJOY THIS INVIGORATING HEALTH RECREATION AT Richmond Hill Arena EDNESDAY n. '. MILLS, SATURDAY CHEVROLET GIVES YOU ALL SIX! irman Iiark Commission Pm SEVEN and Richmond Hill