Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Feb 1936, p. 2

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One of the reasons we are in such a mess financially in Canada is that there has been no national planning. Every unit of government, Dominion, Provincial and Muni- cipal, has gone ahead spending Wildly on its own with little thought to the future. We do not like Russia’s communists but there is one thing in which the Russians have shown us the way. They have demonstrated that a nation can undertake and carry through a definite program of economic development. What we need in Canada is a working plan aimed at setting our house in order. Thomas Bradshaw, president of the North American Life, has suggested the following five year program for Canada, and it would be difficult to quarrel with a single item: I dispel the tempests of ignorance which threaten calamity to community and nation. I build temples wherein the wisdom of ages is passed on to citizens of the future. I am the means of bringing the Light of Learning to all the children of all the people that democracy may thrive. I give to boys and girls of poor and rich alike the ser- vices of trained teachers who show them the way to selfâ€" dependence and self-realization. I build the bulwarks which stem the tides of crime. I shape the key of intelligent public opinion which unlocks the doors to economic, political and social stability. I yield returns more priceless than gold, more lasting than steelâ€"more potent than sword or penâ€"the‘returns of intelligently thinking minds. I am at once the guardian ruler and the servant of the world’s greatest power and honeâ€"education. I insure the rights of childhood. I am the school tax. â€"Nebraska Journal) 1. By economy and expanding trade to turn the rail- way deficit into a surplus. 2. To continue the orderly liquidation of our Wheat carry-over. 3. To reduce unemployment by stimulating private industry. 4. 'To balance all public budgets. 5. By meeting public expenditures as we go, to avoid any addition to our debts except for justifiable services. 6. To refund public debts at lower rates of interest by normal refunding operations and, where necessary, through the Loan Council. 7. To reduce direct taxation. 8. To plan for uniformity in federal and provincial legislation. The Government grants in Ontario average only 11.5% of the total cost of schools, while all English speaking countries, except Canada and the United States, contribute at least half, and often the Whole cost of education from the government treasury. The above are some. of the facts that will be given out to acquaint the public with the methods of administrating and financing education in Ontario. Educati6n Week should prove of inestimable value to many Canadians in that it will educate them with our educational problems. VOWVV"~____ _--..- keeps out capital. 10. To bring the East and West closer together. 11. To meet our debts honorably. 12. To promote private development of our resources. 13. To review social legislation in order to determine the need and the cost. Mr. Bradshaw emphasizes that all of these things can be done over a term of five years With proner planning. And wisely he emphasizes that they must be done. Ontario has approximately 6,600 administrative units operating schools, in comparison with England and Wales. who, with a population twelve times as great as that of Ontario, have only 317 school authorities or Boards, while Scotland has but 35. -The bf such a week is to make all of us more, “educational conscious,” and if this is accomplished those responsible for Education Week may feel satisfied that it has served a very useful purpose. A great deal of work has already been done in Ontario by way of preparation for the observance of this week. It is purposed to acquaint the public with many of the prob- lems that are facing educationalists to-day and the study that is being made of these problems by the Department of Education in an endeavour to solve these. WHO OWES YOU A LIVING? Millions of people are being. educated in our country toâ€"day to believe that someone owes them a living. The laws _of nature do not seem to recognize this doctrine. Just go out into a primitive cauntry and ’sé‘é’ééiio owes who a livingâ€"you will soon find that your exi§tence de- pendsv on your ingenuity and initiative. v Governmen-tsi were'organized to go nature one better and make it a little easier to live and take care of the help- less whom nature would otl'lerwisle unceremoniously remove Such a system can endure only so 101i; Vafisflthere are stored-up savings to confiscate, then the inexorable laws of nature Will prevail. February 23rd to 29th is Education Week. This is sponsored by the Canadian Teachers’ Federation and will be featured by a programme of radio addresses on a na- tional hook-up, by such outstanding speakers as Her Excellency, Lady Tweedsmuir and Hon. Norman Rogers, Minister of Labour. But toâ€"day millions of perfectly healthy, alileibodled people are being taught to loaf at the expense of the sav- ings 9f ethers instead of to rustle for themselves. An epiderhic of pests completely devours a tree or a field of grain, and then the pests die. Nature takes care of that. The same thing can happen to governmentsâ€"if they eat 1m their capital to maintain idleness, they will eventual- ly find that nature refuses to hear their demands that “someone owes them a living.” This may not be a plegsant-sounding philosophy, but it is a fact Which honey-coated political cure-alls try to hideâ€"Montana Journal. Advertising Rates on Application. Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL THE BIBERAL PRINTING 00., LTD. J. Eachern Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Subscription $1.50 per year â€"â€" To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District EDUCATION WEEK FEBRUARY 23rd to 29th PAGE TWO To er_1_d _debt moratoria and other legislation that the school tax. â€"Nebraska Journal) A FIVE YEAR PLAN FOR CANADA I AM THE SCHOOL TAX THE LIBERAL TELEPHONE 9. Hon. C. G. Power (Minister of Pen- sions and National Health): The re- ports carried in the press, although quite true, are perhaps of a nature to alarm needlessly the interested parties. The situation is this: from the termination of the war down to the present day any ex-soldiers who were taken into hospital on account of their pensionable disabilities were immediately placed on pay and allow- ances of the rank which they held during their services in the army. That is to say, private soldier was placed on pay and allowances approximately equal to those which he received as a private soldier in the army, and a general or colonel was placed on the pay and al- lowances of the rank which he held in the army. The divergence has al- ways appeared to me to be pretty wide, and after considerable study the officers of the department and my-l self came to the conclusion that per- haps at this time, twenty years after the war, we should not perpetuate the system of pay according to rank which existed during the war. So that by order in council which comes into effect March 1, an attempt is being made to equalize in some de- gree the rates being paid. Under the present system, which will be changed on March 1, a private soldier when he goes into hospital receives $45 per month. If he has a Wife and say six children his pay can run to $137 per month. After March 1, he will still receive $45 if he is single and $137 if he is married and has six children There is no change whatsoever made in the rate of pay to private soldiers. At the present time a colonel, if he is single when he enters the hospital. receives $228 a month. After March 1, he will receive $127. At present a colonel who is married and has- six children receives $288 a month; after March 1 he will receive $219. For a major generalâ€"which is: perhaps an extreme case, though if I may be per- mitted I might say that we did have On the orders of the day Mr. Mu-V. lock said: I wish to direct a question . to the Minister of Pensions and Nap] tional Health (Mr. Power) in refer-? ence to despatches appearing in thei newspapers this morning to the effect that drastic cuts are being effected' in payments to ex-soldiers in hospitals Would the minister be good enough to tell the house whether the state-. ment carried in the press to the effect that lower hospital allowances to war» veterans and ex-service men other than privates come into effect as of I March 1, and if so can he give us! some information on the subject. In answer to a question by W. P. Mulock, M.P. North York, in the House of Commons this week Hon. C. G. Powers, Minister of Pensions, revealed that the proposed changes in hospital allowances for veterans made no change in the allowance for privates, but concerned only certain officers. in the hospital some years ago a gentleman who, at the rate of pay he was drawing together with the pen- sion he received from the militia de- partment, was being compensated at the rate of about $14,000 a year for lying in the hospital with a very minor ailmentâ€" An hon. Member: He would never get better. Mr. Power: At the present time a major general in hospital receives, if he is single, $670 a month, and if he is married and has six children. $722 It is proposed through this order in council, which is to become effective on March 1, that a major general who is single will have to get along on $195 per month, while if he has a wife And six children he will receive $287. Fhose are the rates which will be- -ome effective on March 1. In no “ase has the rate of compensation for private soldiers, who compose 90.7 per cent of the hospital nbnnlnfinn been touch-ed. However there are perhaps some adjustments which might be made with respect to per- sons who have been in hospital for some considerable time. A sudden or drastic cut in their allowances might effect some hardship. We are pre- pared to go into that question. If it is shown that delay is nucssam in order that readjustment may be posâ€" sible, perhaps that could be al‘rang8d- The other ranks, however, other than private soldiers, will in no case re- ceive less than if they were placed on one hundred per cent disability pension. That is to say, the amount Change in Hospital Pay For Veterans Does Not x Alter Private’s Schedule Substantial Reduction For Higher Officersâ€"Details of Change Given in House on Query of North York’s Member THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO hospital pbpulation, However there are adjustments which With respect to other sections of the order in council in question, there has been some‘misunderstanding be- tween officers of the department and' officers of the Canadian Legion, chief- ly with respect to the interpretation of certain phrases, and to the defi- nitions of certain legal terms con- tained in the order in council. It is my hope, in fact I am quite confident, that after some discussion with of- ficers of the legion it may be pos- sible to iron out these difficulties. It will be found that, with the exception of the decrease in pay and allowances I have pointed out, the order in coun- cil does nothing more than clarify and carry out existing regulations. of money which they receive While they are in hospital will never be less than if they were outside hospital on a. one hundred per cent total disability pension. Privateâ€"~ rate Single .. $ 45 Wife and 6 children 137 Colonelâ€" Single. . ‘ $228 Wife and 6 children 288 Major General-â€" Single . . $670 Wife and 6 children: 722 Work used to be regarded as- the curse of the poor, and a gentleman was described as a. man who had no occupation, There are still a. few individuals who dislike work, but the vast majority of people find idleness to be the real curse. The work which one man enjoys may disliked by another. Happy are the men and women who find a. real satisfaction in their Work. Hobbies are desirable for all, but they are essential for the mental health of those who do not find satisfaction in their work when, for various reasons, they must cling to that‘ particular form of work} The following table summarizes the figures I have given: Maximum Monthly Hospital Al- lowances For Certain Classes Work means activity of some kind. This activity may be either physical or mental, or a. combination of the two. Work is desirable because it allows the individual to be useful, and this gives him a sense of satis- faction in addition to providing the money which he requires to secure the necessities of life. Occupational therapy is‘ a form of treatment, which consists practically in providing work for patients. In other words, it is accepted that work aids the recovery of those who are ill, Obviously, the kind of work and the amount of work will vary according to the needs of the patient. The atmosphere of mental hospitals has been changed largely through the use of occupational therapy. To sit by the hour, week after week, with nothing to do promotes mental deter- ioration. To work at doing some- thing and, finally, to accept respon- sibilities is a step towards mental rehabilitation. The person to envy is not the one who sits in idleness, but the man who works and who en- joys his work. Play may be said to be the half- way post between work and rest. Play is relaxation from the daily task People complain of interruptions at their work, but actually, a certain number of interruptions are desirable becaiise they help to break the monotony. Saintliness used to be associated with sickl‘iness, but now we see that health is the strong ally of all good causes, because health gives a great- er capacity for work, to be useful, and in this» way, to gain personal satis- faction while contributing to the wel~ fare of others. Modern science has tasteful toil, and rxcdem science in makim,r a greater of health possible for all of will find expression, partly, and more useful work. done mus: Work should not be an all-absorbing thing. Work should be but part of a t to set us free WORK a greater manure Present Mar. 1, rate 1936 $ 45 $ 45 f us which ', in better msdical $127 219 $195 287 Rate 137 I‘Well-rounded life in which the striv- ‘ing for money is not the dominant factor, or the accumulation of wealth a measure of success. Two Australian Rover Scouts were chosen by Dr. F. W. Whitehouse of the University of Queensland to ac- company him on a geological expe- dition to the far western boundary of Queensland. THE TALE OF A NECKERCHIEF A certain Scoutmaster sent his neckerchjef to a laundry. It was re- turned beautifully clean' and new. Curious to know under What category it was listed and charged, he re'fer- red to the laundry list. He found it under the heading, “Bibs and Feed- ers.” The annual supper and entertain-i ment of King- and Vaughan Plow- men’s Association held at Phillips’ Hotel, King City, was a most pleasing event. Almost every part of the two neighboring townships had its rep- resentatives, including a fair sprink- ling of the fair sex. There was an excellent spread, and the host and hostess showed good taste in the decoration and arrangement of the tables. An interesting program fol- lowed the supper presided over by Mr. BUY ROYAL RICHMOND FEEDS Examine the Wheat quality in the so-called cheap scratch feeds and Dev’8. Our Baby Chick Mashs are one better than last year. J. F. BURR Mill 139 Phones Res. 82W THE MI LL {Swami flRRY a. ROSE LOUIS mm 40 Yonge SL, Richmond Hill Telephone 133 BARRISTERS-AT-LAW Office Hourâ€"Every Monday and Thursday Afternoon and by appointment Toronto Office: 100 Adelaide Street West Telephone ELgin 9263-4 SCOUTS 0N GEOLOGICAL EXPEDITION . Saigeon, the energetic secrétary ROSE & HERMAN THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27th, 1936 It’s Joan’s first trip alone. Mother just couldn’t refuse Auntie Maud’s lovely invitation â€" but she can’t help worry- "You will take good care of her, won’t you?” ing, either. Thoughtful Auntie knows the answer; as soon as Joan arrives, at Long Distance call will banish Mother’s fears. Long Distance is an ever-ready comfort. It’s easy to use, quick, and the cost is surprisingly small. .On both “Anyone” and “Person-to- Person” calls, low Night rates apply after 7 p.m. every evening. and low Week-end rates ALL DAY SUNDAY. Septic Tanks Installed Milk Coolers Ba'rn & Stable Equipment 74 Yonze St. Phono 9’ LUMBER. LATH. SHINGLES ASHPHALT ROOFING. GYPDOC. The moment you feel the slightest distress in your eyes or notice a dim- ming of your vision ooth 163-167 Yonge St., Toronto, up stairs, opp. Simpsons. Phone Elgin 4820. SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. TINSMITHING FURNACES - PLUMBING HEATING F. E. LUKE & SON A LAZY LIVER PHONE 71 GLENN’S DRUG STORE Your Eyes REAL ESTATE INSURANCE CONVEYANCING ESTATES MANAGED J. R. HERRINGTON Richmond Hill, Ont. R. H. KANE CAN CAUSE MANY AILMENTS h Parke’s Telephone 27 Dealers in will quikcly restore that liver to normal healthy action. r9 Iievinnr constipation, biliousness, head- aches, etc. It 3130 aids the stomach. A month’s treat- ment for LIVER TONE $1.00

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