Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Feb 1936, p. 6

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I Gray Mare, Percheron, 10 yrs. oldj 1 Pay Mare, General Purpose, 9 yrs.‘ I Rean Milch Cow, full flow 1 Red Milch Cow, bred Sept. 14 1 Blue Milch Cow, bred N v. 7 1 Jersey Milch Cow, bred ct. 23 1 Roan Cow, in full flow, bred Jan. 21 -1 Durham Heifer, supposed due April 10 2 Fat Durham Heifers, 2 years old 1‘ Fat Steer, rising 2 years 8 Durham Heifers, 1 year old 1 Sow, Yorkshire, bred Dec. 28 1 Sow, Yorkshire, bred 1 Sow, Yorkshire, bred Dec. 9 9 Young Pigs, 4 months old 7 Young Pigs, 3 months old About '70 Hens 2 Geese and 1 Gander 1 McCormick Binder, 7 ft., in good order order Hay Tedder, Massey-Harris Horse Rake, Frost & Wood Side Delivery Rake Hay Loader, International Hay Rack, 16 foot Tractor, 10-20 International, in good order 2 Furrow Tractor Plow, Internation a], in good order Tractor (hiltivator, International, in good order Set of Tractor Barrows No. 12 Fleury Plow, with wheels No. 3 Wilkinson Plow Hg... H p: HHHHHH Important CreCEit Auction Sale F arm Stock, lmpEements LATE JOSEPH MATHEWSON Lot 20, Rear 4th Con. Vaughan Twp. 11,41 Miles West of Maple a ,,,V _-..., “Lu. Wood 2‘ Cultivators, spring tooth 1 1 HHHHH H 1 Set of Harrows, heavy Hoe Dri‘l], 13 spout, Frost & Wood Scuffler 1 Manure Spreader Good Spring Wagon and Bolsters, Trench 1 Set of Log- Bunks Low Wagon 1 Truck Wagon Buggy 1 Cart Set of Bob Sleighs Long Sleigh 1 Cutter Gravel Box 1 Bag 'I‘mr-le Tractor, Hay, Grain, Furniture, Etc. The property of the estate of the § Langstaff Coal & Supply Co. Bay Mare, 01d Bay Mare, old a Stove Size c. SMiTH, Clerk TERMS: Hay, Grain, PigS, Fowland all articles $25.00 or under. cash, articles or stock over that at on approved joint notes. 5 per cent straight off amounts. Tractor one half cash. Sale at 12 o’cidél} mm L1 PRENTICE & PRENTICE~ n Dlllm" n r- §Alberta Coal Gravel Box 1 Ram Truck Toronto Fanning Mill and Bagger Melotte Sepagijcor, in good order nu-) 'n, “a.--” yuLauvl, m guuu ‘ Hand Power Clippe; Pump Jack 1 Horse Power Extension Ladder; 3 Ladders Oat Bin; 1 Wheel Barrow b of Tractor Barrows >. 12 Fleury Plow, with wheels >. 3 Wilkinson Plow Furrow Gang Plow, Frost and PIGS AND POULTRY Yard at Railroad Tracks, Langstaff Phone ThOrnhill 73 DAY oi NiGHT PAGE 811 TUESDAY, MARCH 3rd Stove Ton Lots or more delivered IMPLEMENTS General PurpOSe, General Purpose, HORSES CATTLE Welsh GOOD HARDWOOD 1-4 ft. '1_7H017:se_ Ppwer Jack Stove PGCAHONTAS ANTHRACITE 5 yrs $9.50 COKE Nut 1 Grindstone; 1 Work Bench 2 Steel Drums; 5 Rain Barrels 1 Beam and 2 Weights, Cap. 500 lbs 36 Grain Bags; No. of Chop Bags 1 Cross Cut Saw; 1 Buck Saw 2 Water Troughs; 1 Root Pulper Apple Boxes and Chicken Coops Abount 1000 bus. of Oats About 150 bus. of Velvet Barley About 250 bus. of Barley No. 21 About 750 bus. of Mixed Grain About 400 bus. of Wheat ,& Barley mixed About 3 bus. of Sweet Clover Seed Quantity of Hay ,_. Camp Bed, Springs, Mattress and Feather Tick gall Rack; 3 Feather Ticks pholstered Rocking Chair Davenport; 2 Rocking Chairs Gramophone and number of Records Dining Room Chairs Dining Room Chairs . Small Table; 1 Buffet and Table Congoleum Rug, 9’ x 12’, and 2 Small Rugs to match Lounge; 6 Kitchen Chairs Extension Table Kitchen Cupboard Kitchen Table; 1 Kitchen Stove Hanging Lamp; 1 Cupboard Coal-Oil Stove, 4 burner Coal-Oil Heater Washing Machine Churn; 1,Lawn Mower Small sausage Machine Incubator, 60 egg Ice Cream Freezer Vinegar Barrel and Stand Kitchen Utensils H°9k§d Rug‘S, Rag Carnot: 5111!! m1, HHHHHHHHHHDâ€"Hâ€"‘H HHwnhr-‘râ€"pâ€"râ€" ,,°_, -w-é umycbb anu Ull- cloth Quantity of Stove Wood 1 Meat Trough: Quantity of Planks Forks, Hoes. Shovels, Cow Chains Logging Chains, Scythes and other articles too numerous to mention. Good Set of Brms Mounted Har- ness, breeching Set of Breeching Harness Set of Long Tug Harness Set of Chain Harness Set of Single Harness Set of Artificial Tops Horse Collars Set of Cart Hames Woollen Horse Blanket's FURNITURE Brass Bed, Springs and Mattress Mahogany Dresser Wooden Bed, Springs and Mattress White Dresser 3 Piece Bedroom Suite HAY AND GRAIN .«n. wvvyn ntlll that zfingunt 8 months American Lunch provided 3E. Auctioneers. Nut HARNESS nount 8 months credi‘ for cash on credlt and_ stock selling for Range Oil- E Ontario Fertilizer Board Following two years of work asâ€" lsembling‘ facts concerning the use of lfertilizei', the Ontario Advisory Fer- itilizer Board, following its annual meeting in Toronto recently, announcâ€" ed that it was now prepared to as- semble and publish its findings and recommendations. It is planned to oublish the findings and recommend- ations in time for spring work this Agricultural Societies The annual convention of the Agri- cultural Societies, held at the King; Edward Ho’oel, JToronflo, early this month, brought together representa- tives from all parts of the Province to discuss questions of mutual interest. In the; arranging of the programme, ample‘time was given for discussion. In these discussions many points were cleared up. Time was also allowed for the Secretaries of fairs to hold a George E. Foster, Honeywood, was in the chair and in his presidential addreSS‘ reviewed some‘of the ac- complishments of the Agricultural Societies and referred to special fea- tures at different fairs. Secretary J. A. Carl-011 gave a de- tailed report of the year’s’ activities. There are 315 active Agricultural So: cieties in Ontario and 297 held a fair; 101 of these reported an increase in? gate receipts over the previous year. session Last year 66 regular field crop‘. competitions were conducted and in addition 10 combined competitions in! barley. During the year three seedi cleaning plants were operated by Agricultural Societies. Several 'So- cieties maintain pure-bred sires and grants were paid for the m\aintenance of one stallion, 27 boars, 68 bulls and 10 rams. One Society had a compe- tition for the besd: managed farm. In Bruce and Grey the ‘Societies are of- fering a service in securing reliable fruit trees and other Societies are behind the work on animal parasite control. | Dr. Robert Harcourt, O.AC. Guelph is the chainna‘m of the board which was organized two years ago. Its membership is made up of provincial and Dominion field crop experts, rep- resentatives of the various growers’ organizations, and representatives of the commercial fertilizer trade. G. R. Paterson, Walkerton, Ont. is the secretary. ‘ vear. These recommendations. ar- rived at through study of experiment- al and research work carried on for a number of years throughout On- tario, and taking into consideration: all soil and climate conditions will cover the use of fertilizer, both com- mercial and farm‘l for the following crops: cereals, hay and pasture; fruit and vegetables, roots; and potatoes, muckland crops, sugar beets, 00m and tobacco. Ontario Sheep Breeders Discuss Lamb Identification Sheep ’breeders in large numbers attended the annual meeting of the Ontario Sheep Breeders Association, presided over by E. Robson, D-enfield. Long and inconclusive discussion took place on identification of lambs. A year ago the Canadian Association decided on identification tags bearing registered breeder letters allotted by Canadian Live Stock Records, as private ear tags were not entirely satisfactory to our friends across the line who import a lot of our lambs for breeding purposes. There was a wide diversion of opinion expressed at‘the meeting held by the Ontario Association and the matter was fin- ally left to the directors to decide and send a recommendation on to the Canadian Association. The breeders present heard the wool outlook for 1936 ’discussed by Geo. E. O’Brien and prospects are brighter than in the past, although substantial increases in price may not be expected. W. H. J. Tisdale re- ported for the Canadian Lamb Com- mittee whose object is promoting lamb consumption on the domestic market. Methods of advertising and types of advertisements were shown to the meeting, all of which it was be- lieved were producing results. A. A. MacMillan, of the Live Stock Branch, Ottawa, reviewed lamb grading and its benefits to breeder and purchaser. Pléwmen’s Association The annual convention of the On- tario Plowmen’s Association was held =arly this month in Toronto, with a: large attendance and many interest-1 ing addresses. The secretary, J. A. Carroll, reported 80 branches active in 1935 and 70 senior matches were held. There was keen interest in junior activities and demonstrations for young farmers were held at 26 points. Home plowing competitions were conducted in thirteen counties NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR THE BUSY FARMER THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARTO i The President, Mrs. M. Winter, pre Isided at the W.M.S. of the United J'Church on Thursday which took place .in the Sunday School room of the IChurch. Mrs. A. Gordon and Mrs. ;W. Carson gave very fine reports on lthte Conference held in Toronto last ‘1 week. Dr. E. S. Archibald, speaking at the noon luncheon, claimed that soil cul- tivation was fundamental to getting a crop and to weed and plant disease! I /“5 control. There is a Wide variation in the soil in the 9 million acres of arable[ land in Ontario and this must be, studied in order to adapt different, crops to the different types of soil.: Soil changes come about owing to continued cropping, claimed the, speaker, and this has given rise to: certain cropping difficulties. Care of soil is not just in turning a fancy. furrow, said Dr. Archibald, but in so handling‘ it that after extracting aio living the soil may be left as good! °=° or better than at the start. Conser;i vation and intelligent handling of soil is very important. Dr. G. I. Christie n, and others spoke in glowing terms of! i the 1935 match and of the value‘ C ploughing matches were to the agri-l cultural and industrial life of the, country. ! =9=0=0=0= and eight junior matches were held. Matches and demonstrations have been staged at a number of points in Northern Ontario.- At the Inter- national Plowing Match at Caledonia there was a record entry of 544 and the number of people who visited the Match was estimated by the president to be over 100,000. Reference was made by the secretary to the Farm Machinery demonstrations and the educational exhibits. The annual meeting was presided over by J. Lockie Wilson who, in his own inimitable style, told of the growth and development during the past 26 years of the Ploughmen’s Association. An address by Dr. E. S. Hopkins, Experimental Farm, Ottawa, on cul. tural implements, gave the results of various experiments that not only proved interesting but somewhat of a surprise to some who were present. Twenty-five attended the Mission Band on Saturday afternoon in the United Church. An interesting pro- gram. Was given, and a Valentine party was enjoyed. . In giving' the account of the social of the AF. & A.M. last week we are sorry the interesting talk: ’by Mr. Carlton CrossIey was omitted. Mr. Crossley told of his work in Northern Ontario as PiIot of 21 Forest Ranger Plane. ‘ Miss Arleane Carson rendered violin selections and Mr. J. Dew a vocal solo at the Oyster Supper of Oak Ridges A.Y.P.A. on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Ward was the accom- panist. Congratulations to Mrs. Keightley who on Tuesday celebrated her eighty fifth birthday at her home here. A misclellanous shower was given to Mrs. Moore (nee Audrey Gambrill) on Saturday evening at the United Church. Mr. V. Hall gave the topic on “Economics” at Y.P.S. bn Monday evening. The Valentine edition of the “King's Herald” was read by Miss Hilda Patton. Miss Arleane Carson spent the week-end in Toronto visiting Miss Lillian Leece. Miss M. E. Case of Newtonbrook and who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Carson, returned to Toronto last week. The Medicine Show which was held last week in the Masonic Hall closed on Friday evening, Miss Annie Mc- Bride being the most popular lady. We are exceedingly sorry to lose Rev. and Mrs. W. Wrixon, rector of All Saints, from our midst this week. During their six years pastorate here we have all enjoyed many happy as- sociations and the whole community as! well as All Saints Church certain- ly will miss them. We Wish Rev. and Mrs. Wrixon good health and success in their new charge, Richmond Hill. On Friday evening in McDonald & Wells Hall about sixty members of AKH Saints Church gathered for a social evening to big farewell to Rev. and Mrs. Wrixon and to present them with a beautiful silver tea service and a sum of money. During the vacancy of All Saints Church the services on Sunday, March lst, will be conducted by Rev. C. Moore of Yonges Point. Commun- ion service at 11 a.m., King; 3 p.mL at Oak Ridges; and 7 pm. at Maple. On March 8th Rev. R. R. Bonis of Minden will conduct the morning ser- vice at Oak Ridges at 11 a.m., Maple 3 p.m., King 7 pm. KING CITY 0=0=O=0 fi SKATINGJ CATTLE l1 Rose Echo Spofford (No. 230916) ‘ 5 years old, due time of sale. A Mollie Alcartra Echo Segis (No. Q 219817). 5 years old, due time of sale. 1 May Inka Bos Abbekerk (No. 261750) 1 4 years old, fresh, bull calf by side. Bos Pontiac Model (No. 17.4730) 1 9 years old, fresh, heifer calf by 1 side. 1 Rose Veeman Pluto (No. 272785) 1 3 years old, due in April. 1 Mary Alcartra Echo Dekol (No. 2 266291). 5 years old. due in March 1 Pauline Dekol Rag Apple (No. 280447) 1 2 years old, bred in Dec. 1 Betty Alcartra. Pontiac Dekol (No.1 267097). 4 years old, bred in Oct. 1 Dorotha Segis Al'cartra Posch (No. 230136). 5 years old, bred in Nov. 2 Daisy Alcartra Echo Dekol (No. 2 263766). 3 years old. full flow. Madge Segis Rag Apple (No. 293991) 2 years old, full flow, bred in Jan. I Fl‘ossie Echo Pluto Model (No. 1 305957). 2 years old in April, bred 2 22nd Nov. Grade Cow, 6 yrs. old. Ear Tag (No. A 44328). Fresh calf by side. 1 Grade Cow, 7 yrs. old. Ear Tag (lilo.1 69269). Due in April._ 2 Grade Cow. 2 yrs. old. Ear Tag (No. 1 85121). Full flow, bred on Jan. 23rd-1 Grade Cow, 6 yrs. old. Ear Tag (No. 1 55025). Milking, bred on Nov. 17th 1 ‘Grade Cow, 4 yrs. old. Ear Tag (No.1 89158). Milking, bred on Oct. 17th 1 Heifer Dekol Pauline Rag Apple (No. 321635). ‘Heifer Betty Abbekerk Pontiac Dekol ‘ (No. 321636). HHHH Heifer Beulah Alcartra Echo Segis (No. 321634). lHeifer Barbara Alcartra Echo Segisfi Our grocer is imposing sanctions now. He won’t sell you anything un- less you pay cash. Nobé to Japanese militarists. Your emperor may be divine, but another one of that kind is vegetating at" Doom. - I (No. 321633). Heifer Grade. Ear Tag- (No. 96438). Bull Brookholm Abbekerk Vale (No. 102791). 3 years old. This is a selected herd of fully ac- credited Holstein Cattle. In the last‘ six months this herd has had an‘ average dairy test of 3-5 and 3-6. POULTRY 35 White Leghorn Pullets 35 Barred Rock Pullets 1 Good Set of Brass Mounted Har-l ness Breechin'g 1 Set Milk Harness l 1 Set Plough Harness 1 Set Show DeliveryIHamms Several odd Bridles and other odd H arness A numb-er These Pallets are from Bray’s best Strain. 1 Brooder 1 Brooder 1 Brood-er TERMS: Furniture, potatoes, ensilage, beef cattle and all articles selling for $25.00 and under, cash. Articles or stock selling for over $25.00 eight months credit on approved joint bankable notes. 5% straight discount allowed for cash on credit amounts. Tractor half cash. new y 6 Chick Feeders 5 Chicken Coops HORSES Grey Mare, Percheron Grey Gelding, Percheron Above team well matched. Bay Mare, General Purpose P-ercheronvGelding', 1700 pounds Credit Sale of Farm Stock WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11th Including Herd of Fully Accredited Holsteins, Implements, Furniture, Etc. THE PROPERTY OF Lot 19, Con. 2, Vaughan 11/; Miles West of Richmond Hill ' on Maple Sideroad - PRENTICE & PRENTICE. Auctioneers. No reserve Whatever as farm is sold Dinner served to those from a distance House, 10 x 12, new House, 8 x 10, good 1 Stove, B.T., 700 chick size, of Collars, all sizes HARNESS FRANK GRAHAM CARSON E. SMITH, Clerk 415 Balliol Street. Toronto Special arrangements for parties and carnivals: Apply to at 12 o’clock noon GOOD MUSIC THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27th, 1936 ENJOY THIS INVIGORATING HEALTH RECREATION Richmond Hill Arena WEDNESDAY H. J. MILLS, 1 Cream Separator, Primrose, good 1 Milk Strainer, Rapid Flow , Number of Milk Pails 1 Milk Plunger 1 Dai y Churn, No. 3 - 1 Butter Bowl, Ladle and Print About 50 Bags Seed Dooley Pota Quantity of Ensilage ' Tractor, Massey-Harris, 12-20, new Tractor Cultivator, 17 tooth, M.H., new Tractor Blough, M.H., new Cultivator, 13 tooth, good Disc Drill, I.H.C., almost new Manure Spreader, M.H., new Steel Drum Roller Sets 4 Section Harrows Binder, 7 ft. cut, M.H., new Set Grain Lifters Mower, 5 ft., I.H.C. Hay Rake, good Corn Cultivator with Discs com- plete, M.H. / 1-Horse Soufflers, M.H.,- new Lumber Wagons, good 1 Set Heavy Sleighs 1 Flat Rack 2 Hay Racks 1 Stock Rack 1 Milk Wagon 1 Cutter, Trench 1 Set Stock Sleighsl Gravel Box 1 Set Milk Sleighs 1 Wagon Box 2 No. 21 Fleury Ploughs 1 Potato Plough 1 Power Jack Fanning Mill, Chatham Set Scales, 2000 lbs. Cumming-’s Cutting Boxes Gas Engine, 21/2 h.p. Set Distributor Pipes‘for Silo Block and Tackle and Rope Fleury Grinder, 10” SetKStewart Clippers White Wash Sprayer Orchard Sprayer, complete Potato Sprayer Cyclone Grass Seeder Sickle Grinder 1 Wheel Barrow 1 Hay Knife 1 25 ft. Ladder 1 Stone Boat 2 Poles and Neckyokes for Team 6 Sets Team Doubletrees 1 3 Horse Doubletree 2 Sets Twin Neckyokes Hp.- Low HHHHHNHHHHH HHHHHHHHrâ€"‘HNHH 3 Neckyokes 2 Bag Trucks 1 Grain Cradle 3 Tarpaulins 3 Crow Bars 3 Logging Chain; 2 Picks 1 Post Hole Auger Several Lightning Rod Points and Cable Number of Cedar Posts Number of Grain Bags 2 Sets Ice Tongs 4 Iron Kettles 2 Copper Kettles 2 Gasoline Drums And numerous other articles too numerous to mention. 1 Childs Crib 1 Childs Cradle 1 Small Table 3 Kitchen Chairs 3 Chairs, perforated §9at§ 1 Rocking Chair 1 Market Chair 1 Wardrobe 1 Rubber Bath Tub 1 8 Day Kitchen Clock 1 Long Bench 1 Extension Table 1 Cadalac Carpet Sweeper Several Oil Lamps 5 Sad Irons and Handle 1 Lawn Mower Chairman Park Commission SATURDAY Telephonelg From Maple Gravel Pit GENERAL CARTAGE by Truck WM. MCDONALD SAND â€" GRAVEL IMPLEMENTS FURNITURE o=o====o=qn and DAIRY Thornhill

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