Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Feb 1936, p. 8

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DODGE priced from $849 up V THURSDAY, MAR. 1 TO Province of "Quebec Riviere Du Loup . E Cacouna . . . . . . . . . . . St. Arsene . . . . . . . . . . Isle Verte. St. Eloi . . Tobin . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trois Pistoles . . . . . . St. Simon . . . . . . . . . . St. Fabien . . . . . . . . Bic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sacre Coeur .. , Rimouski . . . . . . . . . Amqui, Montjoli, Matapedia1 Sayabec, Causapscal, Gaspe ALL C.N.R‘ STATIONS Round Trip PHONE AD. 7011 Wednesday, March 11th known as LION CROSS HERB TEA. LION CROSS HERB TEA tastes delicious, acts wonderfully upon your system, and is safe even for children. Prepare it fresh like any ordinary tea and drink a glassful once a day, hot or cold. A one dollar treatment accomplishes WONDERS; makes you look and feel like new born. If you are not as yet familiar with the beneficial effects of this natural remedy LION CROSS HERB TEA try it at once and convince yourself. If not. satisfactory money refunded to you. Also in tablet form. ‘ Try it and convince yourself with our money-back guarantee. One week treatment $1.00 Six weeks treatment $5.00 In order to avoid mistakes in getting the genuine LION CROSS HERB TEA, please fill out the attached coupon. Tickets and Full Information from Agents at Toronto and New Brunswick A Night of Sparkling Fun, Enjoyment, Entertainment Good Prizes for Amateur Acts JUDGES: ‘ Russ Creighton â€" Hay Balers Smiling Irish Bill the Fiddler Stan Hopson â€" T. Eaton Co. Sponsored by Richmond Hill Trumpet Band All amateur entries must be in by March 7th, 10 p.m. Since 1799 thousand! of people have regained their normal health after years of suffering from stomach troubles of all types, such as constipation, indigestion, gas, and sour stom- ich which are the basic factors of such maladies as high blood pressure, rheumatism, periodic headaches, pimples on face and body, pains in the back, river, kidney and bladder disorder, EXHAUSTION, loss of sleep and appetite. Those sufferers have not used any man-made injurious chemicals or drugs of any kind; they have only used a remedy made by Nature.‘ This marvelous product grows on the highest moun- tain peaks, where it absorbs all the healing elements and vitamins frOm the sun to aid HUMANITY in distress. It is composed of 19 kinds of natural leaves, seeds, berries and flowers scientifically and proportionately mixed and is Lio-Pharmacy, Dept. 10417 1180 Second Ave., N. Y. City, N. Y. Gentlemen: Enclosed find $ . . . . . . . . for which please send me.. treatments of the famous LION CROSS HERB TEA. NAME . . . . . . . . . ADDRE SS . . . . . . CITY . . . . . . . . . . . OLDES‘T EUROPEAN DISCOVERY AGAINST STOMACH TROUBLES AND RHEUMATISM ACCLAIMED BEST BY LATEST TESTS Adults 25c. PAGE EIGHT WAGER KNOWES MASONIC HALL RICHMOND HILL $12.00 All Roads Lead to Agent for FAMOUS FROST WIRE FENCE CANADIAN NATIONAL $10.60 10.70 10.75 10.90 11.00 11.10 11.15 11.30 11.50 11.70 11.80 11.90 " $12. Return BARGAIN EXCURSION FARES From TORONTO PROVINCE 8 RM. Prince Edward Island ALL POINTS Return ’EHURSDAY, MAR. 5 Nova Scotia Amherst . . . . . . . . . Maccan, Springhill Jet. Oxford Jct. $13.00 Londonderry Truro . . . . . . . . . $14.00 New Glasgow m .. M Via C.N. Rlys. east of Montreal to all points shown above. Lv. To- ronto (Union Station) MAR. 5-â€" 79.157 aim, Q30 p.m. Pictou . . Yarmouth, Mulg'rave, Sydney, Halifax . LIBERAL RETURN _LIMITS Children 15c. 58635. $13.00 V . . . . . . . $14.00 W . . . . . . $15.00 $16.00 all adjacent C.N.R. Stations. 25TH ANNUAL MEETING OF PRO- VINCIAL COUNCIL FOR ONTARIO At the banquet in the evening. Col. E. S. Wigle of Windsor, who has been associated with the Scout Move-i ment since 1910 and also former Com- ‘ missioner of Windsor, was the guest} speaker. He spoke on Loyalty. President Fox of Western UniVersity welcomed the council and leaders. ‘ Twenty-five years of Ontario Scout History from the formation of the" Provincial Council on Dec. let, 1910,. to the present time, was reviewed in a brief program. The Provincial Council being organized by Earl Grey, then Gov. General, and Sir John Gib-T son, Lieut. Governor. To Mayor: Geary of Toronto and many other prominent men Earl Grey commented! on the rough and bad manners of thef boys of the day and had recommended } the Scout Movement to improve thesel conditions. Since that time the Scouti Movement in Ontario has grown tol l 30,045 members and there was an in- crease this past year of 4000. There are 457 "Cub" Packs, 610 Scout Troops and a good number of Sea‘ Scouts and Rovers. A total of 8.787" badges were won during this year. The leaders were highly praised by the Provincial Commissioner W. J. Cairns for their untiring voluntary work. In 001. Wigle’s speech he said, The value of Boy Scouting, in buildl ian character and moulding the naâ€" tion and the need for leadership to help the movement, was streSSed as 25 years of scouting was reviewed at the Hotel fiondon, London, Ontario, on Feb. {4th and 15th. The occasion was the 25th annual meeting of the ference of 200 Scout, Cub and Revert leaders from all parts of the Pro-Ii ( Vince. v Provincial Council of the Boy Scoutjobsenved on Association for Ontario and the con-] extends a cordial 1nv1tauun LU but Thornhill Horticultural Society to join them at their meeting on Tuesday evening, March 10, at 8 p.m., in the High School Auditorium, Aurora John F. Clark will give an illustrat- ed lecture on “Beauties of the Horti- cultural World." Mr. Lionel Godson District Director, will be present. The World Day of Prayer will be Friday, Feb. 28th, ir Trinity Anglican Church, at 3 o’cloclq The theme of the program for this year is “On earth peace, goodwill to- wards men” and was arranged b3 Senoritakaura J orqu‘era of Santiago “nu... During Saturday, Feb. 15th, the leaders of Cub, Scout and Rover branches of the l‘movement met in sectional conferenée to discuss probâ€" lems while the Commissioners and members of the Provincial Council also held a session. “This is a practical world and we need men and women who do things. Let us continue to build character and train boys to do and let us be loyal to all our traditions of right and freedom, justice and protection.” John Stiles of Ottawa, chief executive commissioner for Canada, also streSS- ed the need for forming good habits and of the Scout method of forming the correct habits. The noted London Male Chorus sang sevez‘al beautiful selections dur- ing the evening. Miss ’M. H. Conngr of Richmond Hill attended all the sessions and spent a few days with friends return- ing Wednesday evening. Several interesting pictures were taken by the Free Press, among them four Cubmistresses from St. Cath- arines, London and Toronto, Miss Connor being among the number. phone 78 FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOODBRIDGE. ONTARIO MARCH 6-7 9.05 p.m.: 11.15 p.m.: 11.30 pan. MARCH 7â€"9.15 a.m. RETURN LIMIT MARCH 9 FRI., SAT., MAR. 6-7 T0 'Hsee below) OTTAWA - - $5.00 MONTREAL - $6.00 QUEBEC - - - $9.25 STE. ANNE de BEAUPRE $9.85 Charles Graham AGENT MASSEY HARRIS Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hill 132-w Wilfrid R. Scott Lv. Toronto (Union Station) MARCH 6â€"7â€"1135 p.m. MARCH 7â€"9.15 a.m. ‘v‘For MONTREAL and QUEBEC Successor to J. J. Deane Director of Lv. Toronto (Union Station) ‘FFoi' OTTAWA THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO _ The Aurora Horticultural Society in build extends a cordial invitation to the the na_ Thomhill Horticultural Societytojoin I.Slhip to them at their meeting on Tuesday evening, March 10, at 8 p.m., in the em“ as High School Auditorium, Aurora. iewed at John F. Clark will give an illustrat- Ontario, ed lecture on “Beauties? of the~Hortiâ€" District Director, will be present. I The World Day of Prayer will be Iobsenved on Friday, Feb. 28th, in lTrinity Anglican Church, at 3 o’clock 1The theme of the program for this ‘year is “On earth peace, goodwill to- l-wards men” and was arranged by ‘Senorita Laura J orqu‘era of Santiago, lChile. All women of the community gate urged to be present. The Young Ladies Class of the United Church are holding an open meeting on Thursday (to-night) in the Sunday School rooms. A very interesting progTam has been pre- pared, including a one act play, mock wedding and‘ other amusing interest- ing features: ’Thornhin Public Library Board held its organization meeting for71936 on Tuesday night at the home of Mr. J. E. Francis. The following mem- bers of the Board were present. Mrs. J. A. Thompson, Mrs. J. E. H. Mc- Donald, Mrs. 0'. C. James, Mrs. F. Simpson, Messrs. J. E. Francis, C. W. Longley. N. L. Morton, Willard Simp- son and Rev. E. E. Pugsley, this be- ing the complete Board for the_year. The following officers were elected for the year: Chairman, Mrs. J. A. Thompson; Vice-Chairman, Mr. C. W. Long-ley; Secretary. Mr. J. E. Francis Treasurer, Mr. N. L. Morten. The February meeting of the Wom-l en’s Institute was! held last Thursday; afternoon at the home of Mrs. J .! Fisher. Centre St., with the president,I Mrs. Ridd-ell, presiding. The meeting‘ was opened by repeating the Creed and the Lord’s prayer. Fourteen answered to the roll call. Letters. were read from sick friends who had! received cards of sympathy, also‘ fruit and flowers. After the busiâ€" ness of the meeting was finished a: good program was given, including a talk bv Rev. J. D. Cunningham on the early history of Nova Scotia and the statue of Evangeline. Impressive solos were given by Mrs. K' Arm- strong, and Mrs. Johnson, Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling and Nearer My God to Thee. The hostesses serv- ed a dainty lunch at the close. The regular monthly meeting- of the Women’s Missionary Society of the United Church will be held on Tues- day, March 3rd. at 3 o’clock, at the home of Mrs. J. W. Wesley. The program will be in charge of the supply secretary, Mrs. J. _L. pavie. ~“rr-J ~--**~ George Dean, son of the late Mathew and Eliza Dean. and husband of Sarah Fisher, passed away at his residence here on Monday evening, after a short illness, in his 77th year. Mr. Dean has been a resident of the village for 11 years, having at that time retired from farming, of which 23 years was spent at Headford, he later was employed by the Ladies‘ Golf Cltfb, where he was a general favorite with old and young. Mr. Dean was known as a kind neighbor and of a very congenial disposition, always seeing the good qualities and over-looking- faults. The funeral ser- vice was held on Wednesday afternoon and was conducted by Rev. E. E. Pugsley. The pallbearers were neph- ews, Messrs. Roy, Edgar and William Woods. William Dean. Edgar Dean and /Mathew Perm. Interment took place in Thornhill Cemetery. Mr. Dean is survived by his widow and one daughter Mary. may... My... -__.. vu'i‘he Men’s ClaJSE of the United Church are holding- their annual ban- quet on Mgnday. March 231d. at 7.30 5 Miss riffiéflBird of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thompsqn. _ fichiémSfinday School room. Harry Bray, pension’s advocate for the Dominion of Canada, will be gufeit speak-er.“ _-... . ‘ ,- m, ,,,L, _“-_J. “Higgins-Abel Ball spent the week- end at her home. Vi‘ilgvliiivéai'_7§i{npson left last week for Kirkland Lake Where he expects to obtain a position. Rev. E. E. Pugsley of the United Church has announced that a radio will be installed in the church on Sunday morning so that the speech of Kirig Edward VIII may be heard. The service will commence at 10.45 Rev. Young of Toronto will take the services at Trinity Anglican Church on Sunday, March lst. Archdeacon Warren visited Rev. N. and Mrs. Noble on Wednesday Correct this sentence: “I am an amateur,” said the football star coldâ€" ly, “and 'cannot accept your money.” May we request you this year to look after your harness and collar requirements early. You will help us to glve you better service by bringing your repair- ing before the spring rush be- gins. . H 1 set used single harness in good condition $9.00. Thank You. Shop closed at 6 p.m., Manday, Wednesday & Friday Maple, Ont. RE. No. , Telephone Maple 1063 (11/1, miles North of Concord) HARNESS THORNHILL ISAAC BAKER R.R. No. 2 ! Late James Doyle I I James Doyle, aged 53, who died in} ’Peel Memorial Hospital, was buried in Mount Hope Cemetery, Toronto, ‘Mr. Doyle was a son of Mr. and Mrs. 7' {James Doyle and was born at Schomâ€"i {berg- where his ancestors were pion-i eers. He moved to Clairville 23' years ago where he was proprietor of the Queens Hotel and will be remem- bered by many readers of the Liberal who were annual visitors at Clair- ville Spring Fair. Surviving are his wife who was Miss Alice Haffey, na- tive of Adjala Township, Simcoe County, three sons and one daughter, Alvin, Melville, Vincent and Isabel. lHis mother also survives and lives in Toronto. Thistletown Little Theatre Players Produce “Kempy” Community Hall, Thistletown, Was comfortably filled on» Friday night of last week when the three act comedy “KemIpy” was presented by the Little ITheatre Players with a cast that in~l ’cluded W. Marnie, N. Durnett, Sn‘eyd, Mrs. H. Sneyd, Mrs. T. Sym-'l France, Norma Kingdom The comedy. net, J. Metcalfe, Alex. Smyth‘, J was produced under the direction of. Mrs. Maude Paste, Miss Gladys IIredale assisted with a vocal number. Friends of Dr. G. D. McLean, W. S. Belfry, Charlie Smith and Hugh Lindsay have received word from them mailed on their arrival at Miami, Florida, where they state they are sweltering in the heat. If they could only transfer some of that atmos- phere to the Humber Valley it would help reduce our coal bills and help to keep us from shivering. ’ Now that the winter is far ad- vanced and the present thaw is well establish-ed it is doubtful if farmers Who failed to harvest their summer supply of ice will be able to do 50. Literature Was Feature of Y.P.S. Meeting " Following the transaction of busi- ness at the weekly meeting of the United Church Young People’s So- ciety with Bert Smithson presiding the chair was taken by Mrs. Arthur Doane,-Literary Convener, when in- cluded on the program was Scripture reading by Miss Dora Hendry, Mrs. W. E. Hutchison- and Miss Thelma Shore; prayer by W. E. Hutchison, a. piano duet by Constance Ross and Enid Shore, Scripture less-on by Thelma Shore, a vocal solo “No Night There” by Marie Allen, the topic “My Responsibility to God” by Bertha Whitmore, a poem “The Builder” by Esther Bessey, and items from the Society Paper read by Roy Blake. Over Seventy Attend Euchre Party Mrs. Lulu Willis entertained morei than seventy members and friends of Woodbridge Euchre Club at her home, Pine Street, on Thursday night Feb. 20th, when prize winners were Miss Helen Ross, Miss Evelyn Brown, Gordon Bell and Roy Barker. A special prize donated by Mrs. Willis was won by Miss Agnes McCallum. Mrs. Charles Cousins of Toronto has been visiting her son A. B. Cousins at the Red and White store. Friends of Miss Sarah Lawrence regret to hear that she is at present a patient in the Toronto General Hos- pital and extend best wishes to her for a speedy recovery. Mr. William Webster recently sold his farm Lot 19, Concession 10, to Mr. Archibald Brownlee. This proâ€"l perty has been a Webster possession fer over a century. ‘ Wire Woven Basket Factory Has i Long History 1 The ground on which the building stands .which is operated by Alf. Thompson was first taken up by Hugh Cameron in 1802 and fell into the hands of different owners until 1837 when it became the property' of Roland Burr, pioneer mill operator of Vaughan, who gave Woodbridge its first name of Burwick which was changed to Woodbridge about 1870. In 1878 the property became the pos- session of David Todd who operated a Machine Shop on the premises until 1889 when he sold to Louis Fox who later disposed of« this property to Frederick Bath who started the manufacture of wire woven baskets, the manufacture of which has been carried on by Alf. Thompson ever since. Mr. Bath discontinued in 1917. Mr. Thompson has had the building nemodellved, together with new ma- chinery installed, suitable for the manufacture of various kinds of woodenware, which includes the manu- facture of high class sash and doors. A word concerning Industrial Wood bridge. For many years the John Abel Works led the Dominion in the manufacture of Threshing Outfits and Farm Implements. It; was in the seventies that the firm of Brown and Muir manufactured similar products the Old Mill Site at No. 7 Highâ€" WOODBRIDGE DISTRICT RICHMOND HILL THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27th, 1936 way and Weston Road at that time. The Humber was the scene of many activities with its Sawmills, Flour Mills, Woollen Mills, Shody Mills, and "industries of lesser consequence. It was about 1880 that Brown and Muir closed down, and in 1885 John Abel transferred his works to Queen Street West, Toronto. which had the effect of crippling activities in Woodbridge. However there is a revival of indus- trial life which ‘came into being about twenty years ago when the Abel Shops, so long standing idle, were turned into a Tannery and operated by the Edwards Company until the fire of 1927 which destroyed the plant. A new set of buildings was erected on the site by Halman and Sable, also tanners. The plant is now operated as a rubber factory. Then the Robinson Dye Works adds greatly to the Industrial Life of the Village established about ten year‘s ago. Besides Woodbridge has be- come a centre for greenhouses among the leaders being Frank O. Reeves, W. Green and Sons, G. H. Maxey and Arthur Snider, and within the past ten years the banks of the Humber have become attractive to City oot~ tage dwellers so that after all a bright future seems to be in store for Woodbridge. ' Car manufacturers overlook a natural side-line. Why not make coffins during the off-season? BROTHERTON’S ° BOOKINQ Steamshlp omce Canadian Pacific, Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson lines It Lowest Rates. Photos and Passport: Secured All enquiriel confidentifl We look after your wants right from your home. Phone Willowdale 63J Office Stop 6. Yonge St.. Lansing The CHICKS SHIPPED BY DOG SLEIGH Full Line of FUEL Lime, Cement, Tile ONE of the earliest shipments of Bray chicks, this year, was made to Mr. A. M. Lambert, at Connaught, in No hem O'ntario. That was the mid e of January. On January 28th, Mr. Lambert wrote the following letter: “Dear Mr. Bray: The chicks arrived safely, all alive. Finished the last three and a half miles by dog sleigh . at ten below zero. They sure look a fine healthy bunch and am well pleased.” 10 Below Zero . . . All Alive on Arrival If Bray chicks will stand that kind of trip, without loss, it’s a pretty good indication that Bray chicks should be vigorous and healthy when delivered to YOU. They are sturdy and strong when hatched, and they are packed right for shipment. With reason- able care, they live, grow and thriveâ€"and give a splendid ac- count of themselves in the laying house. Fred W. BRAY Limited The secret of this inborn vigor and vitality of Bray chicks lies in our rigid selection of breeding stock; our programme of blood- testing; our careful selection of hatching eggs; and our methods of incubation. Come in and let us give you complete details. Chicks for immediate delivery. Free feed- or cash discount on orders booked now for later de- livery. CHICK HATBHERY Phone 188 Yards at Burr’s Mill Special Sailingsito the Homeland by; Jones Coal C9. 2385 Dufferin St., Toronto Phone KEnwood 6805 â€"A. M. Lambert.

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