“Live in such a manner so that if an evil report is circulated about you no clean-minded person will believe it.†This advice of a’ revered pro- fessor has hung on the Walls of memory for twenty years. It stood out in bold relief in the mind’s eye when we read the first Inetalment of “Jafsie Tells All†in Liberty for January 18c}; If you seen a dining room china closet in which the lines are not true, with gaping joints you know it just couldn’t have been made by one who for fifty years had habitually made cabinet work with true lines and per- fect joints. LIVING SO NO ONE WILL BELIEVE IT' (By John Edwin Price) PAGE FOUR Right now is the time to get your clover and timothy seed, also seed grain ready for sowing. We have special equipment to do this right for you and at low cost. All products covered by insurance While in our plant. Telephone for clean- ing appointment. I We also want a limited quantity of field peas, goose and marquis wheat and clover seeds that are good enough to be cleaned for seed purposes for Canadian trade. H. C. BAILEY We sell BLUE COAL amd a full line of other kinds of fuel) I.D.Ramer & Son ‘blue coal’ For over fifty years this outstanding D.L. & W. anthracite has been considered the finest hard coal ever brought above ground. This is why more Canadian homes are burning BLUE COALâ€"be- cause home owners know that BLUE COAL asa sures even, steady heat during the coldest weather â€"keeps heating bills down to a minimumâ€"saves constant trips to the furnace and burns cieanly to a fine, flaky ash. E GUARANTEE QUALITY, SERVICE AND WEIGHT Phone 10 Richmond Hill Maple People unacquainted with Jafsie’s life-long ideals, tendencies and habits have insinuated that he might have had something to do with the Lindâ€" berg kidnapping. 91,1. :_4 Neda .._7,, A Such a thing is just impossible in a life that goes out in habitual help- fulness and tender consideration of the welfare of others. Fiendish hurt- ing of a little child could not even be mentally entertained by one who has given years of carefully coaching children against life’s possible harms. A person never knoWs when he is going to be thrice glad that establish- ed ways of Wholesomely thinking and acting will stand him in good stead. Some people think that kindness and patient consideration are gifts of God. How easy then to appear to be on friendly terms with the Infinite. Ontario ï¬th Jafsie’s Roads are at again and cars ing to run. The Y.P.S. meeting was held on Wednesday evening of this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Barker. Mr. Charles James was in charge of the meeting and there was a good attendance present. On Wednesday, March 11th, the Y. P.S. will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brodie. Miss Mary Stewart is in charge of this meeting. The Headford and Richmond Hilli Y.P.S. will visit the Maple Young People’s Society on Monday, March 16th. It is hoped that Headford will be well represented. As a result of the great interest shown in dramatic art throughout York County and with a view to stimulating and encouraging this, a committee has been formed to ar- range for the holding of a Drama Festival at Newmarket, dates having been set for April 22nd, 24th, 29th and May lst, 1936. This festival will consist of a series of one act plays having a time limit‘ of 40 minutes and is open to any group or organization in York Counr; ty, exclusive of the City of Toronto. The first three nights, four if neces- sary, are to be regarded as prelimi- naries and the three best plays will be chosen to repeat their performances on the final night for the prizes which have been set as follows: first prize, $50; second prize, $30; and third prize, $20. Mrs. Nancy Pyper of Hart House Theatre has kindly consented to act as adjudicator on the final night. ‘\ ' The only fee to be charged the entrants will be an entry free of $5.00 and this will be refunded after the performance of their play. The length of the festival will, of course, be governed by the number of entries. However, the committee, in order not to prolong- the festival unduly for this, their first year, reserves the right to limit the number of entries. It is the intention and desire of the committee to make this an annual festival, hoping that in subsequent years the Winners will be able to successfully compete in the larger festivals. Rules Governing Contest 1. One act playâ€"time limit forty minutes. 2. Open to any group in/York County exclusive of City of Toronto. 3. Entries must be in by March 10th; copy of play to be submitted with entry, and to be subject to ap- proval of committee. Committee also reserves the right to limit the num- ber of entries. 4. Entry fee of five dollars must} accompany application, to be refund-' ed after performance. Name of I director and stage manager to be: furnished at time of application. 5. Individual players may act in only one play, but any organization may enter more than one group. 6. The committee will be re- sponsible for obtaining independent judges. Mrs. Nancy Pyper of Hart House Theatre has kindly consented to act as adjudicator on final night. 8. Each group will be responsible for their own furniture, scenery, make up, costumes, etc. 7. Program must start at 8.15 prompt each evening. 9. The committee will provide a simple‘standard interior setting for those unable to supply their own. 10. Any group desirous of putting on dress rehearsal, may arrange to come and do so by consulting com- mittee. 11. The first three evenings of the contest, four if necessary, shall be re- garded as preliminarles and the three best plays shall be chosen to compete on the final night. 12. If the play to be presented is subject to royalty, entrants must subâ€" mit proof that same has been paid by day of performance. 13. Dates are set for April 22nd, 24th, 29th and May 151:, subjebt to change or adjustment later. 14. Address all communications to H. M. Gladman, Secretary, Drama Festival Committee, Newmarket. ' May we request you this year to look after your harness and collar requirements early. You will help us to give you better service by bringing your repair- ing before the spring rush be- gins. v 1 set used single harness in good condition $9.00. Thank You. Shop closed at 6 p.m., Monday, Wednesday & Friday Maple, Ont. R.R. No. Telephone Maple 1063 (1%, miles North of Concord) YORK COUNTY DRAMA FESTIVAL H’EADFORD HARNESS ISAAC BAKER LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO last being opened up are once more start- RE. No. 2 YORK JUNIOR INSTITUTES PLAN PROJECTS FOR 1936 Miss Bess McDermand, Superintend ent of the Women’s Institutes for On- tario, has outlined a program of pro- jects for Junior Institutes and has made available for York County the services of Miss Betty Walace of To- ronto, to give instruction to the var- ious Institutes as follows: Thursday, March 12thâ€"â€" 10 to 12 a.m.â€"â€"Vellore. 2 to 4 p.m.â€"Nobleton Friday, March 13thâ€"â€" 10 to 12 a.m.â€"â€"King 2 to 4 p.m.â€"Edgeley Saturday, March 14thâ€" 10 to 12 a.m.â€"Bethesda 2 to 4 p.m.â€"â€"Stouffville. Monday, March 16thâ€"â€" 10 to 12 a.m.â€"â€"Victoria Square 2 to 4 p.m.â€"â€"Unionville Tuesday, March 17thâ€"â€" 10 to 12 am.â€"â€"Be1haven 2 to 4 p.m.â€"Poplar Bank Last summer, the girls’ project was in clothing. This winter the project outlined was that of a Supper Club. Additional projects are being planned for the future, all of which will be outlined at these meetings. This is an opportunity for girls to get firstâ€"hand information with re- spect to this Branch of extension lwork. A very cordial invitatidn is ;extended to not only those who are \now engaged in project work but to ‘any other girls in the district who may be interested. Saie Register tion sale of farm etc., the property ‘ Lot 35, Con. 2 E, I cession, road). A tioneer. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11thâ€"â€"Ex- tensive credit auction- sale of farm stock, including herd of high class registered and fully accredited hol- steins, implements, furniture, etc., the property of Frank Graham, Lot 19, Con. 2, Vaughan, 11/2 miles West of Richmond Hill on Maple Sideroad. No reserve whatever as farm is sold. Terms: Furniture, potatoes, ensilage, beef cattle and all articles selling for $25.00,;or under cash, articles or stock over that amount 8 months credit on approved joint bankable notes. 5 pet!- cent straight discount for cash on credit amounts. ‘Tmm one half 'cas-h. Sale at 12 o’clock noon. Pren- .tiee and Prentice, auctioneers. THURSDAY, MARCH 12thâ€"Auc- tion sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, furniture, roots, etc., pro- perty belonging to estate of late Robb. Petch, on Lot 1, Con. 6, Markham, 1 mile east of Millikan. Sale at 1 p.m. No reserve. Prentice and Prentice, auctioneers. TUESDAY, MARCH 17thâ€"Auction sale of furniture, carpenter’s tools, etc., the property of W. 0. McDonald, will be held in the Community Hall, Maple. Sale will be held rain or. shine. Terms cash. Sale starts at 1 pm. J .C. Saigeon, auctioneer. THURSDAY, MARCH 19thâ€"Import- ant and extensive auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain etc., the pi-Operty of Bert Gunn, Lot 8, Con. 8, King Twp., 1 mile north of Nobleâ€" ton on Highway. The livestock in- cludes a fine lot of choice cattle and ‘horses including a heavy draft team weighing over 2 tons. Terms cash. Sale commences sharp at 12 o'clock. TUE SDAY , MARCH 10thâ€"Auc- J. C. Saigeon and M. McEwan, auc- tioneers. THURSDAY, MARCH 26thâ€"Ex-l tensive auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc" the pro~ petty of L. H. Clement, Corner Elgin Mills Sideroad and Yonge Street, in Markham Township (known as the Kerswill farm). The sale includes tractor, a number of good horses, cows, full line of good implements, about forty ton baled hay, a. quantity of grain, etc. No reserve as Pro- ‘prietor is giving up farming. Terms cash. J. C. Sajgeon, auctioneer. IN THE ESTATE OF David Hill, de- ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Creditors and others having claims against the Estate of David Hill, late of the Village of Richmond Hill, who died on the 3151: day of Dec., 1935, are required to send full particulars of such claims, duly verified, to Naughton & Jenkins, 85 Richmond Street West, Toronto, on or before Ithe 2lst day of March, 1936, after which date the Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which Notice shall have |been received. guy-I . vvvn V v DATED at Toronto, this 26th day Men fall into loafing because they of February, 1936. can’t stand the grind of a. daily task. Naughton & Jenkins, Yet What grind is more deadly and 85 Richmond St. W., Toronto, 2, monotonous than to hang about eter- Solicitors for the Executors. nally doing nothing? Notice to Creditors farm stock, implements, )erty of Charles Hoover, 2 E, Markham (3rd con- ). A. S. Farmer, Auc- SAND & GRAVEL, Cement blocks, buildiâ€"ng; raised. John Jarvis, Rich- mond Hill, telephone 94M. RED CLOVER SEED, Gov. Tested No. 2. Apply A. Baker, Lot 12, rear Con. 2, Vaughan, telephone Maple 1563. PIANO in good condition. Owner must sell, will sacrifice for ten dol- lars cash. Apply Box 24, Liberal Office. O.A.C. BARLEY No. 21, grown from-FOR SALE OR RENT_ registered seed; also Banner 0ats.|7 ROOM HOUSE on Min Street, H' Hooper’ Buttonwue’ telepmneihardwood floors upstairs and down, 3911‘ 41'14' iall conveniences, possession April lat, / rent $24.00 per month. Apply Dr. IMPROVED BANNER oats†g°"“smit1n,Wiuowdale, telephone Willow- grade No. 1, very. Stlfm‘g‘ Sltrivfszf' I dale 365. IMPROVED BANNER Oats, gov. grade No. 1, very strong straw, 50¢. per bushel. Apply Robert Watson, phone Woodbridge 2366. PEN OF WHITE MINORCA pullets, laying, also a hot water incubator, 70 egg size, and oil brooder, Blue Flame, 250 chick size. Apply Edwards, 18 Benson Ave., Richmond Hill. STO‘VES AND FURNACES. Repair- ed and exchanged. Repairs for Oil Burners, Stoves and Furnaces. Blow- ers installed. R. H. Kane, 74 Yang Street, Richmond Hill, phone 92F. YOUNG HOLSTEIN COW fresh on April 2nd; also an electric “Ideal†Incubator, 600 eggs, hot water; Brooder for 1000 chicks all complete, nearly new. D. Kozak, Box 217, Richmond Hill.‘ 10 GOOD ONTARIO WO‘RK HORSES mares and geldings, Clydesdale and Percheron, good quiet workers, at reasonable prices; also 400 bus. mixed grain. Apply Oscar Cox, Unionville, on No. 7 Highway. REPOSSESSED CREAM Separator 720 1bs., like new, DeLavaJ, $40.00, real buy; No. 12, 500 1bs., snap $30.- 00; Table model, new, 300 1bs., De- Laval, reg. $45.00, now $30.00. Harry Hulse, Aurora, Ont. 2 SETS SINGLE DELIVERY Sleighs 1 Cutter, 1 model T half bon delivery truck, 1 delivery wagon, Dr. Hess Stock Tonic 25 lbs. pails $1.75 per pail, Eureka Harness Oil, pint tins 15c. W. Stevenson & Son, Willow- dale. “GOVERNMENT TUBERCULIN†Tested Dairy Cows, Pure-breds and Grades. Bred for type and produc- tion», Sixty Dollars and up. Free de- livery on truck loads, compensation certificates accepted as collateral. Sixty day re-test guaranteed. Murco Farms, Lindsay, Ont. Telephone 1352 “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT' RATESâ€"â€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 Cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED '7 CENTS PER LINE. Lindsay, Ont. Classified Advs. March pricesâ€"White Leg-horns, Barred Rocks 12c.; white Wyandottes’ 130.; black Minorcas 15c. April and May 2c. less. Custom Hatching a specialty. Hen eggs 25%., Duck and Turkey eggs 40., Goose eggs 7c. each. Established 1924. Experience counts. Mecredy, Yonge Street Poultry Farm, R.R. No. 1, Richmond Hill, tele phone 102-r-13. USED LUMBER, JOIST, Win-l dows, Doors, 3. good used Fur-i nace, etc. Apply at New Posti Office Site, eorner Yonge and‘ Centre Streets, Richmond Hi11,‘ Ontario. i FOR SALE TREE PRUNING by an experienced man. Apply A. Jones, Elgin Mills, telephone Richmond Hill 102-r-22. EXCHANGE for something useful a Buckeye 250 Egg Incubator in firsl: class condition, and a year old collie (log, good watéh dog. Will pay bal- ance in cash. Mrs. Beelick, Rich- mond Hill P.O. BABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM HATCHING TO FARMERS â€" The less is tre~ mendous- yearly in damaged hides due to the destructive work of the warble. Get a. package or two of Coopers Warble Powder at the Elevator. Phone I. D. Ramer ‘82: Son. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE THURSDAY, MARCH 5th, 1936 SIX ROOM HOUSE on Arnold St, Richmond Hill. Apply to P. C. Hill, Richmond Hill. HOUSE, 20 Roseview Avenue, pos- session April lst. Apply W. Me- Neely, Markham, Ont. FARM, 150 acres, Lot 14, rear Com 5, West York, near Weston, good buildings, running water. Apply J. H. Kirby, '78 Soudan Ave., Toronto, Ontario. IHENS AND DUCKS, good prices Ipaid. Also White Leghorn Pullets rfor sale. Apply C. Bowerbank, Stop l17A, Thornhill. TWO OLD CARRIAGE LAMPS. Telephone Thornhill '73. 1y. Best bribes. W. Richardson, Box 62, Newtonbrook. EGGS any quantity, called for week- CATTLE T0 FEED STRAW in stable Plenty of water. Percy Cobe'r, Lot 1, Con. 3, Whitchurch, Gormley P.0. [To FARMERS: we want a few earl ‘ of good heavy barley, also some mixed l‘g'rain. Highest prices paid. I. D. Ramer & Son, phone 10, Richmond Hill. EXPERIENCED MAN for general farm work, must be good milker, non- smoker, yearly engagement. Apply Box 112, Liberal Ofï¬ce. MIDDLE AGED WOMAN with little boy wishes situiition as farmer's housekeeper or cook and wash for men. Telephone Maple 866. Used Cars 1934 FORD Vâ€"B DeLUXE TUDORâ€"- Exceptionally Nice. 1932 CHRYSLER SIX DeLUXE SEDAN 1932 PLYMOUTH COACHâ€"4 Cyl» inderâ€"A Smart Car. 1932 CHEVROLET COACH. 1931 FORD SPECIAL TUDORâ€" 1931 FORD TUDORâ€"Good Condition. 1931’FORD PANEL DELIVERYâ€" 1930 CHEVROLET COACH 1930 FORD T UDORâ€"Good condition All Ford cars guaranteed for 30 clan 1930 FORD COUPEâ€"A nice job. Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL, ONTAR‘IO Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hill 132-. Trunk Rack and Other Extras. Completely Reconditioned. Charles Graham AGENT MASSEY HARRIS TO RENT WANTED $525.00 $475.00 $365.00 $250.00 $265.00 $350.00 $250.00 $225.00 $225.00 $200.00