J. F. BURR Mill 139 Phones Mill 139 Phones Res. 82W HORSES 1 1 Grey Mare, G.P., rising 5 years 1 Bay Mare, G.P. 1 Black Mare, G.P. 1 1 Grey Mare, G.P. ' _ 1 1 Black Filly Percheron, rising 3 and broken 1 CATTLE % Jerse Cow, fresh, calf by side 1 Jersey Cow, fresh, calf by Slde 1 Jersey Cow, bred June 18 5 1 Holstein Cow, bred June 19 Holstein Cow, ï¬red July 7 1 Holstein Cow, red July 20 i Holstein Cow, bred July 10 Holstein Cow, bred July 18 Holstein Heifer, due to freshen atl ime of sale _ Holstein Heifer, fresh, calf by s1deS Holstein Heifer, bred June 19 Durham Bull The Cows are young. ' SWINE 1 Yorkshire Sow, bred Dec. 15 1 Yorkshire Sow, bred Feb. 3 1 White Sow, 8 pigs 6 weeks old atl HHH HHHHH yâ€"n-uâ€"uâ€"Hâ€"u-nâ€"I time of sale 2 6 Pigs (feeders) 1 14 Shoats 1 HARNESS 1 1 Set Breeching Harness, nearly new1 2 Pair Team Bridles, nearly new 1 Set Breeching Harness ‘ 1 5 Horse Collars 1 1 Pair Horse Blankets g HAY, GRAIN, ETC. Quantity of Alfalfa Hay - 1 About 100 bus. Early Oats, suitablel for seed 4 Deering Binder, 6 ft. cut 1 M.H. Mower, 5 ft. cut, No. 23 1 Deering Mower, 5 ft. cut M.H. 11 Hoe Seed Drill I.H.C. Cultivator, 2 Tongues Trac- tm‘ Width Hay Rake I.H.C. Hay Tedder, nearly new McKenzie Potato Planter, with Fertilizer Attachment Sections Peter Hamilton Drag Har- rows, with 5 & 3 section trees Wood Land Roller Roller frame and axle shaft Fleury No. 21 Plow and Wheels, nearly new Fleury No. 21 Plow and Wheels 1 Cockshutt Corn Cultivator hields and Discs for Corn Cultivator Dick Potato Digger Niagara land Potato Duster Cutting Box 1 Iron Scuffler Eight Inch Grain Grinder Harrow Cart Steel Wheel Borrow Root Pulper One Horse Sleigh Hay Racks, 16 ft. Cutter; 1 Open Buggy; 1 Cart Set Scales, capacity 2000 lbs. Pr. Bolster Wagon Springs Murray Brooder Stove, canopy top, large size Iron Pot; 2-40 Gal. Steel Drums Sap Pan, 24†x 60†Sets Long Sling Ropes Oak Barrels 160 Feet Draw Rope Plank Flat Top for Sleigh ~ Gravel Box; 1 Log Chain Set Double Trees; 2 Neck Yokes About 200 bus. Banner Oats, suitableMfl. Cream Separator, 700 lbs. can for seed Quantity Dooley Potatoes IMPLEMENTS 2 Milk Strainers; 1 Milk Plunger Forks, Hoes and numerous other articles year. HORSES 1 Grey Mare, G.P., rising 5 years 1 Bay Mare, G.P. 1 Black Mare, GP 1 Grey Mare, G.P. 1 Black Filly Percheron, rising 3 a1 SWINE 1 Yorkshire Sow, bred Dec. 15 1 Yorkshire Sow, bred Feb. 3 1 White Sow, 8 pigs 6 weeks old at time of sale 6 Figs (feeders) 14 Shoats HHNHHHIâ€"Hâ€" 2 Pair Team Bridles, nearly new 1 Set Breeching Harness 5 Horse Collars 1 Pair Horse Blankets HAY, GRAIN, ETC. BUY ROYAL RICHMOND FEEDS Examine the Wheat quality in the so-called cheap scratch feeds and Dev’8. Our Baby Chick Mashs are one better than last To win fame in any field, get ob- scure people to clear a pith and then you carry the ball. TERMS; CASH Sale at one o’clock sharp Jersey Cow, f1“?! Jersey Cow, f1'95 Jersey COWy brei Holstein Cow, b Holstein Cow, £1 Holstein Cow, 1 Holstein Cow, br Holstein Cow, br Holstein Heifer, time of sale Holstein Heifer, Holstein Heifer, Durham Bull reach Set Sloop Sleighs, 2†runner, shortl reach ‘ 2 (‘nnboy Top Buggy, rubber tires 1 The above are in good repair. IMPLEMENTS I‘Ltform Spring Wagon, Trench 9’; Height; Farm Wagon, 314†tire Low Farm Wagon, 3%" tire 1 Set _Sloop Sleighs, 2" runner, highl TTle Undersigned has Reéeived Instructions from Auction Sale of Farm Stock at Lot 35, Concession 2 E, 3rd, Con. Road Markham Township (Gormley Station) to sell by public auction on Tuesday, March 10th. 1936 THE MILL PAGE SIX Implements; Furniture, Etc, Cow, I Cow, f Cow, b n Cow, n Cow, CHARLES'HOGVER CATTLE ‘ fresh, calf by side ‘ fresh, calf by side ‘ bred June 18 w, bred June 19 w, ï¬red July '7 W, red July 20 w, bred July 10 w, bred July 18 :ifer, due to freshen at11 the following property ALVIN S. FARMER, Auctioneer Toronto is the Dominion’s Scouting centre, with 9,700 and leaders, a. net increase 1935 of 1,240. CATCH In Tottenham, England, Mayorwï¬. A. Jay published the letter of an un- named British soldier stationed on the lonely island of Mauritius in the In- dian Ocean, asking for a wife who is “blodne, lively, a nonâ€"smoker about five feet three, not too/plump.†Of himself he mentioned only his hazel eyes. Mayor Jay got applications from. 250 British women, forwarded them without comment to Mauritius†Extension Table, 8 feet New Perfection 2 Burner Oil Stove and Oven Single Iron Bed and Springs Wood Bedsteads ' Churn; 1 Baketray; 1 Oil Lantern Findlay Tortoise Cook Stove FURNITURE, ETC. largest Scouts during available in growers’ hands. ,The demand is generally ,poor at present owing to local farmers‘ supplies be- ing plentiful and the terminal mar- kets and large stables stocked heavily with hay last fall. The T0- ronto market is still receiving some hay from eastern Ontario. Large quantities of market hay are report- ed generally throughout the province and particularly from the northerly sections and the Ottawa Valley. In the heavy alfalfa hay producing area between Markdale and Meaford and Shipments are made up largely of fowl. Prices on live fowl at Mont- real and Toronto at the present time are approximately five cents higher than last year. Hay Market Report There has ' been practically no change in the hay marketing situa- tion during the past month. Large supplies of the 1935 crop are still available in growers’ hands. ,The The scheme is part of a fed‘era1 system sponsored by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics in co-operation with the Canadian Horticultural Council and Provincial Governments to gather crop growing, yield and marketing information. The Ontan'ib Blervice, as planned tentatively, Will include publication of five reports, Mr. Symons said, the first to be issued May, 1, giving estimated acreage of various crops and the proportions of such acreage for marketing and canning. The second, issued June 15, will provide a further check on acreage and in- formation on growing cbnditions. A third, July 15, will cover crop con- ditions and marketing prospects, and a fourth Sept. 1, will record market- Poultry Shipments to U. S. I The trade in live poultry from Canada to the United States has again become a factor of considerâ€" able importance to the poultry in-l dustry in Western Ontario as a re- sult of the tariff reductions made effective under the recent Canada- United States ’I‘rade Treaty. During January, 1936, shipments of live! poultry 'to nearby United Statesl points, ‘chiefly Buffalo, N.Y., amount-l ed, according to unofficial figures, tol 11,233 head. In January, 1935, ship- ments totalled dnly 566 head. By the terms of the {Treaty the Unitedi States duty on live poultry was fixedi at four cents per pound. It prev-g iously had been eight cents per? pound. ‘ , vicinity, a fair quantity of alfalfa hay is being ground into alfalfa meal. The low prices being paid for this hay are enabling the grinders to comâ€" pete on export markets with this product. Prices per ton to growers are: for no. 2 timothy mixtures $7.50 to $8.50, for no. 3 $5.50 to $6.50, for alfalfa $4 to $10 depending on location, and for straw $2.50 to $3. At Fort Wil- liam clover mixtures are selling at about $9lper ton in car lots. in‘g- prices. The fifth, Nov. 5, will re. cord the yield, storage amounts, and marketing prices' during the year. New Horticultural Head J. B. Spencer, B.S.A., of Ottawa, was elected President of the Ontario Horticultural Association at the 30th *onvention of the Association held re- :ently at Toronto, No man in Canada is more worthy of this honour, for he Has dcvoxd his life and talents to the L)‘etterment of Canadian horticulture and agriculture. As a successful horticulturalist, and expert agricul- turist, author, and trained newspaper man, Mr. Spencer has never spared himself in the interests pertaining to horticulture and agriculture. For several years he has been an officer of the Ontario Horticultural Association, is a past president of the Ottawa Horticultural Society, a. mem- I poult To Provide Information Ontario vegetable growers will have accurate and upâ€"to-thve-minu’ce crop, storage and marketing informa- tion, provided by the Provincial Government, '8. H. H. Symonsv of the Ontario statistical department, told the Growers’ As‘sOCiation at their convention in Toronto. quest placed o'er has the cr: 337 a Canadian :reing of Canad at may from Car ates, there is r overly marked With regard t toms NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR THE BUSY FARMER THE LIBERAL, RBCHMOND HILL, ONTARTO anadian the export of live ber of ada to the United nical o duty charged on. Ontari av-e 31' Canada crat DDeI crate C181 ) 1T1 bel‘ the al Even where the soil contains suf- ficient bacteria to produce nodules, reinoculation may be of benefit. In- vestigations have shown that there are good and poor strains of nodule bacteria. / Therefore, reinoculation may be very helpful by introducing a good strain of bacteria into the soil having- a much higher power to fix nitrogen and thus help the crop and the soil. pears I‘ess urgent ‘ than with the others Farmers should realiz’e howeverwi that inoculation is only one factor in the production of a successful legume crop and cannot overcome other un- favourable factors such as poor seed, acid soil, poorly prepared seed bed, etc. The only unfavourable factor it can overcome is lack of nitrogen in the soil, and the poorer the soil is in nitrogen the greater the gain will be from inoculation. Isn’t science grand? It teaches us that acquired traits can’t be inherited, but they cause evolution. the question arises whether or not alfalfa, clover or ether legume seed should be inoculated before slowing. The answer depends on the circum- NEWM'ARKET HIGH SCHOOL WINS HULSE CUP In the final round of the North York Inter-School Debating League, Newmarket High School scored a double Win over the representatives of Earl Haig‘, Collegiatgl Institute and captured the T.A.M. Hulse trophy for 1936. Last year Earl Haig Collegiaï¬ae/In- stitute scored‘ a double win in the finals against Aurora High School. Miss Purdy and Mr. Cox who were this: year defeated by a narrow margin being the members of the 1935 Cham- pionship Team. The six debates held this year pro-- vided exceedingly keen competition be- tween the schools, victor and van- quished being separated| by only a few points in each case. The depth and soundness of the arguments advanced and the platform ability of every speaker was of a high calibre. The debates were held under Intercolleg- iate rules, style and material being judged‘ on an equal basis. Upholding the Affirmative side of the subject: “Resohcd that the N-eEv Trade Agreements» with the United States offer greater advantage than disadvantage to Canada.†The Newmarket team, of Dorothy White and Thomas- Johnston defeated Cecil Clark and Eileen Trimbee at Willowdale, ’while at Newmarket, Lillian Watson and Herbert Squires successfully upheld the negative side of the subject, against Esther Purdy and Merril Cbx of Earl Haig. ances I‘h of the Canadian Society of Tech? 1 Agriculturists, a graduate of A serious offence is anything a irio Agricultural College, and is! Chinaman does when Japan is ready ctive member of the Fed-era] Dis- ' to take some more territory. Commission, Ottawa. He is also )us as a rose grower. and in com- naking‘ prepara 11 nce egum [Tl noculation n for seeding, 'heth'er or not 1‘ legume seed when farmers secretary and ep, beef, and produc ‘ntic 'hich I A woman is a person whoâ€"think: 'her party a flop if the preparation haven’t left her dead on her feet. HORSES 1 Grey Mare, Percheron 1 Grey Gelding, Percheron Above team well matched. 1 Bay Mare, General Purpose 1 Percheron Gelding, 1700 pounds 1 Brood‘er 1 Brooder 1 Brooder CATTLE 1 Butter Bowl, Ladle and Print Rose Echo Spofford (No. 230916) 5 years old, due time of sale. About. 50 Bags Seed Dooley Potatoes Mollie Alcartra Echo Segis (No. Quantlty of Ensilage 219817). 5 years old, due time of IMPLEMENTS sale- 1 Tractor, Masseyâ€"Harris, 12-20, new May Inka Bos Abbekerk (No. 261750) - I 4 years old. fresh, bull calf by side.1 Eégc-tor cumvator’ 17 tooth’KM'H" Bos Pontiac Model (No. 174730) 9.dyears old, fresh, heifer calf by} g:?§it:;t£1mi§hiwltï¬ï¬iâ€gggg 51 e. ~ - ’ ’ Rbse Veeman Pluto (No. 272785) i ï¬lsTiulgerlléiié-fég; aging“ 1111:; 3 years old, due in April. 1 Steel Drum Rene} ' " Mary Alcartra Echo Dekol (No. 2 Sets 4 Section, Harrows 266291). 5 years old, due in Marchl Binder 7 ft cut MH new Pauline Dekol Rag Apple (No. 280447)1 Set Gr’ain L'ifter; ' " 2 years old, bred in Dec. 1 1 . f ‘ Betty Alcartra Pontiac Dekol (No.1%§¥e§’aï¬e’tégog'c' 267097). 4 years old, bred in Oct. - ' - - _ Dorotha Segis‘ Alcartra Posch (No.1 3,213: gï¬givator With DISCS com 230136). 5 years old. bred in Nov.2 1,Ho;.se scufflers M'H. new Daisy Alcartra Echo Dekol (No. 2 Lumber Wagons,’good ’ 263766). 3 years old, full flow. 1 Set Heavy Sleighs 1 Flat Rack Madge S‘egis Rag.r Apple (No. 293991) 2 Hay Racks 1 Stock Rack 2 years old, full flow. bred in Jan.1 Milk Wagon 1 cutter, Trench Flossie Echo Pluto Model (NO- 1 Set Stock Sleighsl Gravel Box 305957). 2 years old m Aprll, bred 1 Set Milk Sleighs 1 Wagon Box 22nd Nov. , 2 No. 21 Fleury Ploughs Grade.Cow, 6 yrs. old. Ear Tag (No.1 Potato Plough 1 Power Jack 44328). Fresh calf by side. 1 Fanning Mill, Chatham Grade C-ow, 7 yrs. old. Ear Tag (No.1 Set Scales, 2000 lbs. 69269). Due in April. 2 Cumming’s Cutting Boxes Grade Cow, 2 yrs. old. Ear Tag (No.1 Gas Engine, 21/; h.p. 85121). Full flow, bred on Jan. 23rdl Set Distributor Pipes for Silo Grade Cow, 6 yrs. old. Ear Tag (No.1 Block and Tackle and Rope 55025). Milking, bred on Nov. 17th1 Fleury Grinder, 10†Grade Cow, 4 yrs. old'. Ear Tag (No.1 SetStewart Clippers 89158). Milking, bred on Oct. 17th1 White Wash Sprayer Heifer Dekol Pauline Rag Apple 1 OTChal'd Sprayer, complete (No. 321635). 1 Potato Sprayer Heifer Betty Abbekerk Pontiac Dekoll Cyclone Grass Seeder TERMS: Furniture, potatoes, ensilage, beef cattle and all articlu selling for $25.00 and under, cash. Articles or stock selling for over $25.00 eight months credit on approved joint bankable notes. 5% straight discount allowed for cash on credit amounts. Tractor half cash. Harness A number Grade Cow, 7 yrs. old. Ear Tag (No.1 Set Scales, 2000 lbs. 69269). Due in April. 2 Cumming’s Cutting Boxes Grade Cow, 2 yrs. old. Ear Tag (No.1 Gas Engine, 21/; hp. 85121). Full flow, bred on Jan. 231111 Set Distributor Pipes for Silo Grade Cow, 6 yrs. old. Ear Tag (No.1 Block and Tackle and Rope 55025). Milking, bred on Nov. 17th1 Fleui‘y Grinder, 10†Grade Cow, 4 yrs. old‘. Ear Tag (No.1 Set Stewart Clippers 89158). Milking. bred on Oct. 17th1 White Wash Sprayer Heifer Dekol Pauline Rag Apple 1 Orchard Sprayer, complete (No. 321635). 1 Potato Sprayer Heifer Betty Abbekerk Pontiac Dekoll Cyclone Grass Seeder (No. 321636). 1 Sickle Grinder Heifer Beulah Alcartra Echo Segis 1 Wheel Barrow 1 Hay Knife (No, 321634)_ 1 25 ft. Ladder 1 Stone Boat Heifer Barbara Alcartra Echo Segis2 P0165 and Neckyokes f0r Team (No_ 321633)_ 6 Sets Team Doubletrees Heifer Grade. Ear Tag (No. 96438).1 3 HOI‘Se_D0ubletree Bull Brookholm Ab‘L-ekerk Vale (No.2 Sevts TWln NeCkYOk-es 102791). 3 years ‘old. ‘ 3 Neckyokes 2 Bag Trqcks This is a selected herd of fully ac-1 Gl'am cradle 3 Tarpélflms credited Holstein Cattle. In the last3 CI‘OW BQTS' 3' Loggmg Chm six months this herd' has had an 2 Pi°ksi 1 P051? H019 Ange average dairy test of 3-5 and 3-6. Lightning ROd POintS and POULTRY 35 White Leghorn Pallets 35 Barred Rock Pulle’ts These Pallets are from Bray’s best; Strain. “ uuulcl. vua vv Luv“ yuan. 1 Good Set of Brass Mounted Har- ness Breeching 1 Set Milk HarneSS FURNH‘URE 1 Set Plough Harness ‘ 1 Childs Crib 1 Child: 1 Set Show Delivery Harness 1 Small Table 3 Kitch Sexeml odd Bridles and other odd3 Chairs, perforated Asgatgs new > 6 Chick Feeders 5 Chicken Coops ECredit Sale of Farm Stock WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11th Including Herd of Fully Accredited Holsteins, Implements, Furniture, Etc. THE PROPERTY OF No reserve Whatever as farm is sold Dinner served to those from a distance SKATING a PRENTICE & PRENTICE. Auctioneers. Lot 19, Con. 2, Vaughan‘ 11/2 Miles West of Richmond Hill 0n Maple Sideroad House, 10 x 12, new House, 8 x 10, good Stove, B.T., 700 chick size, of Collars, all sizes CARSON E. SMITH, Clerk 415 Bingo] HARNESS FRANK GRAHAM Special arrangements for parties and carnivals: Apply to at 12 o’clock noon GOOD MUSIC ENJOY THIS INVIGORATING HEALTH RECREATION ' AT . WM. MCDONALD Telphone 62 Th mhill Cable Number of Cedar Posts Number of Grain Bags t2 Sets Ice Tongs 4 Iron Kettles 2 Copper Kettles 2 Gasoline Drum And numerous other articles too numerous to mention. 1 ocking Chair 1 Market Chair 1 ardzrobe 1 Rubber Bath Tub 1 8 Day Kitchen Clock 1 Long Bench 1 Extension Table 1 Cadalac Carpet Sweeper Several Oil Lamps 5 Sad Irons and Handle 1 Lawn Mower WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, MARCH 5th H. J. MILLS, Chairman Park Commission Set Grain Lifters Mower, 5 ft., I.H.C. Hay Rake, good I Corn Cultivator with Discs com- plete. LHorse Scufflers, M.H., new Lumber Wagons, good Set Heavy Sleighs 1 Flat Rack Hay Racks 1 Shock Rack iiilk Wagon 1 Cutter, Trench Set Stock Sleighsl Gravel Box Set Milk Sleighs 1 Wagon Box No. 21 Fleury Ploughs Potato Plough 1 Power Jack Fanning Mill, Chratham umber of Milk Pails Milk Plunger Dai y Churn, No. 3 Butter Bowl, Ladle and Print Tractor Plough, M.H., new - Cultivator, 13 tooth, good Disc Drill, I.H.C., almost new Manure Spreader, M.H., new Steel Drum Roller Sets 4 Section Harrows Binder, 7 ft. cut, M.H., new Cream Separator, Primrose, good Milk Strainer, Rapid Flow SATURDAY From Maple Gravel Pit GENERAL CARTAGE nond Hiimrena SAND â€" GRAVEL by Truck FOBO‘ DAIRY 2 Bag Trucks 3 Tarpaulins 3 Logging Chains 1 WPogtngle Auggr 1 Childs Cradle 3 Kitchen Chairs