Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Mar 1936, p. 7

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A highly popular announcement was made regarding hospital allowâ€" ances made to ex-service men and officers. The scale in the past has been such as to extend far more: generous treatment to officers than' men, but the government now takesl the view that the war is over, and the difference has been greatly reduced. (Taking Over Industry) J. S. Woodsworth’s resolution call- In addition a considerable sum of moneyâ€"six or eight million dollarsâ€" was voted‘ for various branch-es of government. primary producers, stimulated busi< n‘ess for distributors and transport trades, lower costs 01 porduction gen- erally, and an increase in, real wages through a reduction in many items of the households budgetâ€"these are some of the ways in which the agree- ment is already making itself felt.” The private members had a busy week. They urged, among other things, the nationalization of all private industry which was not pro- perly serving the state, the' national- ization of all chartered banks, more equitable freight rates on domestic movement of grain, greater employ- ment of white Canadian sailors on ships owned and registered in Canada, the exclusion of orientals until such time as they are given. the rights of Canadian citizenship. range c with th him. “Their production costs- are ap- preciably lowered by the elimination or reduction of the duties on their implements of production. . “Similarly the ordinary inarticulate consumer, whose interests have been shamefully neglected, has already found out in lower prices and a. wider (Benefits of The Treaty) “Basic primary industries, depen- dent upon accessible export markets for the profitable sale of a large part of their production, are once more enabled to enter the United States and guaranteed against a tariff in- crease on their products. “Their productién costs are ap- preciably lowered by the elimination The Liberal party’s expectations from the treaty were summarized as follows: Premier Mackenzie King in the course of a gather dull discourse, heavily documented, did succeed in bringing out into sharp focus the imâ€" portance of the agreement. “De- pression,” he said, “rightly under- stood, means nothing- more ’or less than absence of trade; and may I state the reverse as being equally true, that tradeâ€"plenty of tradeâ€" means the end of depression.” Ottawa, March 3rdâ€"The decision , ing upon the govei to close all the relief camps for single industry which w. men by July first, beginning as soon public interest re as the weather permits, stands out 'which lasted the ' as one of the leading announcements sittings. of the week. It was made by Hon. The attitude of Norman Rogers, Minister of Labor, ward nationalizati who stated that an arrangement had by 2Hon. W. D. been made with the two railway com- , Trade and Comr panies to employ 10,000 additional criticism was th men on deferred maintenance (track- 5went too far. “I age) work, to be paid the same wage 5 said, “of a situat' as those now employed in that man- } over the operatio net. This will take care of moreiindustry, employi; than half of the present population dreds of thousands of the camps. Farm placement,dustry was usingi schemes, reforestation and fire pre-Hts working men vention work, roadwork in some of profits out of the the new mining areas and otheribe worthy of consi schemes will be developed, and inEernment. If in tl addition it is hoped that some of the , powers such an ir men will be absorbed into privatefclose its shop or i industry when spring comes along. the premises I can There are about 130 of these camps, be in the public it from coast to coast. Beginning the interest of the empi first of this week, the men who re- cern that the gover main in the camps will receive, in- porarily take over stead of the present cash allowance a business, but on] of 20 cents a day, payment of $15435 an investigation per month. Half of this will be paid the matter satisfa( in cash each month, half when the Discussing state men leave the project, the latter Euler added a little balance being payable at any postlorablc friend and l office in Canada} at the rate of $4 that it should take per week. This is to assist the man establishment of a while he is getting employment in Others believe that private industry. No new [projects 3 should be confined 1 are being opened, and no new admis- ,operation of public sions made to the camps. so far as other busi (The United States Agreement) :bUSiness‘ WhiCh can The debate on the United States on by Personal atter trade agreement, begun last Tuesday initiative and the i and resumed on Friday, dealt with if You likev WG 011%} one of the most important subjects selves t0 the 0011‘ of the session, but in its early stages WhiCh all“? Under I at least. nothing very new was rather than seek 3 brought out. The provisions of the in our S‘OCial Omen” agreement were fully uncovered at the time when the agreement was signed; and public interest in the hisâ€" torical background is not very evident. In the political bickering over the agreement there is still less interest. It seems to be impossible for the House to debate even so vital a matter as trade between the two greatest customers in the world with- out fighting anci-ent political battles ad museum. ' (The Farmers’ The viewpoint of vividly expressed in by G. E. Wood, 1 Brant, Ontario. “The hon. membe North Centre made that the average inc dred dollars,” Mr. V reason the farmer i five hundred dollars inc THURSDAY, MARCH 5th The Ottawa Spotlight what Stat- By Wilfrid Eggleston . Globe, Toronto, was named during the week to conduct an inquiry into the -.administration of the penitentiaries 10f Canad-a. During recent years, as r the result of riots in several prisons, of published criticism, and of the r campaign conducted by Miss Agnes Macphail in the House of Commons as well as elsewhere, the public has become convinced that all is not as well as it might be in the prison system of Canada. The purpose of I the commission is to make a thorough inquiry into discipline and adminis- tration, in the light of modern theory {on criminal reform. One feature of this parliament al- ready especially noticeable is the tendency of first one group or class and then another group or class, to ask state aid of one sort or another, usually advancing the argument that some other interests are being simi- larly helped. The government is hav- ing to stand firm in the face of a flood of demands for ‘hand-outs’ of one nature or another. i pretty y “The hon. member for Winnipeg North Centre made the statement that the average income is five hunâ€" dred dollars,” Mr. Wood said. “The reason the farmer is receiving only five hundred dollars is that when he sells his products on the open markets of the world, those markets name the price, and there is also deducted from‘ the price that the farmer received all} the overhead charges of extravagant} government, high taxes, and all the[ i rest of it that goes into our economic life. The farmer takes that reduced purchasing power and goes out into the restricted markets of this coun--' 'try to buy necessities for his family and reflected in the price of every- thing he buys are those high taxes. high duties and the high costs of 91+ travagant government.” l A debate later on in. the week which excited considerable interest was the C.C.F. proposal to national- ize the chartered banks. With so many financial high priests of one congregation or another in the chse this session this apparently dry subâ€" ject of monetary theory gets a goodI deal of attention from one quarter or another. Hon. Charles Dunning, minister of finance, was not ent'nwL iastic about the idea. He thought the government was carrying VII (Id 61‘50 Tl (Th2 Farmers’ Viewpoint) The viewpoint of the farmer was vividly expressed in the same debate by G. E. Wood, the member for Brant, Ontario. should be confined pretty well to the ,operation of public utilities, and that so far as other business is concerned, business which can best be carried on by personal attention and personal initiative and the elemeth of profit if you like, we ought to confine our- selves to the correction of abuses which arise under primate ownership rather than seek a complete change in our social order.” The attitude of the government to- , ward nationalization was expressed l by 2Hon. W. D. Euler, Minister of -;Trade and Commerce. His chief i criticism was that the resolution .gwent too far. “I’can conceive,” he Hsaid, “of a situation where to take :over the operation of an essential :; industry, employing perhaps hun- dreds of thousands of men, which in- .dustry was using its powers to crush :its working men or to take unduu profits out of the consumers, might Fbe worthy of consideration by a gov- :ernment. If in the exercise of its powers such an industry decided to 'close its shop or have a lock-out on the premises I can imagine it might be in the public interest and in the interest of the employees of that conâ€" cern that the government should tem porarily take over and operate such a. business, but only until such time as an investigation could be held and the .znatter satisfactbrily adjusted.” Discussing state intervention, Mr. Euler added'a little later: “My hot!- orable friend and his party suggest that it should take the form of the establishment of a socialistic state. Others believe that public ownership ing upon the government to take over industry which was not serving the public interest resulted in a. debate which lasted the larger part of two sittings. 1‘0 oyal commission consistint of lstice Joseph Archambeault of [parlor Court, Montreal, R. W. K.C. Winnipeg, and Harry W. ;on, former editor of The Toronto, was named during the toc he D61 at the if the T1116 0115 rse that the that a board operate the ent; but he the encroach these boards grow with tragic results. WARNING TO THOSE WHO USE GAS The tragedy which took place near London one day last Week in which ifour children were burned to death, and the father seriously burned, should be a warning regarding the use of gasoline. A neighbor had just returned a quantity of gasoline, which he had borrowed and was con- tained in a glass jar. When the jar was placed in the kitchen, the heat caused the jar to crack and the gaso- line ran over the floor. In a few ‘moments there was a terrific explos- ion, and the brick house was immed- iately a mass of flames and the rescue of the children was impossible. It cannot be said that it was a case of carelessness, as no person would think of the glass jar breaking under the circumstances. As gasoline is used so extensively for household purposes, the greatest care should be exercised, especially if a fire is in the gasoline, and if these fumes come in contact with the fire and explosion immediately takes place it may be room. Fumes arise so rapidly from‘ ‘ At the annual Burns dinner iheld at the Empress Hotel, Vic~ -toria in February at which over 300 Burns lovers took part, the iroyal Scotch haggis was brought |over from Vancouver and was carried in steaming hot on a. sil- ver platter by Miss Gwen Dewar and piped around -the Empress dining room by Pipe-major ‘Donald Cameron. Greetings were ‘received from South Africa, Aus- -tralia, the United States and “London, England. Vancouver is holding this year the Golden Jubilee celebration of its founding in 1886. Some of the features planned in'clude sports events of all kinds, music, pageants, a. special performance of Shakespeare’s ‘Mid-summer. Night’s Dream’ in Stanley Park, a performance of Hiawatha, an Indian village, a. Hawaiian village, special decorations and illumina- tions all over Vancouver. Cele- brations will reach their peak in the first ten days of July. ADS HELP DECISIONS ADS DRAW ATTENTION THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Thursday: The teecher ast Tommy Tompkins the littel boy Whose house is out in the country i&‘ he cums to skooI in a horse & buggie. did he have a. 1 doz. sheep in a lot & 6 got out how many would be there yet & Tommy sed they woodent be none. The teecher sed he diddent no his rithmetick & Tommy sed she diddent no her sheep also. hiday: Inv histry class 1 enquiry was when was Rome bildetf & Jane Monday: I win! onct price on a ‘ pom-e are room had to rite to day. I, ‘_‘ t , -- writ, Are naber: . had a big: black cat A ‘ that yelled jist like Corooso. I hit him with a chunk of; lcoie & now he dont no more do $0.! iiJake & Blisters sed it was good but [Jane smeared at it. Wednesday: Pa neerly had a riot at the noosepaper offis. He writ up a joory trile in kort & it sed the joory verdicted “We’re all of the same mindâ€"insane.” The joorymen called at the office & sed‘ they never verdicted no such of a thing. The defendant was insane. So they told the editur. Who made a korreckshen. Tuesday: A nother hirde girl re- sined at are house this 1). m. Ma ast her dident we all ways treet her as 1 of the fambly & she sed yes & she diddent prepose to stand it no longer. The girls we have had seam to be hard to please. Or sum thing. Sunday: In S. S. this a. m. the teecher ast the class did they bleeve S’Lâ€"A'T'S’ An advertising eXpert talking about the psychology of propaganda said: “A boy boarded an eXcursion steamer where every A Whale of a Story of a w Whalfi (By Oliver enney boddie wofil'd ever get to Heven by flyen way up in a. areplane. Jake had a anser teddy as per usuel & replide & sed No but they will by coming down too suddemly. I seen the point sum time later on. N. Warren) DIARY And if a crazy stranger should give us $10 a day for six months, and then- quit, we’d fight him to get éur “natural rights.” Saturday: Jane sort of put the high hat stuff to me when we met on the st. this a. m. But I reckon I got even with her. I called her Miss Tonsil she wondered about it till she told Jake to ast me Why I called her that. & I sent her the info. that it is becos she gives me a pain in the neck. Weakness is useful, too. Thousâ€" ands are made happy when their favorite team finds a weaker one to play. sed she knew & spoke rite up & sed of‘ a nite. Who sed so the teecher enquired & Jane sed you did you told me it wassent bilded in a. day. The teecher sed she quest that was rite. I dunno. for Ford V-8 cars. Plenty of heat from your hot water heater despite large cooling capacity. No special thermo- stats required, uses heat ordinarily. wasted, operat. per- fectly with any anti-freeze. Installed in a few minutes and assures a comfortable car in coldest weather. See this out- standing improvement at CITIES SERVICE GARAGE Phone 12 Webber Heater Booster See the new Johnston & Cranston MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERI OF CANADIAN & FOREIGN Granite Monuments 1849 Yong. St. (east lid.) Between Merton & Benin! an. Phone HYIand 2081 Open m Eve. Phone 9788 LUMBER. LATH. S-HINGLES KSHPHALT ROOWNG. GYPDOC. SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. ADS REDUCE UNIT COSTS Telephone 27 ADS CREATE DESIRE Richmond Hill Dealers in PAGE SEVEN @J

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