Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Mar 1936, p. 4

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The regular meeting of Buttonrville Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Miss Mary Rodick on Thum day, March 19th. Roll call to be ans- wered by a. small gift of candy for Old Peoples Home. All grandmothers are expected to be present. PAGE FOUR We sell BLUE COAL and a full line of other kinds of fuel. LD. Ramer & Son WE GUARANTEE QUALITY, SERVICE AND \VEIGHT Phone 10 . Richmond Hill omens IN MNOPAL ONTARIO GTIES M Damn-don Government Superv-slan CENTRAL FINANCE COR POR ATION Todnolo maple or married couples. Only Borrower Signs 12 Months to Repay To married couples keeping house 0 AUTO LOANS We Help You Help Yourself 0 HOUSEHOLD [OANS LOANS ‘blue coal’ BUTTONVILLE 311 Bloor Bldg. 57 Bloor St. West, at Bay Phone: Midway 2434 TORONTO. ONT. For over fifty years this outstanding D.L. & W. anthracite has been considered the finest hard coal ever brought above ground. This is why more Canadian homes are burning BLUE COALâ€"be- cause home OWners know that BLUE COAL as- sures even, steady heat during the coldest weather â€"keeps heating bills down to a minimumâ€"saves constant trips to the furnace and burns cleanly to a fine, flaky ash. $50 to $500 Lowest rates in Canada for this type of service Rah: Auflvoviud by Snecial Ad of Domlnlon Parliamem Possessed of a. friendly and kind disposition his friends were legion and the large attendance at his funeral was evidence of the Wide- spread regret Occasioned by his passing. In the crowd were hundreds who were his former pupils and many more unable to attend sent messages of condolence and regret. In all parts of Canada there are those who can; testify as to the influence for good exerted by the late Mr. Mc- Cormack who in his profession as a teacher took a personal interest in In his seventy-third year, he was born in Vaughan Township and spent .his entire life in this district. As a school teacher he taught at Vandorf in Whitchurch Township, at Hope, Vellore, Purpleville, Concord and Thornhill, in all, over forty years in the profession. His record in de- voting such a length of time in teach- ing in practically the same commun- ity is unique, and was evidence of his worth as a teacher and a tribute to his fine character. Retiring a few years ago he continued to live in Maple and took an active part in the life of the community. LATE THOMAS McCORMACK The funeral of the late Thomas Mc- Cormack, veteran school teacher and highly respected citizen of this dis- trict, was held from the home of his sister, Mrs. T. Cousins, Maple, Tues- day afternoon, and was very largely attended. The late Mr. McCormack passed away on Saturday, March 7th, in St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, where he had been for a week follow- ing injuries sustained when he fell on the church steps the previous Sunday evening. OBITUARY THURSDAY, 26thâ€"Ex- Map1%elce):}tlb ne‘MapleR‘llE-séq‘” 2 tens1ve auction sale of farm stock, (114 miles North of Concord) implements, hay, grain, etc., the pro- perty of L. H. Clement, Corner Elgin Mills Sideroad and Yonge Street; in Markham Township (known as the ' Kerswill farm). The sale includes (1Ey tractor, a number of good horses, TUESDAY, MARCH Nthâ€"Auction cows, full line of good implements, sale of furniture, carpenter’s tools, about forty ton baled hay, a quantity etc., the property of W. O. McDonald, of grain, etc. No reserve as Pro- will be held in the Community Hall, prietor is gix'ring up farming. Terms: Maple will be held rain or cash. J. C. Saigeon, a‘uctioneer. ’shine. Terms cash. Sale starts at â€"â€"â€".l_â€".‘__. THURSDAY, MARCH Nthâ€"Import- ant and extensive auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain etc., the property of Bert Gunn, Lot 8, Con. 8, King Twp., 1/2 mile north of Noble~ ton on Highway. The livestock in- cludes a fine lot of choice cattle and horses including a heavy draft team weighing over 2 tons. Terms cash. Sale commences sharp at 11.30 o’- clock. J. C. Saigeon and Mr. Mc- Ewan, auctioneers. The following students received ath- letic or academic awards and were presented with suitable prizes Friday evening: William Stewart, Upper School Scholarship; Peter Onasick, Middle School Scholarship; Isabel Oliver, Form III award; William Campbell, Lower School Scholarship; James Mizenv, Art Prize; Dorothy Back and Lloyd Palmer, Form I Award; Lucille Wideman, Commercial II Award; Ruth Kerswill, Typewriting Prize. Athletic: (Beatrice Rumble, Sr. Girls Champion; Isabel Ainslie, Jr. Girls Champion; Jean Robinson, Jr. Girls Champion; Audrey Stephens, Juv. Girls Champion; Jim Ley, Sr. Boys_Champion (repeat); Bill Pollard, Sr. Boys Champion (by reversion); Bill Carr, Jr. Boys Champion; Joe Morris, Juv. Boys Champion; Beatrice Ainslie, Youngest Girl Competing; Sidney Hunt, Youngest Boy Compet- ing. Sale Register During the evening Miss Mary Proc tor played a piano solo, Miss Doreen Johnson sang, Miss Mildred Haworth gave a stepâ€"danoe, bits from “The Tatler” the school paper were read by Miss Thelma McPherson, and‘ there were several numbers by the High School Orchestra under the leader- ship of Goldie Mitchell. The valedictory address was given by Joe Mills, last year’s Literary So- ciety president, and on Friday eve- ning the academic and athletic awards of last year were presented to the winners. Saturday evening a. pleasant feature was the presentation of nosegays to the lady teachers, a. wallet to Mr. Blair and an eversharp pencil to principal Stewart by Miss K. Stanford on behalf of the Athletic Association. Richmond Hill High School 13th an- nual commencement was held last Fri- day and Saturday evenings and at4 tract/ed large crowds. Always a popu- lar event in this district the pro- grams this year proved exceptionally good and delightful the large aud- iences on both evenings. The feature of the program was the presentation of the hilarious comedy “Charlie’s Aunt” by a talented and well-chosen cast. Jack Webb, well known for his parts in previous productions, took the leading role of Lord Fancourt Babber- ly and‘ his acting of the part was ex- ceptionally good. He was ably sup- ported by Lorne Wells as Jack Ches~ ney, Harris Horde as Charles Wycke- ham, Bob Hall as Brassett, Ruth Angle as Kitty Verdun, Jean Topper as Amy Spettigue, Dick Patrick as 001. Chesney, Stewart Rumble as Stephen Spettigue, Fred Carter as: Farmer, Dorothy Barraclough as1 Donna Lucia, Shirley Hill as Nam! and Helen Burlton as Maud. | High School Commencement his pupils and always tried to in- fluence them for the best things in life. His influence for good on the hundreds of pupils who passed through his hands made a worth-while con- tribution to this day and generation and his strength of character will long be remembered in the community where he lived. The funeral service was conducted“ by Rev. A. M. Partridge of Maple United Church of which the deceased was a faithful and active member. He was assisted in the service by Rev. Kerr and Rev. MacDonald, former pastors, and Rev. Bowman of Maple Presbyterian Church. During the service Mrs. McBride of Toronto rendered as a solo “The Old Rugged Cross,” a favorite hymn of the late Mr. McCormack. The pallbearers were J. A. Rose, T. Nixon, R. Poult- ney, J. Baker, J.{A. Greene, F. Rumble and interment took place in Maple Cemetery. He is survived by one sister, Mrs‘. Thomas Cousins of Maple, with whom he made his home durng his life- time. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO 1 set used single harness in good condition $9.00. Thank You. Shop closed at 6 p.m., Monday, Wednesday & Friday Any further information necessary may be obtained from the Superin- tendent. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. R. E. Bales, Chairman. R. W. Scott, Commissioner. May we request you this year to look after your harness and collar requirements early. You will help us to glve you better service by bringing your repair- ing before the spring rush be- gins. D. E. Sprague, Superintendent of the House of Refuge, N ewmarket, will be recein until 12.00 o’clock noon, on SATURDAY, MARCH 28th, 1936, for the undermentioned coal, delivered in the bin, House of Refuge, Newmarket, as, if and when it may be required by the House of Refuge, between April 1st 1936 and March 31st 1937: 1. Pocohontas Screeningsâ€"165 tons (more or less). 2. Stove Coalâ€"6O tons- (more or less). 3. Nut Coalâ€"~20 tons (more or less). In tendering kindly quote price per HOUSE OF REFUGE COMMISSION COUNTY OF YORK Separate Sealed Tenders, properly marked “Tender for Pocohontas Screenings,” “Tender for Stove Coal,” “Tender for Nut Coal,” addressed to 1. “Bread” 2. “Meat” 3. “Groceries” Information and Tender forms may be obtained from the Superintendent. The lowest or any Tender not neces- sarily accepted. R. E. Bales, Chairman R. W. Scott, Commissioner. Separate Sealed Tenders, properly marked, “Tender for Meat," “Tender for Bread,” “Tender for Groceries,” addressed to D. E. Sp/rague, Superin- tendent of the House of Refuge, New- market, will be received until 12.00 o’clock noon, SATURDAY, MARCH 28th, 1936, for the undermentioned, delivered at the House of Refuge, Newmazrket, as, if and when it may be required by the House of Refuge, between April lst 1936 and March 315’s 1937: HOUSE OF REFUGE COMMISSION COUNTY OF YORK FOR SALE OR RENTâ€" 7 ROOM HOUSE on Mill Street, hardwood floors upstairs and down, all conveniences, possession April lst, rent $24.00 per month. Apply Dr. Smith, Willowdale, telephone Willow- dale 365. SIX ROOM HOUSE on Arnold St, Richmond Hill. Apply to P. C. Hill, Richmond Hill. GOOD 200 acre Dairy Farm on Yonge Street. Apply E. J. Gamble, R.R. No. 1, Woodbridge. FARM, 150 acres, Lot 14, rear Con. 5, West York, near Weston, good buildings, running water. Apply J. H. Kirby, 78 Soudan Ave., Toronto, Ontario. ’ 100 ACRE DAIRY FARM, Lot 12, rear Con. 8, Vaughan, near Wood- bridge, fall plowing done, 21 acres new seed, 18 acren o‘Id seed, good buildings. Apply P. T. Evans, Union- ville, phone 'Stouffinue 5210. HOUSE, 20 Roseview Avenue, pos- ses§ion April lst. Apply W. Mc- Neely, Markham, Ont. SIX ROOM HOUSE, good cellar, fur- nace, water and electric in the house, good garden and garage. Apply I. D. Ramer, Richmond Hill. SIX ROOMED BRICK HOUSE, 60 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. Very moderate rental. Apply A. E. Class, Richmond Hill, telephone 20. 7 ROOM HOUSE on Mill Street, hard wood floor throughout, all conven- iences, possession April lst. Apply Dr. Smith, Willowdale, phone 365. HARNESS ISAAC BAKER TENDERS TENDERS 1‘0 RENT 2 SETS SINGLE DELIVERY Sleighs 1 Cutter, 1 model T half ton delivery truck, 1 delivery wagon, Dr. Hess Stock Tonic 25 lbs. pails $1.75 per pail, Eureka Harness Oil, pint tins 15c. W. Stevenson & Son, Willow- dale. BABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM HATCHING March pricesâ€"White Leghorns, Barred Rocks 12c.; white Wyandottes 13c.; black Minorcas 15c. April and! May 1c. less. Custom Hatching a specialty. Hen eggs 2-1/zc., Duck and Turkey eggs 4c., Goose eggs 70. each. Established 1924. Experience counts. H. G. Mecredy, Yonge Street Poultry Farm, R.R. No. 1, Richmond Hill, tele phone 102-r-13. USED LUMBER, JOIST, Win- dows, Doors, a good used Fur- nace, etc. Apply at New Post Office Site, corner Yonge and Centre Streets, Richmond Hill, Ontario. FARMERSâ€"We offer you pure- bred Light Sussex Chicks at $15.00 per hundred. Breed originated in England over 100 years ago. Size and shape make birds desirable for market. A dual purpose foul for production of meat and eggs. Color of skin, white, eggs shells, brown. Beautiful birds suitable to our climate H. G. Mecredy, R.R. No. 1 Richmond Hill. “GOVERNMENT TUBERCULIN” Tested Dairy Cows, Pure-brads and Grades. Bred for type and produc- tion, Sixty Dollars and up. Free de-' livery on truck loads, compensation certificates accepted as collateral. Sixty day re-test guaranteed. Murco Farms, Lindsay, Ont. Telephone 1352 Lindsay, Ont. FOR SALE mares and geldings, Clydesdale and Percheron, good quiet workers, at reasonable prices; also 400 bus. mixed grain. Apply Oscar Cox, Unionville, on No. 7 Highway. 10 GOOD ONTARIO WO'RK HORSES April 2nd‘; also an electric “Ideal” Incubator, 600 eggs, hot water; Breeder for 1000 chicks all complete, nearly new. D. Kozak, Box 217, Richmond Hill. YOUNG HOLSTEIN COW fresh on STO‘VES AND FURNACES. Repair- ed and exchanged. Repairs for Oil Burners, Stoves and Furnaces. Bl-ow- ers installed. R. H. Kane, 74 Yang; Street, Richmond Hill, phone 92F. GOOD FARM TEAm, will guarantee as to soundness, will sell as team or singly; also percheron colt and 2 brood sows. Apply Wesley Palmer, phone Richmond Hill 4632. 2 HOLSTEIN SPRINGERS, T.B‘. tested under government accreditation Kyle Brothers, Maple R. R. No. 1, phone King 42-r-13. grade No. 1, very strong straw, 50¢. per bushel. Apply Robert Watson, phone Woodbridge 2366. IMPROVED BANNER Oats, gov. SEED BARLEY, “Manchuri.” Apply Bert Peeler, Maple, phone 257. O.A.C. BARLEY No. 21, grown from registered seed; also Banner Oats. H. Hooper, Buttonville, telephone Bell 41-14. 2 HEIFERS fresh. Apply Wm. Den- nie, Gonnley, telephone Stouffville 6105. ' QUANTITY of sugar beets and tur- nips. Apply A. Stott, Elgin Mills, phone Maple 249. BABY CARRIAGE, wicker, reversible body, good condition, reasonable. Phone Richmond Hill 190 after 5 p.m SAND & GRAVEL, Cement blocks, buildings raised. John Jarvis, Rich- mond Hill. telephone 94M. LOAD OF HAY, 25 bushels Turnips and Mangels, Pulper, large Feed Bin. Apply 74 Richmond Street, Richmond several Jersey heifers. Apply to W. L. Clark, R.R. No. 2 Gormley, No. 7 Highway. GENERAL PURPOSE MARE and Hill. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST 0F 1'!" RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra Classified Advs. each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. FOR SALE THURSDAY, MARCH 12th, 1936 Q 1932 CHEVROLET COACH. TREE PRUNING by an experienced [mam Apply A. Jones, Elgin Mills, gtelephone Richmond Hill 102-r-22. Little Brothers All Ford cars guaranteed for 30 day! Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO. Used Cars 1931 FORD TUDORâ€"Good Condition. 1930 FORD TUDORâ€"Good condition. 1930 FORD COUPEâ€"A nice job. 1932 PLYMOUTH COACHâ€"4 Cy!- inderâ€"A Smart Car. 1931 FORD PANEL DELIVERYâ€" Completely Reconditioned. 1930 CHEVROLET COACH 1934 FORD V-8 DeLUXE TUDORâ€"â€" Exceptionally Nice. 1932 CHRYSLER SIX DeLUXE SEDAN TINSMI'I'HING FURNACES - PLUMBING HEATING Septic Tanks Installed Milk Coolers Barn & Stable Equipment 74 Young. St. Pb... I TO BUY BROODER STOVE, at least 1000 chick capacity, in good condition, will pay cash. Apply Liberal Offioa FODDING go-cart in good condition. Apply to Box 90 The Liberal Office. T0 FARMERS: we want a few can of good heavy barley, also some mixed grain. Highest prices paid. I. D. Rainer & Son, phone 10, Richmond Hill. NOW is the time to get that room paper-ed. One dollar to twmfifty, labor only. Three-fifty to six-fifty Sunworthy paper supplied. Free estimates, work guaranteed. A. 3, MacDonald, Oak Ridges, phone Rich- mond Hill 4515. RED CLOVER SEED, Gov. Tested No. 2 almost No. 1. Apply A. Baker, Lot 12, rear Con. 2, Vaughan, te1e~ phone Maple 1563. SPECIAL News Flashâ€"Cress Corn and Bunion Salves together banish eight common foot ailments. At “all drug stores.” TO FARMERS â€"â€" The loss is tre- mendous yearly in damaged hides due to the destructive work of the warble. Get a package or two of Coopers Warble Powder at the Elevator. Phone I. D. Ramer ‘& Son. 2 NEW TRUCK TIRES 30 x 5, Good~ year Heavy Duty. Telephone Thom- hill 73. ‘ 3 YORKSHIRE SOWS; also Farm Gelding. Apply J. A. Baker, Lot 15, Con. 3, Vaughan. Telephone maxi:de Hill ma MISCELLANEOUS Charles Graham ‘ AGENT MASSEY HARRIS Farm Im plements, Machinery ang Repairs R. H. KANE $525.00 $250.00 $225.00 $365.00 $250.00 $200.00 $475.00 $225.00 $350.00 WAN TED

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