An amusing incident developed last week when W. A. Fraser, diminutive member of Scottish extraction from Northumberland County, Ontario, arose and complained that regulations of the Health department were makâ€" ing it impossible to import haggis from Scotland, with the result that devotees of this delectable dish had to bring it in from France. No pro- mise was made by the government to rectify the matter, but the House had a. hearty laugh over it. (Italian Consul Reproved) The House of Commons spent the Dr. J. K. Blair. member for Wel- lington North, secured first reading of a bill which, if passed, would abol- is-h hanging, and provide instead ex- ecution by means of a lethal chamber or something of that sort. . (No More Gerrymanders?) An attempt will also be made to get the whole question of redistri- bution out of party politics. Every ten years, after a census, the tidings are altered to ecu-form with the chang es in population, and there is usually a dogfight, with much heat and charges of ‘Gerrymander’ or ‘Hiving the Grits’ or something of the sort. It is hoped that the redistribution can in future be done by some indepen- dent tribunal. The ‘basic list’ maintained contin- uously, for the regisu‘ation of voters, which was started about two year; ago, has proved very expensive am; will probably be abandoned. In form- er days a new list was made before each general electimx. The [‘absen tee vote system has also proved costly. One improvement desired is a sys- tem of voting which would ensure a more accurate reflection of the popuâ€" lar vote in the membership of the House of Commons. To secure this, prpoortional representation and the transferable vote will be considered. The government did not say whe- ther assistance would be granted or not. One problem ls that if the pro- tection given the Canadian beet grower is increased, the shippers of cane sugar may lower their prices sufficient to offset 1t. (Canada's Voting Machinery) Canada’s whole elections and fran. chise machinery is being examined with a view to improvement. A comâ€" mittee of 30 members of the House met for the first time last week to consider the matter, learn what is done in other countries, and make re- commendations for suitable changes.‘ Other members opposed this on the on: the ground that a direct subsidy given to the beet grower would open the door for a flood of similar sug- gestions regarding other branches of the farming industry, and other inâ€" dustries. These members, as an al- ternative, asked that in the case of sugar beets the present one cent per pound tax be removed altogether. In either event the cost to the country would be in the neighborhood of $1,- 300,000 per year. At present Canada supplies about 13 per cent of heri sugar requirements from her own beets, and the remainder is made from raw sugar made from sugar- cane, largely from the West Indies. By Wilfred Eggleston better part of a day on the League of Ottawa, March 10â€"A committee Nations, but nothing very construcâ€" Of the House of Commons is to make;tive came of it. In a general way an inquiry into the rising cost of|all parties in the Canadian parlia- farm implements. (i'nis promise wasiment are favorable toward a system made by the Minister of Agricultureiof collective security, and it is diffi- at the conclusion of a brief debate on ? cult to work up much controversy the subject. Prices for 1936 are fromiThe most sensational passage conâ€" $3 to $18 higher for a, wide range of cerned Luigi Petrucci, Italian Consul- farm implements, as compared withtg‘enel‘al in Canada, Who was rebuked prices for the past four or five years. , by J- 5- WOOdSWOI‘th f01’ Cl’itiCismg The House appeared to be unanimous ' Canada-'5 membership in the League in supporting an investigation, a1-'and her adoption of sanctions. Mr. though the member for Brantford, W. . MaCkenZie King agreed With the C- R. MacDonald, urged that there hadiCF. leader that Signor Petrucci had been plenty of investigations recent- 5 been indiscreet, if not worse, and that ly, that the average increase in the;if SUCh an infldent occurred again it price of implements was only three 1‘ W011†be necessary to make represen- per cent, and that it was importantitaï¬ions W 11 Duce- that workers in the Implement fac- Most Of the week W35 deVOted ‘50 tories should receive a fair wage. It the trade agreement With the United Was also brought out; that the im-, States. Fifteen or twenty members plement companies had not been mak- had a Whaflk at it, Either defending ing any profits of recent years. One 01' attaCkmg- member urged that the real reason (Uit’terent Points of View) for the plight of the implement com- J. ’1'. 'i‘norson, Liberal, Selkirk, pany was the destruction of purchas- took the View that the agreement‘ ing power of the farmer. When agri- was a step In the right direction.‘ cultural prices rOSe through treaties "We are satisned,“ he said, “With a} and other means, the demand for 1m! iau- exchange, and we believe that in‘ plements would go up and everyone this Ll‘aue agreement we are making would be better off. a Iull' excuange with the United. (Want Aid for Sugar Beets) NaWS-n « i A delegation of members represent- J- 11- harl‘iS, Conservative, T0- ing areas where sugar beets can be Tonto; feared (lumplng 01' excess PW- successfully raised waited upon- the “WES 11‘0111 me United States as 3 Minister of Finance and the Minister resuit 01 the trade agreement. ’l'ne‘ of Agriaï¬tm-e last week seeking as- siuu 1166 entry pl‘UVlSIOIl 101‘ tour- gistanoe for the industry_ one sug- ists womu, he said, cut piszUNOU per gestion was that a rebate be given year 1mm Vanaï¬ua-n WyI‘OUS- he direct to the beet farmer of a cent a made a Plea- 101‘ bane-Gian manni'acwr pound, which is the present excise tl‘b‘ W110 WEN hang 3- hard time tax upon sugar. This would be a gaming along- dï¬rect subsidy to the farmer and mm- Umuds A- Dunning, Minis‘ would" it was urged, do the most gdod. ter 01 nuance, answered in detail the THURSDAY, MARCH 12th, 1936 The Ottawa Spotlight By Wilfrid Eggleston J. A. Glen, Liberal, Marquette, Mani, said he was in hear’oy accord with the trade agreement. “I realise that this is the first break in the crust of economic nationalism under which this and other countries of the world have been during the last five or six years,†he said. “I should like it to be much more comprehensive, but I am willing to accept it; knowing that it marks the acceptance of a principle whicn will do much to raise the hopes of the people of the Dominion of Canada.†(Social Crealt View) A. H. Mitchell, Social Credit, Medi- cine Hat, wished to remove a mis- apprehention which people might feel that the Social Credit members were not interested in trade. They were very much interested in trade, but they did not confine their interest to external trade. They were even more interested in internal trade. Mr. Mitch ell praised the provision whereby $100 could be brought back in goods by a. tourist without collection of duty. He hoped that the regulations regarding it were not made too stringent. These were only a. 1cw of the speech es, but they give a fair cross section of the opinion of the House of Comâ€" mo‘ns regarding the trade agreement. The Senate sat briefly on. several occasions, lamenting, among other things that little or no work was given them to do in the early stages of a sessionhand then it was all piled up near the end. “Why, under those circumstances, should I oppose the agreement “I†Mr. Stevens asked. he went to analyse the various provisions. Hon. W. E. Rowe, Conservative, Dufferin-Simcoe, said that he be- lieved in trade east and west, rather than north and south. “If we esâ€" tablish trade north and south we shall be faced with the advantages that are given to American labour and the ad- vantages that accrue to the American manufacturer because of his short rail hauls.†Ber 01 I‘Auaue», answered 1n (113C311 Bile UDJQCUOAM the leader 01' the opâ€" pomuon uenn-eLt). in many uespecn, Lud agreement. as Signed was me aguement as ong‘mauy OLIered by mr. uullnett. Alter a couple 01' encuangcs With Mr. bennett as to What we OIIer reality was, the Mm- 1ster auvnsed everyone to read me Later 01 Uecenmer 14th, 1934. “1t 1: u truly lust/0m: document,†sad the l\an]SDel' 01' bmance. “l‘he man Who wrote It. (Mr. bennett) ls Iorever estopped from cutlusmg the treaty ‘wmcn thls country entered/into.†(Mr. Stevens changes Attitude) hon. h. .d. b‘Devens, Reconstrucmon- ist Leaner, sam Iranxly that m the past he had opposed ï¬ecxprocxty. he had Iought a. hater batue over It m 1911. but he had cnangeu 1119‘ View about trade w1tn the Umveu mates. When he was Mlmster of Trane am Commerce in 193a he had reanseu that trace With. that country Was he. on a. very good hams. ne hau 1nâ€" strucbed some oï¬lclals of ms uepau- meat to see if offers could not be made to the United States. Some 01 the suggestlons then proaucea Were incorporated in. the present agree- ment. U; \AuL. J. H. hams, Conservative, Toâ€" ronto, feared uumpmg 01' excess proâ€" uucts Irom me Unueu States as a result 01 the trade agreement. The §1UU Iree entry prowsmn Ior tour- 1555 womu, he saw, cut; §lz,bUU,UOU per year Irom uanaï¬uan payrolls. he made a plea. 101‘ uanadlan manufacwr crs wnu were navmg a. hard tune gettm-g' along. “We are sausned‘,“ he sald, “wim a lau‘ emhange, and we- beheve that, m Lms Lraue agreement we are makmg a hut excuange with the Umwu bLaLcs.†. Most of the week was devoted to the trade agreement with the United States. Fifteen or twenty members had a whack at it, either defendmg or attacklng. (anterent Points of View) J. T. 'L‘norson, Liberal, Selkirk, took the v1ew that the agreement was a step In the mght alrecuon. m me .e Dp- many Students of Richmond Hill School prominent in the 13th amiual Com- mencement Exercises last Friday and Saturday evening. (1) James Mizen, Winner of the art prize; (2) Dorothy Barraclough, who took the part of Donna Lucia D’Alvadorez in the pres- The statistics for the first two months of 1936 show that there has been a substantial increase in mar- riages in Toronto over the first two months of 1935. Evidently some of the Toronto ladies are exercising their “leap year privilege.†At the annual meeting of the West York Conservative Association held in Weston on Saturday, Feb. 29th, R. J. Wallace, reeve of Swansea, was elected president and Fred Bragg of Humber Bay, secretary. Edward B. Graham, pvesident of the Peel Memorial Hospital, Brampton, died on Monday, March 2nd, aged 46. The editor of the Stouffville Triâ€" bune recently saw a picture of the new Post Office soon to be erected in Richmond Hill. In the last issue of the Tribune Editor Nolan remarks that While the Stouffville Post Office erected a few years ago cost more than the local building is to cost, the Stouffville mail centre would not make “a good garage for the new Post Office soon to be erected in Richmond Hill.†Tune in every Saturday night at 9 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, to General Motors Coast-to-Coast Hockey Broadcast. mmnmmomm Thornhin Motorsngzghi'} l The “Dionne Girls†are probably [the most widely known children in the ‘world with the one possible exception .of the “Royal Children†of the Duke I and Duchess of York, who are well up ‘in the line of succession to the British (throne. However the “Dionnes†have {not been the only ones to acquire Wide spread publicity from the fact that they are quintuplets. The little country doctor, A. R. Defoe, who has been caring for them since birth is probably one of the most widely lknown doctors in the world to-day. entation of “Charley’s Aunt;†(3) Ruth Angle who played Kitty Verdun; (4) Isobel Oliver, Winner of award for general proficiency in third form, middle school; (5) Jean Robinson, junior girls’ athletic champion, by re- version, and in (6) Isobel Ainslie, The marriage took place at Chal- mers Presbyterian Church, Toronto, on Tuesday, Feb. 25th, of Marjorie Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones of Palg-rave, and Albert Glover, son of A. D. Glover, Toronto. Rev. A. C. Stewart officiated. A sale of western horses in Stouff- ville last week attracted a. large crowd but few buyers. Only a very few of the horses were sold. Laurence Lyon), young Weston law. yer, died at Naples, Florida, on Mon. day, March 2nd, in his 34th year. TOOK PART IN “COMMENCEMENT†North York junior girls’ athletic‘ champion, who secured the award for‘ the school last year. William Stewart (7), upper school scholarship; (8) Wi] lian Pollard, senior boys’ champion, by reversion; (9) Lloyd Palmer, lower school, first form award for general for Ford V-8 cars. Plenty of heat from your hot water heater despite large cooling capacity. No special thermo- stats required, uses heat ordinarily wasted, operate. per- fectly with any anti-freeze. Installed in a few minutes and assures a comfortable car in coldest weather. a See this out- standing improvement at CITIES SERVICE GARAGE Phone 12 Webber Heater " Booster See the new proficiency; (10) William Campbell, lower school, second form award; (11) Jack Webb, who took the lead part in Charley’s Aunt; (12) William Carr, junior boys’ champion; (13) Joe Mor- ris, juvenile champion, and (14) James Ley, senior champion. 1 Standard Series Z-uass. Coupe) Master Deluxe Models from $909 Deiivereu alfaclnry, Oshawa, Ont. Fully equwped. Freight and Government Rezmmlon he only extra. Richmond Hill $775 PAGE m