parish of King City, Maple and Oak Proceeding to the rector’s prayer Ridges. ‘ idesk the Archdeacon stated: “It is The service, rich in the ritual of the ‘ the duty of the minister diligently Church of Exgland, opened with pray- ' to say public prayer, and devoutly ers and Rev. Wrixon read aloud the and reverently to order the service declarations and oaths previouslyl of God’s house.†At the lecture, Mr. made and taken by him at the time i Wrixon was told that it was his duty of his appointment. The incumbent,dilig*ently to study and read God’s knelt before the representative of the holy word according to the solemn Archdeacon who delivered to him the I promise made at his ordination, and at letters of institution and license, the g the pulpit the Archdeacon informed Bible and the Book of Common Pray-ithe rector that it was his duty to er. Following the blessing, the keys I diligently preach God’s holy word, of the church were presented to Mr. . and to use public and private mon- Wrixon by Churchwardens H. Stanâ€" l itions and exhortations, as well to the St. Mary’s Anglican Church was crowded Sunday night when Rev. W. F. Wrixon was inducted as Rector of the Parish by officials of the church and in the presense of a large number of the members of the parish and citizens of the community. The im- pressive ceremony was conducted by Venerable A. G. Warren, Archdeacon of York. assisted by Rev. Principal R. B. McElheran and Rev. Canon Fidler. Rev. Wrixon comes to Richmond Hill after serving for several years in the parish of King City, Maple and Oak Ridges. - MWMWQ¢OOWW MASONIC ’ HALL RICHMOND HILL Saturday, March 14th. Amateur Night Induction Service at St. Mary’s Church NEW DODGE priced from $849 up Agent for FAMOUS FROST WIRE FENCE RICHMOND ILL PAGE EIGHT JIM HUNTER Radio Editor of Toronto Telegram Master of Ceremonies Reserved Seats 35c. Plan of Hall at Glenn’s Drug Store Adults 25c. â€"â€" Children 15c. WAGER KNOWES Sponsored by Richmond Hill Trumpet Band 8.30 The new rector was conducted to the font at the front of the church where the Archdeacon informed him it was his duty to frequently admonish the people that they defer not the baptism of their children and to dili- gently ask out and bring any un- baptiaed persons in the parish to the holy sacrament of baptism and to catechize and prepare for confirma- tion by the bishop, whose who have been baptized. ford and R. Casement. The Vellore Women’s Institute met! for their March meeting at the home! of Mrs. Edmund Harris. A good at-i ten-dance was present considering the weather and conditions of the roads. Arrangements are under way to holde their annual dance (which had to be' postponed) in the near future. The! motto “Let us grow Lovely growing; old†was taken by Mrs. Jones who had: 1 a good paper prepared. The roll call‘ “Where your forefathers came from." The program was under the Historical‘ Research Committee. Mrs. A. L. Mc- Neil, the convenor, gave an interest- ing talk on the history of the early churches of the district. Miss Jean McKinnon, the British representatives to Canada down through the years to Lord and Lady Tweed‘smuir. Mrs. J. Brownlee sent a contest and Mrs. J. ‘Muriay gave current events. Mrs. {Nelson Kerr brought gleanvings from the Junior Farm Boys and birls Clubs. Mrs. Robeson and Mrs. Harris visitors ‘from Maple W.I., were pres- ent, the former making a few suitable remarks. The committee consisting of Mrs. A. S. McNeil, Mrs. N. Kerr, Mrs. J. Brownlee, Mrs. C. Diceman, Mrs. G. Jarrett and Mrs. J. Murray, assisted by the hostess, served luncheon. Weston High School students of the district who have been boarding in Weston for the past few weeks are glad that their transportation car “Susie Baker†is able to make her daily trips without getting stuck in the snow banks. Monday and‘ Tuesday of this week makes one feel that "Spring is com- ing.†A welcome guest. You sayâ€" March is not overA yet. The meeting of Trinity Women‘s Club on Friday, March 20th, will take the form of an Amateur Night. This will be held in the Parish Hall at 8 o’clock. Everybody welcome. Ad‘- mission 25c., children 10c. The- sudden passfng of Mr. T. Mc- Cormack cast a gloom over the vil- lage this week. he was an old resi- dent here, teaching 1n the Public School for 14 years and making his home with Mr. and Mrs. J. Frsher. During his stay in Thornhill Mr. Mc- Cormaxzk made many friends, and his puplls and ex-pupils always stuck by him. ' Mr. Victor Grainger addressed the Students of Horticulture at the Guelph College on Tuesday night. He spoke on colour scheme and arrangement of flowers. Mrs. Gra'mger accompanied Mr. Grainger. The Young Ladies‘ Class of the United Church will meet on Thurs- day (to-night) at the home of Misses Edith and Catherine Davies. Miss Collier of the Big Sisters Association will be the guest_speaker. The executive of the Thornhill Horticultural Society and a number of members attended the meeting of the Aurora Horticulwral on Tuesdayl night. John F. Clark gave an illus- trated lecture. I ‘ The A.Y.P.A. of' Trinity Anglican Church attended the annual Lenten Rally in St. Anne’s Anghcan Church, Toronto, on Tuesday night. The Rev. Billingsky of All Saints Church, Windsor, wasrthe speaker. Rev. K. D". Whatmough will hav'e chm-gar Rev. McElheran in delivering an. eloquent and impressive sermon took as his text the 27th verse 12th chap. Cor. “Ye are the body of Christ†and urged that the memoers of the parish do their duty as part of the “body of Christ.†If you do the work of the Lord in this parish will progress and prosper he said in appealing for the united and whole-hearted co-operation of the members with the new Rector. Give him your love and your help, said the speaker, and give it to him now. Don’t let little differences hindl- er the work, but rith-er be united in the great work of Christ’s cause urged the preacher. Lenten Services will be held in Trinity Anglican Church on Thurs- day night of each Week, during lent, and the regularA services on _Suridiay. sick as to the whole. The rector's last duty was told to him at the altar Where. the Archdeacon stated it was his duty diligently and frequently to celebrate the holy communion of the body and blood of Christ. The March meetmg of the local branch of the Women's Institute will be held on Thursday the 19th, at 2.30 at the home of Mrs. Webb, North Yonge St. Roll call will be answered by say, Sing, or Pay. Mrs. A. Bril- lmger w111 glve a reading. The» Dis- trlct President, Mrs. L. Reesor, w11] be the guest speakex. The hostesses will be Mrs. W. Rlddell, Mrs. E. Slmp- son, and Mrs. R. Simpson and Mrs. R. Scott. The women of the comâ€" munity are cordially Invited. The Euchre Club met at the Town- ship Hall on Monday night with eleven tables playing. The prize win- ners of the evening were, ladies, lst Miss Frances Risebrough, 2nd Mrs.‘ J. A. McNeil, 3rd Mrs. C. H. Ruther? ford, consolation Miss Jean McKin- non; gentlemen, lst Sam. Davidson, 2nd Idris Price, 3rd D. A. McKinnon, consolation Harris Mathewson. The next meeting will be held on March 23rd and all members are asked to attend as a. special treat is in store ‘for them. for them. The sympathy of the district is ex- tended to Mrs. T. Cousins and family in the loss of Mr. T. McCormick, a. most worthy and highly respected gentleman. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THORNHILL VELLORE Dr. G. D. McLean, Messrs. W. S. Belfry, Hiugh Lindsay and Charlie Smith returned from their sojourn in Florida on Tuesday night of last week. They report pleasant weather and an enjoyable visit to the Southâ€" land. United Church W.A. To Present Play The regular monthly meeting of the United Church Women’s Associa- tion was held at the home of Mrs. Ralph Darker, 8th Avenue North, with the president, Mrs. G. W. Shore, presiding. It was planned to stage a one act play entitled “Just Like a Woman†on Friday, March 20th. The topic led by Mrs. W. Allen was on “Loving Kindness." The rest of the program included a. paper by Mrs. Wes. Boddy, solos, duets and chorus- es by Mrs. W. E. Hutchison, Mrs. K. Stevenson, Miss Laura. Brown, Mrs. J. E. Anderson, Mrs. A. E. Kearney, Mrs. Lindsay Ward’, Mrs. Russell Ward, Mrs. Leo Watson and Mrs. J. W. Wallace, and a musical contest won by Mrs. G. D. McLean. ‘ Mrs. W. W. Smith Celebrates 9lst Birthday Mrs. W. W. Smith,†8th Avenue, celebrated her 9151: birthday on Wed- nesday, Feb. 26th. Mrs. Smith lives alone, attends to her household duties, sews, plays the organ and sings, all of which she does to pass away the time. Many Woodbridge friends in- cluding Mrs. James Rowntree, Mrs. H. N. Smith, Mrs. Charles Hollings- ‘head, Miss Avis Poole, Mrs. Jonathan lEllerby and others, called on Mrs. Smith to offer congratulations. Mrs. Smith was born near London, Eng- land. She and a brother are the only two surviving of a family of thirteen. She came to Canada when quite young and lived at Cobourg until she mar- ried and came to Woodbridg‘e aboutl fifty-five years ago where her hus- band was engaged as a woollen mills worker. A son, Joseph Smith, and a daughter, Mrs. Bert Young, both live in Montreal. Mrs. Smith is a con- stant reader of the Bible and is familiar with its contents from cover to cover. There were 18 tables at the euchre party of the Woodbrxdge Euchre Club at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Thomson, Wallace‘ Street. Winners were, Mrs. Harry Scott and! Mr. Wil- frid Scott. Christ Church Young People 1 Enjoy Contest Wilfred Maxey presided at the Christ Church Young People’s meet- ing when Mr. Mansell Ketchem of the Lakeview Branch of Young People gave an interesting talk on the sub- ject “Lets Look in the Mirror,†and also conducted a contest which was won by a. group composed of Vera. Smith, Mrs. Arthur Howl, Miss Avis Poole and Gordon Kidd. At the con- clusion of the meeting Rev. J. H. Kidd moved a vote of thanks to the speaker which was heartily applaudâ€" ed by the members. Taylor-Snider ! ewr'f Rev. W. T. Bunt, recently inducted the 0 Pastor of Pine Grove Congregational. eveni Church, was the officiating clergyâ€"l check man at the marriage of Miss Betty} Thos Snider, eldest daughter of Mr. and;Unjt‘ Mrs. Nelson Snider, No. 7 Highway , East, to Mr.‘ Garnet Taylor, son of Th Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor, To- mg 0 ronto, on Friday evening, March 6th.lple v Miss Edith Nelson, a sister of thel Afr“ bride, was the bridesmaid, while the lush: groomsman was Mr. Bruce Taylor, Miss]- brother of the groom, and the six- This year-old twin sisters of the bride, perio Anna and Ada Snider, were flower made girls. The guests were immediate __ relatives and following the ceremony and wedding breakfast the happy couple left for a honeymoon: trip to Ottawa. and Eastern points. Upon their return they will take up resi- ‘ denca on the second concession of NOT‘ Vaughan, 8. short distance west of crefh Richmond Hill. 3?? IN T cease The weather man for the first; time in many years postponed the annual January thaw until March and the snow is disappearing nicely, and so far there seems little reason for fear that the Humber will overflow to the high water mark of some past years. Patrons of Alvin Walker’s Butcher Shop, 8th Avenue, gladly welcome Mr. Fred Farr of Thornhill, who is now Mr. Walker’s assistant. Friends will be glad to hear that Mr. William Fleming who spent sev- eral weeks in the Toronto General Hospital has been able to return home improved in health. Miss Betty Snider Honoured By Friends Friends and neighbors of Miss Betty Snider, a bride of last week, honoured her with 23, miscellaneous shower sponsored by Mrs. Robert; Watson at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WOODBRIDGE Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mitchell, 8th Avenue, are the proud parents of' a son born at College Hospital, Weston, on Monday, March 9th. Right Rev. A. L. Fleming Speaks At Christ Church Right Rev. A. L. Fleming, Bishop ,of the Arctic Dioeese in Baffin’s iLand, delivered an interesting ser- :mon illustrated by lantern views to a. large congregation of Christ Church fmembers at the evening service on ESunday, March 8th. Bishop Fleming itold of the work done among the ‘ Eskimos and made special mention of lthe wonderful assistance rendered by [the Women’s Auxiliary and‘ also told 'of two modernly equipped hospitals : operated in the diocese, and that but none mail each year reaches the Baf- ‘fin’s Land territory. IN THE ESTATE OF Mary Mc- Connochie, deceased. ‘ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Creditors and others having claims against the Estate of Mary Mc-Conâ€" nochie, late of the Township of Whitd church, who died on the let day of February, 1936, are required to send i full particulars of such claims, duly verified, to W. J. Petty, 465 Bay St., ‘ Toronto, on or before the 4th day of ‘ April, 1936, after which date the ; Executors will proceed to distribute ‘ the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which Notice shall have been received. 'K. Stevenson, No. 7 Highway, on Wednesday night of last week when she was presented with many useful household articles. The evening was spent at solving contests and playing games. Brief addresses were given by Messrs. Ed. Phillips, Nelson Snider, Robert Watson, Stanley Wat- son, Mrs. Phillips and Miss Laura Neal. DATED at Toronto, this 11th day of March, 1936. ‘ W. J. PETTY, 465 Bay St., Toronto, Solicitors for the Executors. Creditors and others having claims against the Estate of David Hill, late of the Village of Richmond Hill, who died on the 313i; day of Dec., 1935, are required to send full particulars of such claims, duly verified, to Naughton & Jenkins, 85 Richmond Street West, Toronto, on or before the let day of March, 1936, after which date the Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which Notice shall have been received. DATED at Toronto, this 26th day of February, 1936. Naughton & Jenldns, 85 Richmond St. W., Toronto, 2, Solicitors for the Executoz-s. Mrs. Gordon Wilcox, 8th Avenue, was the recipient of many gifts from her friends on Friday, March the 6th, the occasion being her birthday. The evening- was spent at crokinole and checkers, and music was furnished by Thos. Carlyle and' John Maynard. United Church YOung Pe0ple Enter- tain With Curios of Africa' The topic at Monday night’s meet- ing of the United Church Young Peo- ple was the Ang a Mission Field in Africa with fort curios and an il- lustrated talk by Miss Mae Watson, Missionary Convenog. of the Society. This was followed by a questiomaire period to which liberal response was made by the members. IN THE ESTATE OF David Hill, de- ceased. ‘ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that DISTRICT NEWS Notice to Creditors Notice to Creditors Telephone To-day Richmond Hill 9 FELLOWS We do all this: Clean each pillow through and through; launder the‘ feathers right in the casing; dry them thor- oughly; restore them to newness and downy softness. Positively no orders accepted at this Bargain Price after March 28th. This Offer Will Not Be Repeated! {5&3 THREE FOR “ REVITALIZED †THURSDAY, MARCH 12th, 1936 Anybody wishing to secure tickets should do so before March 15th from one of the following Directorsi‘ H. Boake, Downsvilew; E. F. Ramsey, Sharon; W. E. Watson, Woodbridge; Geo. Jackson, Downsview; Stanley Watson, Agincourt; P. L. Whytock, Eversley; Carl James, Richmond Hill; J. S. Watson, Woodbridlge; Archie Cameron, Woodbridge; Roy Barker, Woodbridge; J. Darling'ton, Todmor- lldven; Geo. W. Henry, Todmorden; Wm. lClarkson, Weston. YORK HOLSTEIN BREEDERS TO STAGE BANQUET A monster Banquet in the interests of the breed' will be staged by the York County Holstein Breeders’ Asâ€" sociation on Wednesday, March 25th, in the Oddfellows' Hall, Agincourt. Guest speakers for the banquet are Joe McCulley, Headmaster of Picker- ing College, Newmarket; Dr. J. B. Reynolds of Port Hope; and Byron Jenvy, Holstein fieldman of Ingersoll. Included in the musical program are John Moscow, violinist; Miss Marie Draper, soloist; Miss Livings, tap dancer; and Roy Stewart and Guy Rutledge, vocal duets. Seating capacity for this banquet is limited to 150. Tickets will be sold in advance by the Directors. The Women’s Association of D’Amoreaux St. Paul’s Anglican Church are the caterers. - Only 7 Lost in 7 weeks out of 300 started Mus-koka, the famous Summer- resort section of Ontario, is plenty cold in the Winter time. But not too cold for raising Bray chicks. On December 3lst, we shipped 300 chicks to a Muskoka customer On February 19th (7 weeks later) he wrote: “I have at present 293, and they are all well feathered, large, healthy and vigorous chicks.†A loss of only 7 chicks in the 7 weeks. CHICKS THRIVE IN MUSKUKA’S WINTER CLIMATE This is striking evidence of the liability, vigor and stamina of Bray chicks. They do well where- ever they go. The secret lies in our rigid culling of breeding stock; our bloodâ€"testing; and our methods of incubation. Get a copy of our 1936 catalogue and see there what Bray chicks are doing for satisfied' customers everywhere. Chicks for immediate delivery. Prices reasonable. Free feed or cash discount on orders booked NOW for later delivery. The Full Line of FUEL Lime, Cement, Tile Phone 188 red W. BRAY Limited HICK HATCHERY 2385 Dufferin St., Toronto Phone KEnwood 6805 Yards at Burt’s Mill Jones Coal C9: also