It is easy for those Who are unemployed to become impatient with those on relief. The taxpayers’ burden is not getting any easier to bear. The Port Arthur Times- Chronicle points out that" it would not be so bad if it constituted a sum that could be paid over and done with. Year after year, however, it has been. increasing as more and more taxpayers have had to give up and go on relief themselves. We have been adding nammes to the receivâ€" ing end and taking away from the number of givers. Because thereare some lazy cheaters, men who al- ways loafed and are better off to-day than in pre-depres- sion days, we are apt to lose sympathy with the great mass of relief recipients who chafe under present condi- tions and would welcome an opportunity to go to work again. A public-spirited man who is devoting all his time, Without pay, to the relief problem in one of the big cities, has this to say:â€" “Who are these people on relief? “Well, 90 per cent of them never accepted a penny of help before the depression. Over half held their past job with one employer for more than five years. Misfits and riff-raff indeed! One out of ev- ery five of our citizens, representing a fair cross-sec- tion of normal city populatiomt vaj‘ucuollege men and womenâ€"2,000 skills represent- edâ€"doctors, lawyers, ministers, mechanics, laborers. “Except for the accidents of life you might be one of them.†, There are some real dangers in the relief situation. Sympathy with the lot of the unfortunate is almost certain to give place to resentment and hostility as the years pass without a lightening of the burden. Bitter- ness breeds bitterness. n “Tlie morale of the relief recipient is in danger of breaking to the point Where he will come to believe that struggle is not worth While, and that the county owes him a living If the standard of relief is so high that it becomes a wage quite naturally men will never really seek employ- ment. Relief should always be reliefâ€"and nothing more. Work at wages mUSt always look more attractive. A list of the various types of persons who must be purged from relief rolls, is contained in a letter sent out by Hon. David Croll, minister of municipal affairs. The minister points out that an immediate and thorough over- hauling of the relief lists must be carried out, and deâ€" clares : H “Those whom I may be permitted to call chisellers; families who have made relief their career and who are taking advantage of state assistance. They can be subâ€" divided into: (a) Those who prefer relief to labor and deliberately reject the opportunity to work at fair wages. (b) Those who conceal assetsâ€"possess bait-1k accounts un- der false names, etc. (c) Those who conceal incomeâ€" fail to report earnings which would reduce allowances. VAwL v» - Our investigations, besides revealing the extent of ‘illegitimate’ relief, have indicated three main categories among recipients towards whom drastic action will be ne- cessary. They comprise: “Those heads of families Whose children are earning good wages, but in Whose cases inadequate reductions are made by municipal relief officers. There is evidence of urauc uy illLuuuiyui lullpL ‘11.; VVVVVV k.u.-v u, v.-g.v a Widespread departure from the provmcial principle that the family must be regarded as a unit and the eannings of all members considered when relief allowances are com- puted. These cases are less the fault of the recipients themselves than of lax municipal administration. “The exploited: those full-time workers who receive a wage so low that supplementary relief must be given if the family is to have the necessities of life. You must be aware that many employers are paying starvation wages and candidly informing their workers that ‘you can get partial relief.’ They will continue to do so just so long as partial relief is granted to full-time workers. As the situation now stands, governments and municipalities are in effect subsidizing private industry and at the same time, depressing the general wage rate. 1 n V._[ g‘The‘ge areuthe people who must be removed from your relief rolls. You are urged to act without delay ‘so that the task may be completed by March 31st.†Municipal tax bills in Ontario municipalities will this year have the amount levied for relief purposes definitely indicated. This is as it should be. It should be brought home to everyoneâ€"even to those on reliefâ€"that the money that is paid out to the unemployed is taken in taxes from those who are working. The principle should be extended to the monies raised for relief purposes by the Dominion and Provincial govâ€" ernments. In no other way will the people come to realize the peril of the Whole relief situation. There will be no inconsiderable volume of support for a resolution adopted by the County Council of the County of Elgin, as follows:â€"“That the Highway Traffic Act should be amended to provide that all persons owning mot- or vehicles be required to obtain a policy of insurance a- gainst public liability and property damage before they can obtain a license to operate same.†Accidents are hap- pening every day in which the drivers of offending motor cars carry no insurance and have no means to reimburse those whom they have injured. In countless cases the unhappy victims have suffered the loss of thousands of dollars in hospital bills, impaired earning power and prop- erty damage. If a person cannot afford an insurance policy of this type he should not be driving a car. It is hoped that the lead given by Elgin County will receive general support throughout Ontario. Advertising Rates, on Applim “Poverty and misfortune persons. H BOW 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL THE EIBERAL PRINTING 00., LTD. J. Eachem Smith, Hunger Member Camdhn Weekly Newspaper Association -A AA Subscription $1.50 per yen" PAGE NO DANGERS OF THE RELIEF PROBLEM DIRECT TAXATION FOR RELIEF HOPE TO CUT RELIEF COSTS THURSDAY, MARCH 19th, 1936 SENSIBLE RESOLUTION THE LIBERAL I L To die United States $2.00 Belt Submiban District are not respecters of TELEPHONE 9. In the year 1884 he moved to Ham- lin Kansas, the! following year taking charge of the farm Where he resided until his death. Anthony J. Heise, son of Chrisâ€" topher and Leah Heise, was born near Toronto, York County, Ontario, October 25, 1858, and passed away March 9, 1936, aged 77 years, 4 months and 15 days. At the age of 19 years he was conâ€" verted and united with the Brethren in Christ church. on. the farm where he had resided for fifty-one years. In his pas-sing the community has lost one of its best citizens. A man who during his entire life has always been revered as a man whose' every day life was! always lived in a way that endeared him to everyone in the community. Anthony J. Heise Taken by Death Highly Respected Resident of Hamlin, Kansas for More Than Half a Cen- tury Passed Away March 9th Anthony J. Heise, who for more than a. half a. century lived in Ham,- lin, Kansas, and a native of York County, passed away Monday, March 9th after a. short illness at his home In the year 1888, he was united in marriage to Mary W. Engle of Belle Springs, Kansas, after which they located on the farm. To this union were born 3 daughters and 2 sons; Mrs. J. L. Charles, Mrs. O. M. Fvetz, Edgar and Arthur Heis‘e and Mrs. R. E. Wagaman, all living near Ham- lin. His wife preceded him in death in 1901. In 1903 he was united in marriage to Martha J. Cober of On- tario, Canada. He Was a faithful church attend- ant, having missed but few church services 01' pray-er meetings during his Christian life. He served as a and wa church : ful and servmes his Chri deacon i1 He was much de‘ioted to his fam-l ily and concerned for their spiritual'l and material welfare. He was much‘ loved by his family, highly respected‘ in the community and will be great-1 1y missed in the home and cornmun- ity. .He was in failing health during the past year, his last illness being of short duration. He is survived by his wife, five children, 19 grandchildren, a brother, 2 sisters, all of Gormley, Canada, and a host of neighbors and friends. ant Hill Brethren in Chl‘ist church by Bishop R. I. Witter of Navarre, Kansas, with burial in the cemetery adjoining. Fundral services weir-e conducted! Wednesday, March 11, at the Pleas- The out of county relatives and friends who attended the funeral ser- vices were Rev. and Mrs. R. I. Witâ€" ter of Navarre, Kans, Rev. and Mrs. M. G. Engle of Abilene, Kans., Levi B. Heise of Gormley, Ontario, only living brother of Mr. Heisxe, Mrs. Liz. zie G. Engle and daughter, Adda Rev. Homer G. Enrgvle of Abilene. Kans., Hiram G. Engle, Hope, Kan; H. N. Engle and daughter Naomi. Abilene Kans., Albert Eshelman, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Wingerd, Mr. am? Mrs. Asia Wingerd, Ramona, Kans. Rev. and Mrs. Harry Crider of De- troit, Kans., Rev. J. M. Zook, Mrs. Devins, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horst and daughter Ruth and Miss Clara Kern, all of Tabor, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lenhert and daughter of St. Joe, Mo. Rev. Witter assisted Bishop En‘gle‘ in conducting the services and a quartet composed of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Eshelman, Mrs. R. I. Witter and Rev. Cecil Plank, all of Ramona, Kans., sang several hymns, favorites of Mr. Heise, and the hymns for the services. In an address to the British Empire Service League recently in Toronto, Hon. H. A. Bruce, Lieutenant-Gover- nor of Ontario, is reported to have stated that “Great; Britain has spent millions in housing plans sinoe 1919 and we continue to subsidize slums by paying- relief rent.†Clifford Graham of Stratford suc- ceeds James Simpson as Agricultural Representative for Peel County. Mr. Graham acted in this capacity in Perth County for the past seven years. R. V. Conover of Brampton has been named a member of the execu- tive of the Grand Chapter of the Royal Arch Masons. The annual meeting of the Chapter was held re- cently in St. Catharines. LUMBER, LATH. S-HINGLES ASlIPIIALT ROOFING, GYPDOC. SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. in th ‘cti itie Telephone 27 rayer mee life. He church for THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Dealers in atic 11 giver is a SUCCES many year-s river to all l A report of the Toronto Confer- lencre Branch W.M.S. meeting was “given by Miss Lorene Brown and Mrs. Halbert. Plans were made for ‘the Easter Thankoffering meeting. Another Dutch Girl Quilt was quilted land completed previous to the meet- 1 mg. local Y.P.S. next I Rev. E. E. Pugsle dress on “The L: A social time wi] I ing. The Girls’ Mission Circle held their March meeting at the parsonage last Thursday evening vn'th Miss Irene Smith presiding. Miss Lorene Brown led in the responsive reading of Psalm 121. Miss Edna Street gave the devotional topic and offered prayer. Miss Irene Smith gave the life story of Mary Slessor, a factory girl who had a world vision, who spent a long and adventurous career in. West Africa. Rev. Denzil Ridout will show his unique collection of over 100 hand colored views taken during his 30,000 mile tour last year to England, Euâ€" rope and Africa. His address is both entertaining and instructive so don’t miss hearing him. A hearty welcome to all. The W.M.S. will hold their regular monthly meeting next Tuesday, Mar. 24 at 2.30 pm. at the parsonage. There will be a Temperance program and! Mrs. W. G. Bartlett of Toronto will be the guest speaker. This will be a membership meeting. Will ev- ery member kindly bring their fee and also try and bring a. new mem- ber along. Visitors welcome. The Y.P.S. met last Monday even- ing with a splendid attendance. Mr. Clifford Brrett assistant citizenlship convenor was in the chair. The Scripâ€" ture lesson‘ was read by Mr. Irwin Brown and Rev. A. H. Halbert off- ered prayer. The guest speak-er of the evening was Rev. F. N. Bowes of Willowdale who spoke on the Sep- arate School question and also led arate Schpol in the discus The Young A St. Patrick' Missionary Tea was held last Tuesday afternoon from 3 to 5 o’clock at the home of Mrs. J. C. Bales, Lansing. Mrs. A. H. Doug- las, Mrs. R. F. Hicks and Mrs. W. T. New presided at the tea table. Miss Helen Bales,.Miss E. McPhail and Mrs. Harold Murphy assisted in serving. During the afternoon Mrs. Gladstone Wilson gave several vocal numbers with Mrs. Eileen Nash as NEWTONBROOK an C] Current Thoughtj yr. D Pictorial Review. . .1 yr. D Canadian Magazine 1 yr. I: National Home Monthly .. .. ..1 yr. D Canadian Horticulture & Home Magazine 1 yr. ion 'e’s Societies from ille will visit the L114 aonday evenlng. will give an ad- ;ue of Nations.†follow the meet- u will receive :Ie 4 publica- 1or one year he date we the coupon. ; the amazing Subscriptions taken at The Liberal accompanist. The hostess was as- sisted by Mrs. A. H. Halbert in re- ceiving the guests. Mrs. Hirai form- erly of. Kofu, Japan, was a guest and was accompanied by Miss E. A. Preston who spent several years as missionary in Japan. The twelfth Annual Good Friday Union Service will be held in New- tonbrook United Church on April 10 at 11 a.m. Local clergymen will take part in the service. The guest speak- er will be Rev. T. Albert Moore, D.D., L.L.D., ext-moderator of the United \\\I Einstein. WE r‘ PM cem MAIL COUPON TO DAY Our Guarantee to You! This wonderful offer is avail- able to old and new subscrib- ers to this newspaper. We guarantee the fulfillment of all magazine subscriptions and you have positive assurance that this generous offer is exactly as represented. Re- newals will be extended for full term shown. Please clip list of Magazines after checking 3 Publica- tions desired. Fill out coupon carefully. Gentlemen: I enclose $. . . . . . . . . . . . Please send tee 1_:he three magazines checked with a year's subscnptlon to your newspaper. NAME .. . . . . . . . . . . STREET OR R.F.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOWN AND PROVINCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. THURSDAY, MARCH 19th, 1936 Church of Canada. Next Sunday evening Rev. Densi- Ridout will give an illustrated travel- logue on “The New Africa in the Making†in Newtonbrook United Church. You are cordially invited. The Intermediate S.S. Choir made thier first appearance at the United Church service last Sunday evening. Eighteen voices led in the worship of song and gave special music. The pastor gave a special message for 1 young people. arometer in the original not an error as Einstein expected, and indicates third law correct and )rofessor with a merry ow 0’ 13‘: better proof