Mr. and Mrs. N. Eckhardt of To- ronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Harrington on Sunday. IMrs. Pyndale of Orangeville who has been spending two weeks with her mother Mrs. Reid Boyes returned home on Saturday. Miss Margaret Lawrie of Markham spent Thursday with Miss M. Som- merville. by Mrs. A. Coulson. This chapter “Help for the perplexed,†was a mess- age from the 73rd Psalm. In the absence of Mrs. Sabiston, Mrs. Craw- ford gave a synopsis of the 2nd chap- ter in the Study Book, that dwelt on the Religious Faiths of Africa and What superstitions the natives had unâ€" til Christianity dispelled them. Mrs. J. A. Gibson gave a review of the Missionary Monthly, touching on the African Baby Clinic, Chengtu College graduates. The meeting closed in the usual manner. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller enterâ€" tained at party of friends at a. plea- sant evening of Euchre on Thursday evening last. The honors of the ev- ening for having the highest score went to Mrs. J. R. Hood, Mrs. W. Summerfeldt, T. Burnett, G. Murphy. The March meeting of the W.M.S. Auxiliary of Central United Church was held at the home of Mrs. A. Coulâ€" son, twelve members present and the president, Mrs. C. Crawford in charge of the program. Following the devo- tional and business part of the meet- ing, Mrs. W. Young read some inâ€" formation regarding Stewardship and Finance. An interesting chapter from the Book entitled “The Crowded Ways" by Rev. W. Allan was read you. You are again reminded of and in- vited to attend the Lenten Services that are being held in St. Phillips Anglican Church on every Thursday evening during Lent. and on Wed- nesday evening Bethesda Lutheran Church. A cordial welcome awaits The Kinsman Quartette of Toronto presented a very fine service at Cen- tral United Church last Sunday even- ing. The several musical selections brought a splendid message in song and Mr. Lewis Raymer left many in- spiring thoughts with the young peo- ple as he spoke on “The Choice of a Young Man,†from the story of the Rich Young Ruler. The service was under the auspices of the Men’s Club. of the project. now being considered by the local Junior Institute. Refer- ence was also made to Achievement Day that will be held in May at Rich- mond Hill. â€"â€"Regina.ld Arkell. Eleven interested young women were in attendance at the meeting held at the home of Mrs. A. K. Har- rington on Monday afternoon last when Miss Wallace, Departmental re- presentative reviewed the present pro- ject being talien up by Institute young women and outlined the new one for the coming year. A practi- cal demonstration on baking tea bis- cuits was also given by Miss Wal- lace. Miss Ruby Reesor has charge To some a lawn that must be mown. To some a ton of Sheddar rocks; To some it means a window box; To some, who dare not pick a flowerâ€" A man, at eighteen pence an hour. To some it is a silly jest About the latest garden pest; To some a haven Where they find Forgetfulness and peace of mind. . . What is a garden? Large or small, ’Tis just a garden After all. WHAT IS A GARDEN? What is a gardenâ€" Goodness knows You’ve got a garden I suppose: To one it is a. piece of ground For which some gravel must. be found, To some, those seeds that must be sown, Mrs. Ewart Stiver who has been Manicure . . . . . . . Hair Cut . . . . . . Child’s hair cut . Hillcrest Beauty Parlor RUTH RUMBLE, Prop. PRICE LIST We Invite Your Patronage 35 Yonge Street, Finger Wave . . . . . . . . . . . 40c. Shampoo & Finger Wave 50c. Marcel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c. Shampoo & Marcel 50c. Oil Croquinole Permanent $2.00 Other Permanents at (Liberal Office Building) Telephone 9 For Appoint- ments THURSDAY, MARCH 19th, 1936 WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT RICHMOND HILL . . $1.50, $3.50 & $5.00 25c. 25c. 15c. Fatherâ€"“Why were you kept in at school?†_ Mikeâ€"“I didn’t know where the !Azores were.†Fatherâ€"“In future, just remem- ber where you put things.†1.30 p.m.â€"â€"Church School. 2.30 p.m.â€"“The Fellowship of~ the Church, its history and meaning.†St. Philip’s Anglican Church 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 11' a.m.â€"Morning Prayer. 7.30 p.m., Thursdayâ€"Lenten Service. BE'I‘HESDA LUTHERAN CHURCH 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"Pub1ic Worship. The Wind 0 Wind, a-blowing all day long, 0 wind, that sings so loud a song! I saw you toss the kites on high, And blow the birds about the sky: And all around I heard you pass, Like ladies’ skirts across the grass. I saw the different things you did, But always you yourself you hid. I felt you push, I heard you call, I could not see yourself at all. 0 you that are so strong and cold, 0 blower, are you young or old? Are you a beast of field and tree, Or just a stronger child than me? 0, wind, a-blowing all day long, 0 wind that sings so loud a song! ~Robt. Louis! Stevenson, CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Church, its history and meaning." 7 p.m.â€"“The Restoration of the Church, its task and challenge.†8 p.m.â€"Mondayâ€"Y.P.S. Toast bread on one side. Place corned beef on each of six slices. Spread with mayonnaise, horseradish and chili sauce. Make sandwiches and toast. Make six double sandwiches. Sandwich Filling 1/2 cup dates, 1/.) cup raisins, 1/2 cup of walnuts. Put through grinder, add juice of 1 orange and 1 table- spoon lemon juice. Mix together thor- oughly. Spread between buttered slices of brown bread. 1/2 cup of peanut; butter may be used instead of walnuts if preferred. VERSE FOR THE KIDDIES Pastor, Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"“The Fellowship of the Corned Beef Sandwiches 6 slices of corned beef, Mayonnaise, 3 teaspoons horseradish, 2 table- spoons chili sauce, 12 slices of bread. United Church on Wednesday night was delightful, humorous and in- structive. Mr. W. H. Goodwin of Montreal and prominent leader in Laymen Work brought the challeng- ing message from the experience of !the Prophet Isaiah. In the year of {the crisis Isaiah went to church to i The Men’s Banquet at Central find God. Out of that experience we ifind that God was above the crisis land was able to solve it, and we are gready to co-operate. Mr. R. H. Gold ‘with Mrs. Gold at the piano sang )several splendid selections with good interpretations. The toast list in- cluded, to the King, Mr. A. E. Milner who was: also toastmaster; the church by Mr. W. I-liltz and Rev. A. E. Owen; the men by Mr. G. G. Maynard and Mr. A. Dyke; ladies by Wm. Noble and Mrs. J. Russell. These addresses were all well handled. The ballot for election of officers resulted in the following: President, A. E. Mil- ner; Viceâ€"President, S. Hiltz; Treas- urer, W. Melville; Secretary, Ernie Appleton; Organist, Bob Thompson; Assistant, Elsworth Rosecurth. The executive includes Fred Baggs, A. L. Brown, A. C. Kennedy, B. Weather- ill, R. Holden, J. Brown, A. Dyke, Lloyd Stephenson, Bill Champion, J. P. Carr, Percy Payne, Mr. Brook- field. Messrs. C. E. Stiver and A.‘ C. Kennedy moved a vote of appre- ciation to Mr. Goodwin and Mr. Gold. One matter that was overlooked was the appreciation to the ladies for‘ the splendid supper. The meal was well prepared and well served. Miss Allison Hood was hostess when the Y. W. Auxiliary of Knox Presbyterian Church met at her home on Saturday evening last. Mrs. Ruby Boyle of Richmond Hill visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Miller on Thursday. The C.G.I.T. of Knox Presby‘berian Church, Agincourt were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Muir- head on Monday evening last. A St. Patrick’s party was the order of events. Mrs. W. M. Smith has been spend- ing a few days in Toronto. Mrs. Geo. Kelly, Sr. of Buttonville was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Duncan on Tuesday last. We regret to report so many of our citizens ill with severe colds, Flu and measles. Mrs. J. R. Hood visin her daugh- ter Mrs. E. Parkinson in Toronto last week. ill in Toronto General Hospital is making favorable convalescence at her home here. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH p.m., Wednesdayâ€"Lenten Service A FAVORITE TESTED RECIPE Mrs. J. D. Cunningham received; the sad news this morning of the‘ sudden passing of her mother from a heart attack, in Middleton, Nova‘ Scotia. Mrs. Armstrong was 76' years of age. 1 DANCE AT VELLORE vaoluvLi .w, .3â€, same vlu swq Vellore Women’s Institute will hold ; CHARGED WITH BREACH L.C.A. an Olde Tyme Dance in- the Town-I A resident of Vaughan township ship Hall, Vellore, on Friday, March? living south of Richmond Hill ap- 27th, at 8.30 p.m. Catannia’s Orches- pear-ed in County Court this week tra. E. Evans, f-loor manager. Pro-- and was remanded for a week on 2.1 gressive [euchre and prizes in the charge of breach of the Liquor Conâ€"l basement of the Hall. Lunch pro-[trol Act. The charge followed a raid vided. Admission 35c. tax included. conducted by York County Police of- Everybody welcome. .ficers last Saturday afternoon. Mr- L- 13- Heise 0f Vicwria Square II under the auspices of the L.0.L. and Who is in Hamlin, Kansas; attending r L.0.B.A. Lodges will be held on the funeral of his brother the 1ate,Thursday, March 26th, in the Lodge A- J- HEiSe: in a communication to Rooms, Yonge Street. Prizes and re- The Liberal this Week reports finelfreshments. Note change of date. spring weather and everything lookâ€"l â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€":â€" ing very promising in the golden] Visitorâ€"“May I‘ come In? It’s the corn state. He states that wheat is-iroom I had when I went to college looking good, spring seeding is iniih ’90." full swing and stock is out to pas-' COllege SWdent â€" “sum! Come ture. lright in." The many friends of Mr. George Plewman, who has been in the To- ronto General Hospital for the past two months following a serious ac- cident, will be pleased to hear he was able to return home 'on- Thurs- day of last week and is progressing satisfactorily. Plan to attend the Baking Sale and Tea held by the W. A. of St. Mary’s Church in the basement on Saturday of this week from 3 pm. Over a hundred attended the am nual “At Home†of Richmond Lodge A.F'. & A.M. at the Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill, Wednesday evening. Cards, dancing and entertainment provided a very delightful evening making the event one of the most successful in the history of the Lodge. Rev. C. W. Follett, minister of the Richmond Hill United Church who who sustained a. broken arm in a motor mishap last week is progress- ing very favorably and' expects to take his pulpit next Sunday at both services. Mrs. Follett who sustain- ed injuries in the same accident is also making favorable progress. The hilarious comedy “The Circus†will be staged by local talent in the Masonic Hall, Friday and Saturday, March 27th and 28th. The proceeds are in aid of the Community Childâ€" ren’s Playground Fund. Miss Ruth Rumble of the Hillcrest Beauty Parlor in this issue announces a price list for all lines of hairdress- ing and beauty culture. For full particulars or appointment telephone 9, Richmond Hill. Mr. Melvin Sheppard of Rindey, Alberta, is spending a few days at the home of his mother, Mrs. H. J. Winch. Although the weather was stormy a good crowd attended the Supper, Bridge and Euchre held by the W0- men’s Auxiliary of St. Mary’s R. C. Church in the Parish House on Tues- day night. Prizes were won by, Bridge, Mrs. W. Middleton, Mr. C. Nelson; Euchre, ladies, Mrs. J. Hunt, Mrs. Bishop, gents, Don. Graham, Morley Beynon; Lucky number prizes Mrs. Mullen, Mrs. Bishop. Morley Beynon; Lucky number prizes’ RICHMOND HILL - I UNITED CHURCH Mrs‘ Munen’ Mrs' B'Sh°p‘ Rev. c. w. Follctt, 3.1)., Pastor Mr. Melvin Sheppard of Rindey, sunday’ Mal-Ch 22nd Alberta, is spending a few days at 111:; Faggot; Ziafgtgijlitfes' th h e fh' ‘th ,Mm. H. J. ' ‘_ ' _ anclfm o ls mo er ' 2.45 p.m.â€"Sunday School and Blble ' ‘ Classes. Mrs. Graham Henn-essy of Hailey- 7 P'm-“Tlo See The End' bury, Ont, is visiting Mrs. H. B. V A cord‘al welcome to All- Stirling for a time. | â€" mm --.n‘u~ . u-“ . An interesting “Travelogue,†illush trated with seven reels of beautiful slides, will be given next Monday evening, March 23rd, in Thomhill Presbyterian Church. The lecturer has travelled in many European countries and knows his subject thor- oughly, hence a good evening- is an- ticipated. All welcome. The members of the Inten'nediate hockey team were entertained Mon- day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Page, Yonge Street. A large crowd will attend the Richmond Hill Agricultural Society banquet in the United Church School Room Friday evening when Hon. Duncan Marshall will be the guest speaker. Dress up for Easter. Order your new spring suit and top coat from Richmond Tailors, Richmond Hill, and have them for Easter delivery. In this issue Kerr Brothers otter a fine lot of grocery specials for the week-end. Try Kerr Bmthersa, gro- cers, bakers and butchers for quality goods at reasonable prices. Finger-waving, Marcelli‘ng, Perma- nent Waving and all lines of hair- dressing work done at the Hillcrest Beauty Parlor, Richmond Hill. Tele- phone 9 for appointments. Social and Personal THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Studentâ€"“Erâ€"ah! this is my sisâ€" ter.†Another in the series of Euchres under the auspices of the L.O.L. and L.O.B.A. Lodges will be held on Thursday, March 26th, in the Lodge Rooms, Yonge Street. Prizes and re- freshments. Note change of date. Visitor (muttering, lost in reverie) â€"“Yes, sir. Same old room. Same old windows. Same old furniture. Same old view of the campus. Same old closet.†He stepped over and opened the closet door. There stood a girl. In addition to the list publishe. elsewhere in this issue for the L. H Clement sale on Thursday, March 26th, there are 250 bushels of Goose wheat which will be included in the sale. HOT MEAT SUPPER A Hot Meat Supper Will be served in the Sunday School Room of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church under the auspices of the Women’s Alssodiationv Friday evening, March 27th from 5.30 p.m. Admission 25 cents. ‘ BIRTHDAY ENTERTAINMENT Come to the novel entertainment and Birthday party given by the months of the year under the aus- pices of the Presbyterian Y.P.S. on Monday evening, March 23rd, at 8 pm. Silver collection. C. G. I. T. SOCIAL The C.G.I.T. will hold a social ev- ening on Thursday, March 26 at 7.30 p.m. in the United Church School Room. The girls are requested to bring their mothers, fathers and friends. Remembe; the date. ST. MARY’S A.Y.P.A. On Monday evening last the Rev. J. D. Cunningham gave a very interâ€" esting talk. to the members» and friends of the A.Y.P.A., on the coun- try of Tibet. Noreen Hawor'th then read the paper which contained some very interesting articles. Mr. Jones of Mill Street played a few numbers on his banjo and a singâ€"song brought the meeting to a close. Little Miss Mary Barrett of Lang- staï¬ who won second prize in the Richmond Hill Afnateur contest last Saturday night won the first prize in Newmarket Tuesday evening. In the Newmarket contest the prizes were awarded according to the votes of the audience. Rev. J. D. Cunningham Sunday, March. 22nd 11 a.m.â€"“C}Lrist’s Way With Men.†2.45 p.m.â€"Su.nday School. 7 p.m.â€"“Fruits of Godly Fear." Sin without sorrow is the soul’s most serious sickness. ST. MARY’S ANGLiCAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Rector, Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. Sunday, March 22nd 4th Lent 8 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. 11 a.m.â€"Moming Prayer. 3 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer. BAKING SALE AND TEA St. Mary’s Anglican Church W.A. will hold a Baking Sale and Tea. in the basement of the Church on Sat- urday, March let from 3 p.m. Plan to attend. In answer to a question by W. P. Mulock, K.C., M.P. for North York in the House of Commons this week, Hon. J. C. Elliott, Postmasterâ€"Gen- eral reported that during the term of the late Bennett government there were nine hundred and thirteen Post.- masters dismissed. 913 POSTMASTERS DISMISSED UNDER BENNETT Visitorâ€"“Yes, sir, same old story.†GOOSE WHEAT IN CLEMENT SALE ALL WELCOME. MARY BARRETT FIRST AT NEWMARKET RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH EUCHRE WEAVER-TAYLOR A marriage of much interest was solemnized by the Rev. W. F. Wrixon at St. John’s Church, Oak Ridges, on Wednesday, March 11th, at 4 pm. when Dorothy Margaret Taylor, of Oak Ridges and France, daughter of the late John Alexander Taylor and Tilly Helen Roberts, became the wife of Randolph Tate Weaver, of New York, son of John V. A. Alstyne Wea- ver and Annie Tate. The Bride was attended by her neice Miss Barbara Taylor and the Groom by Michael Taylor. After the ceremony, a de~ lightful reception was held at the beautiful home of the Bride’s bro- ther, Gordon Taylor, Esq., at Oak Ridges. Later in the day the happy couple left for New York and the Bride’s home in the South of France. EIRTHS STEVENSONâ€"0n Friday, March 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Stevenson, 161 Rosemount Ave., Toronto, a son. GEEâ€"At Victoria Square, on Wéd- nesday, March 18th, to Mr. and Mrs Douglas Gee, a daughter. In the power of its simplicity, natural humaness: andl reflection ocf problems gonfronting every family, it is one of the most im- pressive features brought to the screen in recent years. A classic of smallâ€"town life that deserves to live forever. This is exciting, swiftly paced entertainment. Plenty of action. A G-men Melodrama. that is somewhat different from the usual run. MAN WHO BROKE THE BANK at MONTE CARLO MONDAY & TUESDAY, MARCH 23 - 24 WALLACE BEERY, LIONEL BARRYMORE, CECELIA PARKER in HUGH HERBERT â€" HELEN BRODERICK â€" ROGER PRYOR in Two Shows Daily â€" 7.30 & 9.30 'â€" Sat. Matinee 2.00 11.111. RoyalTheatre,AURORA We sell BLUE COAL and a full line of other kinds of fuel. LD. Rainer 8.: San “b luec oal†SHORTBREAD BISCUITS, special, per ORANGE CAKES, our own make, each DOMESTIC SHORTENING, 2 lbs. for CREAMERY BUTTER, 2 lbs. for SPECIAL BLEND TEA, per lb. . . . . . PJEAS & TOMATOES, 2 tins for GRAPEFRUIT, 5 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JUICY PRUNES, 3 lbs. for . . . . . . . . . OGILVIE' MINUTE OATS, lge. pkg. . SINGAPORE SLICED PINEAPPLE, t CLARK’S Veg. or Tomato Soup, 2 tins 1 CHICKEN HADDIE, 2 tins for . . . . . . SALMON, 2 large tiils .. FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MARCH 20 - 21 TWO FEATURES HARRY CAREY â€" HOOT GIBSON â€"- TOM TYLER in MARY BURNS FUGUTIVE WEDDING POWDER SMOKE RANGE For over fifty years this outstanding D.L. & W. anthracite has been considered the finest hard coal ever brought above ground. This is why more Canadian homes are burning BLUE COALâ€"be- cause home owners know that BLUE COAL as- sures evem, steady heat during the coldest weather â€"keeps heating bills down to a minimumqsaves constant trips to the furnace and burns cleanly to a fine, flaky ash. We guarantee Quality, Service and Weight Phone 10 Richmond Hill NO ORDER TOO SMALL, NONE TOO BIG SPECIAL DELIVERY ON SATURDAY An exceptional action Western by ZANE GREY TO-DAY â€" THURSDAY, MARCH 19 RONALD COLEMAN - JOAN BENNETT in WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY. MARCH 24 - 25 SYLVIA SIDNEY â€" MELVYN DOUGLAS in TO BEAT THE BAND ; TO-DAY â€" THURSDAY, MARCH 12 AH WILDERNESS Keep Your Eye on KERR BROS. SPECIALS Musicâ€"Dancing and Comedy LOOK Page the Hare Dinerâ€"“Waiter, it’s been half an hour since I ordered that turtle 7’ Walterâ€"“Yes, turtles are.†Patientâ€"“Tell Doctorâ€"“No A LAZY LIVER PHONE 71 GLEN'N’S DRUG SNRE CAN CAUSE MANY AILMENTS Parke’s LIVER : , TONE for will qnikcly restore that liver to normal healthy adieu. ro- lievin'! eonsupation, biliousness, he‘d. aches, etc. It also aids the stomach. A month’s mm. ment for $1.00 me the worst, Doc- I’ll mail the bill to but you know how men m j. 9c. 15c. 25c. 25c.