Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Mar 1936, p. 7

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The farm implement question came up again, and led to a rather curious turn. The agricultural committee, which has been entrusted with the task of finding out why prices have recently risen, decided, after a vote in which Conservatives opposed Lib- erals and others that the House should be asked to pass along to the implement companies a request that the higher prices should not be charg- ed until the inquiry was over. The Soya Bean The Houseâ€"in committee of ways and means over the United States trade agreementâ€"had a couple of warm sessions over the important question of the soya bean. It ap- pears that the soya bean is, next to coal, the most remarkable substance known for the number of derivatives and by-products. Everything from duco to synthetic milk, it seems, may be made from it, and when the bean is ‘puffed’ and roasted, it is superior in flavour to the finest peanuts. No wonder that the House grew inter- ested! It further transpired that the present acreage of soya beans in Canada was about 10,000, of which about half was cut for ensilage, and the remainder was threshedy for the bean. A plant at Chatham has been extracting oil or otherwise process- ing the bean, another plant at Strat- ford failed to get going, and one is under way at Montreal. Several Conservative members were much distressed because the soya bean, which formerly was pro- tected at a. rate of two cents per pound, is now to enter free from the United States. Mr. Bennett saw in she signatory to the Locarno Facial nor 'was she-â€"as Rt. Hon. R. J., Thomas had saidâ€"obligated through! the League of Nations because of any action of the Mother country. Replying to a further question by Mr. Bennett, the prime minister said that of cburse there were obligations by Canada under the covenant of the league. So far, he thought, these had been honored to the letter; any further obligations under the League: covenant would be carefully consid- ered as they arose. Conscription of Germans . Mr. Woodsworth objected to a proâ€" clamation issued by Ludwig Kempff, consul-general for Germany, instruct/5 ing all Germans in Canada they were, subject to conscription, and warningi them that if they failed to register! they could be punished. The C. C. F. leader wanted to know how a Ger- man consulâ€"general could mete out punishment to persons resident ini Canada. He regarded the whole state-l ment as an extraordinary one, and asked the government to make a statement. Mr. Mackenzie King proâ€" mised that he would, after‘having obtained from Ludwig Kempff his exact words: Pensions for The Blind 'f( Aside from these trade matters“ F which monopolized the time of our! t] legislators last week, there were two; sj or three interesting diversions. The! H last complete private member’s day m was about equally divided between a i t] debate on pensions for the blind and] v a request for special recognition of s; the problem of youth in Canada. The' 1: first of these, sponsored by Dr. t] Thomas Donnelly, Liberal member *5] for Wood Mountain, Sask., asked the tl government to consider giving the old f1 age pension (Maximum $20. per month) to all blind persons at forty. e The second, sponsored by Denton a Massey, famous Bible Class leade1~§n- from Toronto, urged the creation of i a; a commission to deal specially with il education and training for the youth; si of to-day. , I‘C Canada and Empire Defence s'i The grave crisis in Europe pre- :11 cipitated by Germany’s military OC-ial cupation of the Rhineland was reâ€" 1 G flected by a. couple of exchanges in ! c< the House of Commons. In reply to ' it a question levelled by J. S. Woods-:01 worth, C. C. F. leader, the Prime W Minister explained Canada’s position b( in regard to Empire defence. lie 0: stated and reiterated that Canada g1 was not committed in any way toiih an empire defence policy, nor was >6 Ottawa, March 17th.â€"The trade a- ‘the binding of the free item for three greement with the United States was years the end of any immediate poss- formally approved by parliament in: ibility of the starting of a soya bean a recorded vote. Liberals, C.C.F., SO-;industry in Canada. On the other cial Credit, Reconstruction and Miss_side, it was stated that the pros- Macphail voted for the United States pects of any considerable acreage in agreement, only the forces of Rt. ‘ Canada was very slight and in view Hon. R. B. Bennett opposing it. Thetof the importance of the article, it vote was 175 to 39â€"one of the larg-iwas well to have free access to it. est majorities ever recorded in the Pensions for The Blind Canadian parliament on an issue sok momentous and so contentious as be-' tween the major parties. The House. proceeded at once to deal with the items of the treaty one by one. This uncovered a good deal of party feel- ing and cleavages in attitude toward. tariffs, and will probably take some; time. Pensions for The Blind Aside from these trade matters,! The government accepted the prin- ciple of pensions for the blind at 40, Mr. Dunning observing that of‘ course if it were granted at 40, it would not be long before the govâ€" ernment would probably have to pay it to all blind persons as soon as they become of age when normal people are able to get out and fend for themselves. But the Minister of Finance was not prepared to say that monopolized the time Of our! the government could pay the pen. legismtors last week) there were two: sion to the blind at 40 this session. or three interesting diversions. Thel He was not prepared to agree to any 13513 complete Private member's day more financial committments until was about equally divided between althe financial horizon cleared a bit. debate on pensions for the blind and] Which prompted some members to a request for special recognition of say that money could be fOund for the problem of youth in Canada. The‘ less worthy objects. One member in first of these, sponsored by Dr. this connection cited the fact that in Thomas Donnelly, Liberal member the past five years a total of more for Wood Mountain, Sask., asked the than $18,000,000 had been paid out government to consider giving the old, for travelling expenses. THURSDAY, MARCH 19th, 1936 The Ottawa Spotlight By Wilfrid Eggleston :ion He ada‘ was act, Jgh of of : grm the sen ary. th e mor ant] Fruit and Vgeetable Tariffs The tariffs against fruits and vege- tables entering Canad‘a from the United States have been reduced sub- stantially, but most of them are still as high as Hamah’s gallows during the period when the Canadian horti- culturist is placing his product on the market. Formerly they ranged from 25 per cent to about 300 per cent; now they range from 15 per cent to about 200 per cent. The prairie members wanted to know why they should be penalized for the sake of their brethren east and west. They pointed out that fruits and vege- tables in most parts of the prairie were scarce and highly appreciated and that it would be of tremendous benefit if they could be obtained freely in the most available market. The members from the eastern prov- inces and from British Columbia, took the View that the market gard- eners of Canada were living only a little above the starvation wage, and that the home market should be pre- served. They added the claim that the Canadian gardener did not take advantage of the tariff, and that in- ternal competition drove the price down to a reasonable level. But one of the Social Credit members rather startled the house by telling them that a 75 cent basket of California tomatoes formerly paid $2.15 duty on its way to Calgary, entirely aside from the freight. The private members’ days having gone, government business will now proceed five days a week, and we “I do not believe the youth of this Dominion expect ready-made jobs, nor do I believe that the solution for unemployed youth lies in public employment. If I did believe that I should have some misgivings for the future of Canada. It is our duty to create conditions within which our Canadian youth may once more, as in other years, find their own op- portunities and make the most of them.” SSl'VflIiVe at times, If not reaction- ary. Whether in the ensuing months, the ‘Ginger Group’ will do anything more than get up and speak trenchâ€" antly at. party caucuses is question- able, of course. But if,.the Liberal party fails to be Liberal in doctrine and action, it will not have the exâ€" cuse that there was no internal lead- ership on the matter. Liberals and Youth Denton Massey’s resolution regard- ing youth was approved by the gov- ernment, Hon. Norman Rogers stat- ing that the Employment Commis- sion which was being set up would, among other things, be charged with a duty of doing everything possible for youth. A few words from the close of the Labor Minister’s address represents quite fairly the govern- ment’s point of view on this ques- tion: s'ion, the atchewar also frc Gordon 1 has a number of measures all ready to bring down, but apparently doesn’t see any point in putting them on the order paper until they are ready to go on with them. The unemploy- ment commission will be about next. The inquiry into the wheat board should start in a few days time. There are Several inquiries pending. Anthracite coal will be the subject of one of these. The royal comâ€" mission inquiring into textiles is, meanwhile, probing a very complex and difficult subject. can expect somewhat more speed in the program here. The government “The Canadian Pacific’s biggest liner, the 42,500-ton Empress of Britain, to be designated ‘cabi‘n’ ship following the abolition of 'First class" designation by the North Atlantic Conference, will continue in operation as a high class, high speed. de luxe liner," William Baird, steamship passen- ger traffic manager of the Canaâ€" dian Pacific, said recently. pan. Th1 cause it i a pestile: trict. ‘Two prominent British resi- dents in Kobe are fighting a losing battle against a sacred pine tree which they fear is about to fall on their residence, according to passengers arriving in Victoria. recently on the Empress of Ja- pan. They can’t get it felled be- cause it is believed if that is done, “It is a pity every British 001- umbia. business man can not find it possible to visit the Far East. particularly Japan,” said C. A. Cotterell, assistant general man- ager, British Columbia, for the Canadian Pacific Railway. just back from a trip to the Orient. Mr. Cotterell thought a visit would be an education, enlight- ening and of inostimable value in a. practical sense. Recently the Royal York Hotel. Toronto held 3. Cherry Pie Conâ€" test Wide open to everybody and gave ten prizes in order of merit and the good housewives of the Queen City were all agog. The judges of course had their work cut out for themâ€"or may be they did a bit of cutting for themsel- ves. Stating emphatically that suc- cess depends on luck, Captain Charles M. Hudson, D.S.O., and Bar, R.N.R., commander of Q- boat for two years of the war. had a. hard job convincing the Active Club International at Hotel Vancouver recently of the entire truth of the statement. They thought that skill, courage and foresight had something to do with success after hearing some of his adventures. THORNHHJL MOTORS Ere arm} There among the soldlers was the result of conditions which made the trans- ference of bacteria from one mouth to another much more likely than is the case in ordinary civil life. The transfer may be by direct con- tact, notably in kissing, and in the use of common eating and drinking utensils, 01' of eating and drinking utensils which are not sterilized be- tween use. Since tne war, the dis- ease has continued its unusual pre- valence, and some believe that it is actually on the increase. The prevention of Vincent’s Angina depends upon keeping the mouth clean and healthy. This is not a guarantee that the dis-ease ‘will not occur, but it renders it much less likely. s1ve‘ The usual onset is marked by the appearance of a spot on the gums or cheek. This spot is tender and is covered with a whitish film which can be easily removed, leaving- a bleeding surface. Unless properly treated, the condition spreads rapid- ly. There is slight fever with nausea. Usually, there is some pain on swalâ€" lowing, and the glands of the neck are swollen. The breath is offen- The dis-ease rarely occurs in young children. It is during the high school years that it begins to appear. It may be either acute or chronic, and the severity of the attacks varies a great deal. The onset may be mild or severe. VINCENT’S ANGINA Vincent’s Angina was first de- scribed in 1898. It is an important disease, and it has freouently been mistaken for diphtheria. *It became comparatively common among the soldiers of the World War, when the condition was known as “trench mouth.” Later, it was widely spread throughout the civil population. Like other infections and commun- icable diseases, Vincent’s Angina is caused by a living agent or bacter- ium. This particular disease is um- usual in that it results from the combined action of two different kinds of bacteria working together as a team. , rapi the soldier ich occurred. 5 the resulti The harm which may result from Vincent’s Angina depends upon how promptly the condition is brought under proper treatment, and treat- ment must be continued until a heal- thy mouth is secured). The mouth must be put into first-class shape, through dental treatments to repair, clean and correct diseased or faulty conditions. Vincent’s Angina. is a disease which requires skilled care, as otherwise it will pass into a chro- nic condition which is destructive to the health of the mouth. Questions concerning health, adâ€" dressed to the Canadian Medical Ash sociation, 184 College St., Toronto, will be answered personally by let- ter. for Ford V-8 cars. Plenty of heat from your hot water heater despite lam-e cooling capacity. No special thermo- stats required, uses heat ordinarily wasted, operate. per- fectly with any anti-freeze. Installed in a few minutes and assures a comfortable car in coldest weather. See this out- standing improvement at CITIES SERVICE GARAGE HARRY R. ROSE 40 Yonge 31., Richmond Hill Phone 12 Webber Heater Booster Office Hoursâ€"Every Monday and Thursday Afternoon and by appointment Toronto Office: 100 Adelaide Street West Telephone ELgin 9263-4 ROSE & HERMAN BARRISTERS-AT-LAW See the new 163-167 Yonge St., Toronto, up stain-q, opp. Simpsons. Phone Elgh 4820. The moment you feel the slightut distress in your eyes or notice 3 din- ming of your vision consult F. E. LUKE & SON THO RNHILL ONTARIO Your Eyes LOUIS H-FJ Telephone 133 Richmond Hiil PAGE SEW PRICED FROM

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