Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Mar 1936, p. 7

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I respect to liquor exports to the "nited States, which bulked large in [e expectations of the Canadians Payments to Pool Farmers Legislation to provide for payment about $6,000,000, to farmers who livered wheat, rye and flax to the g the week by the placing of the cessary notice on the order paper. he government has relented a little m its first position. The order v council of October last contemâ€" lated a total payment of over $8,- 0,000; the origina. proposal of this overnment was for a payment of ,900,000. The present plan is about If way between these two and proâ€" ‘des for some payment to producers coarse grains (rye and flax only) d durum wheat producers of Mani- ba. The government finds it im- ssible to suit everyone in regards these 1930 payments, In the East ere is a good deal of opposition paying anything; in the west the 001 farmers feel they are not get- ng' enough, while the nonpool far- lers are displeased because they are etting nothing. Threat to Liquor Exports 'A curious situation has developed , even at that; but it is obvious at a great deal of important work now before the House. Add to ese and any other such new legis- ation as may be prepared, a budget vhich will not be empty nor insig- ificant; a discussion of the Japan- se trade arrangement; discussions f the Ottawa agreements and a few uch current issues: and it is .easily Ben we shall be plugging away here at some time. Talk of a short light ession is obviously idle. d up last week-end immediately rings to light the following: A committee to study the radio ommission. and its work. ' A committee to study the wheat 8rd and its work. Legislation to bring the Bank of hip of the government. ‘ A study of electoral and franchise chinery in Canada. Legislation to set up a national bor Board. An amendment of the British North merica Act to provide federal guar- nteos of provincial loans. | Another amendment to authorize rovinces to levy Indirect taxes on tail sales, places of amusement, otels etc. Legislation to create a National mployment Commission. Legislation to create a Veterans’ sistance Commission. Legislation to provide for agricul- ural settlement, rehabilitation, de- I have probably missed two or ‘ ew days the Boulanger bill was talked out.’ But it will come up gain, and it is pretty safe to pre- ict still more fireworks. Not Much In The Hopper The legislative mill has been grind- ng along without much stuff in the hopper; but that defect will soon be Sectified. Notices of resolutions, )illsl, committees of inquiry and so :‘orth are beginning Lo pile up. A lasty glance over the ‘bill of fare’ ’or the immediate future as it stackâ€" rd debate on the ‘merit’ and ‘patron- L88, systems of appointing civil ser- ’ants; and for the second time in a t could be studied by a committee. l‘his was a rather unfortunate pro- )osal, because the approval of the {econd reading of a bill means the Ipproval of its principle, and there we members in the house in all mrties who would not allow such L measure to become law over their lead bodies. The result was a heat- Ottawa, March 24.â€"â€"Corning' events '11 the parliamentary world make a ore sensational story than the ac- omplishments of the past week; hich were fairly limited. The House of Commons spent the best part of our days passing the schedules of he United States trade agreement, ractically every item of the several undred provoked some discussion. rotection versus Free Trade was the X1: of a good many speeches. The arm implement industry and its re- ationship with the prosperity of the farmer were threshed out several‘ times; in spite of the fact that thel agricultural committee of the House is engaged in a study of farm im- plement prices, and that therefore many further opportunities will pre- sent themselves for a debate on this subject. The House had a very hectic hour )1: Oscar Boulanger’s bill to bring >art of the civil service again within ;he patronage system: the tempest leveloped when the Secretary of itate suggested that Mr. Boulanger’s bill be given second reading so that THURSDAY, MARCH 26th, 1936 The Ottawa Spotlight By Wilfrid Eggleston The Alberta loan situation is giv- ing Ottawa some concern. An issue of $3,200,000 matures on April lst, and Premier Aberhart must either find the money somewhere or else default. And for the sake of the province’s credit he is anxious not to do that. He will probably comâ€" promise. The Dominion, however, takes the stand that it could hardly place its guarantee behind provincial securiâ€" ties without some assurance of the province’s determination to manage its affairs in a business like Way. The Dominion would also ask the province to pledge its subsidy payâ€" ments and perhaps other revenues tow‘ard meeting the interest on the guaranteed securities. On their own, of course, some of the western provinces camot hope to refund their maturing loans at a rate much lower than what they are pay- ing now, if at all, because they have not balanced their budgets for years, and investors are not overly impressâ€" ed with the soundness of their finanâ€" cial positions. But with a federal guarantee, the interest rates would approximate those of Dominion bonds, now quite low. Helping Out The Provinces The idea is that some of the pro- vinces, now laboring under a very heavy interest debt, with bonds pay- ing 5 to 6 per cent, might be able to balance their budgets if they could conduct refunding operations for their maturing issues, and gradually cut the cost of funded debt down to a more comfortable level. The necessary machinery for fed- eral guarantee of provincial loans is being sought in another proposed a- mendment to the British North Amer- ica. Act. At the Dominion-Provincial confer- ence last December this unusatisfacâ€" tory situation was pointed out, and the federal government promised to initiate a. request for an amendment of the constitution which would give the provinces the legal authority to impose these indirect taxes. was of doubtful validity. If these taxes had been challenged in the courts by the federal government it is more than likely that most of them would have had to be given up. But the federal government, begin- ning- during the war, and branching out in the depression, began to rely quite heavily upon the direct taxa- tion for its revenues. The income taxâ€"a direct taxâ€"has yielded many scores of millions to the federal treas- ury. For a while it has been yield- ing more than the total from the tariff on imported goods, This in- vasion of the provincial tax field was‘ met by the provincial invasion of the federal field. For years the prov- inces have been levying what is ob- viously indirect taxationâ€"such levies as restaurant taxes, amusement taxes and even the gasoline taxâ€"which Legalize Provincial Taxes The amendment to the British North America Act regarding proâ€" vincial taxation Will legalize a prac- ltise which has been in existence for Tsome time. To understand what is happening, it is necessary to recall that the constitution confined the provinces to direct taxes. The im- plication was that the federal gov- ernment would be largely financed by such indirect taxation as the customs tariff, leaving the direct taxation field pretty well to the provinces. l One feature of some assurance to ithe Canadian liquor interests, how- ever, which are anxious to sell their large surpluses to the United States, ,is that there is provision in the treaty 3that if steps are taken by either coun- try to increase restriction against goods ‘bound’ in the agreement this is taken as a violation of the treaty which might lead to its cancellation. The United States administration will, as a result of the treaty, be careful to see that nothing- is done which might be read of a violation of its pledges, according to more optimistic theory here. when negotiating the trade agreement with the United States. There are regulations and measures pending in the United States which, if applied, would sharply curtail Canada’s ship- ments to that country. This came out during the debate on the United States agreement, in committee of {Ways and means. The United States has information that certain distill- Iers in Canada shipped liquor to the United States illegally during- the time when the Volstead Act was in force. An effort is now being made to collect the import taxes which such shipments would have had to pay if they had not been ‘boot-legged’ into that country; and legislation has already passed one house at Wash- ington which would stop imports from Canadian firms which have sinned in this regard against the United States, laws. The world is willing and eager to help you. All you need do is show that you don’t need it. Funny man! He fights for free- dom and then deliberately assumes the ball and chain of debt. Questions concerning health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184 College St., Toronto, will be answered personally by let- Let. Inspection may be irritating to some and it may seem unnecessary to others, but there is no other way of controlling some of the health haz- ards which beset our daily path. Did you ever give a thought to the danger there might be for you or for anyone else in a. public eating- house if there were no inspection of these places by your health depart- ment? Some of them would be safe because some proprietors do not need the spur of inspection to do what is right, but others would be danâ€" gerous. You would not be able to judge for yourself because a clean front does not necessarily mean a clean ykitchen. It is, for example, much more important that the drink- ingâ€"glasses be sterilized than that the table-cloth be clean. Particular care is required to as» sure the purity and safety of those foods which are eaten raw. It should also be remembered that cooked foods Ido not, of necessity, remain safe; :they may be contaminated after cookâ€" ing, and if they are allowed to Stan? around, the contaminating bacteri: multiply rapidly. Food that is kep cold is, in general, safer be'caus-‘ while cold does not kill bacteria, i“: does check their growth. ‘ What happens to food in the home is the responsibility of the family itself. We depend upon, or we should 3 be able to depend upon, our health departments to provide such safe~ guards as will guarantee that the] foods which we buy, in licensed stores, are safe. 'Pne modern health department, with an adequate staff of qualified workers, serves us in this Way. Some foods, because of their source and the conditions under which they are handled, are more apt to become contaminated than are others. It is generally true that; cooking renders food safe, as the meat is sufficient to destroy bacteria, and the toxins or poisons which the bacteria pro- duce, It is a matter of importance for all of us to be assured that our health is not being menaced by the food and drink which We must use to provide for the growth and repair of the body and its maintenance in health and vigour. Many of the diseases which afflict mankind are caused by the entrance of certain bacteria into the body. It may be said that we eat or drink many of these bacteria because they are taken in together with the food or drink wihch have been contaminâ€" ated with them before use. INSPECTION The only justification for the vari- ous inspection services provided by departments of health is that the in- spection is a necessary step towards achieving the goal towards which all departments of health are working: less disease and better health for all citizens. Members are asked to bring their names for the autograph quilt as soon as convenient so that the quilt may be completed before the end of the Institute year. Lunch was served by the hostesses Mrs. Brooke, Mrs. Paterson, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Wm. Rodick and Miss Mary Rodick. A “Pat Contest” was won by Miss Edna Street of Newtonbrook. Com- munity singing of some old) time songs, and a vote of thanks moved by Mrs. Brooke, to all who contri- buted to the success of the afternoon bnought another enjoyable meeting of this society to a close. Thirty boxes of candy for the aged at Newmarket were donated in an- swer to the roll call. Mrs. Milliken Smith gave an in- teresting history of some famous grandmothers. Miss Emma Barker sang two suit- able solos accompanied by Miss Lucy Yerex at the piano. The Institute Grandmothers’ Day held at the home of Miss Mary Rod- ick last Thursday afternoon was a. very enjoyable occasion for the many members and grandmothers present, BU'I'I‘ONVILLE TEE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Friday: Unkel Hen loan ded a man 10$.&themansedhewoodall ways be greatfb & indetted to Unkel Hen. After sum time in medditashen Unkel Hen sed he diddent like the idear none to well. Mebbe it wood Thursday: The beecher in are skool ast a littel :7qu boy who cum his 151; day where is the capital of the U. S. & he diddent no but sed he wood ask his Pa & report tomorro. P. S.â€"Watch Friday. Wednesday: In skool this a. m. the teecher ast littel Tommy Jones how many days are they in 3 wk & Tommy replide & sed 6 and a 1742. How’s that sed the teecher & Tommy sed becos Saturday goes by twict as quick as all the other ones. Tuesday: More of Monday. He started to tawk & kept it up a long wile & then the trane was all most due & evry boddie was squermen a round nervus like so finely the shur- eff touched the kondemmed on the arm & sed Yule haft to cut yure tawk short or We libel to miss your tram. home on a trane. When the vcheef guest of the occasion had the noose where it dont do no good the shureff ast him did he want to say sum thing & he sed yes he did. Sunday: Pa. & Ma went down to town last last evening to lay in the todays & next wks, grocerys and etc & _ Pa was a carrieing ‘ the bundels home ' & Ma rimarked ’ Issen’s that a heu- tifle mmn. Never _ mind svd Pa you .' can’t have it I’ve ' got only 300 left. Monday: A mur- derer was to be hunged in are citty ' last Fri. & the kof- fin was reddy & his rellativs was‘ here to get the] boddie and take it} SLATS’ DIARhY (By Oliver N. Warren) The business of living, when boiled down and all the froth skimmed off, is just a matter of thinking. Each of us is continually thinking ideas of our own and swapping them for the ideas of others. If there is a famine of outside ideas we shrivel up ourselves. Children with “nobody to play with” are unhappy and unmanageable. From thinking with our heads to doing with our hands is but a little step and then our thoughts become things. The originator of an idea is not much better off than before he originated it till he gets some one else to absorb it and enjoy it and benefit by it. The man or woman surrounded by better thoughts and things but who pays not the slightest attention to them is not much better off than the one with “nobody to play with.” The advertisements in real newspapers are thoughtsâ€"telling you about the things that other men and women have created for your use. Read the ads. They are the voices from hundreds of thousands of looms, shops, foundries, studios, laborator- ies, where millions of minds are turning pleasant thoughts into worth-while things for you and your family. Thoughts . and Things The little fence above mentioned sed his Pa sed it is in non. taxable bonds. be that Saturday: Pa got one off on Ma‘ QC .- a few cents a DA?” “Yes. that’s what I work for, and I’m the most willing worker you ever hired! “Every hour of the day, seven days a week, I’m at your service, ready to run your errands, keep you in touch with friends, pro- tect you against all kinds of emergencies. “Give me a chance to prove my worth; you’ll never want to be without me again.” . HAVE YOU A TELEPHONE IN YOUR HOME? Our local business office will glacay supply information. today. He said he wan Min his editur about finden a 1 3 bill in hi! old mt pocket & the editur sod how cum I that you had a better 3A. I dont think Ma liked it none to well. 3392 m 3:;

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