Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Apr 1936, p. 3

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King. Ont. C. E. WALKINGTON Uenusl Office: Trench Block, two doors north of Bank of Commerce Hours: 9 am. to 5.30 p.111. Telephone 32 DR. M. C. MacLACHLAN Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evenings Other Evenings by Appointment Office over the Post Office Woodbridg-ev Phone 77 / DENTIST YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET PHONE 70 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO D17. Charles C. Collins DENTIST AUCTIONEERS J. H. Prentice, 415 Balliol St., K. C. Prentice, Markham Toronto, HYland 0834 We are prepared to conduct, sales of every description. Farms and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought tad sold on commission. All sales at- hnded to on shortest notice, and con- ticked by the most approved methods. Maple, Ont. Licensed Auctioneers, Counties of York and Simooe Prompt Attention To All Sales Farms & Farm Stock Sales A ,,Spsci_alt_y__ Office Hours: 9 to 11 am. 8 to 8 p.m., and by appointment Office: Centre and Uhurch Streets, Richmond Hill ‘ Phone 24 North Yonge St. - Richmond Hill DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFFâ€" Office Hours: 8-10 a.m. & 6-8 pm. DR. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFFâ€" ZDiseases of women and children) Office Hours: 1-3 pm. Phone 109 Phone, Thérnhill 100 Sunday & holidays by appointment Dr. C. A. MacDonald DENTIéT Thirty Years Experience Formerly with Heintzman Company Leave Order& at Austin’s Drug Store‘ Richmond Hill From the Torgnto Conservatory of Music, will accept a number of pupils in Piano, Organ and Theory. Richmond Hill â€" Tuesday & Friday MRS. MYLKS FIRE â€" Alfrfb’M'éBiLE â€" LIFE PROVIDE kr Your PERSONAL PENSION on the New‘Unit'SL/stem 37w EXCELSIOR ’A STRONG CANADIAN COMPANY. AUCTIONEER MAPLE [loomed Auctioneer for the County of York ‘ Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates. ‘ G. H. DUNCAN THORNfiiflL'AND UNIONVILLE Bank of Commerce Building Telephone 80 Dr. M. J. Quigley DENTIST FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at DR. W. J. MASON .VOL. LVI. Prentice & Prentice Dr. L. R. M arwood Dr. R. A. Bigford Centre Street, Thornhill Office Hours: 12-230 p.m. RATES REASONABLE â€" Office Hours 9-10 W, 12-2 & 6-8 p.m. and by appointment PLE â€" PHONE 3 Dr. J. P. Wilson At Dr. Bigford’s Office Tuesdays 9-12 a.m. Tyulfsdays 12-4_.$0 p.11}: Drs. Langsl aff Wright & Taylor Adelmo Melecci “YORK COUNTY’S NEWS‘IEST NEWSPAPER" J? T. SAIGEON & SON GEO. W. CROSS Dr. L. R. Bell J. Carl Saigeon Piano Tuner IVlb‘UlUAL MUSICAL Successor to BUSINESS THORNHILL Insurance Phone King 4212 Phoxie Maple 3 UFE And the chief trouble about this here new inferiority complex is the fact that the right people are seldom bothered with it. Bowden Lumber & Coal C0., LTD a LUMBER OF ALL KINDS INSURANCE LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, PLATE GLASS, AUTOMOBILE. BURGLARY, GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES T0 FARMERS ON ALL CARS TARIFF & NONTARIFF CO’S. S. TUPPER BIGELOW LLB. 93 Yonge Street Immediame North of Masonic Hall ‘ Phone 87 â€" Richmond Hill lToronto Office â€" 18 Toronto Street ‘ Phone ELgin 1887 LANSING WILLOWDALE 42 HUDSON 0284 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Member of the Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta Bars) 31:0 McKinnon Building, 19 Melinda St, Toronto bus. Phone EL. 1744 lA. Cameron MacNaughton, K.C. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Thornhill. Ontario Hot Water Heating and general repairs. I Barristers, Solicitors, etc. OffiCFâ€"711 Dominion Bank Building, southwest corner of King and Yong‘e Streets, Toronto. W. B. Milliken, K.C. Herb. A. Clark Henry E. Redman W. P. Mnlock Insulex, Donnacona Board, etc. ALL KINDS OF SHEET METAL WORK Furnaces, Elva Troughs, Metal Ganges, Roofing I Jobbing Pronptly Attended 1. \Iexander MacGregor K. C. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC 614 Confederation Life Bldg. Toronto Phone: Office EL. 5029 Res. MO. 8866 formgrly of Wm. Cook, Cook &'De1any Barristers and Solicitors Hon. W. H. McGuire James A. Boles, B.A. Percy Biggs AD. 0177 Toronto AD. 0178 1315 Bank of Hamilton Building Yonge Street â€"- Toronto A. C. HENDERSON Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Telephone ADelaide 2108 Offices: 85 Richmond St. W., Toronto Naughton Block, Aurora Solicitors for: Aurora, Richmond Hill, King, Whitchurcn, Markham and North Gwillimbury. Walter S. Jenkins. Res. Phone Hill 5048 J. Harry Naughton. Res. Elgin Mills Res. Phone 12-2 Ralph B. Gibson, K. C. Toronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg. 85 Richmond St. West. Richmond Hill, Thursday forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Richmqqq Hill Every McGuire, Boles & Co. 1008 Federal Building 85 Richmond St. West, Toronto Telephone AD. 1948 Naughton & Jenkins BARRISTER 1711 Star Building 80 King Street West, Toronto Phone: ELgin 4879 J'.F'OX THURSDAY AFTERNOON BARRISTER â€" SOLICITOR NOTARY Mulock, Millikan, Clark & Redman T. C. Newman A. G. SAVAGE Barristers, Soiicitors, etc‘ _Wm. Cook, K. Thomas Delany Cook & Gibson Post Office Block Richmond Hill Established 1880 Res. Phone RA. 5429 mfl Mr. James Brownlee, a respected fellow townsman, passed away last Thursday after a lengthy illness. The funeral to the Village Cemetery was largely attended. There were many beautiful floral tributes. The widow who tenderly cared for her husband during his long- illness has the sym- pathy of many friends in her sad bereavement. The directors of the Agricultural Society met in the Lorne Hall yes- terday afternoon to receive the re- port of the Executive Committee re revising the prize list etc. The foll- owing were present: D. Lynett, P. Boynton, F. Jackes, G. Leek, P. G. Savage, W. Eyer, J. H. Sanderson, I. Crosby, J. T. McElroy, T. F. Mc- Mahon, T. Palmer and the Secretary, H. A. Nicholls. He scraped his feet on the hard sur- face, and turning to his son, remark- ed: “Well, I don’t blame ’em for build- ing a town here. The ground is too .darn hard to plough, anyhow.” ‘The Aurora Branch of the Ydrk County veterans are holding a “Vimy Banquet” in Trinity Parish Hall, on Minutes Of the 135‘? Thursday evening, April 9th at 7.30 regular meeting and also special lpm. meeting were adopted. The judges for the various classes were appoint- ed, after which the following direc- tors were named to look after each particular department on the day of the Fair: Heavy Horses, G. Leek; Light Horses, J. ‘T. McElroy; Speed- ing, D. Lynett .and W. R. Clubine; We believe there will be only one man in the province of Ontario in disagreement with Premier Hepbum’s action, when last week,. he cut the legal bill presented by Norman F. Newton, who conducted the police probe in Toronto. Newton billed for Cattle, T. Palm-er; Sheep and Swine,'$15o per day’ totalling- 36300, and W. Eyer; POUItI'y, F- \JaCkeS; HalliMr. Hepburn chopped it down to $40 Committee, J. Sanderson, Isaac Cros- per day or around $2,000 It's just- by, P- G- Savage; R- 3- ElliOtt: Jnice of this kind, irrespective of where Slater, T- F- McMahon, T- Lloyd: F-ithe chips fall, that one admires in JaCkeS, 3- T- MCEIWY’ W- Eyerr§0ntario’s premier.â€"-Stou_ffville Tri- Committee on Sports, T. F. McMa-“mm.” hon, P. G. Savage, J. H. Sanderson; Callers In, R. Elliott, R. B. Elliott; The King’s Birthday on Jun-e 23, Musical Director, P. G. Savage; Rent-,when King Edward VIII will be 42 er of Booths, J. H. Sanderson. Theqyears of age, will be a statutory holi- Secretary and Mr. Sanderson werelday in Canada when banks and fin- appointed to make best possible ar-i ancial institutions will be closed. rangements in regard to the bicycle prizes and races. l0n motion it was decided that badges admit directors and judges to the concert free. The president, secretary and Mr. Sander- Fleets of trucks owned by private companies are to be taxed for the use of the highways by a bill given sec- ond reading in the Ontario legisla- son were named a committee to ap- point constables, gate-keepe'rs, etc., ture yesterday. Every truck with a gross weight and Mr. Sanderson was requested to Of 6,000 Pounds Operating OutSide a endeavour to engage the Village band thr'ee'mile for the Queen’s Birthday. municipality limit Will have to pay a special fee similar to Mr. E. G. Andrews has sold his store and dwelling at Maple, and is going to the north-west. McLEAN-WATSONâ€"At the resi- dence of the bride’s mother, by Rev. W. G. Back, on Wednesday, March 28th, ’Mr. James McLean of Rich- mond Hill, to Miss Florence Isabel Watson of Sherwood. MANTELL-TEELâ€"At the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. T. Campbell, on Tuesday, March 27th, Mr. Eli Mantell of Sbouffville, to Miss Emma, eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. Teel of Richmond Hill. The bridge which crosses the Don at York Mills has been greatly shat- bere'd by the recent floods. 0n Mon~ day night two of the centre spans went down, so that all traffic for the time being is suspended over the bridge. Thompson’s stage and other vehicles have to turn east and go up the hill going to and from the city. From our Issue of March 29th, 1906. Marriages RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1936 There was a large attendance at the meeting in the Lorne Hall on Monday evening called for the pur- pose of re-organizing the lacrosse club for the season of 1896. Mr. F. Garvin, one of the best-known la- crosse men in the province, occupied the chair and Mr. W. E. Wiley acted as secretary. After reading and ap- proving the minutes of the last an- nual meeting, the club was re-organâ€" ized on motion of Mr. Billings, se- conded by Mr. Nicholls. This being done, the election of officers took place which resulted as follows:â€" Hon. President, W. H. Pugsley; President, F. W. Garvin; Vice-Presi- dent, C. Billings; Field Captain, W. E. Wiley; Secretary, W. Trench; Treasurer, H. A. Nicholls; Managing Committee, C. Skeele, John Glass, W. V. Palmer, A. Powell; Curator, W. Douthwaite. The President, Vice-I President and the Treasurer were ap-, lpointed a committee to wait on the: {Village Council to ascertain on what:l terms the grounds can be procuredl for the season; also a dressing room. On motion of W. Trench, seconded by R. Glass, it was decided to join the Qanadian Lacrosse Association. The meeting was enthusiastic throughout and every person is look- ing forward to a. prosperous year. I WAY BACK IN LIBERAL FILES FORTY YEARS AGO From our Issue of April 2nd, 1896 THHIRTY YEARS AGO “The average man now lives 30 years longer than did the average man 111 1800. He has to, in order to get his taxes paid.â€"Kitchener Re- cord. “There are many organizations such as breweries, chain stores and others who operate their own trucks,” he said. “It: is our intention to place their trucks on the same basis as public commercial vehicles. Climbing out of the our on one of the main streets, the old man ap- peared fascinated by the pavement. He scraped his feet on the hard sur- face, and turning to his son, remark- ed: We believe there will be only one man in the province of Ontario in disagreement with Premier Hepbum’s action, when last week,. he cut the legal bill presented by Norman F. Newton, who conducted the police probe in Toronto. Newton billed for $150 per day, totalling $6,000, and Mr. Hepburn chopped it down to $40 per day or around $2,000. It's just- ice of this kind, irrespective of where the chips fall, that one admires in- Ontario’s premier.â€"-Stou.ffville Tri- bune. The Aurora Branch of the Yark County veterans are holding a. “Vimy Banquet" in Trinity Parish Hall, on Thursday evening, April 9th at 7.30 In asking the legislature to give second reading to the measure, Mr. McQuesten stated that in addition to the ordinary truck license fee pub- lic commercial vehicles are called upon to pay an additional fee for the use of the highways. This class in- cludes the trucks of transport com- panies. Fleets of trucks owned by private companies are to be taxed for the use of the highways by a bill given sec- ond reading in the Ontario legisla- ture yesterday. Newmarket tax rate has been .set at 44 mills, an increase of three mills over last year. A mountain man, who rarely, if ever, visited a town of any size, drove into Statesville with his son, travel- ling in a decrepit car. Every truck with a gross weight of 6,000 pounds operating outside a three-mile municipality limit Will have to pay a special fee similar to that paid under the Public Commer- cial Vehicles Act, Hon. T. B. Mc- Questen, minister of highways told the House. The change directly affects all breweries, department stores, chain stores, newspapers and similar organ- izations operating their own trucks. No definite rate has been set. In the great majority of munici- palities throughout Ontario able bod- ied single men were removed from relief rolls on April 151;. : After serving seven years as Re- ;pres-entative of the Ontario Agricul- ltural Department in York County, R. IE. White has been transferred to Stratford to Perth County. He will take up his new duties about May lst. Before coming to York Mr. White served 7 years in Kent Coun- ty. The new representative in York County will be W.AM. Cockburn who has been stationed in Carleton Counâ€" ty and was at one time assistant re- presentative here during the term of R. J. Rogers. Markham Agricultural Society is conducting a Field Crop competition in barley. The Richmond Hill So- ciety contest is for oats. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Arksey of Belhaven who [recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary re- call a snow storm 50 years ago on- April 5th which blocked the roads and covered the fences. Stouffville Village constable who has been paid at the rate of $150 per year has served notice on the council that he cannot continue to do the duties at this salary. General News & Views Moved by C. E. Walkington, sec- onded by J. S. Lawson that the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to issue a cheque to York County Treasurer, for the sum of $75.12 the same being; in payment for Hospitalization for, the remainder of the month of Feb- ruary. Carried. Moved by J. S. LaWSon, seconded by C. E. Walkington that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to pur- chase an account book for Arrears of Taxes as required by the Munici- pal Board at a cost about $25.00. Carried. Moved by Thos. MacMurchy, sec- onded by C. E. Walkington that Ed. Reddick and Sam Armstrong be paid the sum of $100.00 each on account of Salary as Assessor for year 1936. Carried. Moved by J. S. Lawson, seconded by C. E. Walkington that the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to issue a cheque to Arthur Wellesley for $8.25 the same being- payment as Truant Officer for month of March. , By-Law No. 647 Byâ€"Law No. 647 to issue and sell Debentures for erecting and equip- ping New School for S. S. No. 26 received the first and second read- mg. meet at Armstrong’s Hotel on April 25th, 1936 at; 10 am. Accounts Ordered Paid General Accounts: MacLeod & Lloyd, Insurance P.V.S., $22.50; Bank of Commerce, Cheques, $25.05; Bank of Commerce, Tax Collections, $20.80; Bell Telephone 00., Aurora, L. D. Calls (Reeve), $1.99; J. S. Lawson, L. D. Account, 62c.; Woodbridge & ‘Vaughan Tele., L. D. Calls (N. D. iMac), $1.30 E. A. Stuckey, Supplies, $3.60; Mrs. F. Smith, Book Case, $3.75; Sheriff’s Office, Searches, etc., $12.90; R. L. Boag, Searches, etc., $13.43. I Relief, $888.77; Voucher No. 5, l$439.80; Voucher No. 6, $278.67; :Voucher No. 7, $177.10. Resolutions Moved by J. P. Jefferson, seconded 'by L. B. Goodfellow whereas the IGovernment of the Ifrovince of On- tario are contemplating a change in. the Relief Programme. Therefore be it resolved that all men able to work be cut off Relief on and after April 15th and that those having received Relief be required to garden their lots, and endeavour to secure fuel for the coming winter and thus be-‘ come self supporting. Carried.‘ Moved by J. S. Lawson, seconded by L. B. Goodfellow that the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to issuel a cheque to W. Gardhouse for the sum of $142.00 the same being in payment for Hospitalization for the month of March. Carried. The regular meeting of the coun- cil of the Township of King was held at the Community Hall, Noble- ton, Ontario, March 28th, 1936 at 10 King Township Council The meeting then adjourned to Carried Phone 49J We have the very newest in styles and materials and you will find our prices most moderate. D ress up for Spring Spring is here. Why not a new outfit to greet the gayest season of the year. L CLEANING & PRESSING A SPECIALTY Richmond Tailors DAIRY Richmond Hill Dairy G. WALWIN, Prop. Phone 42 Richmond .- Because it i990 PURE, u FRESH, and so GOOD it sure to insist on Richmond Hill SECURED FROM SELECTED AND INSPECTED HERBS AND HANDLED IN THE MOST APPROVED METHODS IT IS SURE TO GIVE SATIS- FACTION. , PASTEURIZED BY THE MOST MODERN METHODS. Milk and Cream QErabel the king’s iéigbtnay GRAY COACH LINES Daily Services N ewmarket, Sutton, Barrie, Orillia, Midland ATTRACTIVE RATES between between Richmond Hill Canadian and USA. points Single Copy LOW FARES J. A. Greene intermediate points. TORONTO $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE and Richmond Hill No.

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