Many friends in this vicinity will regret to learh of the death of Mr. Walker which occurred at Wellesley Hospital on Tuesday last where he had entered for treatment on Thurs- day last. Mr. Walker was the son of the late Robert and Mrs. Walker and was born on the 7th Con., Mark- ham. Following his marriage to Miss Sarah Penny thirty-four years ago, he has resided on 6th Con., Markham and has made a host of good friends in the vicinity. Three children sur- vive, Kenneth of Markham, James and Kathleen at home. He was preâ€" deceased by Mrs. Walker a year‘ add a half ago. ï¬ve sisters also sur- vive. Mrs. Fred Northcote of Regina Twenty-one scouts were in attend- ance at the regular meeting held last Friday night. An evening full of ac- tion is reported, all sorts of games, a Treasure Hunt, Recognizing Ad- vertizements etc. and last and best was the good eats to satisfy hungry boys generously served by Scout Mas- ter and Mrs. Hill. The next meet- ing holds special interest when the badges for Tests will be presented. We regret to report a number of the scouts ill with the measles. The aim of the society is t9 make this district one of the beauty spots in Ontario and it can be easily ac- complished if we make it an individ- ual responsibility. in to the Secretary, Mr. Geo. Mur- phy at the earliest convenience. It is desired that the membership be enrolled as soon as possible so that plans of work may be complet- ed. The contest for members clos- ing on April 151: does not mean that the roll is closed at that date, but rather that memberships be handed cess. The ï¬lan of work will cover not only Unionville but the district as a whole, so the task is not a small one. The Society is fortunate in having as ifls president, Mr. Leslie Miller, whose wide experience in gar- dening brings many timely hints to the society. Mr. Miller’s recent ad- dress “Work of a Rural Horticultural Society" that was given before the recent convention has been highly spoken of by all those who were privileged to hear it. With the disappearance of the snow, we are reminded that Spring is on the way and that the real ac- tivity of our local Horticultural so- ciety should be well under way. Many problems are presented and the co- operation of all interested is really necessary to make the work a. suc- THURSDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1936 LEN WALL & SONS Hillcrest Beauty Parlor RUTH RUMBLE, Prop. PRICE LIST . . . . . . $1.50, $3.50 & $5.00 Manicure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. Hair Cut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. Child’ hair cut . . . . . . . . . 15c. Finger Wave . . . . . . . . . . . 40c. Shampoo & Finger Wave 50c. Marcel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c. Shampoo & Marcel . . . . 500. Oil Croquinole Permanent $2.00 Other Permanents at We Invite Your Patronage 35 Yonge Street, RICHMOND HILL (Liberal Office Building) Telephone 9 For Appoint- ments Charles Graham AGENT MASSEY HARRIS Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hill 132-w PLUMBING, HEATING, EVETROUGHING FURNACE WORK A SPECIALTY For Estimates Call Richmond Hill 196-r-12 WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Monkman of 'Weston celebrated their Golden Wed- !ding Anniversary on March 24th. Be- fore their removal to Weston some years ago they farmed for many years in Albion township near Castle- berg. ‘ A pleasing social event was held at the home of Mrs. J. R. Hood re- cently when Mrs. Hood, aSSisted by her daughter Miss Aileen Hood, en- tertained six tables of Euchre. The honors of the evening went to Mrs. D. PlaninngY Mrs. Murphy, Mr. J. Miller and Mr. T. Burnett. Mr. Archie Lunau of Toronto has purchased the Chant property on Main Street. A pleasing evening is in store for those who will attend the play given by Lansing United Church W. A. in Brown’s Corners United Church on Tuesday evening next. The play is “The Strike of the Ladies’ Aid.†BETHESDA LUTHERAN CHURCH 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"Public Worship. 25 p.m., Wednesday Lenten Service. Mr. Wm. Milner of Scugog' is visit- ing his brother MI". A. E. Milner. Mrs. W. Elliott was the guest of Mrs. D. Harrington on Wednesday. We are pleased to report Mr. J. L. B. Stiver able to be out for a drive on Sunday last following a three months illness. Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown and family of Windsor have_taken up residence in town. Mr. Brown is an old Union- Ville boy. The hoine town is always pleased to welcome back her sons. Mr. Clarence StiVer of Toronto visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stiver this week. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH 1.30 p.m.â€"Church School. 2.30 p.m.â€"Public Worship. Mrs. Reid Bowes visited relatives in Orangeville on Sunday last. 'The Y. P. S. of Central Uniï¬ed Church were guests of Melville Unitâ€" ed Church Y.P.S. on Wednesday even- mg. Mr. Alex Miln-e was a Toronto visitâ€" or on Wednesday. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Worship. 7 p.m.â€"â€"Evening Worship. 8 p.m. Mondayâ€"Y.P.S. Mrs. F. Boadway and Mrs. D. Coul- son spent the week-end with rela- tives in Toronto. ’ Mrs. N. Ogden is visiting} daughter, Mrs. Fred Conley at illia. Mr. and Mrs. H. Norton and son _of Bolton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Croft on Sunday. Mrs. C. E. Stiver and Mrs. F. Stivâ€" er visited Mrs. Ramsey of Toronto on Tuesday. Mrs. J. Kennedy and Miss M. Nelâ€" son of Acton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Russell this week. A FAVORITE TESTED RECIPE Cocoanut Orange Cookies ‘ V2 cup butter, 1 cup granulated sugar, 2 eggs well beaten, 1 tea- spoon vanilla, 1 cup moist cocoanut, 4 tablespoons orange juice, 2 table- spoons grated orange rind, 1% cups pastry flour, 3% teaspoons baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 cup rolled oats. St. Philip’s Anglican Ch’urch 10 a.m.â€"Church School. ’ fl a.m.â€"‘M0ming Prayer. 7.30 p.m., Thursdayâ€"Lenten Service and Miss Annie Walker, 7th Com, Markham Sincere sympathy is ex- tended to the bereaved family. A splendid program that embraced the Easter Service was presented at the April meeting of the W. M. S. Auxiliary of Brown’s Corners United Church held at the home of Mrs. Craig on Wednesday last. The Devo- tional part of the program was in charge of Mrs. G. B. Padget, Mrs. Douglas Hood conducting the Miss- ionary section. Mrs. R. L. Stiver presided. Cream butter, add sugar gradually, add eggs, vainlla, cocoanut, orange juice and rind, then add sifted dry ingredients and rolled oats. Mix well. Drop from teaspoon on buttered bak- ing sheet. Bake in moderate oven (375 degrees F) for 10 to 12 minâ€" utes. To chill the batter before bak- ing improves the flavor. 'paseld pue paAIeId samgqgo BA‘I 1png puV ‘apeux 1 Hesflm auo S; 91911 puv ‘op um [re am[zznd 9.1V 00:; 4363qu put; asauedef Sauop s‘amqogd eqq ueqm Anagoadsg ‘un; 30 sdeeq seIZmd aanogd puV “$311113 9915?“! 1110-1} 3101131 BUMWII ‘sï¬ugqq QSSJSBHD sq; are 81912sz It’s easy, so you needn’t frowu, It’s just a poem upside down. M. 0. Russell, N.B.â€"In the recipe for Banana Muffins given recently, it should have read 1/4 melted shortening, these words being omitted. VERSE FOR THE KIDDIES Puzzles Or- We extend congratulations to Coun- cillor James McLean and Mrs. Mc- Lean who on Saturday last celebrat- ed the thirtieth anniversary of their marriage. During the day they reâ€" ceived the congratulations of a large number of friends and relatives. Sat- urday evening Mr. and Mrs. McLean with members of their family dined at the Walker House, Toronto. Thirty years ago at the commencement of their honeymoon they dined at the same well known hostelry. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. McLean wish for them many more years of health and happiness. Richmond Hill Public School held “open house" Tuesday afternoon when under the auspices of the Home and School club a number of parents and friends were privileged to visit the school and observe the teaching. Following the teaching periods dainty refreshments were served. Mr. Bert Stone who for the past four years has been C.N.R. operator here has been promoted to the posi- tion of railway agent at Homepayne. Mr. Stone left this week to assume his new duties and his family will join him about the middle of April. Hornepayne is an important division- al point on the C.N.R. and Mr. Stone’s many friends congratulate him on his promotion. Previous to coming here Mr. Stone was stationed at Beeton. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. J. D. Cunningham wishes to thank the host of friends who have so generoust expressed their sym- pathy in the recent loss of her mo- ther. LOCAL L. O. L. EUCHRE The regular L.O.L. and L.O.B.A. Euchre Party will be held on Tues- day, April 7th, in the Lodge Room, Yonge Street. Prizes and refresh- ments. The winners at the last Euchre held on Thursday evening of last week were, ladies, Mrs. J. G. Hunt, Mrs. N. Mullin; gents, Alfred Hawkes Earl Blanchard. The Women’s Auxiliary of St. Mary’s Anglican Church will hold an annual supper in the basement of the church on Wednesday, April 22. Reserve the date. The Reverend and Mrs. Wm. F. Wrixon will be AT HOME to Parâ€" ishioners and other friends on THURSDAY, APRIL 16th between the hours of 2 and 5 pm. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Charles Huson of Toronto wishes to thank the Gore Fire In- surance Company through their a- gents, J. T. Saigeon and Son, Maple, for the prompt settlement re Ihis re- cent fire loss on his farm dwelling formerly occupied by Albert Kitchen- er of Woodbridge. Under the auspices of the W. C. T\ U. Easter Gifts of eggs, fruit, pickles, little cakes, etc., will be re- ceived for the Christie Street Hos- The auditorium of the United Church was well filled on Tuesday evening- when/the Pas-tor, Rev. C. W. Follett, delivered his lecture on “Newâ€" foundland and Labrador.†Several intereslzing songs were given by the C.G.I.T. Girls and Mr. W. W. Trench acted as chairman and introduced the speaker. Mr. Follett gave a brief outline of the history of Britain’s old-est colony from the days of its discovery by John Cabot down to the present day, and by his slides illustrated the varâ€" ious industries of the Island and then took his audience up to Dabradlor showing the Eskimo and their modes of living, also Sir Wilfrid Grenfell and his great work among those peo- ple during the past forty years. The lecture was very informing and thor- oughly enjoyed by all present. ‘The second York County Junior Farmers’ Dramatic Competition will be held at Pickering College, New- market, on Thursday evening, April 0th, commencing at 8 o’clock. pickles, little cakes, etc., will be re- ceived for the Christie Street Hos- pital and may be left at the home of Mrs. C. W. Follett, Centre Street East on Wednesday, April 8th. The following Clubs will present plays: Victoria Squam‘The Outsider†Nobleton»A“Watrerloo†Unionvilleâ€"â€"“Ici on Parle Fran- plays an n'ayers. Last year, this won by Nobleton Huh, wlm pré‘senv titled “The Ghost S Walter McCutcheon EASTER GIFTS FOR CHRISTIE STREET HOSPITAL JUNIOR FARMERS’ DRAMATIC COMPETITION n Social and Personal cuss SUCCESSFUL LECTURE Tor LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO u‘nto, will be the adjudiâ€" 1 0116? criticisms of the sent competition was Junior Farmers’ d the play en- n my, coached by uf Hart blousx' JOINT MEETING A joint meeting of the. Lenten Prayer Service and the W.C.T.U. will be held at the home of Mrs. A. E. Plewman, north Yonge Street, on Tuesday, April 7th at 3 pm. Mrs. C. W. Follett will have charge of the Devotional Period and the guest speaker will be Mrs. W. G. Bartlett of Toronto. We extend a. cordial in- vitation to the ladies of the commun- ity to be present. The regular meeting of Sï¬. John’s W. A. will be held in the Parish Hall on Thursday afternoon at 2.30 pm. A bale will be packed. The council age will meet Monday night ing. ,’ SEEDS FOR GARDENS Reeve J. A. Greene has issued a statement urging- all those who re- ceived welfare assistance this year to make plans to have a good gar- den plot in the coming year. Any who are unable to procure seeds for planting may secure same by apply- ing to the Reeve. SCHOOL BOARD MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Richmond Hill Board of Educa- tion will be held tonight. Thursday, in the Municipal Building. A large number attended the Y. P. U. on Friday evening- and heard a very interesting debate the sub- ject being “Resolved that every Canâ€" adian citizen should receive a pen- sion of $30 a month at the age of 60 years.†The affirmative was upheld by Miss Dorothy Wyman and Harry. The negative by Miss Jean Switzer and Mr. Francis Starr of Wesley Y.P.U. The judges were W. E. Bark- er, Herb Oliver, and Abner Hulse. They gave decision in favour .of the affirmative. Members of Wesley Y.P.U. conducted the worship service and lunch was served by the local society. TEMPERANCEVILLE Miss Jennie Ker$will and friend Miss Evelyn Harrison of St. Joseph’s Hospital visited the farmer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Giles Kerswill on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. John Gowan of Au- rora spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Beynon and fam- ily. A number from this community at- tended the dance at Vellore on Fri- day night. The theme of the Y.P.U. on Mon- day evening last week wasI “My Re- sponsibility to God.†Suitable musi- cal numbers were rendered by 'Miss Muriel Sharpe, vocal solo and Miss D. Patton, piano instrumental. Miss Alexander of Laskay gave a most in- teresting talk on the subject which was the theme of the evening. The ladies of the W.M.S. of Hm United Church had a very success- ful quilting bee one day last week. _ A number from this cdmmunity at- tended the shower for Miss Eliza Barker at Temperanceville last Mon- day evening. On Thursday evening the members of the U.F.0. gathered in the Masonâ€" ic Hall for a social time and to pre- sent Mr. and Mrs. Melville Stewart with a chair prior to their moving to their new farm at Tottenham. Misses Eva Dennis and Doris Pat- ton, teachers of the local school, held “Open House†on Friday afternoon at the school. Displays of the chil- dren’s work were shown and a dainf‘ afternoon tea was served. Owing to the unfavorable weather the Mission Band meeting and Bak- ing Sale on Saturday, March 21 was not as largely attended as had been expected. About fifteen from the village journeyed to Laskay on Friday even- ing for the Progressive Euchre Party held in the Institule Hall. Mrs. H. McBride was first prize winner of the ladies, Miss Effie Bice won consolation and Mrs. L. Glass of Laskay won second prize. Mr. E. Legge brought home second prize for the men, Mr. W. Sloan of Laskay won first prize and Mr. W. Finch of Laskay won consolation. We are Very sorry to hear Mr. W. Hambly was rushed to the Western Hospital on Saturday for an opera- tion. We wish him a speedy recov- ery. The Y.P.U. was in charge of the Citizenship Convenors on Monday ev- ening of this week. Mr. Alfred Bar- ker sang a lovely solo and an illus‘ trated lecture on Japan was given by Rev. Davis. An interesting item of the evening was a presentation to Mr. and Mrs. M. Stewart on behalf of the Unide Church congregation. Miss Dorothy Dew read the address and Mr. V. Hall and Mr. J. McAIl- ister presented them with a beauti» ful living room walnut table. F. Wrixon’s smiling face in the vill- age on Monday for a few minqu We were verv gla COUNCIL MEETS MONDAY KIN G CITY of Richmond Hill Vill- in regular session next in the Municipal build- to see Rev. W :n'ten will Mrs. E the ,west :tlett ,l in- mum LE v ohn s Hall p.m. e Y. leard sub- Canâ€" pen- of 60 g/held arry. xitzer esley Bark- [ulse. f the esvley :rvice local ,y at- Fri- WNWOW V i Admissionâ€"Adults 25 eta, Children 15 cts. < 1 WOMNNW WILL PRESENT A ONE-ACT PLAY ENTITLED THE FAMILY FAlLlNG i WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8th Headford United Church ART WARRINGTON Barber Shop Two sn'ows Daily â€" 7.30 & 9.30 _ Sat. Matinee 2.00 p.111. Thrilling scenes of bye-gone dtays which include skillful riding, expert shooting and roping, cavalry, Indians, and the rough, ex- citing life of the period are combined in the most entertaining picture that merits your attention and support. Grand entertain- ment for all. Recommended to the committee on exceptional photo plays RoyaiTheatre,AURQBA “T’he laughs predominate but there is» romance and drama as well." Once again Paramount writers have aimed for that certain style which made “It Happened One Night†3. hit. Once again Paramount writers have scared. A It; is a lively piece filled with melody, gun shooting and romance. A proper combination for a musical western DATE COOKIES, our own make, 2 (102. for . TRY OUR CHOP SUEY LOAF, each . . . . . . . SALMON, 2 large tins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOSS ROSE PASTRY FLOUR, 24 lb. bag . CAMPBE‘LL’S VEGETABLE SOUP, tin CLARK’S PORK & BEANS, 10% oz. tin SPECIAL BLEND TEA, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . HANDY AMMONIA, pkg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMFORT or PEARL SOAP, 4 Bars for FRESH ROASTED COFFEE, per lb. . . . . . . . PEAS, CORN and TOMATOES, tin . . . . . . . . ‘ KIPPERED SNACKS and SARDINES, 5 tins ORANGES, sweet and juicy, doz. . . . . . . . . . . GRAPEFRUIT, 5 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PERMANEA/ T WA VES Beautifully produced with each important role portrayed with sympathetic and convincing sincerity FOR EASTER Mr. and Mrs. Clay of Toronto, specializing in the Bonat Method of Permanent Waving will be at my shop Monday and Tuesday Evenings, April 6 and 7 MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT EARLY Guaranteed Work by Expert Operators N0 HEAT â€" NO BURNS -â€" PERFECT RESULTS FRIDAY and SATURDAY, APRIL 3 - 4 Barbara ‘Stanwyck - Preston Foster_- Chief Thunder Cloud i1 AGNES DALE . . . . BETTY DALE . . . . . IRENE MARKS . .. DEAN SILL . . . . . . . CECILE BATES . .. PHILIP CRAIG . . . . N ORAH . . . . . . . . . . . PETER . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRECTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Freeman Barker “Produced by Special arrangement with Samuel French (Canada) Ltd, Toronto.†“HAWAIIAN TROUPE" . . . . . . MR. LAUDER GLASS . . . . . . . . MISS EMMA BARKER . . . . . . . MR. JAMES CURTIS . . . . . . . . . Miss Marion Love and Miss Ellen Boynton, Elocutionists NO ORDER TOO SMALL, NONE TOO BIG‘ SPECIAL DELIVERY ON SATURDAY MONDAY and TUESDAY, APRIL 6 - 7 Claudette Colbert - Fred MacMurray - Robt. Young in THE BRIDE COMES HOMEE TO-DAY, THURSDAY; APRIL 2nd RANDOLPH SCOTT - MARGARET SULLIVAN in ROSE OF THE RANCHO WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, APRIL 8 - 9 JOHN BOLES - GLADYS SWARTHOUT in HEADFORD Y. P. S. SO RED 'FHE ROSE By Katherine Haviland-Taylor ANNIE OAKLEY Keep Your Eye on KERR 'BROS. SPECIALS CAST ASSISTING ARTISTS â€"â€"INTHEâ€" AT 8 RM. CHARACTERS : LOOK ke, 2 (102. for .. .. 25c. F, each . . . . . . . . . . 11c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. R, 24 lb. bag 59c. SOUP, tin . . . . . . 9c. LOI/z oz. tin . . . . . . 5c. lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c. 4 Bars for . . . . . . 15c. per lb. . . . . . . . . . . 25c. 5, tin . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c. .. Mrs. Carl James .. Mildred Archibald Mrs. George Barker . . . . . . . . Elmer Leek . . . . . Marion Sellers . . . . . . Edgar James Mrs. James Curtis 5 tins for for... James Curtis PAGE m 25c. 24c. 24c.