Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Apr 1936, p. 6

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Photos and Passport: Secured All enquirie- confidential We look after your wants right from your home. Phone Willowdale 63J 011'!” Stop 6. Yonge St“ Lansing BROTHERTON’S Steamship “3m Johns-ton & Cranston IANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS OF CANADIAN & FOREIGN Granite Monuments" 1849 Yonge St. (east rich) Between Merton & Balliol Sm hone HYland 2081 Open Evening: In. Phone 9788 Peter Pan and Improved Strata- gem Garden Pueas FEEDS, BALED HAY and STRAW J. F. BURR Day 139 . . Phones Eve’s 82w We have Alaska and Banner Oats, Barley, 0.A.C. No. 21 Gol- den Vine Peas Special Sailingsâ€" to the Homeland by. Canadian Pacific, Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson lines at Lowest Rates. TRAVEL SERVICE Electric De Laval Cream Separâ€"l Cutting Box at», 750 lbs. capacity Massey-Harris Binder, 7 ft. cut Mower Cutter Bone Grinder Light Waggon Sulky Plow Farm Waggons Hay'RaCks Sulky Rake Farming Mill Plow Sets Harrows Sets Harness Cutter Cultivator Seed Drill O Successor to J. J. Deane Director of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOODBRIDGE. ONTARIO Saturday, April 11th, 1936 CUSTOM SEED CLEANING Auction Sale of Implements Harness, Ford Truck, Etc. Turnip Drill Sets of Sleighs Turnpike Shovel Iron Kettles Sc-ufl‘ler "W: Truck Steamship Reservations to Bteat Britain and the Continent. Premier service ta West Indies. PASSPORTS ARRANGED FOR LATE DANIEL KER SWELL \ Richmond Hill Y. B. Tracy, Agent Phone 109 Can. National Station Lot 51, Con. 1, Markham, Elgin Mills, on GENERAL CARTAGE by Truck WM. McDONALD Telephone 62 Thornhill Rail tickets and‘ sleeper Reservations. EXPRESS TELEGRAPH THE MILL Wilfrid R. Scott From Maple Gravel Pit TERMS :â€"- CASH SAND â€" GRAVEL PAGE 811 BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF THE SH SALE STARTS AT 1 O’CLOCKi J. CARL SAIGEON, Auctioneer} Wednesday: Pa & Ma. was envited to mister & mrs Nagg’s 5051', goldon wedeng- anieversety & Ma said isent it wonderfle to be togather so long. lPa sved yes it is rimmarkabel the puneshmint a man can stand. I did- dent get him, but Ma seemed to inâ€" joy it not so hot. 1 Saw Table 1 Land Roller 1 Stock Rack 1 Circular Saw 1 Power Drill . 1 Forge 1 Anvil 1 Large Copper Kettle 1 Set of Scales 1 Light Ford Truck 1 Step Ladder 1 Extension Ladder Sling Ropes 1 Hay Fork 1 Set Power Clippers 1 Pr. Cattle Dehorners A Number of Carpenter’s Tools 3 Cream Cans 1 Bake Board 1 Couch 30 Jars Fruit 1 Block & Tackle Whiffle Trees. Forks, Clevises and other articles too numerous to mention Reports from various quartérs would indicate that good seed potaâ€" toes may be very scarce at planting time. Potato growers would do well to secure their supply as soon as possible. A scarcity would very probably raise the price substantial- Thursday: Mrs. Red‘dykash one of are leeding bankers wifes sed to him she saw in .the noosepaper that they had cot a. big tote] theef in N00 york. Witch hotel did‘ he run sed her husâ€" b-end. Who has went to Noo Yk. on big biznes- s-evral times:â€" "‘By the way,” the young man a‘sk- ed, “where is your hospital?” Friday: Over to Blisterses house Monday nite at the partie I & Jane Was a danceing with each anothei- & I felt sorta confidenshal like £2 sed to Jane do you Xpect yure parrents wood object to me a marryih their dotter. She replide if they are a block offen the yung chip they wood. A pretty young nurse was selling poppies when a potential buyer, a young man, told her that, he would give her a $5 bill for a poppy, proâ€" vided she would promise to nurse him, if at any time, he went to her hospital. She agreed. “I am at the maternity hospital," meekly replied the pretty nuurse, put- ting the note into the box. Saturday: I xpect Lizzy Tubs are house kleener’s‘ little dotter got spanked yestidy p. m. For when the preacher called & ast her what Lizzy let her do when she beed good she piped up & sed she lets me not go to chirch. Tuesday: I was danceing with Jane at a dance at Blisterses house last ni’oe & sed to Jane danceing gets in my blud. I doant no what she ment but she replide & sed Yure. serke- lashen is bad then. It aint got to yupe feet I notis. nto the editurs sanktim & sed : here is a sales 1 man out hear with ‘ a mustach. Tell him I dont want to by it sad the editur. It was the g'url’s falt. It wassent the mustash that was for sail. Sunday: I Xpect prakickly all the kids are simeler at this seezen of S L A T S’ D I A R Y ’ NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR THE 3 SEED POTATO SHORTAGE (By Oliver N. Warren) Lanty Clos a notis In & now I find a has plenty com- Jeney. Monday: The of- 'is girl at the loosepaper whair ’a wirks at cum e yr. Last \VK. a ke s e d ’n e :odem; f i n d a [eat of paper big :uff t o s e r v Last Pruning may be done at any time during- the darmant season, but late winter or early spring is preferable. However, the amount and type of pruning is far more important than the time at which it is done. Raspberry Plantations Where manure is not applied to raspberry plantations until the spring, a cover crop is also advis- able to prevent too late growth of cane. As the advent of mosaic dis- ease is making it advisable to renew plantations more frequently, the grower who is unable to get large quantities of manure will find that shorter rotation lends itself more to the cover crop and mulch system, for each new plantation may be preced- ed for a season lay a crop of clover or alsike which, when turned over, will leave the soil in excellent con- dition for the new plantation This method of renewal, say every six years, with proper green. manuring, cover crop or mulch, and adequate quantities of commercial fertilizers, will render it possible for raspberry growing to take its place beside or- charding, in being more or less in- When speaking- of framing a fruit tree, the purpose is not to mould a beautiful or shapely object, but rath- er a tree that is commercially pro- fitable and capable of carrying its crop without breakage of limbs. Fur- thermore, the proper pruning of a tree will facilitate other orchard op- erations such as spraying and pick-1 mg. 1 Weed seeds find their way to the manure pile through the digestive sys- gtems of animals and in bedding. When ‘fresh manure is hauled out and {spread on the land viable weed seeds- y'may be spread with it. If weeds iare present allow the manure to re- ,main in the pile for at least one flmonth before spreading and thereby {avoid the danger of increasing weed ; infestation. Pruning Should Be Done During the Dormant Season Pruning, as practised by the com’ mercial fruit-grower, should have two essential objects: first, to train the shape or growth of the tree in a. spe- cific way, and second, to influence the production and quality of the. fruit. ‘ . I Wider Markets. Ontario farmers are deeply inter- ested in wider markets. A surplus of beef cattle, hogs, cheese, butter, fruit, honey, tobacco, poultry and other proâ€" ducts must be sold in other Provâ€" inces and in markets outside of Can- ada. 0f the beef cattle exported to the United States in 1935, Ontario farmers supplied nearly 30 per cent. Nearly 74 per cent. of the cheese produced in Canada was made in On- tario factories. Our dairy farmers have a vital interest in the price se- cured for 44,994,000 pounds of cheese exported during the ten-month period ending October 31st, 1935. In the export of many millions of pounds of bacon and lard to Great Britain, United States and other countries during the past year, Ontario pro- ducers have played an important part, since on their farms have been produced nearly 37 per cent. of the total hogs raised in Canada. To the large volume of exports of other ag- ricultural products which have brought many millions of dollars, On- tario has made a most substantial contribution. Soybeans The production of soybeans on a commercial scale in Ontario c0m- menced about six years ago. Up to that time there were only a few iso- lated growers], principafly in the coun- ties of Essex and Kent. Although the acreage on individual farms} has in most cases been small, it is esti- mated that the total area sown a- mounted to 10,000 acres in 1935. Sev- enty-five per cent of the crop was grown in rows and harvested for seed, while the balance was produced for hay. Dairy Cattle Rings A‘ common affection of cattle at this time of the year is ringworm. This can be easily controlled if taken in time. Wash the part with soap and water to remove crusts, scraping if necessary, then dry the spot and paint with tincture of iodine, re- peating the treatment daily until cured. Sulphur ointment or any good smothering ointment if used consci- entiously will also give good results. More and more, our people realize that they are directly concerned with world markets. The demanljs and needs of these markets, trade treaties negotiated by the Canadian Govern- ment, and the important related prob- lems of production, all of these call for study, organization and carefully planned individual and group action. Beware of Weed Seeds in Manure THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO BUSY FARMER About 400 fires out of 1,000 to 2,000 of unknown or questionable ori- ‘gin had been investigated. He out- 1lined some of the information de- sired for investigations. There must lbe something tangibleâ€"more than mere suspicion. He gave results of some of the interesting cases» of incendiary fires, where acquittal had resulted from the absence of direct : evidence. _.‘ aInsurance Men Blamed in Many Arson Casesâ€"91,000 Barns Burned in 1935 Where Blame Lies “A great deal of blame,” said Mr. Scott, a lot of arson cases rests on the agents of the companies who write the business. An effort should be made to get more information re- garding the premises and character of the insured, and if there is any other insurance. This would reduce the arson cases, I think, about 50 per cent.” “It is for the Government to speak of their qualifications.” said Mr. Scott. “I have received no criticism of their work. But I have received letters about their efficiency from lawyers and persons against whom charges have been made.” License Thresher-5 The fire marshal suggested licens- ing threshing machines and making the fee commensurate with the ex- pense of inspection. There were 650 machines known to be in Ontario and a. lot unknown. 1 Of fires at threshings, Mr. Scott said Ontario stood alone, with ten times as mhny as all the rest of Can‘- ada put together. There were 91,000 barn fires last year. The fitness of the investigators was qusetioned by a delegate. 5â€"H is possible in many sections to secure white and red cedar 3 to 5 in height, that are growing in open pasture fields. 6â€"Cedars may be spaced 2 to 4 feet and a fine thick windbreak would be groWn while the close spacing with pine and spruce is not advis- able. The cedar is a. slow growing tree compared to spruce and pine and it should not be planted unless larger trees are available as the growth is often disappointing with trees 12 feet to 15 feet in height. 4â€"A fast growing species such as Scotch pine, red pine, soft maple, black locust or Carolina. poplar, may be planted in centre rows between the more slow growing spruce and cedar. “There are about 15,000 fires in Ontario every year and we have only eight men to investigate them. They are good men, and I do not think any of them delay any of the jobs they are at. From what I know there does not seem to be any great anâ€" xiety on the part of the farmers to convict anybody of arson,” said W. J. Scott, fire marshal of Ontario, addressing the convention of Mutual Fire Underwriters’ Association in the Carls-Rite Hotel. 3â€"Plant the trees in the Wind- break at once rather than placing them in a nursery for a few years and then planting them in the wind- break as the growth is retarded for several years following transplant- mg. An Evergreen Windbreak For Farm Buildings By I. C. Marritt (Continued) The number of years to grow a. windbreak may be reduced in sev- eral ways. White spruce, Norway spruce, white cedar and red cedar are quite suitable for single row windbreaks. Pine are not recommended to be used in single rows as their foliage is quite open and they do not retain live branches to the ground as well as cedar and spruce. lâ€"The trees may be spaced 5 to 6 feet apart if several rows are plant- ed, while spruce or pine in a single row should be spaced 8 to 16 feet. The trees in the second row may be placed oppOSite the spaces in the first row. The closer spacing and the staggering of the trees reduce considerably the period required for the trees to grow together. A farmer in Ontario may secure free 500 trees for windbreak and 3500 for plantation and woodlot planting. Application forms and de- scriptive literature may be obtained from the Forestry Branch, Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto, or the coun- ty agricultural representatives. 2â€"Cultivation increases the yearly growth of small trees. dependent of the failing and increas- ingly expensive supply of manure. ONTARIO THRESHING FIRES TEN TIMES DOMINION’S 50 Hens 1 Grey Horse, 9 years old 1 Grey Gelding, 4 years- old 1 Grey Gelding, 3 years old (above team well matched) 1 1 Grey Filly 1 (All above three from T. Eatonl Co. Horse) 1 1 Holstein Cow, 9 yrs. old, Calf byl side 1 1 Roan Cow, 7 yrs. old, Calf by sidel 1 Holstein Cow, 8 yrs. old, supposedl to be in calf 2 1 Grey Cow, 6 yrs. old, full flo_w,1 bred Feb. 10th 1 1 Jersey Cow, 4 yrs. old, due Aprill 25th 1 1 Part Jersey Cow, 2 yrs. old. bredl Dec. 30 2 1 Part Jersey Cow, 2 yrs. old, bredl Jan. 4 1 1 Red Heifer, Durham, 6 months old2 . PIGS 1 9 Fat Pigs 1 1 Brood Sow 1 1 Brood Sow, bred 2 months 1 1 Brood Sow, bred 8 weeks 1 1 Yorkshire Boar, 6 months old 1 1 Yorkshire Boar, 4 months old 1 POULTRY 1 60 Rock Hens D 2 Rock Roosters 3 Ducks and 1 Drake. White Peekins Truck Wagon. Spring Wagon, Trench Cultivator, M.-H. Disc Harrow Sets Harrows Fleury Plough, No. 21 Wilkinson Plough, No. 7 2-F‘urrowed Plough, Dick Riding Plough, M.â€"H., good Set Bob Sleighs Chop Bins Scufller Light Milk Wagon Cutters Top Buggy Gasoline Engine, 2% H.P. Small Grain Grinder, new Engine House Fleury Gang Plough Root Pulper Flat Hay Rack, 16 ft., good 2-Furrowed Plough, Fleury oubletrees, Neckyokes, Forks, Sb- vels, and other articles too mun- erous to mention 1 Red Heifer, 9 Fat Figs 1 Brood Sow 1 Brood Saw 1 Brood Sow1 1 Yorkshire ] 1 Yorkshire I side ' t ' V ' 1 1 Roan Cow, ‘7 yrs. old, Calf by sidel 1 Holstein Cow, 8 yrs. old, supposedl to be in calf 2 1 Grey Cow, 6 yrs. old, full flow,1 bred Feb. 10th 1 1 Jersey Cow, 4 yrs. old, due Aprill 25th 1 1 Part Jersey Cow, 2 yrs. old. bredl Dec. 30 2 1 Part Jersey Cow, 2 yrs. old, bredl Jan. 4 1 1 Red Heifer, Dghagn, 6 months old2 Termsz~ Cash Berkshire Sow, bred Yorkshire Sow, bred Store Pige, Yorkshire Store Pigs, Berkshire SHEEP Shropshire Ewes, bred FOWL CATTLE 1 Red and White Cow, fresh, 6 yearsl 01d 1 Black and White Cow, fresh, calfl by side, 6 years old 1 Holstein Cow, supposed to calf i111 June, 6 years old 1 Part Jersey Cow, supposed to cale in June, 6 years old Heifer, bred. 18 months old Jersey Heifer, rising 1 year Hol_sfiein Cow, 6 yrs. old, Calf by200 bus. Seed 056i J. CARL SAIGEON, Auctioneer Arthur Wells, Clerk. Side â€" v ' Roan Cow, 4 yrs. old, Calf by side2 Holstejn Cow, 7 yrs. old, fresh 61 Brood Sow, bred 2 months Brood Sow, bred 8 weeks Yorkshire Boar, 6 months old Yorkshire Boar! 4 months old weeks Holgpein Cow, 9 yrs. old, Calf byl Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Implements Lot 2, Con. 1, King Township, on Yonge Street at Bond Lake Auction Sale of Farm Stock Implements, Hay, Grain,&c To Farmers and Poultrymen I. D. Ramer & Son Thursday, April 9th, 1936 NO RESERVE AS FARM IS SOLD Friday, April 3rd, 1936 THOMAS DIBB LOT 29, CON. 5, VAUGHAN North of Teston, 3 Miles from Maple No Reserve whatever, Giving up Farming PRENTICE & PRENTTCE, Auctioneers. 0. A. C. No. 21 Barley ) Scotch Abundance & Banner Oats) Suitable for Seed Also Peas ) Purina Startina, Ful-O-Pep Starter, and Mar-Mill Chick Mash, 17 and 19% Ptotein For Small Chicks Dairy Feedsâ€"â€"Glutin Meal, Cow Chow, Oil Cake Meal, Mixed Grainâ€"whole and ground Chop always on hand PHONE 10 Reg. Grass Seed, Alfalfa, Red Clover, Timothy and Alsike OUR PRICES WILL SAVE YOU MONEY PHILIP THOMPSON HORSES HORSES PIGS TERMS OF SALE: CASH 8 Ducks THE PROPERTY OF SALE AT 1 O’CLOCK THE PROPERTY OF FEEDS THURSDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1936 l Bushel Alfalfa Seed Quantity of Mangolds 39 Bags of Potatoes Quantity of Seed Potatoes 15 Tons of Hay seed 500 Bushels Barley, 0.A.C. 121, good GRAIN 500 Bushels of Oats, 0.A.C. 144, good Binder, Massey-Harris Seed Drill, Massey-Harris Cultivator, Massey-Harris Set Discs Horse Rake Spring Wagon Wagon Grinder, 8 inch Cutting Box, Fleury Blacksmith Forge Bone Grinder 1 081: Bin Set Fleury Harrows, 4 sections Stone Boat 1 Gravel Box Set Sloop Sleigh‘s Ford Ton Trucks orks, Hoes, Spade, and numerou other articles 1 Roller 1 Farm Wagon 1 Hay Rack Sale at 1 pm. Sharp Sets Harness Set Single Harnes_s, new AT THE ELEVATOR HAY AND GRAIN IMPLEMEN TS IMPLEMENTS HARNESS

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