Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 May 1936, p. 2

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Considering the poll tax from all angles it seems some adjustment might be advisable. At present a considerable amount is uncollectable so it might be more sensible to levy the tax only on single persons who have either a steady income of some employment, and to extend the taxation to women as well as men. It may seem like discrimina- tion to tax some and not others but the senselessness of levying on those who can’t pay is quite lapparent. FARMING INSTRUCTION FOR ALL In some ways, contrary to the views held by many, the country child has distinctly the advantage of the city child, not merely in the matter of an outdoor life but in education as well. For the country child gets most of the education to fit him for city life at the same time as he is growing up familiar with rural life, but the city child gets little or no chance to learn much about the country and about agriculture. “If I live for the next two or three years it will be a reality,” said Mr. Marshall. “Agriculture will be dealt wit’h in a scientific way in every public school in Ontario. Some knowledge of the soil will be given to pupils and they will be made to understand the basic importance of agriculture and what it has to offer those who go to live on the land.” The position of the municipality is that these single men not otherwise assessed enjoy many of the facilities provided by the town and should help pay for them. Prop‘ erty burdens are admittedly heavy and any taxes raised by other means such as poll tax is viewed as relieving prop- erty taxation. But if there is a tax on single men, why not a tax for single ladies? In almost as many cases as men they are wage earners. Hon. Duncan Marshall, Ontario’s Minister of Agricul- ture, says, however, that he is going to change all that and he announces that plans are being prepared by the Departments of Agriculture and Education for the incluâ€" Sion of agriculture in the curriculum of every public school in the province. Perhaps the crux of Mr. Marshall’s remarks is to be found in the phrase “those who go to live on the land.” The presentation to city children of some knowledge of the opportunities ’and requirements ,of farm life, may as- sist in redressing the balance of the trend of population, which has a tendency to be in normal times mostly from the country to the city. In these days of depression when so many young men who are required to pay poll tax are out of work there has been considerable agitation against this form of tax- ation. The poll tax is usually $5.00 and is levied on all single men between the ages of 21 and 60 not otherwise assessed for municipal purposes. While it may be quite reasonable to require single men earning steady wages to contribute towards municipal upkeep, the protests which have been voiced by unemployed single men against this levy are quite understandable. Many of the men are single youths living at home and the tax will not be a tax on them, but in reality a further burden for their fathers, who in many cases are already paying municipal taxes. In some towns those liable for poll tax are already on relief, and since they have had to turn to the town for necessities of life they are not likely to have $5.00 for poll tax. For the restoration of the duty on cut flowers much credit is due to W. P. Mulock, North York’s representative in the House of Commons who has worked untiringly on behalf of the rose growers of Richmond Hill and whose representations on their behalf to the Prime Minister, the Minister of Finance and the Cabinet have been in a large measure responsible for the change announced in last Fri- day’s budget. Mr. Mulock’s successful work on behalf of the cut flower industry is evidence of the fact that North York is exceedingly well represented at Ottawa. That the present government at Ottawa is a genuine advocate of Empire Trade was shown in the further con- cessions granted to the Motherland by the Dunning bud- get. Those who hope for ever increasing activity along the trade channels within the Empire can take heart from the first King administration budget. FORTY PER CENT DUTY 0N CUT FLOWERS RESTORE‘D BY BUDGET Richmond Hill’s interest in the Dunning budget pre- sented to the House of Commons last Friday centred on the restoration of a forty per cent duty on cut flowers. That the government has seen fit to restore this forty per cent duty, removed by the granting of “most favored nations” tariff schedule to the United States at the time of the signing of the reciprocity pact, is of great import- ance to Richmond Hill and other districts where the growâ€" ing of cut flowers ranks as an important industry. When the duty was removed at the time of the signing of the Reciprocity Pact there were grave fears lest the competiâ€" tion of United States growers would injure the industry in Canada. The danger of this competition from United States growers is now largely eliminated by the restora- tion of the forty per cent tariff. “ The reaction of the British press has been very encour- aging. Under the caption “Canada’s Lead,” the Star says that “not for the first time a Dominion. disowns the doc- trines preached in its name in the Mother Country.” “Canada has found that tariffs have not persuaded or bludgeoned other countries into buying as many Can- adian goods as Canada Wishes to sell abroad,” the paper adds. “The Dominion5 learning wisdom, makes sweeping reductions in 104 tariff items. We urge a cordial and im- mediate response by the British Government to these signs of trade sense from across the Atlantic.” The Observer says the welcome feature of the Can- adian Budget is “the long list of tariff concessions, many of which operate solely in favor of Britain.” The Weekly Review says the reductions are repreâ€" sentative of the “new attitude of Ottawa toward the Anglo- Canadian trade treaty, and are bound to help British ex- ports directly, while in the long run increase Canadian exâ€" ports to this country.” “Prime Minister Bennett,” the paper adds, “undoubtedly meant well when he imposed the restrictions a few years ago, but time has failed to justify his tariff policy, and Prime Minister Mackenzie King wisely has taken the first opportunity of modifying it.” J. Eachern Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Subscription $1.50 per year â€" To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District Advertising Rates on Application, TELEPHONE 9. AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO., LTD. PAGE TWO THE POLL TAX LEVY “THE LIBERAL” EMPIRE TRADE Established 1878 Monday: They's a. good joak on I Sary Wadkens. ‘I She was about to become marryed agen when she got wise that her hus- » band to B was 1 of thé ls she had a long time ago who had lost 80 lbs. of wate. Sary sed he wassent no good when there was all of him & the weding is dikklared off. Tuesday: Blisters was to do some cleanin up in a offis for a nether boy that is sick yesterday p.m. & arived 1 hr. late & sed the manL You otto been here at 4 a clock. Why sed Blistersâ€"What happened. Aint he the ackme of dumness? Wednesday: Jake is as dum or dummern Blisters. The preecher cum to his house & ast his Pa did they have fambly prayers before brekfest & Jake spoke up & replide & sed No we aint afeared in the day time. Before his Pa ‘cguld anser. Thursday: The teecher in skool told Jane she otto put her hand over her mouth when she yawns. & I got about 1A9, even «with the dame by rimmarking it aint big enuff to do no good. Friday: The class above ourn in skool was talken about moddern sci- ents & there teecher ast them did they no enny thing that scients cant do. They diddent. So us kids was ast did we. I xpect I was thinken about tomorro & sed yes it cant make a fishen worm. The teecher fround Kn they was evidents of a musement in the class. It will be Mother’s Day next Sum day, May 10. The idea of a day set apart in which our Mothers are specially honored, could never have originated in any non-Christian coun-r tl'y. Next Sunday nearly every one will wear a flower, either red or white, red for the mother who is still alive, and white for the mother who has passed on to the Great Be- yond. Mother's Day feels no de- pression; Mother’s Day, as it is now celebrated, will be 28 years old on Sunday. In 1908 the idea was instituted by Miss Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia, in Sunday Schools of that city. By 1914 it had spread throughout the continent. In its present form the day may be new, but the idea is old, for as far back as the seventeenth century in England Mothering Sun- day wasobserved in Mierent, when all who were away returned on that day to visit the old Homestead and the Parents. This return was alâ€" ways accompanied by some gift for the mother and very often the gift was a small cake for the mother. It was made from a particular re- cipe and was called a simnel cake. These cakes were usually used as part of the festivity. It was Miss Jarvis, however, who revived the old custom and substituted flowers for the ancient simnel cake. Sunday: Some members of the chirch where we go to and who aint so turrible relid- geous there selfs made a ofer miss take. They got 1 preecher firde for bein youmerus ,& the new 1 is pree- chin versus slome of the things these members do & make it pay. Saturday: As we left skool last p. m. the teacher was at the dore & sed to me now go see if you can beet scients tomorro. I am. So long. See you latter. THE ORIGIN AND OBSERVANCE OF MOTHER’S DAY If this §hould be read by any boy or girl, let me urge you to remem- ber your Mother on this special day. If you are away from home, write a letter or even send a card to show you have not forgotten the tender loving care of your mother when. you were not able to care for yourself. Wear a flower for Mother. Will it be red or white? A scientist who was small of sta- tue, was having some men introduc- ed to him. One very tall man was endeavour- ing to be funny at other people’s ex- pense. ’ “Ah,’ he said, bending down as if he had trouble in seeing the scient- ist, “I have often heard of you, but I’ve never seen you before.” “Indeed,” retorted the other, promptly. “I’ve often seen you, but I’ve never heard of you before.” Funny man! When he must keep awake, he drinks a lot of coffee. At other times he drinks cbffee and wonders Why he can’t sleep. SLATS’ DIARY (By Mrs. Farrants, Richvale) (By Oliver N. Warren) THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO The Young People’s Union held their regular weekly meeting last Monday evening with thirty-six pre- sent. The meeting was under the direction of the Christian Fellowship convenor, Miss Mary Douglas. An inspirational address on the life of Moses was given by Mr. Truan, em- phasizing his faith, decision and- ser- vice. A string quartet gave several sacred musical numbers and a male quartet sang two gospel hymns. The president, Mr. W. T. New, reminded the young people of the Annual Cruise to be held on Saturday. June 6th to Port Dalhousie sponsored by the Y.P.U. of Toronto Centre Pres bytery, also the Spring Party to be held this (Thursday) evening at Vic- toria College, Toronto, to which all were invited. There will be a Mis- sionary program given next Monday evening], with Miss Gladys Sutterby in charge. Mr. Jack Graham of Sudbury spent a few days at his home last week. Mothers’ Day Services will be held in the Newtonbrook United Church next Sunday at 11 am. and 7 pm. The Sunday School will take pgrt in the morning worship service and the Sunday School choir will lead in the worship of praise and give special numbers. Mr. M. A. Sorsoâ€" leil of Toronto will give the address. The evening service will take the form of a Mother and Daughter ser- vice. There Will be a mothers choir. Make this a family service and all attend. The serviCe last Sunday morning was in charge of the Woman‘s Mis- sionary Society and was also repre- sented by the Mission Band and the Girls’ Mission Circle. Owing to a severe cold the Supt. of the Baby Band, Miss Lever, was unable to take part in the service. The W.M.S. president, Mrs. A. H. Halbert, pre- sided. Prayer was offered by the President of the Girls’ Mission Cir- cle, Miss Irene Smith. Violet Roch- ester, a member of the Mission Band', sang very sweetly “Jesus loves the Children.” The choir rendered a suitable anthem. The guest speaker was Miss Olive C. Brand, a W.M.S. missionary to the Ukranians at Smoky Lake, Alberta, 75 miles north of Edmonton. This was formerly where the Kal Kreeka Mission School was situated. This is a solid Ukran- i‘an settlement and is like a‘ Euro- pean Ukranian district transplanted in Western Canada, as many of the older people still cling to the old customs and mode of dress. Miss Brand exhibited a very beautifully embroidered Ukranian costume with striped over skirt, (home spun) and a white silk shawl head dress: The 1head dress is worn constantly. A ‘daughter remarked she had never iseen her mother without it. As they lbelong to the peasant class the wo- men do not wear shoes, but the men .do. They live in log houses. plast- ‘ered with a mixture of mud‘ and straw the women doing their share 30f the hard work. It is compulsory Lthat the children speak English in ithe public schools. They object be- ing called New Canadians. They pro- test. “Why should we? We were born in Canada.” They want to be good Canadian citizens. They are not eas- ily discouraged but are always hope ful of a better year to come. ‘Mrs. Allan Wiltshire sang a mis- sionary solo at the close of Miss Brand’s address. The Girls’ Mission Circle will hold their May meeting at the parsonage next Thursday, May 14th at 8 pm. This will take the form of a shower for the Missionary Bale. A hearty welcome to all. ‘ â€" Mrs. W. Sanderson of Shelbourne is visiting her daughter Mrs. W. T. New. The death of Mr. Donald J. Mc- Bean occurred at his home 227 Plea- sant Blvd., Newtonbrook last Saturâ€" day evening. He suffered a paralytic stroke. The funeral service was held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Consul Funeral, Home with Rev. A. H. Halbert officiating. Interment Westminster Memorial Park Ceme- will be a Charivari Party and Pres- year. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. Halbert and little son of Guelph were guests of Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Halbert last Wedw nesday. Miss Margaret Graham is making a good recovery from her recent ac- cident ahd is now able to attend Collegiate Institute with the aid of crutches. NEWTONBROOK TINSMITHING FURNACES - PLUMBING HEATING Septic Tanks Installed Milk Coolers Barn & Stable Equipmen’t 74 Yonge Street Phone 92F R. H. KANE The semi-annual meeting of the] Toronto Central Presbytery are planning to hold their next meeting‘ in Aurora on Tuesday, May 19. Spe-‘ cial buses have been arranged for and will pick up the ladies of Rich- vale at the Post Office about 9.45 am. returning about 4.30 pm. - A very good attendance at Sunday School last Sunday, one new scholar enrolled. Sunday School meets every Sunday in the church at 2.30 pm. I The W. A. of Richvale United Church met at the home of Mrs. Fenner, Oak Ave., last Wednesday and held their regular monthly meet- ing. There was a very good attend- ance. Sorry to report that Baby Under- hill is very seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Scarlet of Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs. Bailey on Saturday afternoon. "9' W0 LADY ASSISTANT WWW SPECIAL NOTICE Ybu can now buy! THE BEST BRANDS 0F PREPARED HOUSE PAINT 5 ° per qallen RICHVALE Why take a chance on paint of doubtful quality when you can now obtain the undernoted top quality brands of white lead paint at this popular figure? Insist upon one of these famous time-tested brands for all your exterior painting. Any one of them will assure you a job of outstanding beauty, long paint life and economy from first to last. There is a store in your vicinity that can supply you. THURSDAY, MAY 7th, 1936 After listening to a. divorce case being tried in court, a man remarked that the couple resembled a team of ‘horses, separated by a tongue. fl LIVER um TONE AiLAZY LIVER PHONE 71 GLENN’S DRUG STORE CAN CAUSE MANY AILMENTS Parke’s will quikcly restore that liver to normal healthy action. re- lievin'! constipation. biliousness. head- aches, etc. It also aids the stomach. A month’s treat- ment for $1.00

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