H E! pricegmfrrom $849 1n n ra'hwn‘n31w n I" ‘ hn‘ nn ANY MAKE 0F DOMESTIC 0R GAR RADIO REPAIRED AND WORK GUARANTEED. 16 YEARS EXPERIENCE WALTER WYNN Radio Service 12 Napkins 3 Nightgowns 2 W001 and Cotton Vests 2 Flanmelette Binders 2 pr. W091 and__Cotton Hose 2514 Yonge St. Mo. 4940 StOrkShoppe Ltd . . . . . . $1.50. Manicure . . . . . . . Hair Cut . . . . . . Child’s hair cut . We Invite Your Patronage 35 Yonge Street, RICHMOND HILL (Liberal Office Building) Telephone! 9 For Appoint- meï¬ts Finger Wave . . . . . . . . . . . 40c. Shampoo & Finger Wave 50c. Marcel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c. Shimpoo & Marcel 50c. Oil Croquinole Permanent $2.00 Other Permanents at Hillcrest Beauty Parlor RUTH RUMBLE, Prop. PRICE LIST HHHNIâ€"IHHHHlâ€"I Flannelette Slip Cotton SlipA Lace Trimmed VoYle Dress Shawl Rubber Sheet Blanket “Vanta†Wash Cloths box Q ’Tips card Safety Pins card Gold Pins PAGE EIGH'l Stork Shoppe Special $8.98 Telephone Maple 641-4 LAYETTES $3.50 & 35.00 Agent for FAMOUS FRWOSTWWIRE’FENCE 25c. 15c. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lund at- tended the funeral of their aunt in Chicago last week. Miss Irene Chapman who is atâ€" tending Toranto University spent the week-end with her aunt Mrs. Calvin Robeson. IACEI av-v_-â€".. A joint Sunday School Service of Maple and Hope will be held in Hope United Church on May 10th at 10.30 am. Special Mothers Day program has been arranged by both schools and the guest speaker will be Mr. A. E. Plewman of Richmond Hill who has served a number of years in Sunday School work. A“, My†v . Instead of the usual British Israel meeting, a lecture on “The Great Pyramid" illustrated by lantern slides, will be given by Mr. J. B. u- Hun“... Don’t forget the special service in Maple United Church on Sunday ev- ening. Come and enjoy the Mothers Choir. - Mr. and Mrs. Weec] visited their daughter Lave!- this week. Maple Choral Society, under the leadership of Dr. Fletcher, will take part in the Sunday evening service of Kleinbutg United Church May 17. Miss Verna Perry of Hope, Misses Minnie Line and Margaret Rumble of Maple, are spending three days this week at Guelph Agricultural C011- ege. . - ,L,,,,,A m v u; u“... Miss 'Marééi‘et Watson of Klein- burg spent a few days with Miss Ag- nes McLean last week. .9.. Dr. and Mrs. Routley have return- ed from their two weeks trip. C omplete MAPLE Weech of Islington lighter Mrs. Leslie Christian, Toronto, in the Masonic Hall, Maple, Thursday, May 14th at 7.30 p.m. Standard Time. Everybody welcome. Silver collection. Friday eirening of last week was a Social Night for the Y.P.U. There was a good attendance of Dccelsiors and EverReadys and a pleasant time spent in Erogressive Crokinole. when Wilfred Williamson was the winner with the highest score and the con- solation going to Miss Irene Had- wen. The Excelsiors served the lunch and in the absence of the leader, Bob Watson, Charlie Robson thanked all who had taken part on their side. Howard Heacock replied for the EverReadys and the President, Miss H. Diceman, expressed appreciation to both sides for their good work. The Women’s Institute met in the Township Hall on Tuesday afternoon with a good attendance.\ Mrs. C. H. Rutherford, Pres., presided. The motto “The woman is blest who does \her best" was ably taken by Mrs. Nelson Kerr. Music was the topic and a splendid poem was read by Mrs. E. Carson. Miss Marion Phil- lips gave the activities of the Junior Farm Boys and Girls. Mrs. A. Cam- eron, Current events and Mrs. Har- rison contest guessing peas in a jar which was won by Mrs. E. Harris. An instrumental by Miss Annie Kerr was much appreciated. The commit- tee consisting' of Miss Marion Phil- lips, Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Weldrick, Mrs. E. Carson and Mrs. A. Camer- on served lunch. At the close the president declared all offices vacant and Mrs. A. Cameron acted as chair- man for the election of officers for the coming year which resulted as follows: Hon. President, Mrs. J. A. McNeil, President, Mrs. C. H. Ruth- erford, 1st Vice-President, Miss Mary Constable, 2nd Viceâ€"President, Mrs. N. Kerr. See-Treasurer. Marion Phillips, Pianist, Miss A. Kerr, stand- ing Committees, Health. Mrs. E. Harris, Education, Mrs. J. Brownlee, Relief, Mrs. J. Kyle, Agriculture, Miss Clara Phillips. Legislation, Mrs. W. Orr. Peace, Mrs. A. Cameron, Home Economics. Miss A. Kerr, Aud- itors, Mrs. Harris and Mrs. J. Mur- ray. u.) .4 enâ€... In the afternoon the teacher and pu- pils entertained Coleraine school. A good afternoon’s sports were indulg- ed in by the scholars and a good social time was spent. Miss Elma Farr, teacher, Vellore and Mary Johnston, Colerainei _‘ Sunday, May 10th, the Y.P.U. proâ€" gram will be taken by four gradu- ates of the Toronto Bible College. The speaker will be Douglas Percy; pianist, Betty Hillis (who w0n the A.T.C.M. at the age of twelve; solo- ist Nellie Trombley; also a boy sing-- e1". This group will be accompanied by Miss _Lillian Jessup who has been here ‘before. A cordial invitation is extended to all to come and enjoy this evening. u ulnv 4....“ Misses Gladys Harrison, Jean Rob- som Deborah Davidson and Clara Philips are attending the Girls’ Con- ference at Guelgh this wegk. The Vellore Junior Farmers and Girls’ Club will meet in the town- ship Hall on Tuesday evening, 12th of May. Mr. M. Cockburn, newly appointed Agricultural Representa- tive for York County will be pre- sent and give an address. A good attendance is requested so all arâ€" rangements can be made for the county competition which will be held at Richmond Hill early in June and also the county picnic which is dated June 12th at MlLsselman’vaake. 4‘4uuvv “V v._.-_ , Vellore schoorliobserved May day as a clean up day it} the forenoon. Mr. Rupert Jackson, managing di- rector for the Austiï¬ Drug 00., Sim- coe, spent Sunday at his parental home in town. Last Thursday evening the Y.P.U. players put on “The Third Custo- mer†at Kleinburg with splendid suc- cess. The play was well received and many favorable comments were heard. . ‘ Last Sunday’s meeting of the Y. P.U. was Christian Fellowship night ‘When Miss Sadie Windass presided. The guest speaker was Miss E. Farr Who took for her subject “How we get our Bible." A poem was read by Miss J. Robson entitled “What dark days do.†Scripture reading by Miss Della Diceman. Mr. S. Ruth- erford of Vellore was a visitor at this meeting. Next Sunday will be Mother’s Day and the Sunday School and Church services will be combined when Mrs. Dr. Bigford of Maple will be the guest speaker at 11 am. Rev. Davis will be at other appointments in place of speakers at King Anniversary. M}. Graham HamiltOn and Miss Flossie Marwood of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. MacDonald on Sunday. Mr. Dawson Hart made a short visit with Frank and Mrs. Piercey on Monday. Mr. J. Lee and Garnet of Gormley were Teston visitors on Monday ev- ening. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO VELLORE TESTON Mr. H. Sparks won the lucky num- ber prize. All kinds of good things were served at the close with plenty of coffee and ice cream. God save the King was sung which ended a 10m: to be remembered evening. The May meeting of the Women’s Missionary Society of the United Church was held on Tuesday after- noon in the school room. The presi- dent. Mrs. Weslev, occupied the chair. Mrs. O. C. James read \the devotional leaflet “The spirit of Jesus challenges immoral conditions.†Mrs. M. McLean led in praver. Mrs. L. Hicks sang very sweetly and softly as a prayer “O'mr blest Redeemer ere he breathed.†Mrs. C. Spencer again took up part of the Studv Book. The New Africa. and explain-’ ed it, in her own words, which was very good. _ The W. A. of Trinity Anglican Church will hold their regular meet- ine‘ at the home of Mrs. W. Ball on Thursday, May 14th at 2.30 n.m. Members are reminded to brinqhtheir work in connection with the ba‘le as it will be backed at this meeting. Avcordial invitation is extended to all interested. The regular monthlv meeting of the Woman’s Association Of the United Church Will be held on Wed- nesday. Mav 13 at 3 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Agnes Boyle, Centre St. Mr. and Mrs. W. Dean and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Dean spent the week- end in Buffalo. ï¬Ã©Ã©a’s theéwshe has satisfied Bind us to each other. Once a year comes Mother’s Dayâ€"â€" Sunday in the Maytime Recollection roams away Seeking spots in playtime When as children, we could» say Prayers both night and daytime. Once a year we honor her ' Weaving blooms as symbol, Still remembering- the stir Of those hands so nimble, Dusting, sweeping,â€"no demur Sewing, minus thimble. Sacrificing all the time Meek and uncomplaining, Heeding not the stairs to climb Judging and explaining That’s the mother of my rhyme Humble tribute gaining. Mothers. young or old and gray, Bless them, God, on Mother’s Day Patterson Lodge AF. and A.M. and Victoria Chapter entertained the ladâ€" ies right royally last Friday night at their Lodge rooms. The guests were welcomed by Mr. D. Ross and Mr. J. E. Francis. Community sing- ing started a very enjoyable evening, when a programme full of variety with plenty of wit and humor was put on. About 16 members were children again (boys and girls) at- tending school, in the same old way, with Mr. Bailey of Earl Haig Coll. as teacher. Reading, Geography. Arithmetic, Spelling, History and Composition were all taken up, when very brilliant answers were given. Mr. Birmingham’s tenor solos were delight‘ul. Also the duets by Mr. R. McIntosh and Mr. Thackeray “Come to the Fair†and “Drink to me Only with Thine Eyes.†Mr. Green accompanied the singers on the piano and gave a piano solo. A number of the ladies of Trinitv Anglican Church atfnnded the Jubi- lee Meefing' of the Diocesan W. A. held in Toronto last week. all churches on Sunday, May 10th. This poem was written by the late Almeda Clubine, R.N., “For Mother’s Day.†_ Once a year we put aside Just one day for mother Fraught with thoughts we scorn to hide Love. which naught ca_n “smother A meeting of Trinity Women's Club will be held in tlw Parish Hall on Wednesday, May 13th, at 8 o’- clock. Mother’s Love Unmeasured love, its path is wide Unmeasured lioyeljts path _i_s wide; O’er rugged hills or sunlit plains, Through labyrinths thick, unwearied guide, A mother’s love always remains. It plucks the rose from out the thorns, The white rose and the red; And with the beauty that adorns There is a fragrance shed. A love that shines through darkened shades, And always hovers near, Throughout all time, it never fadese The love of mother dear. ‘ A volumed theme in letters gold, With lines spread far and near; Between the lines. it will unfold The love of mother dear. Improved Banner, Scotch Abundance 0.A.C. No. 144 and Gopher Oats Suitable for Seed â€"â€" ALSO «- No. 21, 0.A.C. Malting Barley and Pens Suitable for Seed I. D. RAMER & SON PHONE 10 Mother's Day will be observed in PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING A. C. HENDERSON Successor to J. J. Deane Director of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOODBRIDGE, ONTARIO THORNHILL Thomhill, Ontario Hot Water quing and General repairs. Wilfrid R. Scott â€"Ca1‘oline Wilkins. “P Wu 1L. Crawford, aunt of the bride, and the groomsman, AIbert Harris, bro- ther of the groom. Other close friends were Dr. and Mrs. Murray ’G. Bond, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. Irwin, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gilmour, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilmour, /Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilmour, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Harris, Mr. and Mrs. ‘Robert Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Albert 'Harris, all of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harris, Fergus. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. C. H. Short, at that time Rector of Christ Church and for many years la Missionary in Japan, who is now living/retired in Toronto. Mr. Har- iris is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Elesha B. Harris and was born on the farm now owned by the Hon. George S. Henry. He came to the Mr. and Mrs. John E. Harris, fine St., Woodbridge, were at home to their friends Tuesday afternoon and evening, April 28th on the occasion of their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Harris received the guests in the living room, which was a profusion of gift bouquets. Mrs. Bert Harris, Mrs. Edgar Stevenson and their granddaughter, Miss Ma- belle Harris assisted in welcoming the guests. In the dining room Mrs. Arthur Harris of Fergus and Miss Lillian McNeil poured tea. The tea assistants were Mrs. W. J. Dalziel, Mrs. Garfield Farr, Mrs. J. D. Rey- nolds of Paris, and Miss Margaret McKenzie. Little Miss Jean Reynolds and Joyce Ostrander were in charge of the Guest Book. Dr. D. H. Pinkerton Conducts Ser' Dr. D. H. Pinkerton Conducts Ser' vice at Christ Church The service at Christ Church last Sunday night was conducted by‘ Dr. D. H. Pinkerton of King City while at the United Church special music was provided by the choir with Gor- don McGillvray directing. Rev. J. E. Anderson preached. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Harris Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary Mr. ahd Mrs. J. E. Harris married on Wednesday, April 22, 1886, cele- brated their Golden Wedding on Tuesday of last week when among the two hundred friends who called to offer congratulations to the couple were bridesmaid Mrs. Alf. Snowden, who before her marriage was Miss Woodbridge district at an early age with his parents and apprenticed himself to the late George Mason, under whose training he learned har-l ness making, and on completing his apprenticeship in 1885 started busi- ness for himself which he conducted for many years when he added a. line of boots and shoes to the business and took in his son Bertas a partner and carries on under the firm name of J. E. Harris and Son. Mr. and Mrs. Harris are staunch Presbytery ians and both have been active in1 church work for nearly half a. cen-‘ tury. Mr. Harris has been church treasurer for many years. He is a pronounced horseman and his ser- vices as judge\at trotting meets are often required throughout the Prov- ince. He also served on the Council for thirteen years, five of which he was reeve. Mrs. Harris was Sadie Gilmour, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gilmour, pioneers in the dis- trict, and is one of four generations to attend Woodbridge Public School. Their son Bert is a musician of more lthan ordinary ability and is a vet- ‘eran of the World War. They have ‘one daughter, Miss Maybelle Harris who is also a musician of consider- able accomplishment. As far as fall wheat, alfalfa, clo- ver and spring seeding conditions are concerned farmers in the Wood- bridge district ought to feel encour- See Brathwaite’s Your Springtime Needs F .Y.W. BRATHWAITE,Hardware PHONE 18 FORKS â€"â€" 98c., $1.25, $1.75 ea. RAKES 49c. and up SPADES 85c. and up SUPERIOR LAWN GRASS SEED 39c. lb. PACKAGE SEEDS 3 for 10¢. BULK SEEDS FOR FARM AND GARDEN PREPARED FERTILIZERS OF ALL KINDS s. John E. Harris, Pine lge, were at home to Tuesday afternoon and 1 28th on the occasion RHEMOND HELL THURSDAY, MAY 7th, 1936 aged. Reports regarding the healthy outlook so far is most satisfactory and hopes are entertained that better prices will prevail. Woodbridge Has Cereal Palm: Added to Its Industries Woodbridge welcomes the “Long Life All of the Wheat Cereal†in- dustry under the management of F. D. Pillsworth, just established. The concern has taken over the frame warehouse building at the rear of the Williams Rubber Works, which will be moved to the street line and fully equipped for the manufacture of health foods and the cleaning of seed grain for farmers. The firm originally operated at Oshawa and finally selected Woodbridge as an ideal location for their enterprise. The long felt need of a watch and clock repair shop is about to be fill- ed, as Hugh Bishop, a Toronto young man, will start business in the Mrs. James Wallace store on Pine Street for which purpose the store is being fitted at the present time. Late Mrs. George Ross Formerly of Claireville Buried Ruth Linton Charlton, widow of the late George Ross, 170 John St., Toronto, died in Dunn Avenue Hos- pital on Thursday and was buried in Mount Pleasant cemetery on Satur- day, May 2nd, the funeral taking place from the Matthews Funeral Chapel. Mrs. Ross was a daughter of the late Wilson Linton and Mgry Ellerby Linton, pioneers of the Clair- ville district where she was born '75 years ago and spent her girlhood. At the time of her marriage she be- came a resident of Toronto. De- ceased was one of a family of twelve of which only two survive, they are, Alice and William Linton, both of Toronto. A son Clarence Charlton, 170 John Street, also survives. Miss Mary J. Burton, 8th Avenue, who has been ill for several months is still in a weakened physical con- dition. Friends hope she will soon be feeling better. I They Come Back For Baby Chicks Year After Year WHEN a man buys 200 Bray 'Chicksâ€" And takes 204 out of the chick boxesâ€" And raises 201â€"â€" One more than he paid. forâ€"â€" And the 201 suit. him “right down to the groundâ€â€" What happens? Well, naturally,‘ he writes (as did this customer at Harmon, Ont): “I was certainly well pleas- ed, so will you send me this year’s price list. I hope to have the same good luck this Spring.†And, ordering BRAY chicks again, he can very properly ex- pect the same “good luckâ€. For, 'after all, it isn’t good luck. It’s good management. Bray Chicks are bred and hatched to behave that way. There’s no reason Why they shouldn’t do it for YOU, too. Order yours today, and see if they don’t. Fred W. BRAY Limited CHICK HATCHERY 2385 Dufferin St., Toronto Phone KEnwood 6805 WE DELIVER